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Beware the storm her wrath is coming,
Purging us with her Biblical rain,
Drowning our screams with thunderous drumming,
Mother Nature's dealing the pain,
Bringing the swirling winds of change,
That rip and tear this small town apart,
Consuming all within its range,
Destructive from the very start,
While terror fills my heavy heart.

The storm has arrived it's finally here,
The streets contain not one sign of life,
A town full of bodies hidden in fear,
Attention we slice with the blade of the knife,
A lightning bolt pierces and cracks through the air,
For a moment the heavens are tumbling down,
The boom of the thunder lays our shame bare,
And seals our embarrassment and that of the town,
When storm and her chaos have completed their fun,
We re-enter the world and embrace the great sun.
Bird wings, sing
song's sweet play,
gone - the rains washing
Hawk glides the sky stalking
talons piercing prey
dark the skies
they fall away
two birds
one dying
I asked my inner writer,
Is your prose poetic?
Or your poetry prosaic?
And my inner writer asked me,
Are you traditional with modern values?
Or are you modern with traditional values?
Are you an introvert who loves to express?
Or an extravert who loves silences?
Are you an optimist who sees the clouds?
Or a pessimist who sees rainbows?
Are you thoughtful with some light-hearted ways?
Or humourous with some sober ways?
And on and on and on and on
And on and on it went.
I'll never ask my inner writer
About writing
-Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
The original poem :
dead crow, beak pointing west
maggot **** and the wind at my back
I break a promise and repair the past
I've lost time instead of soul; false control

breath another lung, be another son
say the things you wanted, be part of everyone

dark wisdom wrapped in hirsute puns
blanket truths and a wicked sense
I'll break a heart and save the future
I may have made a mistake; tough break

wink another eye, be the next to die
say the things you wanted, be the first to try

shallow brook flowing through a glen
littered with little animal skulls and leaves
I broke determination with good
I won't undo the clouds, Ma...and Pa

snap another trick, don't get lost or sick
say the things you wanted, let go of the brick
Drunk as drunk on turpentine
From your open kisses,
Your wet body wedged
Between my wet body and the strake
Of our boat that is made of flowers,
Feasted, we guide it - our fingers
Like tallows adorned with yellow metal -
Over the sky's hot rim,
The day's last breath in our sails.

Pinned by the sun between solstice
And equinox, drowsy and tangled together
We drifted for months and woke
With the bitter taste of land on our lips,
Eyelids all sticky, and we longed for lime
And the sound of a rope
Lowering a bucket down its well. Then,
We came by night to the Fortunate Isles,
And lay like fish
Under the net of our kisses.
And I bow down to him,
In excitment and grace.
Smiling, loveing,
Praising His name.
The One that I can thank for it all,
The One that proves,
He'll catch me if I fall.
The closer I get,
The bigger the smile.
I have never felt like this.
Forevers been a while.
This is what I've always been looking for,
He quitely waited for me to choose the right door.
He'll be with me Forever.
Give me eternal life.
No one understands
Hell is as cold as ice.
Find Him now.
He's patiently waiting.
Do it now,
There's no need for debating.
He will show you the love you've forever searched for.
Wrap his arms around you,
You'll need nothing more!

Foever doesn't mean
Love of life.
It wasnt invinted
For husband and wife.
I now know
He is the something Ive always searched for
The statement is true
One that closes opens the next door!! :-) Have a Blessed Day!!!
So dark is this path
Hands out, I stumble on it
Reaching for the moon
Step over step, a skip and a stoop
You watch while I laugh
and I sing while you dance
We pretend we're all we have

The woods around are echoing sounds
The town is close and the railroad ties
They bake in the sun, old familiar smells
Of oil and wood and bright, clear skies

I miss the comfort
I miss the house
I miss where we were
I miss our bouts

Let's put a penny on the track
Pretend that train is rushing back
Let's put a chance card in the bag
and pull out one where it's our turn

A bittersweet ending
It's almost what you wanted
You think you know what's best for me
I guess you're just too honest

Because if there was such a thing
Treasure it and keep it bound
like an old diamond ring
You'll pass the goodness down

I miss the comfort
I miss the house
I know where we are
And I still miss our bouts

Let's put a penny on the track
Pretend that train is rushing back
Let's put a chance card in the bag
and pull out one where it's our turn

Crown your hair with daisies
They may wilt but I will not
I can wait for answers
Patience learned but never taught

Kick the ruts in the path
We can tap our heels together
I'll be waiting on the tracks
No regrets here whatsoever

I miss your comfort
I miss the house
I know where you are
and what we're all about
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