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A soldier finds a way to come home early
To surprise his lonely girlfriend

A neighbor spends an afternoon raking leaves
To serve the elderly man next door

A brother says "You can play with it first"
To his little sister on his birthday

A student stops to hold the door
To aid the girl struggling with crutches

A customer says "You go ahead"
To the mom with an upset child in tow

A stranger does a deed for a stranger
Paying in advance for the next car's gas

These are but few of the examples
Of kindness I've seen still exist

There is good in the world
Little bits all around, if you'll take a look

It comes from those who don't judge
Who instead look at others for a chance

A chance to decipher what they could do
To help someone around them

They believe in the goodness of choice
The power of even the smallest choices

That just might make someone's day
By reminding them that people care

And that they know we all have bad days
But that they won't last forever

Because the kindness of others
Will always be there, somewhere

So work with the believers
And the fragile, hopeful wishers

The ones with the yearning belief inside
That people are meant for good

That people are meant for people
To push forward the human race

In the development of civility
And beyond civility, genuine kindness

Because really, honestly,
What can't kindness solve?

So be a source of hope
Don't think that you're not much

For even a small source of hope
Still proves that it exists

Because you might not know who needs it
Who's desperately looking for the proof
 Oct 2013 Chase The Moment
you once told me that you had always
wanted to climb the water tower
at crescent lake park

so why don't you
i asked, and you shook your head

it's just a stupid dream

(but i didn't see anything wrong with
wanting to feel
above the rest of the world)
people are silly sometimes
Morbid nights of endless past and future
A darkness i'd endured in unwavering solitude
A tormenting blight forged with evanascent hope
My identity had all but lost its face

A maiden forged from the scales of heaven
A twist of the warm dark waves of locke
A brown eyed hue of sparkly dews
Sculpted out a beauty divine
A never ending feast, crave my lifeless eyes

A smile is all, darkness be gone
Your laugh it strings every beat of my soul
A glow you eminate, i stray not away
A simple whisper, i waver not from your side

The nights of yore are long forgotten
Unblinking, blinding lights i endure
Hope has taken form, a beauty undiscovered
Deny this you may, an unmarked angel you are
forever mine to protect
 Jul 2013 Chase The Moment
I have a message for the kid sitting in the back of the classroom
You know, the one with the bruises, ask him what's wrong he'll give you the dumbest excuses
"I fell down the stairs, and ran into the door"
But stairs and doors don't give black eyes and broken bones so what are you lying for?

I have a message for the prettiest girl in school
You know, The one hiding behind all that make-up and hairspray
Pretending she couldn't be having  a better day
Yet she's afraid to go back to her broken home
Because her step-dad hurts her mom and her brother won't leave her alone
School is her sanctuary
What you don't know can be scary.

I have a message for the boy on his skateboard
Sellings drugs and liquor to make a quick buck
Then he got caught for possession and now he's stuck
In that cell all by himself remembering what his friends said
"We're bros, forever" But they left him for dead.

I got a message for that wierd girl in the lunchroom
The one that eats alone,
She has no place to call home
She smells bad because she doesn't own a shower
Living in shelters, her life is out of her power
Because her parents messed up she has to hurt
But she wants to do better so she does her school work

I have a message for the boy blogging
Those cuts on his wrists are not cat scratches
They're more like past mistakes left on his arms in patches
He can't help how sad he always feels
But he refuses to be that kid "on pills"

I have a message for that girl with the strict parents
Wishing she could bring her girlfriend to meet the family
But she knows if she did they wouldn't be happy
Because being gay is a sin
And if you're gay you're not kin

****, what a world we live in.

I have a message for all the messed up kids
Who struggle in the daily lives they live.
You will be okay
Things will get better someday.
So put away that blade and pick up that paint brush
Don't end your life before you've felt the rush
Wait until you've had your first kiss
I promise you there will be so many moments of bliss
Put down that bottle of pills
You of all people deserve life's thrills
I know sometimes it's hard to catch the curveballs life throws your way,
Just get low and get ready to play

To the kids who feel lost and alone
I will be the one to welcome you home
Drifting, floating within shimmering liquid,
cascading down, flowing, blending in,
till nothing but essence remains;
Solitude becoming defenseless,
against cool, comforting tides.

Air spheres fly like birds,
reaching surface-high,
bursting from illusion;
Vanishing soon after,
as a mirage of dancing light.

Losing senses, merging as one,
contently shutting off all distractions,
held oxygen bursts outward;
Sealing silence with a kiss.
I know you don't really care,
It's quite obvious, you see,
But I've fallen into disrepair,
This empty shell that is me.

Could you help me out?
One favor, for old times' sake?
And tell me, without a doubt,
Our friendship wasn't fake?
Wrote this really fast, I'll add a second part later
“When I was young, you fascinated me.
You were always so beautiful
So perfect.
You had a wide smile,
and beautifully deep eyes.
You had a glowing warmth,
that my childhood body grew up surrounded in.
In your arms I felt safe and whole.
Your arms were my home.

When your arms began to get weaker and weaker,
I couldn’t understand.
Where was the life I once knew?
The life I loved so dearly?
The soul was still there,
But the life,
The life was slipping away.
Your arms were my home,
But you were letting in the rain.
The house was crumbling before our eyes,
And you couldn’t help it.

The last time I ever saw you again,
Was on a cool summers morning.
You were sat in a wheelchair,
And it wasn’t your home.
You smiled amidst a backdrop of wild greens, and pretty flowers.
I asked you to stay with me always,
And you promised you would.
Your arms were my home.
I’d be without shelter otherwise.

Well, God works in weird and wonderful ways,
And the day your soul departed from my world,
Was the day my heart crumbled,
Into a thousand tiny pieces.
I had convinced myself that you had broken your promise.

But my twenty year old self looks back,
With hindsight,
With knowledge,
With faith and with wisdom,
That a thirteen year old girl can never have.

You kept your promise.
You are always with me.
In a light summer rain,
In a bitter winters night,
Amidst the beautiful browns and golds of an Autumn day.

You are the beautiful warmth that fills my heart,
Every time it beats.

Your arms are always my home.”
 Jul 2013 Chase The Moment
Lost in the Stars

Star lit skies light the night,
and darkness loves with arms open wide.
Creatures hold still and all is quiet.
Hush little babe; please don’t fight.
She lies in the night, high up in the stars.
She may look it, but she isn’t that far.
Look deep within, within that broken heart;
see her there, there from the start.
Loved you she did, and loved you she will;
just as the future is, time with tell.
Things may be hard, more than once I fell.
Nothing is easy ***, even looks can ****.
The sun can shine brighter than darkness and pain.
The stars are just as beautiful, it’s all the same.
Listen to the wind, it speaks your name.
Love falls down to you like autumn, love bares no shame.
She taught her children to do well and to stand
tall, be humble and for men to be a man.
Never forget she lives in the hearts and in the land,
forever she will be in the night and trembling hands.

She gave a love that was everlasting.
She gave a heart to hold you close.
She gave you her life so you could stay.
She died loving you with all her soul.
She died lost in the stars.
 Jul 2013 Chase The Moment
two teenage girls
and two teenage futures
how am are we supposed to know
what we want in life
or who we want to be
when we don't even know
what we want today
or who we are right now

— The End —