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 Jul 2013 Cassie
Do you know me?
 Jul 2013 Cassie
After two weeks and a few days he says he loves you
He says he loves the way your eyes light up when you smile
And the way your hips curve, as if ready to bear a child
He says he loves your legs, soft to the touch
He craves your lips, so perfectly plump,

After two weeks and a few days he says he needs you
He needs your love
He needs your touch
He needs you to call out his name
Give him what he needs, he'll give you fame

But does he need you?
Does he love you?
Does he know you?

Does he know that you paint
Pictures of your past, so faint
Does he know that you write
Or that you stay up all night
Does he know you love tea
And buying new books to read
Does he know you love carnivals
Or that you aren't really a carnivore
Does he know your favorite color is gold
Or that you're excited to grow old

Because if he doesn't need to know the most important things
About the one he plans to keep
The he doesn't plan to keep you, but darling don't weep,
But the next time he says he loves you, ask him,
Do you know me?
 Jul 2013 Cassie
 Jul 2013 Cassie
I guess I'm sort of jealous of smoke
The way you inhale it, it makes you feel better
The way you hold it in your lungs as if letting it go would make them shatter
Then you exhale and it disappears into a fine mist
And you're left with that feeling of bliss

I might be a little jealous of liquor
The way you read the bottle, inspecting it like expensive wine
I'm wishing the label was my eyes
As you stare deeply into that now empty bottle
Wishing you could feel that comforting burn in the back of your throat

And I realized last night that

*I want to be your addiction
 Jul 2013 Cassie
Lip stick stains all over my notebook
from every night I stumble in,
with my organs drowning
and my fingers shaking
I spill over the edges of my skull
and splash onto the pages
Your best friend brushes
your hair when you're anxious?
Isn't that sweet

My best friend has a satin binding
Blue lines and red margins
I was perpetually anxious
until I found him
lying lifelessly
behind a little sign that read
"Two for $5"
at my local library
when I was thirteen
 Jul 2013 Cassie
starry eyed
 Jul 2013 Cassie
i've been told time and time again that
we are made of stardust, to the point where it's
not even poetic anymore, it's just
science. and while they're something beautiful in
chemical reactions and the attraction between
us and the earth's core, there is nothing beautiful
about the way biology was ruined for me
in seventh grade when we dissected frogs and i realized
that's actually what we look like inside-
we don't house constellations or milky ways or anything
worth staring at
                            (but even still, i couldn't look away).

i wonder if there's any chance of us being rescued from our flesh,
i wonder if maybe one day after we're turned to dust
again, our remnants will break free of earth's gravity
and we'll get the chance to be stars once more.

(i wonder if the reason we reach towards the sky at night
is because we can feel our brothers calling us back home)
this is bad and i'm sorry
the last thing you can ever allow someone to do
is to allow them to control your happiness
 Jul 2013 Cassie
Miranda Renea
 Jul 2013 Cassie
Miranda Renea
It's kind of funny.
I see all these girls,
Beautiful girls,
Perfect hair,
Perfect body,
Perfect skin,
Talk of pain.
Write of pain.
Cry of pain.

But what of pain
Do they really know?
Don't love me,
They say,
I am broken-
I am insignificant-
I have walls-
And every man
Falls into their hand
Like they planned,
I suppose.

It angers me,
You see, for

I am lacking
Perfect hair,
A perfect body,
And perfect skin.
I talk of pain.
I write of pain.
I cry of pain but,

I am alone.
 Jul 2013 Cassie
Miranda Renea
Have you ever looked at the sky and felt forever?
Like the stars are having conversations behind our backs-
Taking bets,
Sipping on cheap wine and
Smoking cigarettes.

Maybe they're telling stories?
Cracking a joke, drinking a beer, and
Gambling on our silhouettes.
Drunk, they must fall out of the sky and down to earth,
Like their butts created black smoke-
Raining from the atmosphere.

And maybe that's why the world is so ****** up,
Chalk it up to star dust.
They must really enjoy it up there,
Faded in the stratosphere.
 Jul 2013 Cassie
Miranda Renea
 Jul 2013 Cassie
Miranda Renea
It's four in the morning
And I can't sleep.
You're laying next to me,
Back turned,

I have a taste in my mouth.
It's part you,
Part excitement,
Part me,
Part disappointment.

And it won't wash out.

I kind of want to cry,
But jump for joy
At the same time.
I guess that's growing up.

I guess that's living,
And that's learning,
And I'm not really sure of
Anything right now, except
I am sure I want your arms
To hold me tightly.

But you're dreaming.
 Jul 2013 Cassie
Analise Quinn
Van Gogh said he would rather die
Of passion
Than of boredom,
And I wonder if that's why he shot himself.

Because in a dark and mundane world,
Where sometimes only dreamers
See the light,
It becomes a burden
To live with passion.

Oscar Wilde wrote,
"A dreamer is one who
can only find his way by moonlight,
and his punishment is that he sees
the dawn before the rest of the world."
Maybe he understood
Being a dreamer is a
Blessing of a curse.

Sometimes it doesn't seem fair
From a dreamer's eyes,
When I try to talk and say something
But no one understands.
And I breathe in-
"They'll never understand"-
Breathe out-
"Could anyone understand?"  

And everyone's perplexed
Because I cry
When they say I should laugh,
And I laugh
When they say I should cry.

Someone asked me
"What's your favorite flower?"
And when I said dandelions,
They told me they were weeds.
I said they are what you make them.

If you allow them to flourish,
They are flowers befitting a king.

If you think of them as weeds,
You won't see the beauty,
You'll only see grass
That won't grow,
Not flowers to pick for mommy,
Or what you need to make a flower crown,
And sometimes,
The more you try to rid yourself
Of dandelions,
The stronger they come back.

Just like dreamers.

If you see me
As a ****,
You won't see the blessing
In the curse.

But if you see me
As a flower,
But stubborn,
Ready to be nurtured,
You'll see more of a blessing
Than a curse.
 Jul 2013 Cassie
I'm scared.
 Jul 2013 Cassie
I'm scared because
I have this thought
That nobody else
Ever ever will know
Exactly how to kiss me
Because I want it how you did
I'm scared they won't know
How to touch me
Or move me
Or look at me
Or hold me
I'm scared no one else
Will be the same
And how could anyone get better
You're the best I ever had
And my soul was so involved
In everything I felt for you
I couldn't imagine
Anyone ever topping that feeling
But I hope it happens
Or you come back to me
I'm forever wishing for that
No matter how many times
You try and hurt me
I always forgive
Cause I'm stupid
And will never get over you
Or ever stop loving you.
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