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Cedric McClester Feb 2016
By: Cedric McClester

I think their skin is thin
When it comes to Mexicans
And their immigration status
Though Cubans can come here gratis
They’re among the baddest
When it comes to having compassion
They act like compassion's old fashion
And so they’re continuously bashing

Others who want to come here
For the same reasons they hold dear
See the Green Card was a gift
For those from the Mariel boat lift
Though they were among Cuba’s worst
They got a path road to citizenship first
While law abiding Haitians were kept out
Tell me what was that all about?

Some want to send them all back
Like a matter of white and black
To the places that they come from
Even if that notion is real dumb
I think they’re talking out of their ***
Cuz who’s gonna cut their grass
Or watch their children night and day
If we take them all away

There are other beside them ya know
They might want to encourage to go
But nine times out of ten you’ll find
That never crosses their mind
So they can go ahead and build their wall
Make it ten or fifteen feet tall
But remember we’re all on the land
Of the indigenous forgotten Red man!

Cedric McClester , Copyright (c) 2016.  All rights reserved.
972 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

This is for my ******
Who might need some schoolin'
With their different street names
Who y’all foolin'
It’s high time
That you peep it
Your government names
Ain’t no secret
What’s the point of having one anyway
Who you think invented (AKA)
They can capture you
From a satellite
Doin it under the covers
In the dead of night
Identifyin who is no mystery
They’ve got files on you full of history

Yeah I hear you
But just the same
I prefer you don’t call me
By my government name

There’s nothin that you’re doin
That they don’t know
Besides they’ve even got you
On video
And snitches that’ll tell ‘em
All they need to know
So if you ain’t aware
Then you must be slow
There are fewer secrets
Out on the street
Then you’re likely to find cops
Walkin' a beat
If it becomes necessary
I’ll repeat
Must I still hip you (to the game)
They already know your government name

Yeah I hear you
But just the same
I prefer you don’t call me
By my government name

****** always tryin to be
So secretive
Do ya really think
They don’t know where you live
Even what you carry
A gat or shiv
See they also know
What you’re about
And who receives the packages
That you give out
And just in case you still have any doubt
They’ll put a tail on you
Via the usual route
So don’t go thinkin
Cos they call you *****
Your government name is hard for them to figure

Yeah I hear you
But just the same
I prefer you don’t call me
By my government name

See if it takes me spittin
A hot sixteen
For y’all to understand
Exactly what I mean
I’m prepared to do it
Cos I’m very keen
On avoidin all the *******
That I’ve seen
I know you have identities
You’d like to protect
And I’m not comin at cha
With disrespect
But if you think a street name
If some kinda shield
It’s high time that the truth
Of the matter be reveiled

Yeah I hear you
But just the same
I prefer you don’t call me
By my government name

If ya used a celly
Or a land-line phone
Then you need to know
That you weren’t alone
And if you’ve ever e-mailed
Cos tha damage is already done
Today they have cameras (everywhere)
There’s eyes (up in the skies)
That you need to fear
Zeroed in on you (with a constant stare)
So don’t start pointin figures
Or start placin blame
Because the government
Always knew your name

Yeah I hear you
But just the same
I prefer you don’t call me
By my government name

I call ya by the names
That your mama gave ya
You’re crazy if ya think
That’s how popo made ya
Cos they already knew
Who you were and (where you hanged)
They even knew the (names and numbers)
Of the chicks you banged
So you may think what you’re doin
Is really on the low
But that only goes to show
You don’t really know
I guess that’s why people say
Ignorance is bliss
Though that applies to a lot of things
It certainly does to this

Yeah I hear you
But just the same
I prefer you don’t call me
By my government name

This is for my ******
Who might need some schoolin'
With their different street names
Who y’all foolin
It’s high time
That you peep it
Your government names
Ain’t no secret
What’s the point of having one anyway
Who you think invented (AKA)
They can capture you
From a satellite
Doin it under the covers
In the dead of night
Identifyin who is no mystery
They’ve got files on you full of history
962 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Cigarettes coffee and my radio
An egg fried over easy
On wheat toast to go
Before I face the morning rush
The fender benders and the crush
Of traffic patterns gone quite bad
And people who appear quite mad

Now you can say what you will
But it takes patience and some skill
To ride the highways of this land
I wonder if you understand

I’m on the road from dawn to dusk
And sometimes there’s the smell of must
Underneath my arms from sweat
But I’m still driving
Ain’t stopped yet
So pardon me if I’m defensive
About the fact I smell offensive

Now you can say what you will
But it takes patience and some skill
To ride the highways of this land
I wonder if you understand

One day I know I’ll pack it in
And talk about places I’ve been
And all the things that I’ve seen
From Seattle to Abilene
But right now I’m on the move
It’s time for me to show and prove

Now you can say what you will
But it takes patience and some skill
To ride the highways of this land
I wonder if you understand

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
952 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

They can be so cruel
When they want to
Make you look like a fool
And then they haunt you
Amanda showed her breast
Because of someone’s dare
She was just a young girl
Who was unaware

This is for Amanda
Who felt she was alone
Because some people have
Hearts as hard as stone

One careless moment
Captured on the net
Never went away
So no one could forget
She compromised herself
Much to her regret
And so it followed her
And made her upset

This is for Amanda
Who felt she was alone
Because some people have
Hearts as hard as stone

Her name was Amanda
She was someone’s child
Who was cyber bullied
Too bad she’s dead now
Amanda couldn’t take
All the stress and strife
And she got so depressed
That she took her own life

This is for Amanda
Who felt she was alone
Because some people have
Hearts as hard as stone

This is for Amanda
Who felt she was alone
Because some people have
Hearts as hard as stone
Where are they all now
Hope they’re satisfied
She was bullied up until
The very day she died

This is for Amanda
Who felt she was alone
Because some people have
Hearts as hard as stone

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
939 · Mar 2016
Cedric McClester Mar 2016
By: Cedric McClester

Don’t know what to say
Other than fairwell
Death has finally claimed
Another venerable hotel
Where everyone from
Sid Vicious to Dee Dee Ramone
At one time or another stayed
And called it their home

Requiem for the Chelsea
May she rest in peace
Now that all activity inside her
Has finally ceased
Closed for renovations
See we’ve heard that before
The death knell has been tolled
She ain’t coming back no more

Nevermore to open
In its present incarnation
Cos now the Chelsea’s history
Despite the acclamations
What the future holds
Is anybody’s guess
But if I’m forced to take one
I’d say condos at best

The Chelsea was a grand hotel
Back there in the day
Name me one musician
Who didn’t book a stay
The Chelsea was iconic
What else can I say
Except that it’s ironic
That it went down that way

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016.  All rights reserved.
935 · Jan 2016
Cedric McClester Jan 2016
By: Cedric McClester

Bitter or better
It’s my choice you see
I’ve been bitter so long
But where’d that get me
It didn’t make me happy
I have to confess
So I’m trying to be better
I’m doing my best

Bitter or better
Is a matter of choice
And I’ve made mine
So I’m raising my voice
Bitter always left me
With eyes that were moist
So I’m opting for better
As an alternate choice

Bitter or better
Take it from me
You can choose which one
You wanna be
Maybe you can’t forget
But can you forgive
Because being bitter
Ain't no way to live

Bitter or better
Is a matter of choice
And I’ve made mine
So I’m raising my voice
Bitter always left me
With eyes that were moist
So I’m opting for better
As an alternate choice

Bitter or better
Are alternate states
Bitter can have you carrying weights
Better wins hands down in debates
And it doesn’t require as many crates

Bitter or better
Is a matter of choice
And I’ve made mine
So I’m raising my voice
Bitter always left me
With eyes that were moist
So I’m opting for better
As an alternate choice

Bitter or better
As the case might be
Which one do you choose
You know about me
It’s your decision
So which it will be
Is it gonna be the devil
Or the deep blue sea

Bitter or better
Is a matter of choice
And I’ve made mine
So I’m raising my voice
Bitter always left me
With eyes that were moist
So I’m opting for better
As an alternate choice

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016.  All rights reserved.
Cedric McClester Oct 2015
By: Cedric McClester

When ***** changed
From noun to verb
And it invaded
The suburbs
That’s when
The thought occurred
For us to say
My word!

Much to
Our despair
Now that
The problem’s here
It’s becoming
Crystal clear
We have reason
To fear

It’s not just them
It’s us
The police
Could come to bust
So we’re convinced
We must
Change our focus
And ******

Our children need
Our hugs
We’ve lost the war
On drugs
It’s no longer
Just them thugs
And perhaps
That’s what most bugs

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015,  All rights reserved.
916 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

It’s a **** shame
No it’s absurd
How the gentry
Are changing Williamsburg
And if you need
The concrete proof
They’ve raised the rents
Right through the roof

I dream of Williamsburg of old
The one only my memory holds
And it’s for this I shed a tear
The Williamsburg of yesteryear

The indigenous people of course
Were first
In time it became
More ethnically diverse
And then an enclave
For artists and the arts
With dirt cheap rents
In certain parts

I dream of Williamsburg of old
The one only my memory holds
And it’s for this I shed a tear
The Williamsburg of yesteryear

Everything changes with time
Except the memories in the mind
The Williamsburg I knew and loved
Is the Williamsburg I always think of

Artists held a funeral
I here tell
And sounded off
The last death knell
They gave Williamsburg
Their sad goodbyes
And wiped the tears
Away from their eyes

Everything changes with time
Except the memories in the mind
The Williamsburg I knew and loved
Is the Williamsburg I always think of

I dream of Williamsburg of old
The one only my memory holds
And it’s for this I shed a tear
The Williamsburg of yesteryear
I dream of Williamsburg of old
The one only my memory holds
And it’s for this I shed a tear
The Williamsburg of yesteryear
I dream of Williamsburg of old
The one only my memory holds

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
Cedric McClester Apr 2017
By: Cedric McClester

How many heartbeats are left?
For someone who created
The nation’s greatest theft
By stealing a national election
Leaving others bereft
How many heartbeats ‘til death?

How many heartbeats are left?
For someone who is heartless
Or lacks empathy at best
Just how many would you
Venture to guess
How many heartbeats ‘til death?

How many heartbeats are left?
I’m not just asking in jest
How long will his heart
Continue to compress
Before it stops beating in his chest
How many heartbeats ‘til death?

How many heartbeats are left?
I pose this strange question
Just merely to suggest
That the exact number
Can’t be assessed
How many heartbeats ‘til death?

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2017.  All rights reserved.
896 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Diabetes high blood pressure
Don’t cha let either one getcha
Heart attack bring out a stretcher
Catch a stroke and then I betcha
You’ll begin to exercise
And try to diet if you’re wise
It only takes some discipline
To get out the fix we’re in

Come on fam' get serious
These things mostly affect us
In ways too numerous to mention
Now do I have your attention

Tell me what you wanna be
I’ll bet it’s not an amputee
Who’s going blind but don’tcha see
That’s diabetes’ history
And I hate to bust your bubble
It might lead to kidney trouble
And your liver has no double
Once you’ve turned it into rubble

Come on fam get serious
These things mostly affect us
In ways that I soon shall mention
Now do I have your attention

Tell me fam’ what will it be
I don’t know so you tell me
This deadly cycle has to end
Wonder when it will begin
Now’s the time this is the hour
Cos the solution’s in our power

Come on fam' get serious
These things mostly affect us
In ways that I soon shall mention
Now do I have your attention

Death has such finality
But that’s where you could be
If you don’t follow me
And try to change your destiny
Death is just the bottom line
You had best keep that in mind
When you sit down to dine
Avoid all foods that are refined

Come on fam' get serious
These things mostly affect us
In ways that I soon shall mention
Now do I have your attention

Tell me fam’ what will it be
I don’t know so you tell me
This deadly cycle has to end
Wonder when it will begin
Now’s the time this is the hour
Cos the solution’s in our power

Diabetes high blood pressure
Don’t cha let either one getcha
Heart attack bring out a stretcher
Catch a stroke and then I betcha
You’ll begin to exercise

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
886 · Feb 2016
Cedric McClester Feb 2016
By: Cedric McClester

Some will sell you out
For a dollar
Some will sell you out
For free
Some will sell you out
For the hell of it
Cuz they hate themselves
Ya see

She said we don’t need
A month for Black History
And we don’t need channels
Like BET
Simply American
Is what we should be
Wish that were the way
That they treated me

Some will sell you out
For a dollar
Some will sell you out
For free
Some will sell you out
For the hell of it
Cuz they hate themselves
Ya see

There shouldn’t be
An N double A CP Image Awards
Because according to her
That only affords
Black people honors
While whites get ignored
Which isn’t the case
She can rest well assured

I’d like to believe
My country is for me
What the song says it is
Sweet land of liberty
But it hasn’t been
Far as I can see
Everything that
It's been cracked up to be

We’re all just Americans
I wish that were true
What about proud Italians
And the Irish too
Who have days of pride
That  she says we should eschew
Which clearly illustrates
She doesn’t have a clue

Some will sell you out
For a dollar
Some will sell you out
For free
Some will sell you out
For the hell of it
Cuz they hate themselves
Ya see

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016.  All rights reserved.
Cedric McClester Nov 2018
By: Cedric McClester

It cut like
Pieces of glass
In my throat
Those words
Contained in a note
Left on the mantle place
That she wrote
And everything she said I can quote

It cut like pieces of glass
In my throat
Words she didn’t have
The nerve to emote
Things I know she knew
Would rock my boat
She left nothing to cling to
Or keep me afloat

It cut like
Pieces of glass
In my throat
Her words
Made me into
Her scapegoat
Someone who was
Merely a footnote

I can’t be
More graphic
Than that
She left me
In no time flat
And I feel used9
Just like an old doormat
And that's exactly where it’s at

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2018.  All rights reserved.
877 · Apr 2015
RACE (Subterfuge)
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Race is just a subterfuge
That certain people use
To have us at each other’s throats
While keeping us confused
God made us different races
Colors shades and hues
But race shouldn’t really matter
Unless it shapes our views

If race is the big divide
Then someone must have lied
When rationality is applied
The facts can’t be denied

Some promote the view
They're better than me and you
Because of the color of their skin
And they also believe this too
Despite their circumstances
They're the chosen few
When in actuality
None of that is true

If race is the big divide
Then someone must have lied
When rationality is applied
The facts can’t be denied

Who said that you’re better than
Another woman or a man
Based on which of you is tan
Or born with less melanin

If race is the big divide
Then someone must have lied
When rationality is applied
The facts can’t be denied

It’s a diabolical scheme
As strange as that may seem
To keep us all preoccupied
Few get to live their dream
While the rest of us fight
We’re never gonna see the cream
And that’s perfectly alright
By those who rule supreme

If race is the big divide
Then someone must have lied
When rationality is applied
The facts can’t be denied

Race is just a subterfuge
That certain people use
To have us at each other’s throats
While keeping us confused
God made us different races
Colors shades and hues
But race shouldn’t really matter
Unless it shapes our views

If race is the big divide
Then someone must have lied
When rationality is applied
The facts can’t be denied
(Repeat chorus 2xs then fade)

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
Cedric McClester May 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Hatred decked out
In free speech finery
Isn’t opaque
It’s clearly binary
Give us a break
‘Cos we can see
How it’s directed
At you and me

On the surface
Hatred would appear
To have an objective
That's not very clear
To anyone other than
Those who might share
In the ultimate goal
Of its puppeteers

By another name
Like free speech
It's hatred no less
Listen while I teach
Because it's a game
That must be impeached
By those who'll make the claim
That it’s only free speech

Hatred is subterfuge
Which is implicated
By how it is used
It's easy for us
To become confused
But it's still a tactic
That's often abused
Think of it as a convenient ruse

Cedric McClester (c) Copyright 2015.  All rights reserved.
867 · Jul 2018
Cedric McClester Jul 2018
By: Cedric McClester

Is it fact, or fiction?
Or just his predilection
For causing so much friction
Before his contradiction
How easily he lies
Now, he wouldn’t be surprised
If Russia actually did it
Though it took time to admit it.

We listened and were patient
Despite our aggravation
To his strange explanation
As he addressed a nation
That is used to his pedantics
But weary of his antics
Of blaming mere semantics
Like he is on some Chantix

Of course that’s a joke
I know he doesn’t smoke
Though he drinks lots of Coke
More than the average bloke
And do not ask me why?
We can count on him to lie
While attempting to deny
By way of alibi

In search of a reason
Was it weakness? Was it treason?
That led to his malfeasance
Which one should get credence?
The jury is still out,
But NO COLLUSION! he’ll still shout
Though there is little doubt
As to what it’s all about

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.
862 · Oct 2016
Cedric McClester Oct 2016
By: Cedric McClester

I’ll readily admit
I had to give to get
My life back on track
People that’s a fact
I gave up my old ways
From my thugging days
I found a better way
And so you’ll hear me say

I’m guilty by association
He gave me motivation
To picx myself up off the ground
And turn my life around

Hell was looming large
So I answered the charge
Guilty by association
Now I’m free from degradation
And the company I keep
Is heavenly and deep

I’m guilty by association
He gave me motivation
To picx myself up off the ground
And turn my life around

Arrest me on suspicion
I won’t change my position
I’m guilty by association
That’s my charge and motivation
And I’m ready for my sentence
Cause I’ve given my repentance

I’m guilty by association
He gave me motivation
To picx myself up off the ground
And turn my life around

My ascent was so steep
Cause the company I keep
Isn’t of the human kind
It’s anointed and devine
And I accept the invitation
Guilty by association
And I have no regrets
He’s paid all my debts

I’m guilty by association
He gave me motivation
To picx myself up off the ground
And turn my life around

Arrest me on suspicion
I won’t change my position
I’m guilty by association
That’s my charge and motivation
And I’m ready for my sentence
Cause I’ve given my repentance

I’ll readily admit
I had to give to get
My life is back on track
People that’s a fact
I gave up my old ways
From my thugging days
I  found a better way
And so you’ll hear me say

Arrest me on suspicion
I won’t change my position
I’m guilty by association
That’s my charge and motivation
And I’m ready for my sentence
Cause I’ve given my repentance

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2016.  All rights reserved.
859 · Feb 2016
Cedric McClester Feb 2016
By: Cedric McClester

I’ve been around the bend before
Hung out at the bar to score
I was rotten to the core
But I don’t do that anymore
That was in my past life
Before my kids and wife
Back then you couldn’t tell me
That I was the marrying type

I’ve been a sinner and deceiver
A charlatan now I’m a believer
See I never did conceive her
Comin’ in my life
Never thought she’d be my wife

Given my past and my history
Which was a little blistery
To some I’m still a mystery
And all the girls I’ve kissed ya see
I was rotten to the core
But I don’t do that anymore
That was in my past life
Before my kids and wife

I’ve been a sinner and deceiver
A charlatan now I’m a believer
See I never did conceive her
Comin’ in my life
Never thought she’d be my wife

Lord knows the girl was patient
She waited for my transformation
Though I’d backslide on occasion
She was still my soul’s salvation

It’s amazing that you’d ask
Do I miss my sordid past
Back when I lived too fast
And thought it was a blast
I was rotten to the core
But I don’t do that anymore
That was in my past life
Before my kids and wife

I’ve been a sinner and deceiver
A charlatan now I’m a believer
See I never did conceive her
Comin’ in my life
Never thought she’d be my wife

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c)_2016.  All rights reserved.
855 · Aug 2018
Cedric McClester Aug 2018
By:  Cedric McClester

You’re no Thomas Edison
Kanye take your medicine
That will make you reticent
And hopefully you’ll jettison
Sayin’ slavery was a choice
You’re no modern day Dubois
Why’d you give that notion voice?
You’re just making lots of noise

Black folks got their feelings hurt
Because you made ‘em feel like dirt
Too bad you were not inert
Instead of being so **** curt
Stop saying the first thing in your head
Give some thought to it instead
Then review the things you said
Before you have us seeing red

Why do you pontificate?
Better if you chose to wait
Then to come out and state
Things we’re sure to debate
You’re not adept at history
And that’s no great big mystery
So why do you do this, you see
When the results are blistery

If your thoughts are in a rush
What comes out your mouth is mush
You’d do better just to hush
Than to make black people blush
Though I accept your apology
But you offended more than me
Which may be hard for you to see
Yet contrition is the key

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2018.  All rights reserved.
853 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
BY: Cedric McClester

While the internet entices
Those making sacrifices
For Boco Haram or ISIS
Whose platforms are divisive
Here’s what my advice is
Stop cutting heads in slices
While rolling out the dices
Which makes you not the nicest
Saying it’s all in Islam’s name
When you practice to defame
Every prophet who ever came
You’re only poppin’ game
Cos’ their message was real plain
It’s really not hard to understand
Men can’t do what only God can

There’s only one Khalifah
And his name is ****
He’s the only Khalifah
That I know there is
You can’t build a Khalifate
Solely based on hate
So let me restate
(well here it is)
There’s only one Khalifah
And his name is ****

You have to be mad
Or Michael Jackson bad
To declare world-wide jihad
I find it a tad rad
And it really is quite sad
But you’re making Shaytan glad
He’s got you living at his pad
So never mind Riyadh
Of course Asad’s got your back
Inside of Syria and in Iraq
You’ve made a devil’s pact
I know this for a fact
So as you plan your next attack
What will be your third act
And whose head next you gonna wack

There’s only one Khalifah
And his name is ****
He’s the only Khalifah
That I know there is
You can’t build a Khalifate
Solely based on hate
So let me restate
(well here it is)
There’s only one Khalifah
And his name is ****

Just like Teena said
I’m talking square biz
There’s only one Khalifah
And his name is ****
So you need to tell me now
What the **** gives
With you deciding who dies
Or who the hell lives

Allahu Akbar it’s the final test
As another jihadi with a suicide vest
Blows himself and others up
Like you might have guessed
Hoping for the paradise
That his leaders stressed
His picture will be shrouded
See he never gave it more
Than just a casual look
So he’s hasn’t read the words
Inside his Holy Book
Which explains why he’s a pawn
Instead of a rook
And an internet suggestion was all it took

There’s only one Khalifah
And his name is ****
He’s the only Khalifah
That I know there is
You can’t build a Khalifate
Solely based on hate
So let me restate
(well here it is)
There’s only one Khalifah
And his name is ****

The ******* Taliban
In Peshawar Pakistan
Had the upper hand
And carried out their plan
To ****** like the ****
Although it’s clearly banned
By several ayats in the Qu’ran
They don’t seem to understand
They’re no fans of education
But how do you build a nation
If your sole vocation
Is suicide and assassination
Now the whole world’s losing patience
With the latest allegations
Wondering what’s their motivations

There’s only one Khalifah
And his name is ****
He’s the only Khalifah
That I know there is
You can’t build a Khalifate
Solely based on hate
So let me restate
(well here it is)
There’s only one Khalifah
And his name is ****

They say that Islam is
The religion of peace
Before they blow themselves up
And the madness doesn’t cease
Like someone just released
A heard of savage beasts
And I’m not just talkin’ ‘bout
In the Middle East
Over in Australia a self-made Imam
Showed us just how much
He didn’t give a ****
By taking hostages at gunpoint
Without a demand
After having had
A thirteen hour news span

There’s only one Khalifah
And his name is ****
He’s the only Khalifah
That I know there is
You can’t build a Khalifate
Only based on hate
So let me restate
(well here it is)
There’s only one Khalifah
And his name is ****

While the internet entices
Those making sacrifices
For Boco Haram or ISIS
Whose platforms are divisive
Here’s what my advice is
Stop cutting heads in slices
While rolling out the dices
Which makes you not the nicest
Saying it’s all in Islam’s name
When you practice to defame
Every prophet who ever came
You’re only poppin’ game
Cos’ their message was real plain
It’s really not hard to understand
Men can’t do what only God can

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

What’s happened to the neighborhood
They say it’s gone from bad to good
And if it has then knock on wood
Cos some folks thought it never could
Change the profile that it had
And become the latest fad
But in a sense it’s kinda sad
That now we can’t afford a pad

Remember when the neighborhood
Was where we fled from if we could
We should have stayed right where we stood
Cos now that real-estate is good

It’s as inevitable as it’s strange
The only constant is the change
That witnesses things rearrange
In neighborhoods that ran the range
Of urban ghettos caught up in blight
That once inspired suburban flight
Whether that was wrong or right
Squarely lies in the beholder’s sight

Remember when the neighborhood
Was where we fled from if we could
We should have stayed right where we stood
Cos now that real-estate is good

The politicians must have lied
As the will of the people was defied
And mom and pop stores slowly died
While neighborhoods have gentrified

Remember when the neighborhood
Was where we fled from if we could
We should have stayed right where we stood
Cos now that real-estate is good

They’ve now confirmed our worst fears
Today nobody stops and stares
At those urban pioneers
Who’ve infiltrated everywheres
Now it isn’t based on race
Which in the past was the case
The economics has replaced
Past issues that were at the base

The politicians must have lied
As the will of the people was defied
And mom and pop stores slowly died
While neighborhoods have gentrified

Remember when the neighborhood
Was where we fled from if we could
We should have stayed right where we stood
Cos now that real-estate is good

What’s happened to the neighborhood
They say it’s gone from bad to good
And if it has then knock on wood
Cos some folks thought it never could
Change the profile that it had
And become the latest fad
But in a sense it’s kinda sad
That now we can’t afford a pad

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
Cedric McClester Nov 2015
By: Cedric McClester

“There’s something going on
In the Mosques,
We don’t know about,”
Said Donald Trump
While on the stump
And I respond,
No doubt

There’s something going on
In the Mosques
Houses of worship
Made expressly
For prayer
But anyway, it’s hard to say
For those
Who've never been there

There’s something going on
In the Mosques
Just religious study
But he don't know
Cuz he won't go
Therefore his perception
Is muddy

There’s something going on
In the Mosques
Like any other
Religious institution
You’ll find people
Praying on
Their knees
Seeking absolution

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015.  All rights reserved.
827 · Apr 2017
Cedric McClester Apr 2017
By: Cedric McClester

Avarice and greed
Has nothing to do with need
So it’s to deaf ears we plead
Cos they ain’t paying heed
To them from what I see
Everything’s a commodity
To be bought or sold
It clearly is that cold

Avarice and greed
Just wants to succeed
They’re blind to other’s need
So it’s alright to bleed
Common folk bone dry
And this situation repeats
In actions and in tweets
And don’t dare ask ‘em why
Now did I tell a lie?

Avarice and greed
Are holders of the deed
They’re of a common breed
And few things will impede
Them from getting what they wanted
Cos they remain undaunted
And the things that they have vaunted
Never leaves them haunted

Avarice and greed
Or the two-percentage creed
Doesn’t recognize misdeed
Before choosing to proceed
Where angels fear to tread
They go right on in instead
Despite the things I’ve said
And we see where that has led

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2017.  All rights reserved.
820 · Oct 2018
Cedric McClester Oct 2018
BY: Cedric McClester

I guess we can round up
The usual suspects
Elderly white men
Aren’t that complex
When it comes to muscles
That they’re trying to flex
After all they’re ones
Who write the checks

Now they even control
The Supreme Court
Because certain people
Sold them very short
The lesson learned
Is the one that was taught
You can sexually abuse women
If you don’t get caught

Now they’re cans are clinking
As they toast their beers
Celebrating their victory
And sending good cheers
To the country at large
Because there he is
Judging among judges
Or so it appears

Before the Mid-Terms
They’ve got it going on
But what if they find out
That they got it wrong?
As they continue to
Just sing their sordid song
Party before people
As we knew all along

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2018.  All rights reserved.
818 · Jul 2018
Cedric McClester Jul 2018
By: Cedric McClester

It’s never easy
Losing a friend
I shouldn’t be crying
But I can’t pretend
That it doesn’t hurt
Especially when
I’ll never be able
To see you again

It’s never easy
Having to grieve
I never thought about
You having to leave
All of us do
Trust and believe
And although it is true
It’s hard to conceive

But this ain’t a tale
Of woe is me
Not as long as I have
Such fond memories
Which can take me back
To our used to bes
And I’ll smile at the thought
Of those sweet memories

It’s never easy
But be that as it may
A sad fact of life
Is we all go away
And so we must treasure
Each given day
As if it’s our last
Because who's to say

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2018.  All rights reserved.
817 · Apr 2017
Cedric McClester Apr 2017
By: Cedric McClester

Fox News has finally
Filed for divorce
From Bill O’Rielly
For being coarse
They say that they
Can no longer endorse
That kind of behavior
In their workforce

Sponsors have left Fox
By the droves
As that old adage
Commonly goes
Guilt by association
I suppose
In a place where
The emperor wears no clothes

Some say the divorce
Is quite overdue
When Roger Ailes left
O’ Rielly should have too
None of the allegations
Were from out the blue
Human Resources
Must have also knew

And so a sad chapter
Finally closes
At Fox news
And what I suppose is
They’ve been forced
To take care of their biz
Before they’re reduced
To nothing but fizz

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2017.  All rights reserved.
Cedric McClester Oct 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Yesterday, today
And tomorrow
Through finger pointing
Recriminations and sorrow
There’s little else
On which to borrow
Other than pretending
At trying to be thorough

Just who do they
Think they fool
By invoking
Congressional rule
Using oversight
As a weapon or tool
While grandstanding
And being cruel

After eleven hours
Of having been grilled
Their objectives
Still haven’t been filled
No blood on the floor
Has been spilled
‘Cos the witness
Just answered and chilled

Clearly she’s much wiser
And older
She brushed their accusations
Right off of her shoulder
As their questions
Got hotter not colder
She dug her heels in
Like a soldier

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015.  All rights reserved.
812 · Nov 2016
Cedric McClester Nov 2016
By: Cedric McClester

He appeared on 60 Minutes
But did they get it right
When he said the demonstrators
Had no reason to have fright
When asked about his tweeting
In the middle of the night
He said he would more or less
Be a presence on that sight

He appeared on 60 Minutes
With his hair in perfect place
Answering their questions
While trying to make a case
For deporting immigrants
By the millions he would chase
To the deportation centers
That had sufficient space

He appeared on 60 Minutes
And was asked Roe vs Wade
Which he said was already law
Women need not be afraid
But he’d appoint Supreme Court Judges
Who would throw some shade
On that abortion law
That then the states would have to save

He appeard on 60 Minutes
With his wife and family in tow
To inform their TV viewers
How far they all would go
To support their patriarch
Charged with running the show
They would have no formal role
Which the people had to know

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2016.  All rights reserved.
811 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

It wasn’t made up no it was real
Can’t you see ‘em can’t you feel
The ghosts of those whose last meal
Was fed at Auschwitz no appeal
Death by labor or by disease
Or the gassed air that they breathed
While the whole world was deceived
By what they could not believe

I hear the echoes of the dead
From Auschwitz where people fed
Gas ovens whose secrets are said
To dot the path of human dread

The air was musty the train car cramped
That took ‘em to the concentration camp
Before the process was revamped
They were crudely housed tattooed or stamped
And they were sent there both night and day
One million plus from what they say
Human lives wete thrown away
While we all looked the other way

God made us all in any case
There’s no such thing as a master race
That kind of thinking is out of place
And must be discouraged when it’s in our face

I hear the echoes of the dead
From Auschwitz where people fed
Gas ovens whose secrets are said
To dot the path of human dread

Their liberators could not believe
The level of the suffering that they relieved
To them it was diabolically conceived
By a people who were evil or naïve
How could a human being do to another
The kinds of things that they discovered
Then think that it wouldn’t be uncovered
Ot that the evidence could be smothered

God made us all in any case
There’s no such thing as a master race
That kind of thinking is out of place
And must be discouraged when it’s in our face

I hear the echoes of the dead
From Auschwitz where people fed
Gas ovens whose secrets are said
To dot the path of human dread

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
808 · Apr 2017
Cedric McClester Apr 2017
By: Cedric McClester

I believe and know
That Trump has got to go
But while that may make sense
We’ll just be stuck with Pence
And it’s become crystal clear
That he hasn’t a rabbit’s *** idea
About what the Americans people need
And it’s not more avarice and greed

I believe and know
That Obamacare shouldn’t go
It needs to be repaired
Instead they have us scared
That we’ll lose needed services
Because they’re true conservatives
And be that as it may
They’re gonna rue that day

I believe and know
That the Russians meddled - so
It’s fake news they might insists
But we have to get to the bottom of this
And no matter who’s at fault
Trump’s people or Bannon’s Alt
Wherever guilty parties are found
We have to bring them down

I believe and know
That you can’t clean the swamp, then go
And pick a bunch of billionaires
Which only shows nobody cares
They haven’t had a hungry day
And while I’m at it let me say
It’s impossible for them to identify
And that’s the truth no lie

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2017.  All rights reserved.
801 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

I firmly do believe
That all children conceived
No matter what the process
Or related cost is
Are children nonetheless
And it’s dubious at best
To label them synthetic
In fact it’s quite pathetic

If you’re ever gonna
It’s enough to make you wanna
Dolce your Gabbanna
Or shrink ‘em in a saunna

Why take a position
That the family composition
Must be one way or the other
‘Cos a dad can’t be a mother
If a child is reared with love
And receives the guidance of
Two people who are wedded
Or perhaps they’re just embedded

If you’re ever gonna
It’s enough to make you wanna
Dolce your Gabbanna
Or shrink ‘em in a saunna

This thing goes far beyond
Even Elton John
‘Cos every baby born
Ain’t a Capricorn

Why cast aspersions
Or write a letter to the Persians
Because you disagree
You don’t have hegemony
So now you’re in a rut
Because you’ve shown your ****
And it’s a sordid fact
That you cannot take back

This thing goes far beyond
Even Elton John
‘Cos every baby born
Ain’t a Capricorn

If you’re ever gonna
It’s enough to make you wanna
Dolce your Gabbanna
Or shrink ‘em in a saunna

(c) Copyright, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
Cedric McClester Oct 2015
By: Cedric McClester

The men and women
Who wear blue
Risk their lives
For me and you
With some exceptions
But here’s what’s true
Most do the job
They were hired to do

So if one goes down
In the line of duty
At the hands of some ****
Who shoots ‘em cruely
I can’t help but morn
I mean that truly
And I pray for their soul
So go ahead and sue me

The men and women
Who risk their lives
To serve and protect
That some despise
Deserve our respect
We should realize
What a tragedy it is
When one of ‘em dies

So for those who have
I say rest in peace
Cos one day I know
The violence will cease
Unfortunately now
It appears to increase
So I pray for those
We call the police

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015.  All rights reserved
790 · Jan 2016
Cedric McClester Jan 2016
By:: Cedric McClester

Woe to the sons and daughters
Of Flint Michigan
Who under the Governor’s orders
Were forced to drink
The unclean waters
From their local lake
Which was lead contaminated
For heaven’s sake

Woe to a governor who ignored
The overwhelming evidence
Which he could ill afford
But he did anyway
So rest assured
It will come back
To haunt him
Now he’s under attack

Woe to those who bathed and drank
From the polluted waters
Dark and dank
So the Governor could save money
To put in the bank
And now they have him
To point to and blame
Because the children will never be the same

Woe to the future that is uncertain
For the young and the old
Who are under the curtain
Of the after affects
Confused and hurting
From what they ingested
Water that should have been tested
That ultimately proved to be infested

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2016.  All rights reserved.
790 · Oct 2018
Cedric McClester Oct 2018
By: Cedric McClester

You’re esoteric
And profound
Is it your melody
Or your sound,
That always has me
Coming around?
Rest assured
That I’m down

You’re so hard
To understand
See you perplex
The average man
I think you do it
Because you can
And I’ll forever
Be your fan

The payoff’s always
Worth the wait
I don’t know,
Can you relate?
How you keep me
In a state
Of anticipation
That you always satiate

I think about
The things we do
I enjoy
Making love to you
And I’m convinced
That you do too
While lying there
After we’re through

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2018.  All rights reserved.
786 · Feb 2016
Cedric McClester Feb 2016
By: Cedric McClester

He was an Uber driver
From Kalamazoo
Who went on a rampage
But who knew
It was something
That an Uber driver would do
Even one who apparently
Was missing a *****

He dropped off a group
In record time
Which conveniently left him
Next door to the crime
Where sadly he was about to
Lose his mind
As police investigators
Were forced to find

Six in total
Were about to die
And no one’s figured out
The reason why
He would shoot perfect strangers
Bye and bye
But he certainly did
And that’s no lie

Now the crazed driver
Is in custody
Why did he do it
I don’t know (search me)
It was so inexplicable
That it’s hard to see
His rational or reasoning
Which would be key

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2016.  All rights reserved.
785 · Mar 2016
Cedric McClester Mar 2016
By: Cedric McClester

If it quacks
Like a duck
Acts like a duck
Why get stuck
It’s a duck
What the ****

Here’s what
The case is
Of course he’s a racist
He’s covered all bases
When it comes
To other faces

He spews hate
That he reitterates
At rallies
And debates
Where he anticipates
The reactions
That he rates

Chances are
None to slim
That we would ever
Vote for him
He’s a prisoner
Of his own whims

If it quacks
Like a duck
Acts like a duck
Why get stuck
It’s a duck
What the ****

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016.   All rights reserved.
776 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Our brief affair
Became a long-term romance
When me and *******
Decided to dance
I thought we were a perfect fit
I was in love and feelin’ it

Most of the time that she was with me
It was pure pleasure and ecstasy
But the truth also can’t be denied
Cos I got to see her other side

Others were smitten by her charms
They fell in love
While trapped in her arms
And it became harder
For them to break free
Cos they got caught up
Very much like me

Most of the time that she was with me
It was pure pleasure and ecstasy
But the truth also can’t be denied
Cos I got to see her other side

She used to give me such a big charge
Until I found out
It was just a mirage
That I came to hate
All that I used to anticipate

I saw the handwriting on the wall
Sayin’ I was about to take a big fall
So I had to get off of the ride
While I had the presence of mind
To decide

Our brief affair
Became a long-term romance
When me and ******* decided to dance
I thought we were a perfect fit
I was in love and feelin’ it

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester,  All rights reserved.
772 · Nov 2015
Cedric McClester Nov 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Why do widows and orphans
Cause us such fear
Who are running for their lives
And just seek a share
Of the American dream
That brought most of us here
How quickly we forget
Now we don’t seem to care

These are people between
A rock and a hard place
Who every single day
Stare death in its face
We can’t claim to be the best
With quite as much bass
As we could in the past
And in any case

Please don’t tell me because
They are Syrian
That makes ‘em
Twice as scary and
We can’t say we’re who
We try to pretend
That myth or that fantasy
Has come to an end

We’re faced with a battle
For the American soul
Once open and warm
Now we’ve turned so cold
That the American fable
Has now gotten old
Today we're  just punks
Who used to be bold

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2915.  All rights reserved.
769 · Nov 2016
Cedric McClester Nov 2016
By: Cedric McClester

Though it may not appear
That you are what they fear
And it may not seem
Like it’s low self-esteem
Look a little closer
And you’ll often find
That’s what’s behind
A hate-filled mind

They try to act superior
While feelin’ quite inferior
Ya don’t havta state it if it’s a fact
They’re only projecting what they feel they lack
Look a little closer
And you’ll often find
That’s what’s behind
A hate-filled mind

They’re just frightened people
That’s all that they are
Yet that doesn’t stop ‘em
From baring the scar
Of their hate-filled actions
Fueled by their bigotry
Although frightened people
Is what they well may be

Hateful actions and the rhetoric
Of a minor few who are clearly sick
Permeates the atmosphere
You can find it everywhere
But look a little closer
And you’ll often find
That’s what’s behind
A hate-filled mind

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016.  All rights reserved.
768 · Mar 2016
Cedric McClester Mar 2016
By: Cedric McClester

Mama Handkerchief Head
Has said what she said
And somewhere I read
About her career being dead
She’s like urban blight
So that serves her right
But she’s not uptight
To our enemy’s delight

Mama Handkershief Head
Makes us see red
Once she gets out of bed
She just forges ahead
With her diatribe
All that hand bone jive
Trying hard to survive
But she hasn’t arrived

Mama Handkerchief Head
Is obviously fed
The things that she’s said
Like Black History’s dead
Or according to she
If it’s not it should be
But we see what we see
Anything for a fee

Mama Handkerchief Head
Is like a bladeless sled
Or a balloon full of lead
Going full steam ahead
Don’t take this as a slam
But she don’t give a ****
She’s  a Fox News country ham

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2016.  All rights reserved.
762 · Apr 2016
Cedric McClester Apr 2016
By: Cedric McClester

Black lives matter,
Though black blood is cheap?
Listen to the mothers
Who know so weep
From the activist community
There’s hardly a peep
Maybe it’s because
They’re fast asleep

Black lives matter?
Why does it seem to stop
When a black is killed
But it’s not a cop
And the relatives
Are forced to go out and shop
For the casket and clothes
That provide a backdrop

Black lives matter,
But in what sense?
When it’s black on black crime
It gets lost in the rinse
And the reaction of activists
Is never as intense
Hence it keeps happening
At our expense

Black lives matter?
Or so they say
And they always want the officer
To have to pay
We can understand that sentiment
When it comes into play
But what about the things we see
Every single day?

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016.  All rights reserved.
758 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

You call ‘em *******,
Sissys, homos
Like it’s the thing to do
But what has any of that
Got to do with you
Why do you feel threatened
By their lifestyle
And what gives you the right
To attack ‘em anyhow

You call ‘em *******
Though it’s derogatory
Now you got me wonderin
What the hell’s your story

You see a gay guy
And you get so upset
Whether or not
He's approached you yet
Now here’s the question
That you ought to ask yourself
What’s inside your closet
Hidden on the shelf

You call ‘em *******
Though it’s derogatory
Now you got me wonderin
What the hell’s your story

See I’m not advocatin'
Either pro or con
But I believe
Discrimination truly is dead wrong
No one should be attacked
Because of who they are
That’s takin one’s hatred
A giant step too far

You call ‘em *******
Though it’s derogatory
Now you got me wonderin
What the hell’s your story

Live and let live
Is my philosophy
All I ask of anyone
Is to let me be
In return I’ll treat ‘em
With utmost respect
Never mind emotion
I’ll use intellect

You call ‘em *******
Though it’s derogatory
Now you got me wonderin
What the hell’s your story

See I’m not advocatin'
Either pro or con
But I believe
Discrimination truly is dead wrong
No one should be attacked
Because of who they are
That’s takin one’s hatred
A step too far

You call ‘em *******
Though it’s derogatory
Now you got me wonderin
What the hell’s your story

(c) Copyright, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
756 · Nov 2017
Cedric McClester Nov 2017
By: Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2017

Am I dating myself
With these words out my mouth?
See, I remember a time
When we flashed the peace sign
And called one another
Sister and brother
Seems we’ve gone sour
On acquiring black power
And black on black crime
Is the new paradigm
When we look in the mirror
It becomes much more clearer
That we hate what we see
Although that shouldn’t be
Remember freedom marches
Before the golden arches

Then ****** entered in
And we start popin’ our skin
Before we shot it straight into our veins
Which probably explains
Why we regressed
Long before the present opioid mess
It was ****** first,
But then it got worst
So let me take you back
To the era of crack
When a nickel or dime
Could trigger a crime
And what really hurt you
Is the women who lost their virtue
But I’m not absolving the men
Who’d engage in all kinds of sin

I remember gangster rap
And how that set the trap
Which brought the stress and strife
From tryna live that gangster life
Then the East Coast West Coast war
That didn’t exist before
Remember when Biggie and Tupac were friends?
Instead of how their story ends
They’ire a classic group today
But I remember when NWA
Used to pull out all stops
When they sang **** the cops
And chronicled their lives
Called their girlfriends and their wives
All kinds of ******* and ******
Then would dance down on all fours

Now let me bring you up to date
Would it be wrong for me to state?
When it was our problem alone
It was the prisons we were shown
There was little sympathy don’t cha see
When it  was just you and me
Who said they had a problem
There were few out there to solve ‘em
But opioids are everywhere
And it’s a disease now, so I hear
That crosses all socio-economic lines
Now there are many telltale signs
It’s now called an opioid disorder
Past the inner city border
And the word is harm reduction
Instead of out and out destruction

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2017.  All rights reserved.
750 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Before the sweat is dry
Off of our brow
We need to earn a living wage
We need to earn one now
We’ve got families to feed
So can you tell me how
We’re supposed to do that
On what you’re paying us now

Before the sweat is dry
Off of our brow
We need to earn a living wage
We need to earn one now

Is there no limit
To your corporate greed
If you’re gonna profit
While the rest of us bleed
Maybe capitalism
Isn’t what we really need
If the deck is stacked against us
How can we succeed

Before the sweat is dry
Off of our brow
We need to earn a living wage
We need to earn one now

Trickle down economics
Never worked
The rich just get richer
While the poor get ******
We’re tired of kissing your ***
And being twirked
Now it’s high time
That we got perked

Before the sweat is dry
Off of our brow
We need to earn a living wage
We need to earn one now

The money we earn
Is money well spent
We’re not the ones holding on
To every single cent
Wanna grow the economy
Well Congress here’s a hint
Pay us a living wage
If that your true intent

Before the sweat is dry
Off of our brow
We need to earn a living wage
We need to earn one now

Before the sweat is dry
Off of our brow
We need to earn a living wage
We need to earn one now
We’ve got families to feed
So can you tell me how
We’re supposed to do that
On what you’re paying us now

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
Cedric McClester Oct 2018
By: Cedric McClester

The lowest
Common denominator
For Donald Trump
Who’s an agitator
Doesn’t require
A calculator
To reveal him as
A woman hater

Now he’s attacked
Doctor Ford
Which has us all sayin,’
“Oh my Lord!”
How could he be
So untoward?
Maybe it’s just
That he’s bored

He thinks that
It’s all so unfair
What a man
Can’t do on a dare
To an unsuspecting
Lady fair
It’s a travesty
He does declare

What kind of country
Are we living in
Where a President
Can begin
To mock the real
Of a victim
Of uncaring men

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2018.  All rights reserved.
748 · Oct 2016
Cedric McClester Oct 2016
By: Cedric McClester

He calls himself a man
Yet he can’t understand
Why the baby won’t stop crying
In the crib in which he’s lying
He agreed to baby sit
Not to take this **** (But now he’s catching it)

Rock-a-bye baby
But he wouldn’t stop
Now it’s a plea deal
That he hopes to cop
And the baby’s momma
Is out of her head
Rock-a-bye baby
Her baby is dead

He picked the kid up
To rock him at first
But the crying continued
And in fact it got worst
Then he shook him
In an aggravated state
And by the time he stopped
It was a little bit too late

Rock-a-bye baby
But he wouldn’t stop
Now it’s a plea deal
That he hopes to cop
And the baby’s momma
Is out of her head
Rock-a-bye baby
Her baby is dead

She tosses the details
Around in her head
Cause she can’t believe
Her baby is dead
And it doesn’t matter
Who is to blame
Her baby is dead
And she won’t be the same

Rock-a-bye baby
But he wouldn’t stop
Now it’s a plea deal
That he hopes to cop
And the baby’s momma
Is out of her head
Rock-a-bye baby
Her baby is dead

What we do to children
Is often so cruel
Because the exception’s
Becoming the rule
But infants are helpless
So **** the excuse
Because whatever you say
It’s still child abuse

Rock-a-bye baby
But he wouldn’t stop
Now it’s a plea deal
That he hopes to cop
And the baby’s momma
Is out of her head
Rock-a-bye baby
Her baby is dead

She tosses the details
Around in her head
Cause she can’t believe
Her baby is dead
And it doesn’t matter
Who is to blame
Her baby is dead
And she won’t be the same

What we do to children
Is often so cruel
Because the exception’s
Becoming the rule
But infants are helpless
So **** the excuse
Because whatever you say
It’s still child abuse

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2016.  All rights reserved.
748 · Aug 2018
Cedric McClester Aug 2018
By: Cedric McClester

What can I say?
That hasn’t been said
About the Queen of Soul
Now that she's dead
Her music lives on
Inside my head
Along with the memories
That her songs have fed

R- E- S- P- E- C- T
The Queen of Soul
Will always be
Aretha Franklin
Don’t cha see
She’s the only one
With the authority
To be the Queen in her sorority

There’ll be tears
Of sadness
And smiles of joy
That those who morn her
Will employ
She was one of kind
The real McCoy
With a living legacy no one can destroy

Let’s each thank God
For the gift
Of Aretha Franklin
The legend the myth
And the good memories
That she left us with
May her journey to heaven
Be restful and swift

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2018.  All rights reserved.
740 · Jan 2016
Cedric McClester Jan 2016
By: Cedric McClester

Dr. King, Dr. King,
Because of you we sing,
And celebrate your special day,
In a special way

Dr. King, Dr. King
We recognize your dream,
And what you tried to do
That's why it's only fitting,
That today we honor you

Dr. King, Dr. King,
Because of you we sing,
And celebrate your special day,
In a special way

Dr. King, Dr. King
You made it to the mountain top,
And saw the promised land,
You said you might not get there with us,
But our freedom was at hand

Dr. King, Dr. King,
Because of you we sing,
And celebrate your special day,
In a special way

And things are so much better now
Than they were back then
But we still have a way to go,
Before we reach the end

Dr. King, Dr. King,
Because of you we sing,
And celebrate your special day,
In a special way

From Selma to Montgomery
And places in between
Your civil rights summary
Is anything but lean
What would we have done
If you weren’t on the scene

Dr. King, Dr. King,
Because of you we sing,
And celebrate your special day,
In a special way

Dr. King, Dr. King
We recognize your dream,
And what you tried to do
That's why it's only fitting,
That today we honor you

740 · Nov 2015
Cedric McClester Nov 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Planes don’t just fall from the sky
There’s always a reason why
Mechanical failure might apply
Or sabotage they will deny
But the truth will soon emerge
The very thing they want to purge
Sabotage is bad for business
And we know that they do get this

For Russians it‘s hard to take
Coming home from Sharm el-Sheikh
That a bomb ISIS did make
Could cause them that much heartache
But no matter what you say
They’re gonna make somebody pay
Cuz it can’t go down that way
So rest assured they will convey

Strong outrage and dissatisfaction
Against the ones who took that action
And their ire’s gaining traction
Soon we’ll all see their reaction
A lot of blood is gonna spill
Now that they will wanna ****
Those who wished them such ill will
So for ISIS it’s all down hill

ISIS had better eat their spinach
Cuz by the time the Russians finish
They will clearly be diminished
Beaten at the line of scrimmage
One shouldn’t target a non-combatant
But that’s clearly is what happened
And it fits their usual pattern
So look for ISIS to be flatterned

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015.  All rights reserved.
738 · Apr 2015
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Judging by the way you’re living
You may need a new religion
You’re always taking never giving
I think you need a new religion

Ignorance tends to be blind
Some people have to have a sign
Before they have a change of mind
Take the advice that I’m giving
I think you need a new religion

I think you need a new religion
It ain’t all about just you
I think you need a new religion
And I think you know it too

Take a look within your soul
Each new day is one day old
Acquiesce before you’re cold
And if I may be so bold
I think you need a new religion

You’re not deserving of the glory
You should take some inventory
Get defensive and you’ll bore me
This is why I emplore thee
I think you need a new religion

I think you need a new religion
It ain’t all about just you
I think you need a new religion
And I think you know it too

Take a look within your soul
Each new day is one day old
Acquiesce before you’re cold
And if I may be so bold
I think you need a new religion

Judging by the way you’re living
You may need a new religion
You’re always taking never giving
I think you need a new religion

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
734 · Feb 2016
The Hungry Or Bereft
Cedric McClester Feb 2016
By: Cedric McClester

For the hungry or bereft
Who are taking their last breath
Cuz there’s few options left
It’s either innovation or death
You can’t depend on no one else
To reinvent yourself
If you find you’re not compelled
Then success will be withheld

Are you listening to me
It’s all about your artistry
Which determines what will be
Just be patient and you’ll see
Innovation’s recognized
By the ears and by the eyes
It takes that to realize
What you may not have surmised

Now it’s clear you have achieved
What your mind and heart believed
Something no one could conceive
Cuz they thought you were naïve
But you pushed on anyway
Now you’re lauded today
You didn’t care what people say
Your persistence is on display

If you’re hungry enough
Then you’ll hang on in there tough
Even when the going’s rough
Cuz you’re made of stronger stuff
And the world will redefine
The power that’s your mind
You had a blueprint and design
Now your work has been enshrined

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016.  All rights reserved.
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