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I let some guy **** me today.

I did not know him,
                                nor did I want to.

I simply slid into his bed
       and made myself hard and cold

I wanted, I think,
              to ******* out of my mind

But I only succeeded
                      in splitting myself into
   two parts.

The empty shell of me,

                   and my soul. My feelings,
       my emotions, my thoughts.
                  My strength and goodness

shrunk down to a wet pile in
the pit of my stomach

And it is only now
                          that I will
                    that I am still in love with you.

Maybe that's my problem.
I don't know anymore.

I keep trying to identify what's wrong

                so I can just fix it.

Last week I had low self-esteem.
The week before that I was afraid of being alone
The week before that, I just
                loved you and I was
                scared that you'd leave.

and now you've left
                                     but you were the only
person that knew how to fix me

                                  when I'm broken
i once had a friend

we would talk philosophy and things of deep matter

it never felt depressing talking of old ways


i remember in between these conversations we would draw together and laugh at how horrible we both were.

you took my arm once and we went around to look at chalk art.

i looked at you for a moment and the next you were gone.

old souls intertwined.

we were perfect.

i was nervous for what could be of us.

and you are gone.

forced out of my own hand

twisted bent into a new identity one you can make out of a new location.

i never said goodbye.

i couldnt.
A girl will stand on the edge of the
Brooklyn Bridge at 7pm,
The water will stare back
at her
as the cars will glide past her,
(the rejection of her resume meant nothing
in comparison to the rejection from her lover.)

A man sits in the car in his garage
a capsule in his hand
and a gas leak in the trunk.
(no amount of promotions
which earnt him that car
could keep him afloat
as tax collectors harass his neighbors
for a tax return they are not going to

A woman will stand on a 2ft high
a rope in her hands
and a letter on the bed.
(the unborn child she caressed with alcohol
poisoning lingers in her mind
as she cannot bear the thought
of telling her husband that she loved whiskey
more than she did him.)

A boy will reside
in his fathers study,
his favourite book rested on the desk
and a gun in his hand.
(it never really was quite the same
after he left.)
Thinking back to a couple years ago
(when all I wanted to do was walk next to you
even though you walked too fast
and refused to slow down)
I begin to run faster than my thoughts of you
 May 2013 Cassidy Chambers
John B
Lovers lost in ignorance

Blissful for such quiet lips

Secrets shadowed silently

Held Intel they poised me
(or the idea of me rather)
I wish I could travel back in time
   to meet my 13 year old self
and tell that confused
                         gorgeous child
to run away.

Run away, pretty girl
run away from the boys that
are trying to use your body

Run away from that razor
run away from that bottle of pills
and do your best, use all of your will
to stop that soul from aching
without needing to bleed.

You don't have to
fix anyone.
You just have to survive.

Run away from that screaming
                  in your head.
Drown it out with poetry
                             and music
until you either
lose your hearing
you lose yourself
in sweet soul feeding spreading goodness

Run away from your father
                     until he learns how
                        to love you.

Run away from those girls
until you are strong enough
to realize that they're
so wrong about you.

Run away, gorgeous girl
Run away from all the
people that have hurt you

Run away from all the people that want you to fix them
Just take a deep breath and realize that you can't fix anyone but yourself

Run away from the guy who can't commit to you
Run away from that ****** up kid that wants to put his fingers inside you
Run away from that girl that calls you fat

Run away from your own ****** feelings

You're just not old enough to deal with them yet
No one should have to deal with that

Not you, you gorgeous scared little thirteen year old.

I think maybe,
                           just maybe
if I could tell her that

that maybe I wouldn't
                      feel so ****** up

because no 13 year old knows
            how to deal
                      with the things I
                                faced when I
          was 13 years old.

and no 20 year old woman knows how to fix the scars from a ****** up past, one
that has damaged this skin, damaged that ability to trust, damaged damaged damaged ****** up that ability to let somebody in, damaged this heart so much that it's forgotten how to feel, turned off those feelings because they never lead to good things, damaged the part of me that knew how to be happy. damaged the part of me that had hope. damaged and ****** it all up beyond repair.

Because I tried for years to
keep my head above water
only to realize
             that I drowned a
long time ago
and I think
it might be too late

to pull myself out

of this black lake
of self infliction
and pain addiction
give myself

a chance at living.
Let me explain something to you.

When you look at me
with your soft ocean blue eyes,
and you look into my soul
and you can see all the hurt
and all the lies
that i have been telling myself to get me by

I want to cry. I want you to hold me.

No one else.

And when I give in to that need,
and the hot tears fall into my lap,
I just can't help it.

They just come
when you're near me.

And I don't understand it
i don't understand myself
and i don't understand how i feel about you.

Because when I let those tears fall,

to me, they feel like weakness
that somehow managed to leak out of my eyes
because I'm keeping too many secrets

and the biggest one
is that

I love you
and I want to keep you in my life.

But I don't want to sound selfish

So I make do, never taking the time
to explain to you
that all I wanna do

is let you hold me.

Because this weakness- you turn it into strength.

And, as ****** up as my past is,

you took the time

                                 to learn how to love me.

But I still
can't stand

for you
to see me cry.
to shed one's own skin
is a painful process

letting go of something that was once a part of you
makes you question your existence in the world

who am i

i peel this layer of skin away
leaving paper thin paper white patches all over this house

the skin underneath is red and raw

in some places, i peeled away too much
and the skin bleeds

but the pink flesh is so beautiful

I am so beautiful

i have removed and discarded the shell of me
i will start anew

skin replenishes itself
and i will be a new person


i will also be me

the skin will fall away and grow back
this new skin will be untouched

by you

but for some reason
no matter how much skin is peeled away,

these scars are always visible

i desperately search for ways to speed up this process

to change into a new person
a person who knows how to be content

a person who has never known you,
and therefore will never miss you

but as it is,
my body is bleeding
my hair falls out in clumps

and my heart aches
for you

underneath these broken ribs
since you read my poems
but ignore my calls

i guess this is how i will communicate to you

at least for now

i saw the picture.
i'm happy for you.

but it's hard to be happy for you

because seeing you happy
just reminds me of how ******* miserable i am.

it just puts a pit in my chest,
because we could have done these things together.

in january, i went on this journey
to discover who i am

but all i've figured out
is that i'm weak.
i change who i am to get people to like me

i'm fake
because i'm terrified of being alone

and being someone else is easier than dealing with the fact that i hate who i am

but you
you saw me

and you looked past the **** ****** up thirteen year old irrational illogical insane girl
that i am
deep down
and you loved me for the person i always wanted to be

and i appreciate that so much
because no one else has ever done that.

and i think it's just hitting me now, at this moment,
while writing this

just how weak i really am.

how pathetic i am as a human being.

how i need someone to tell me how to act

and it's all so hypocritical
because i'm supposed to be this strong feminist
and here i am,

because you don't need me anymore.

and i still need you
or someone

because i can't figure out

how to love me for who i am.

because this girl,
i hate her.

this girl

could never be happy without someone holding her up
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