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Cassie Stoddard Jul 2014
I dreamed about you last night and I
should be able to
let you go. *******. But I
thought about you
today and I looked you up on
Facebook and I looked at a picture of us
on my phone.
I can't delete it.
I hate you and I love you.
Two sides of the same coin.
And I miss you although I try not to.
You're crazy and I shouldn't want you but I do. I still do.
I found it funny in a sick twisted way how you chose her when we both knew you wanted me. And you ripped my heart out and I still want you.
I'm scared that I'll see you at college this fall and I'm scared that I won't.
I am so tired of loving you and I want my heart to stop obsessing over you.
I want to be free but I would let you capture me and break me.
I just remembered.
You two should be living together right now.
I hope you're happy.
not. I'm not
Cassie Stoddard Jul 2014
I want to write about things, not just emotion.
I have trouble writing about god or the sky or my family but loneliness and love and obsession come to me easily.
And i may not be able to describe how the people looked and how the crowd cheered at the drag show last night but I can tell how my heart felt like it was going to brat with pride and how I smiled because I felt god in the place and I felt her smiling on us.
And I can't close my eyes and speak descriptions of what my sister looked like when she cried but I can remember how my chest contracted and I wanted to scream and shake her until she understood that there is a balance and she needs to learn that she deserves anger not just those around her.
I don't know how to put into prose what the soldiers in the civil war looked like but I know that when I closed my eyes and saw them in the fields and it was like the sun is shining where it used to be dark.
I can't write an ****** poem describing ******* someone. I can only say that sometimes your heart feels like it will burst from love or break from loneliness. And sometimes it does both.
I don't know what was said but I remember the emotions.
I remember the metaphors.
I remember the feelings.
Cassie Stoddard Jul 2014
and when you stepped into my room to say goodnight and asked if I was okay I want to scream give me a hug and I can't sleep because the nightmares are ptsd flashbacks and I'm scared I'm getting bad again and I don't know whattodohowtothinkwhattofeel and I'm scared and lonely and no I am not okay no I am not okay because I'm not sure that being alive is something that wants me and I am so scared of letting everyone down and I just want to be good enough and I want a boy to hold me and to tell me that its okay and I wany to stop feeling ugly because ******* I'm pretty right right right please don't accept my ******* I'm alright answer because  too scared that I'll scare you if I tell you the truth but I need to because I want you to listen and then to want me I just want someone to want me why is that so ******* hard
Cassie Stoddard Jul 2014
When I said was that those things didn't make you a sociopath and I knew that because I fall for sociopaths.

What I meant was that those things couldn't make you be that because I like you and I don't like unhealthy things anymore.
  Jul 2014 Cassie Stoddard
Julia Elise
You told me I was too too unhealthy to ever learn to love, I was sick. I needed help.
You said, "maybe, in the future our paths will cross".
Do you not understand there is no future for me? I want to walk on your path.
Cassie Stoddard Jul 2014
Do you not find it funny how neither of us can sleep, simply passing the night one wall away from someone doing the same.
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