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 Jan 2014 Cassie
Delaney Marie
Undress... your mind.

Expose your explicit thoughts.
Bare your soul's deepest secrets.
Uncover your darkest sins.
Scatter each insecurity outside of these
bedroom walls.
Leave every fear to die on the cold floor.

Unmask your make-up free face.
Show off your natural glow.
Strut your never-ending legs.
Flaunt each curve as your shadow
glides across the candlelit room.
Unveil every inch of skin he was too busy to kiss.

Undress... you're mine.
 Dec 2013 Cassie
I didn’t see it
but she saw it
it caused our end
it broke my heart
I couldn't see it coming
yet, she pointed it out
I refused to acknowledge it
she choose not to emphasize it
it was inevitable
it came
it happened

I can’t define what it was
it tore up my heart
and it did not do me well
I could not escape it

I cried about it
I moped about it
I dreamt about it
I talked about it
with her and without
even after it was all over
and with how much it
changed me, effected me
I still can’t define it
**** it.
 Nov 2013 Cassie
Tim Knight
 Nov 2013 Cassie
Tim Knight
Experience true love and proper death
in a single moment lasting longer than the average breath.

Feel every emotion under the fake-tan-sun-lamps
for the price of a walk and the Queen's head upon a stamp.

Talk about conversations you had in corridors with ex-girlfriends
with a clouded look back, blurred by your own camera lens.

Preach your side of the debate, recite Wikipedia pages,
listen and retaliate dangerously with more stolen words.

Holding hands under bedsheets and duvets and borrowed blankets
means absolutely nothing, like rain falling around those dog days.

Hot days and cold days and no days and everydays are the final lap,
finish, breath, throw up bits of sick and leave the stadium lonesome.

Walk away when the light is right
so the rings around your eyes look like jovial creases
instead of broken bits of I didn't last long pieces.
 Nov 2013 Cassie
Another cold night alone
with nothing but the ringing in my ears
and the traffic on the hill
as I grind into sleep.

You are missing from me

I need your smells to welcome me home.
I want your warmth left on the couch cushion.
I have to see girl stuff infiltrate my cabinets.


Bring me yoga pants left on the chair
and random hair ties in weird places
and long hairs on the pillow
and clean dishes
and **** that I would never think of cooking
and stretch marks
and skin products
and grace
and beauty
and soft lips
and smooth curves
and wet folds
and a soft touch
and mood swings
and chub rolls
and dresses, lots of dresses.

Give me your shadows weight
and your insecurities
and fears
and scars
and let me carry
your nothing.

I will help you heal

This cold night,
this tortuous loneliness,
this moment,

I need you here

Be my sugar.
 Nov 2013 Cassie
Claudia Lewis
The only passion I posses
Dresses like the devil
Adorned with anger
Dripping with jewels of jealousey

She bathes in tsunamis,
Stirs her tea with tornadoes
Each step is an earthquake
Every breath is thunder

I give her the key to my kingdom
She rules my Temple of temper
The only part of me that's still alive
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