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Say something about me, now that I'm no longer around
Say she was no good
Say she was the best
Say she was never to be messed with
But remember to say I fought

Say I did no good
Say I never hurt a soul
Say I flew for others
Say I never cried by myself
But remember to say I fought

Say whenever whatever
Say "her pride and ego"
Say what I believed
Say "all the lies and truth"
But remember to say I fought

Say I never kept my word
Say I was loyal to the core
Say my corpse may rot in hell
Say I healed your heart
But remember to say I fought

Say prayers and curses
Sing lovely hymns and songs
Say you hate me, say you love me
But to remember to say I fought

Show them my wounds and trophies
Show them my life wrought with disdain
Show them my laughter and tears
Show them how I fought through it all

Say whenever whatever
Say "her pride her ego"
Say what I believed
Say "all the lies and truth"
But remember to say I fought

Say what others don't say
Say what others won't say
Say what others didn't know
Say what others wouldn't know

But say along with the others

"She was a fighter"
Dawn                      comes                  with            ­   a             mesmerizing         drizzle
Comes                     slowly               tiptoeing         fresh               and                   alive
With                        tiptoeing            lovely    ­         mist-           nostalgic                fire -
A                               fresh               mist-             awakening       deeper               desire
Mesmerizing               and                nostalgic          deeper            my       ­            love
Drizzle                        alive,               fire-                 desire            love               satisfied!

-Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
 Sep 2012 Cat Otherwise
i always knew
there was more beneath,
but you hid behind
your mask, indifferent,
laughing sarcastically.
but in the car that night,
your facade slipped.

you were quite drunk,
but so honest i almost
did not know how to react;
you revealed to me a
part of yourself,
that dark, terrified part of
you, and you held it in
shivering hands, extended
over the emergency brake
like an olive branch.

it was this night i first
realized you are much
smarter than you let on,
and that this man you
pretend to be is a disguise.
if you never open yourself
again, you will never be hurt
again; but you will never know
true friendship, true love,

so i took this part of you
and i locked it away in
my soul, and there it will
forever remain.
our secret,
our understanding.
'                                                                ­           mouse caught stealing gorp
                                                            ­                                         flies from bag to fire ring--
                                                          ­                                           deeper sleep

it was an accident, i love rodents, 'gorp' is trail-mix
i am grateful for our silences                                
thankful- that we can just sit together
comfortable with not talking, no pressure-
no need to think
of intelligent things to say
we can just sit back
and watch the sunlight play
hide and seek with the waves

its nice
how you can listen to my mindvoice
and complete my self-talk
and interrupt my thoughts
and ingest them with yours
like a seed
that breeds and grows and merges
symbiotic with mine own

and if ever we talk
i love how we can stop
and then when we meet
after years of separation
pick up exactly where we left off
without missing a beat
get right into it

-Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
For those who can understand my silences...
Gauri,                                                           ­                                Kali
The fair one,                                                             ­      the dark one
       Bedecked in silks                                                           naked body bedecked with skulls
flowers and jewels                                                           ­ taken from demons
dark hair tied in a long lovely plait                                   her wild hair hangs all about her
Jagatmaata-Mother of the World                                       The Fierce One-Destroyer of Evil
Feminine grace personified                                        Feminine Power in all its glory                      
  her kindness assures                                                          ­     her countenance strikes fear
Calm and peace                                                            ­                                       in the hearts of evil doers
      She uses the primal energy
To nurture, to create                                                           ­                                         To destroy, to cleanse
Some days I’m like her                                                              ­        On other days like her      
      On most days I’m both

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
In Hindu mythology Gauri and Kali are two forms of Goddess Parvati.
You have been warned. Don't touch that ***!
You will get burned...It's very hot!
If you sign for have to pay!
Without sign it anyway.
In advance a deadline has been set.
Time's memory is such, it won't forget.
Grace and mercy by God is renowned,
But by mortal judge it will not be found.
In equal ration, we all may choose,
Which rules we follow or abuse.
So pity's pardon I now disown.
As you will likewise when you are grown.
Doors will now lock and windows close,
And perhaps you'll regret the path you chose.
And maybe you'll go left, or maybe right,
Deny the darkness, embrace the light.
Only you can decide which way to go,
But you can't ever turn back, is all I know.
The ghost of things
I never  said
keep me up
while I lay in bed.
In the minutes
that come before sleep,
I ask myself why
I never took the leap...
Of all things I am
One of them is not bravery,
in fact, to my demons,
I am in slavery.
I only wanted you to sing to me in the voice of your sweetest destruction, burning my cities to the ground that we may waltz across the ashes of places we’ve never been.

I wanted to sip from your words like a poisonous wine, poured into my mouth from your gilded chalice’s venomous kiss.

For you have become the rose whose thorns rend my palms and the crimson that seeps forth is the seed from which we have cultivated the cruel garden of our pure intentions.

Be wary of the serpents that tarry hence, for the wounds they inflict are grievous.

Meanwhile, I, enshrouded in my self-inflicted intoxication have seen you hide your eyes among the stars of the night sky.

Veiled by the outstretched wings of passerine birds whose songs do bear witness to the echo of our temperate patience.

Was it a dream?

In truth, did you flee from this brittle stage of glass, where our actors spoke the lines in time to our subtle rebellions?

Nay, it must not be so, for you were always there.

As close to the light of day as the night sky, the lovers that never touched, yet you were always there.
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