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 Sep 2013 Cassidy
Kayla Sanders
Fall in love with her voice when she said "I love you",
because even in your darkest days,
those three words never failed to make you smile.
 Sep 2013 Cassidy
Kayla Sanders
Fall in love with the way she would cling on to you when she slept,
because in that moment,
you found her so beautiful.
 Sep 2013 Cassidy
Kayla Sanders
 Sep 2013 Cassidy
Kayla Sanders
when a glass window shatters,
the easiest thing to do is pick up all of the pieces
and put a temporary covering over it until it can be replaced.

when a person’s heart shatters,
there isn't an easy was to gather all of the pieces.

you feel as if every small shred of glass
is piercing through your body
and there is no way
to make it stop.

you crave him.

you want to ask him to help you clean it up,
but he is
to be found.

you hate him.

your main desire is to find him
and do everything in your power to make him feel as
and lifeless as he did to you.

you need him.

you’re hyperventilating because he is the only form of water
that your lungs know of,
and you can’t breathe without the scent of his cologne
running through your senses.

you are nothing.
I was in love with anatomy
the symmetry of my body
poised for flight,
the heights it would take
over parents, lovers, a keen
riding over truth and detail.
I thought growing up would be
this rising from everything
old and earthly,
not these faltering steps out the door
every day, then back again.
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
I  believe in chances.
Ones that we wake up to every morning.
Sometimes we let them get away,
Most  times we push them away.

I believe in fear.
Fear is an inspiration.
Sometimes we allow it to inspire us to be brave,
Most times fear inspires us to hide.

I believe in dreams.
Dreams are born out of fear.
We call them dreams because we are fearful,
Fearful of chances staring us in the face.
We run.
We hide.

The chances are there.
Ignore your fears.
Turn your dreams into reality.
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
Melissa Mattson
When life takes an ugly turn,
Hurting you more than you ever thought possible,
What happens next?
How do you slap life in the face and stand up tall?
How do you break the numbness, that never seems to go away.
How do you wipe the tears away, when they never seem to stop.
How do you tell yourself, that really... it will be okay.
I want to stop,
and listen to the birds sing their happy tune.
I want to stop,
and smell the flowers erupting through the air.
I want to stop,
and feel the sun radiating from my skin.
I just want everything to STOP.
Stop taking away pieces, when there's nothing left to give.
Stop stealing my tears, when you don't deserve them.
Stop stopping myself... from being happy.
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
When privilege has you scattered
others don't see the drain
of a life mapped in tatters,
each scrap on a different plane;
life has left me perpetually lost
but how else could I be found,
how else would I learn the cost
of directions not homeward bound?
I look over the undead corpses
of the homes I used to know -
one that crawled in roses
spelt my childhood the most
they bloomed in all the colours
that a child's heart could dream
and stained the century-old windows
so it seemed the little house did gleam
and when we left it ripped my heart out,
though not the first nor last home lost,
but that's what true love is about -
being left hollowed out with frost.
And now my memories are in footsteps,
trodden away from my new home,
because with age comes curiosity
and a desire to be alone
and when I walk these old Cheam streets,
a village slipping through London's fingers,
my heart beats through my ambling feet
and the ache of pure love lingers
because the walls crumble at my touch
and the streetlights flicker red and die
because the city is at an Oyster touch
but trees are gathered at my side
because the huge huddled houses loom
but birds and foxes can still roam
because bulbous roses will always bloom
in a place that I call home.

But this time I am leaving,
for a different city now,
though this town on London's border
is the best one I have known;
my footsteps travel further
but to a place, for once, that's mine
but I'll take all of these memories
and a rose to keep the time.
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
Desert Rose
Sold my soul to the devil
Nothing left inside
Wanted to be consumed by darkness
Best choice I ever made
Felt like I had the power
Way too easy to give up on life
Easier to give up on myself
Others never believed in me, so I stopped believing in myself
It made sense to me
Don’t care what anyone thinks
Won’t do something just because I was told to
People are the most insignificant species  
Didn’t have anything left
Anything that mattered to me was already gone
Material objects never meant too much
No hopes- no dreams
Not even the slightest spark of reality
Well I had one thing
I was left with a broken heart
No one has ever really cared about me
Everybody’s only looking out for themselves
They’re all going to get consumed by something much worse than the darkness
Won’t even have a choice
Nothing I said or did ever really mattered
Always rejected by others
Watched chances fade
Gave up on love
(Not something I ever really had)
Expected that things would just make themselves better
Killed my heart
Now I’m emotionless
It’s not like I had anything that mattered to me
Life is the worst thing that ever happened to me
There never really was any path
The whole way was pre paved
Fate and destiny is just a sham- it’s all fake
Everything I know is just an illusion
Finally broke free
Made my choice
Picked my own destiny
Nothing can get in my way now
There’s no more light
I’m getting out of this dark tunnel
I chose to die rather than to suffer through life
Just wanted something better-something I thought was attainable-happiness
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