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 Oct 2013 Cassidy
Jenna B
The Lies
 Oct 2013 Cassidy
Jenna B
The Lies were better
The gossip  was sweeter
I'm slamming my fists against his chest
I never appreciated the effort all that pretense took
I didn't see how much simpler it was
Not to know

I don't want to know

When the rumors began to unravel
I was the one who tore them apart
It was as sadistic as ripping a flowers' petals away  
to see inside
I saw all I needed to see and more
I saw it all before my time
I couldn't stop the Lies from falling at my feet
I tried to patch them together again, gently,
but they fell apart
and unraveled
some more.

Now I will always know
And I will always remember how the Lies
crashed into my mind
Like the rough waves of the sea
that leaves violent indentations on the sand before they leave again

I never really knew him
Until the Lies began to unravel
I heard the rumors and he fell a little further
When I put my face to close to the fire
I was hungry for answers, but I didn't know
That I don't want to know
and they
burnt his memory ever so slightly
Then the truth escaped
and he was set on fire.

The night was better
The Lies were easier
living in darkness makes it easy to put out the flames
Living in this daylight is too bright, too real.
I loved the subtle distortions
but now they've become ugly truths
 Oct 2013 Cassidy
Keep the fairytales to a minimum; I'm just trying to get back to reality.
I'm no Sleeping Beauty but I could be a wandering Alice just trying to get out of Wonderland. I'm no Snow White but possibly a hopeless Cinderella always dreaming of an escape from an evil family. I've never been one for princesses and princes... But I do believe in true love. There were so many winding roads leading to the love I desired I believe I've lost the way out of these stories I've been told. You see I know Prince Charming isn't waiting around the corner to save me from the monsters I've created... He's just trying to fight his own monsters and make it out alive. All I'm asking is if I make it through the woods without being eaten by any Big Bad Wolf can we keep the fairytales to a minimum?
 Oct 2013 Cassidy
Bell works
It's not a statement you want to hear.
It's not a statement you want to make.
Helping someone will never be easy.
Accepting help from someone will never be easy.
Perhaps we should just hold hands and
He used to drink orange juice
out of cups that curved,
like his smile used to,
licking droplets of orange sun
off of his lips;
sun beams,
that shined from his face,
and his eyes,
which was unfair
because he knew;
I'm telling you,
he knew,
that summer was my favorite time of year.
And when the sun hit me,
like a thousand arrows,
from the bow of Heartbreak,
that I would think of him
and his orange juice cup.
And question all the reseons he sent me letters
with different stamps,
always scribbled in black lines,
like his pupils,
when I let him see through the jail bars of my soul,
and I asked him,
I begged him to leave me cuffed to the wall,
with no food or water,
starving my desire to love again,
knowing that if I devoured every word,
every sound,
and memory,
of trembling hands on first dates,
leaning in to kiss me,
with lips and fists at the nape of my neck,
clinging to me like feathers;
with every single intake of breath,
and caterpillars that wrapped themselves in silk,
and waited for days and nights to pass,
until finally,
they spread their wings to reveal Picasso's paintings,
that I would eventually die of starvation,
as the words ran out,
and the kisses became short,
and the butterflies died...
He knew.
He knew that I loved summer;
and the drops of orange juice on his lips.
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