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Catherine Jun 2013
The faint vapour going up
with no destination
followed by the exotic smell,
may I say
then it clues a touch of sweetness

As you tilt the cup
it gulps down through your throat
like a gentle waterfall

As it ends its journey
you catch a warm feeling
in your chest
then a small perk of a smile
grows on your face

How wonderful

I love tea ok
Catherine Jun 2013
and so the day ends
but it'll begin as we know it
and so my eyes begin to dry
but I don't let them seal together
and so I will slip away
from realism
but i do hope you won't

Catherine Jun 2013
I don't understand why
you would do this
maybe I myself am not you
therefore it's difficult
to figure out
the maze that are your thoughts

Catherine Jun 2013
the chirping of colourful birds
i hear in the morning
are the simple serenities i miss

to pick the fruits from
the mango tree
collecting 42 in cardboard boxes

the green landscape that
welcomed me at 6:00AM
laying in the hut and breathing fresh air
as rice fields surround me

how i would wash my wandering feet
in the cold rushing stream
then collect my bicycle and return

was i yet to discover
i was leaving this place in
6 months

Catherine Jun 2013
pacing moderately down the road
avoiding any contact
maybe it's just me who
constantly worries
or maybe it's their suspicious act

i do not like these people
i don't like how they think
i do not wish to stay forever
i wish i wouldn't overthink

Catherine Jun 2013
if only i had the courage
i would speak up to those
jibbering mouthes they own

if only i had the courage
let me be free and happy
avoiding negative thoughts
on my surrounding

if only i had the courage
would i carelessly not worry
about who or how
or why or what

Catherine Jun 2013
you are the sun
and i am dust from a distant

i want to chase you but
each time i get closer
you travel away from me

making it impossible to
hold you in my


— The End —