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May 2014 · 402
A Watercolour Sky
cheryl love May 2014
Choosing a colour, a pigment for the sky
to define clouds as they float on by.
s quite a tricky task, I tell you
But then as usual I go for trusty blue.

Which blue, there are so many
Do I go for ultramarine or the colbalt
Is my sky in a summer's season or what?
Either way if it is wrong it'll be my fault.

But there again it is in my little world
The painting is coming from my own head
I resort to to my usual way of painting a sky
A nice colbalt blue with a touch of red.
Apr 2014 · 2.7k
Buckles and Braces
cheryl love Apr 2014
Trapped in a ***** world
a world of old gold.
Wrinkled creases
needing ironing
on faces of the old.
Arms caked in drawings
of roses and steel
Scorched fields
ploughed to death
in lines on rusty old farms.
Clenched and clasped
Tight collars at the throat
Fat bellies in laps
Buckles on horses
Belts on chaps
Held tight in a vice
Braces on women
with feet in straps
Buckles and braces
laces and *****.
Apr 2014 · 1.6k
Cockles and Winkles
cheryl love Apr 2014
Cockles and winkles
cheese and pickles
washed down with lovely
sweet rosy lea.
Mushy peas
with mint sauce.
Yorkshire puddings with
Worcester sauce.
Clotted cream and lavender jam
The orangy bread bits on the ham
Oh to be in England
That is the life for me.
Apr 2014 · 514
Laughter Lines
cheryl love Apr 2014
When she giggles
she has laughter lines
living squiggles
of her good times.
They call them wrinkles
Not any more
they are giggle dimples
just like she had before.
Apr 2014 · 412
Lost In a Grove
cheryl love Apr 2014
Kiss Me, kiss me
sweet lips of the orange
For I am lost in your grove.
I listen hard
to the tale of the tangerine
I see mackerels zooming
across a flavoured sky.
Shadows and thorns
lay dry
and crickets play to
unheard melody.
At noon, the bees sleep
irridescent feathers keep
Silence is a trail
a sticky sweet trail
I want more.
Kiss me, kiss me
release me from this cage
Let me fly, fly away
for a lost in the grove
and I want more.
Apr 2014 · 388
Through a Kaleidescope
cheryl love Apr 2014
A split decision
brain disconnecting the vision
replying and trusting
hoping without coping
sight through a kaleidescope.
No parking brake
vision so opaque
no reflection
no connection
no red, no green
no amber to be seen
just a dark tunnel.
Apr 2014 · 499
A Diamond Sparkled
cheryl love Apr 2014
A diamond sparkled in the night
In daylight hours it shone too bright
It twinkled, it dazzled
it shone, it bedazzled
Something of a rare unusual sight.

That was until it fell down a drain
Whereupon it was never seen again.
Replaced it with plastic
dangling from elastic
Instead of an expensive gold chain.
Apr 2014 · 738
Fresh Colours Of Spring
cheryl love Apr 2014
It was about this time last year when
The flowers started poking their noses in the air
Deciding whether it is safe to come back again.
But then it is all down to the right temperature.

The delphiniums blue as the azure spring sky
With little white eyes in the centre of the flower.
Nearby the bright red poppy on parade, on standby
Next to the red hot poker, the tall yellow tower.

The robin, the mad red pilot, and the blue ***
Perch on a branch covered in blossom so pink
Their beaks sandy from pecking in the sandpit
And their feathers shining like the kitchen sink.

I love spring, when life in the garden comes back
Yellow buds appear on twigs galore
The bare colours of winter gone; white and black
Fresh colours of spring have returned once more
Apr 2014 · 538
An Uneaten Cake
cheryl love Apr 2014
An Uneaten Cake

Utterly terrible.
The cake would say.
"The trouble I’ve had in the oven today.
Blasting heat, smashing my tin
Which the goo is sitting in.
Tapping to see if I have got
A soggy bottom. If you please.
If I had, I certainly would not
Broadcast it.  Keep it clean.
Scraping the bowl,  oh I would love to do that.
Fingers sliding over the goo ooooh.
Magic box of tricks
That cake mix.
No one has touched me
Not been anywhere near me.
Not even a try
I wonder why."
Apr 2014 · 317
Early Morning Chorus
cheryl love Apr 2014
As I sit
alone, worrying
as usual.
My thoughts are
put on hold.
A lot of singing
a lot of chirping
is going on
outside of my
Singing from their
From little yellow beaks.
A noise which means
nothing but it means
something to me.
It is bliss,
it is freedom.
This I do not have.
Stuck in my four walls
of my house.
I am housebound.
The birds are free
free to fly whereever they
want to.
I wish I could fly
I wish I could walk somewhere.
Sit on a rooftop and just
whistle when I want
how I want
when I want.
I wish I could try.
Apr 2014 · 220
cheryl love Apr 2014
Hunting in the recess of one’s mind
Combing through the shelves and drawers
Looking for some truth to be found
Searching behind hidden doors.

Delving, waiting, and then what is to be
My mind cannot take any more
Piles of ******* useless information stored
Like piles of unwashed laundry on the floor.

Found the information that I need
Scanned and then do I trust what is there.
Shove it where I found it once again
At this precise moment I don’t think I care.
Apr 2014 · 375
I Hope I Haven't Offended
cheryl love Apr 2014
My last post was a little strange.  I do hope that it has not offended anyone or upset anyone.  I apologise from the bottom of my heart if I have.  It was a little idea I had - but if you have read it and say "yes" then I am grateful and I do thank you for reading it.  Cheryl
Apr 2014 · 384
If You Are With Me Say Yes
cheryl love Apr 2014
Everyone in the house
say "Yes"
Would you like to hear what I have to say
say "Yes"
Would you like to know what it is?
say "Yes"
Everyone in the house
say "Yes"
I have Parkinsons Disease
Are you still here
say "Yes"
Show your support for me by saying
To all shakers out there we have hope
Say "Yes"
cheryl love Apr 2014
Its train floated like silk along a long winding river
Floating in the direction of a cool breeze.
Lace tapping on her flesh made her shiver
Memories thawing as if from a deep freeze.

Little roses sewn on by hand were on the bodice
Trailing over her shoulder and down her back
The dress made her feel like a godess
Or like a Princess on horseback.

The dress gave her confidence, made her feel brave
Feeling special whenever the dress was worn
But there is a secret which she took to her grave
And nobody knew but the dress was torn.
Apr 2014 · 376
A Young Man From York
cheryl love Apr 2014
There was once a young man from York
Who had strange ways of which people did talk
He would heat up his aftershave
in his new microwave
Before shaving with a knife and fork.
Apr 2014 · 3.0k
A Cruise
cheryl love Apr 2014
He always wanted to go on a trip
To entertain passengers on a cruise
After searching found the perfect ship
He set sail, he had nothing to lose.
Packing his sequined shirts for the ride
Which he'd got from the charity shop
He had also a few secrets hidden inside
including a avery pretty ladies frock!
He'd spent ages looking at it and he had sewn
little sparkly bits along the sleeves and neck line.
He wore it the first night and got covered in foam
and someone had splashed him with red wine.
He thought he'd disembark at the next available quay
But as time went on it was not as bad as he had thought
First night blues over he now sings every night at sea
In his new role as Drag Queen of the Palace Resort.
Passengers line up to get tickets for his show in the queue
He entertains all of the evening and most of the day
He is at his best and he is one of the crew
It is his home and is where he will stay.
Apr 2014 · 245
What Is This?
cheryl love Apr 2014
What is this, does it speak?
I've noted too it has a sharp beak!
If you squeeze its feet
It lets out a sharp squeak
And its piercing peck has made me weep!
cheryl love Apr 2014
There is good in each
And everyone of us.
A beauty that runs deep.
You are the harvest
That you reap.
The seeds that you sow
Will one day surely
Take root and grow.
Look into your soul
There is a beautiful person
And that is you.
cheryl love Apr 2014
There was a race at the farm
This caused a great deal of alarm
A stampede of wildebeest
Were stopped by old geese
But the rest of the animals were calm.

The Geese thought the situation funny
And so did the farmyard bunny
But the wildebeest were too strong
And their plan went wrong
So the Geese ended up giving the Wildebeest money.

They called the race off as nobody won
But the farmer was running with his gun
The pigs hid in the trough
The rest shot off
And once more the race had begun

That night they lay tired in their beds
The Geese were snoring in their shed.
The chickens thought they were lucky
They could have gone to Colonel Kentucky
And thanked the geese for saving their heads.

The moral of this story is plain
Do not mess with angry geese again.
There is no doubt about
That a farm should not fall out
As they have only got themselves to blame.
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
Love Can Be Cruel
cheryl love Apr 2014
He does love me
I hope that he does
Or does he even care?
He is never here
Never there
Love can cruel
He shouts when I'm ill
Which is most of the time
Will it be until
The day I die?
Love can be cruel
He is always sorry afterwards
Sorry is such a petty excuse
Take another pill
I say I am fine
Love can be cruel
Is he bullying me
For his own self satisfaction
If he is then that is wrong
Love can be cruel
They say one has to be cruel
to be kind
Who on earth thought that one up
Love can be cruel
I know they love me
In a strange sort of way
I cant help being ill
They know that
So where is the love
Apr 2014 · 2.1k
Happy Birthday
cheryl love Apr 2014
She is ninety three
My mother in law
Happy Birthday
I hope you have more!
Apr 2014 · 431
The Day The Wind Blew
cheryl love Apr 2014
It was a cold morning
It was the middle of June
Without notice, instant warning
The weather sung another tune.
A warmth swept across her face
She thought it appropriate to smile
She sat on the grass to admire the place
and enjoy this feeling she had for a while.
On top of the cliff, there were flowers
she had never observed before.
Nature had gifted natural powers
Seeds had embedded from being washed ashore.
She stroked petals, admired the shadows cast
There was a breeze being swept from the sea
She has read the papers, no bad weather forecast
Now the branches were swaying on the tree.
The clouds huddled together and turned grey
A violet hue appeared from nowhere above
As dark and dense as a blueberry souffle
and now as blue as a garden foxglove.
Something was happening and on the cards
Hairs on the back of her neck stood tall.
Fear set in as if she were in the darkest graveyards.
She was near the cliff edge -  she could fall
She crawled in land to be on the safe side.
She thought it better to crouch low.
She wished she had somewhere to hide
Somewhere the wind would have the chance to blow.
But there was nothing, just a flat hill top with a steep drop.
The strength of the wind picked up a pace.
She just wanted everything to stop
But the wind now slashed the skin from her face.
It whistled, it whined, it swept her here and there.
She crawled like she had never before to get from the edge
This situation now became a living nightmare
She disappeared into a ditch and clung onto a thorny hedge.
She lay there wet and cold for the best part of an hour
Clinging onto something sharp, with hope in her heart.
The wind had blown the petals from the little flower
The sky had now cleared, clouds were ready to depart.
The wind had ceased, there began a sense of calm
Her legs were ***** and covered in a wet sticky dew
But she was safe and sound and away from harm
She had a story to tell, the day the wind blew.
Apr 2014 · 2.2k
cheryl love Apr 2014
Remember me always
will you?
My cute little smile
and my unselfish ways.
Never forget me
will you not?
The love
that oozes from me.
Have in your head
my funny little sayings
I am not very tidy
but does that matter?
When you are arranging the flowers
that sit in the vase on my grave
You know somewhere I will be thinking
Will they be Forget-Me-Nots
Because I will remember
if you will.
Has he got
the forget-me-nots.
I will perhaps whisper it in your ear
the chill of surprise will drip down your spine
but the thrill will be all mine
when I see the forget-me-nots.
When you are travelling up and down the
motorway in your car regretting the time
you did not spend with me
Fear not, for I will be beside you always
Oh Lord let him read this before it is too late.
cheryl love Apr 2014
Can you imagine the taste
The supreme taste of summer on your lips
Can you feel the extra skin and flesh
encasing your bones on your ******* hips.
That is what the cream will do when it gets there
Covering your bones with trouble and extra weight.
Spoon the cream away, you do not need it
Quick enjoy the summer madness now before it's too late.
Apr 2014 · 562
A Frothy Trail
cheryl love Apr 2014
Enclosed in a shell
a road to nowhere.
Just a frothy mess
What does it care?
Snails, messy things
In and out all day
Just a frothy mess
In which to stay.
Snails, messy things.
Then a huge pronged fork
and into a wet mouth it pops.
Chewed, crushed to death
and there the taste stops.
Snails, messy things.
Apr 2014 · 292
Words Are Not Enough
cheryl love Apr 2014
Spinning like a ball of thread
trapped under a table and
one end winding endlessly
around the infinity of time.
The other being strangled
against its will, time has no end.
Sometimes words are not enough
but enough has been said to cause chaos
amongst those it really matters to.
Therefore the simple answer is to be quiet,
hold one's tongue, mutter nothing,
speak less than before, but no, not you.
Sometimes too many words spoil the cook's wrath.
Get a knife and shorten the thread is the key to all of this.
I hear someone saying what the hell does all this mean.
It means sometimes words are too much, just a  hug will do.
Apr 2014 · 855
cheryl love Apr 2014
Catkins wave the winter goodbye
Sticky little buds rest for a while
before opening themselves to the world
next to the tea rose and chamomile.
Primroses and violets
line the hedges sparkling lime
waiitng for the lilacs and pansies
in the heat of summertime.
Blue **** and the Jenny Wren
bob excitedly across the wall
With moss in its cracks
and spiders at nightfall.
Pecking for grubs in gaps
searching the the odd meal
finding bits and bobs and
a scrap of old orange peel.
The blackbird proudly presents
her newly hatched eggs in the nest
with a whilstle to die for
in her black shiny Sunday best.
Blossom like pink sugar lies on twigs
on the Apple Tree and the old pear.
one swift blow of the north wind
and that will soon disappear.
Spring is a promise of warm weather
of sunny evenings in the deck chair
There is no other season like it
and nothing can ever compare.
Apr 2014 · 230
A Tribute to Martin
cheryl love Apr 2014
He makes me giggle
he makes me smile
His work stands out
more than a mile.
His work is hilarious
although not all.
He has a gift
knowing which to put where.
His name is
cheryl love Apr 2014
The smell of the tide
as it crashes to shore
The drape of the green
beside the froth and foam
***** hidden in pools
The spray of salt
The grey of the rock
and cliff so white with chalk
Dainty daisies beneath my shoes
crushed as I walk
The cry of the gull
soaring above
Cracks and splits
moss creeping
and water seeping
and cascading down to the sea.
I long just to be by the sea.
Apr 2014 · 220
A Happy Easter To Everyone
cheryl love Apr 2014
I wish
a very
happy Easter
to everyone.
cheryl love Apr 2014
Years ago
when my grandmother was a girl
Things were definitely different
When she was a girl.
They had village fetes.
Everyone cooked jam.
They all got together
to celebrate anything.
She used to sit and tell me
She had a hat box under her bed
With the cutiest, prettiest hat in it.
The hat box was blue and white striped
and the hat was all floppy and large.
She gathered flowers the previous summer
and placed them in a rather large book.
This book was under the hat box
and pages were carefully opened
to reveal beautiful pressed and preserved
violets and pansies
and marigolds.
They were placed on the hat with ribbon to match
and she used to curl her hair flowing under the brim
of the pretty hat.
Ribbons would trail under the hat pin.
All the teenage girls pretty as pictures
would line in a row to be judged.
And my grandmother with tears and pride in her eyes
used to stroke my face and say she was pretty like me once.
And she always won.
Her eyes were green,
like mine.
But to me she was the prettiest grandmother I had ever seen.
She was my Queen.
And I still love her.
Apr 2014 · 377
The Easter Rabbit
cheryl love Apr 2014
They all knew who he was.
It was a regular habit
sneaking here and there
dressed as a daft rabbit.
But was he?
Maybe it was queer
Not hard to fool that lot
Stomachs full of beer.
They swear they'd seen anything
as long as it moved.
Whether or not it was a rabbit
whiskers and big toothed.
They'd seen things
in the dead of the night
placing eggs in hiding places
from a rabbit that stood upright.
But it was rather large
and it did carry stuff
and it did shout "Hi mate"
but it was covered in fluff.
Confused? So were the drinkers
Maybe the Easter rabbit does exist.
The Easter eggs were definitely there
Is there something I have missed?
Teeth the size of chapel hat pegs
All furry but walking upright in white?
I would hate to meet this thing face to face
creeping around in th dead of the night!
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
I Love You With All My Heart
cheryl love Apr 2014
It is every little thing that you do
For me,
We could never ever be apart.
Darling I just want to tell you
I love you, with all my heart.
Apr 2014 · 422
A Joy To Behold
cheryl love Apr 2014
Holding a new born baby
Close in your warm strong arms
Baby food dripping down your shoulder
And the constant ringing of sleep alarms.
A joy to behold.
Walking the dog in the dead of night
It alerted you at two in the morning.
Waiting at bedroom door with lead
No fuss just a wet sloppy warning.
A joy to behold.
You just sit down with an evening meal
After a hard day’s work – the ‘phone rings
A sales talk on something you do not want
Slam the receiver down, and then say nice things.
A joy to behold.
Stuck in traffic when you are in a rush
All you want to do is get there and back.
You know something is going to happen
The chap behind you didn’t see you – whack!!!
A joy to behold.
You fetch your loved one from the supermarket
With a thousand bags for you to carry.
She has spent all your wages in a flash
And you wonder about the girl you did marry.
A joy to behold.
Watching your garden turn to weeds
After a heavy fall of the never ending rain.
Pulling them out with roots the size of parsnips
Your back aching, pulled a muscle once again.
A joy to behold. True a joy to behold.
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
Pansy People
cheryl love Apr 2014
Eyes left
eyes right.
Stand to attention
On guard.
The ***** people
the purple parade.
The orange peelers
Ruby reds
the show stealers.
Jack in the box
complete with pale
green zip up socks
whiskers for lace
covered fur
Attention to you sir
***** people
violet markers
for my plot of land.
Apr 2014 · 748
cheryl love Apr 2014
Pretty in pink
sweet as sugar candy
Watch it sprinkle
Dance on the floor
Float away, goodbye
little pink butterfly.
Fly to the sky
float on by
Pretty confetti
from the tree
like hundreds and thousands
from the rooftops
never stops
sprinkling blossom
floating angels
from green buds.
Apr 2014 · 721
Death Of A Flower
cheryl love Apr 2014
It weeps
Its petals fall
in heaps
by a wall.
Swept in a pile
Its petals combine
just for a while
just a short time.
A loving aroma
from over
the fingers
of its owner.
Cometh the hour
it is the time
for the death of a flower.
Apr 2014 · 225
Finding The Right Words
cheryl love Apr 2014
Choice, there is so much choice
But there are hidden traps.
Say the wrong thing on any shape or form
Then it is back to the drawing board.
There are no maps
to guide you,
To special flags along your way
Mistakes you can ill afford
just watch what you say.

"Hello dear, had a nice day"
Her husband red faced pushes his way into the door.
"Oh dear, I say!"
He promptly slumps to the floor.
She is thinking about sending for the doctor
as she rushes to the telephone.
Perhaps he had taken ill suddenly
when he was coming home.
Perhaps the stress at work has got to him
She hunts for the right words to say.
She puts her hand on his heart for rhythm
She knew this was the right way.
She'd seen it on the telly a thousand times
But then something struck her eye.
The shape of pink perfect lips on his neck
and now she realised why.
He'd been up to no good
flirting with the women at length.
She smelt his shirt for evidence
and in a rage she picked up strength.
"What have you been doing, you stupid man,
Your place is here at home with me
Not galavanting around with other women"
She'd seen it all before on the TV.
She became hot under her collar
and went to fetch her bag to leave.
He muttered something, she couldn't quite hear
How could he after all these years deceive.
She thought he said the word daughter
She of course had got the wrong end of the stick.
Too many incorrect words had been spoken
She went out the door all too quick.
The man died on the floor, heartbroken
Their daughter laid a rose on his grave.
The relationship she had with her mother shattered
and one she didn't want to save.
Jumping to conclusions, well is all too easy
Harder to find the right words to say
We all make mistakes, we are all human
Pressure, is tricky at the end of the day.
Apr 2014 · 675
A Journey Through Life
cheryl love Apr 2014
Life is enchanting, exciting
full of promise.

A journey through one's life can be
Very much textbook and self explanatory.
To me, my life is like a rainbow in the sky
As enjoy each day and get older, it flies on by.
I look at the rainbow, full of tricks
My dice was tossed and I received a "six".
My rainbow was shredded the day I married
into confetti wishing me luck, then carried
on through my life till now, in the peak of time
where I now daily struggle with hills to climb.
But my rainbow shines on me even at night
Giving me challenges not problems in which to fight.
I set targets and make my way through life
For I am mother, I am a friend, a daughter and wife.
cheryl love Apr 2014
Be naughty
She'll steal
the chocolate
If I am
cheryl love Apr 2014
A note to
Do not
the dog's
Apr 2014 · 543
Fish In A Dish a repost
cheryl love Apr 2014
Fish in a dish
Well that seems a joke
Orange ones with no brain
Swimming the back stroke.
Round and round they go
Thinking “I’ve been here before”
Their dumb faces
Craving for more and more.
Seeing the same old things
Day after day.
Thoughts in their heads
Gone far away.
Endless fish food
Bits of this and bits of that.
Watched constantly
By next door’s cat.
Oh dear.
Apr 2014 · 419
The Beauty Of The Moon
cheryl love Apr 2014
There is something beautiful
That appears every single night
The hour of the pearl begins
When we turn off the light.
It is the silvery disc shining down
A loyal satellite in our skies
Stare at it too much
You’ll have spots before your eyes.
Can we see a face?
Is it the man in the moon?
Like it is depicted
In a children’s television cartoon.
Is it a big slice of cheese?
Just suspended in outer space
With little mice in spacesuits
In their little hiding place.
Or is it a big jewel
Twinkling in a huge golden crown
Fit for only those with enough money
And a super sized ball gown.
Will there be trips to walk amongst the dust?
That has not moved since beginning of time
With your new moon boots and suits
New craters to discover, new hills to climb.
Will we have rockets ready in a launch pad?
Just sitting waiting for mission control
Next door neighbours blasting off like no tomorrow
Exploring the old black hole.
Will there be holiday companies
Will there be hotels by the million
But all with the same old view
A super nova to look at occasionally
From a helmet you can just about see through.
No special menu, no specially cooked meals
Just tablets of dried up pieces of dust
Made from chemicals designed to taste like
Best steak and mushrooms in a cheese pie crust.
No drinks from the bar, no happy hour
Just controlled vapour from a tube
Whizzing down one’s throat.
Complete with an artificial ice cube.
Do you really want of all this?
It could really all come all too soon.
But between you and me, I would rather
Just enjoy the beauty of the old moon.
cheryl love Apr 2014
Have you booked your holidays yet?
Because we are off to the moon.
Mum found a very good deal at the shop
And we blast off Tuesday afternoon.
Dad’ll be shocked when we tell him
I wonder just what he’ll say?
We have some organising to do
And Mum will have to go and pay.
Dad’ll freak when he knows the cost
He will have one massive fit.
Mum said she will tell him gently
So perhaps he will come round a bit.
When he found out he went a bit mad
Shouting that we all cannot go there.
Searching in his wardrobe
Explaining that he had nothing to wear.
Mum said it was too late, it had been paid
We are all going to the moon
Nothing can be done about it now
And we blast off Tuesday afternoon.
cheryl love Apr 2014
"Come by, come by"  the shepherd calls
To a black and grey dog that's not there.
He's minding his own business
Which to him is all very fair.
A whistle is blown, but on deaf ears
The sheep thinks it is all a scream
They run wildly all over the field
But the dog's done in, out of steam.
"Come on lad, round 'em up for me"
The shepherd's voice is slightly raised
But the dog does not care one little jot
He neither cares or is phased.
The dog starts a sit-in and makes a sign
"Less sheep, more juicy bones"
The sheherd laughs, so do the sheep
The dog sighs and all afternoon moans.
The sheep's wool uncurls, fear looms
Another dog springs an attack
The shepherd has a smile on his face
Watching the first dog creep on back.
The sheep dont know what has hit them
They are rounded up in the blink of an eye
The sheep **** through open gates at speed
and did an immediate left towards the pig's sty.
Apr 2014 · 367
Someday It Will Be Sunday
cheryl love Apr 2014
I go and visit her
But she is not there.
Someday she was
It was a Sunday.
The sun shone
The c;louds disappeared
Now she has gone
But the sun has reappeared.
Sundays are a day of rest
When run-of-the-mill jobs get done
Washing up pots alone and silent
Sundays were meant to be fun.
Someday it will be Sunday again
Who knows when that will be?
This ache inside of me is now a pain
Now she has gone.
Apr 2014 · 688
Dark Chocolate
cheryl love Apr 2014
I had a job to put down the spoon
It was dripping with lovliness
Just dripping like wishes in a line
Creating a smile with happiness.

It shines like silk, it flows like magic
Chocoate, rich proper chocolate
You can slap me silly til the cows come home
I would not care if they were late.

The aroma of chocolate, expensive and rich
Plays on my tongue I yearn for more.
It is just the right time of the year too
Chocolate, chocolate, is what I most adore.
Apr 2014 · 319
There Is Light
cheryl love Apr 2014
A spectrum of light smashes through a cloud
Piercing the blue with an array of colour
Stabbing the ground with a *** of gold
A bold statement arches the daytime sky.
It is raining, drenhing the soil
Moreover, the sun decides to shine
No more grey skies, thank you very much
A rainbow of colour lights up our lives.
There is light, just follow the rainbow
There is a way to smash problems around
Pierce your dreams and change course
Maybe your dreams will begin to shine.
No more problems thank you very much
A rainbow of colour will light up your life.
Apr 2014 · 222
Missing You
cheryl love Apr 2014
I whisper gently in the night
But you do not hear me
I reach out to touch you
But you are never there.
I fill my lungs with stale air
Stale and as dark as the night.

I call you at breakfast time
Would you like coffee or tea?
But there is that silence again
Because you are never here.
I listen for movement but of course
There is nothing at this time.

Do you not know that I am missing you?
Do you not stop and realise this?
At night and in the day
My dreams are empty like my bed at night
Because you are never there
I am missing you.
cheryl love Apr 2014
Pink eggs from red hens
Tails all cute and dandy
Pink bacon from pink pigs
Sweet as sugar candy.
Pink lamb from red sheep
Ready for a woollen sweater
Red face on a blue farmer
Getting the dreaded red letter.
No more farm, no more pink meat
Red wine now crushed with stained feet.
Land sold to make some gold
Now making champagne sold as old
Pink goes from blue to rich red
and the owner now sleeps well in his bed
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