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Catherine Jun 2013
when your eyes are rich in dryness
and the weight of your arms
overpowers your muscles
so you just lay there
looking lifeless

i'm so tired and i can barely hold up my ipod to type
Catherine Jun 2013
please don't mention his name
   I'm unable to control my emotions
      you can say I'm an
         emotional wreck
           because my tears can't stop
             the redness in my eyes won't
              he makes me sad and happy
            though he doesn't acknowledge
        my existence
    so please do me a favour
please don't mention his name

Catherine Jun 2013
Pedalling through the park
I pass dog owners,
maybe two or three

Arriving on the main road
with frequent passing cars
the wind gushing through my hair
entering the unsealed areas
of my clothing
and spreading around my skin
sending a cold breeze

Conversations flow from my Dad
As I answer in agreement
I loved how there was no one around
I can be cautious about
Oh how I sometimes wish
It was as simple as a morning cycle

Catherine Jun 2013
real* voices are the ones
who make your skin static
with goose-pimples
the ones that send an electric current
down your spine
the ones who makes the
pair of your eyes prickle
with tears of sense and feeling

Catherine Jun 2013
and as they arrive
I shake their hands
greet them
and they make their way to sit down

I wish I can learn to make conversation
as I feel like a coward
running away and sitting
on the top of the stairs
unable to do anything

Catherine Jun 2013
we say sorry too much
and don't even mean it

My first try at 10 word poems, I don't know if it went well
Catherine Jun 2013
I'm sorry I'm not as outgoing
I'm sorry I don't like to
go outside everyday
I'm sorry I don't agree to plans
I'm sorry I don't socialise a lot
I'm sorry I'm self-conscious
I'm sorry I prefer to stay at home
I'm sorry I feel unsafe
I'm sorry people intimidate me
I'm sorry I think people are suspicious
I'm sorry if I am too selfish to accept the fact that we've moved

The list will go on but who has time?

I'm sorry
    I'm sorry
          I'm sorry I changed

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