When your inside a box, you cant move
When you cant move, its because theres no holes
When the box has no holes, it will make it harder to breathe
When the water is dumped in the box, you panic
When you panic, its because your trapped
When your trapped, its because you cannot breathe
When you cannot breathe, its because your slowly drowning
The water keeps pouring inside the box that has you closed deep inside
You cannot breathe until the water is released
It keeps filling and your so deep inside
Deep inside a tiny room with no room to breathe
To struggle means screaming in silence
To scream silently means running with the fears that has you trapped
Closed inside with the nightmares
And your drowning with all the fears on top
They're alive while your dying
They laugh while your cry
They breathe while you lose all your air
You try to pull everyones oxygen to help your own breath
Lungs are weak
Nothing more to do then wait
Wait to see what you can conquer
And wait to see the next day
The lid wont come off
The box is too strong to receive holes
The box is overflowing
And its the mind thats does the drowning