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Love of life, love of song,
Filling treasures all day long;
Friends and faithful days of light,
Come from heaven soft in flight.
Spirits bounding, sweetly sailing,
Hear the music so refraining;
All that makes the body magic,
Comes from sweet internal joy.
All our lives in constant hoping,
Learning ways to bear the coping;
There'll be times so dark and *****,
All of life not always pretty;
Find the calm that is within.
All forgiveness, stained from birth,
In our journey some sad, some mirth;
Taste the wine from earthly vineyards,
And the bitter is sometimes the sweet;
No one tastes the savory meat,
Without the peace that is within.
When my demise comes silently along,
I want to be dancing to a lovely song;
When the curtain falls upon my play,
I want to surely seize the day.
When I can no longer feel the sun,
And know my laughter is now to be done,
I want those who love me to sit by my side,
Because I will no longer be able to hide.
When I can no longer hold a baby who crying,
I'll know in my heart that I truly am dying,
But I will have none of regrets for tommorrow,
Or have all my loved ones consumed with hard sorrow.
Whispers and secrets no longer to tell,
My journey begins with the last ringing bell.
The ocean comes upon the shore,
To wash the sandy beach each day,
And as the waves erode the shore,
We learn to live another day.
The sun shines down upon the earth,
To spread its rays upon the living,
Majestic mountains sprung from earth,
Give scenic views for all the living.
The redwoods make a grand cathedral,
To touch the heavens in misty light,
And in the quaint and grand cathedral,
Our souls are filled with heavenly light.
A man stands silent on a grassy knoll,
Pondering the expanse of clouds so high,
And in the wee hours on that grassy knoll,
His spirit soars like birds so high,
And angels help to touch the sky.
See the children,
Some are smiling,
Some have frowns,
Laughing with friends,
While some have bruises
That  will never end.

Some bring lunches,
Full of love and treats,
Others have nothing,
No food to eat,
Some have clothes
so stiff and new,
Some wear rags,
faded and blue.
Some are happy,
Others have fears.

Some are drowning
in their tears.

Copyright © 2010
Sometime this spring, when all
the cobwebs have been dusted,
and all the cold and dampness
has gone away, I'll sit on my
front porch and watch the lazy
clouds go by.

Sometime this spring, when there
are no more dreary days, 0r long
and silent lingering nights,
I'll sweep my front porch and
sit so grand in my rocking chair
and stare and howl at the
sumptuous moon.

Sometime this spring, I'll hold
my child in my loving arms,
and will stroke her hair and whisper
to her about all the adventures to come,
and dream and fill her head and heart
with all the joy that nature brings.

Sometime this spring.

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Copyright © 2010
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Soft summer,
Misty rain falling,
Gentle breeze
skipping happily along;
Clouds hovering,
Dark,damp sidewalks,
Grass glistening
in summer, sweet rain.
Dogs in the distance,
Children playing,
Splashing puddles
they run on their way,
Happy singing
our magical day.
Yellow bus passing,
Mothers come running,
Schoolbooks falling
in puddles they lay;
Time being captured,
A summer,sweet rain.
We can not capture the moments lost,
No matter what price or what the cost;
But when you left this earth so sadly,
I longed for all those moments gladly.
Men told of how your friendship was good,
And how you truly understood,
The magic of your friendly smile,
A handshake and the extra mile;
I heard them say how kind your were,
Which made me proud and emotions stirred;
I'm sorry that I couldn't ease your pain,
Or place some sunshine inside the rain;
But, Dad, I loved you, this is true,
And stand proudly on this man I knew;
No days will past without thoughts on you,
Of all the jokes and tenderness, true;
Just hold my spot in heaven, please,
For someday long in the future with ease,
I'll come along and see your smile,
And share a handshake and the extra mile.
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