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Dec 2017 · 231
My Goddess
Casperlvesyou Dec 2017
My fair goddess, ever lasting beauty
The stars are your light.

The land curves around you, the world gravity brings us closer.

A connection through time.

Our fates bound.

By nothing more than our heart beats.

Being able to bear alone in the vast universe, oh, my goddess.

From the heavens I seek.

You seek me in the time of meekly being weak, leaking my blood for just a smudge of pleasure.

My dying aching body is comforted by your stardust, a swirling sea of many life’s, loves, and laughs.

The laugh to bring winter to summer bloom.

Just all to say I love you, truly may it be. For love has never been for me
Aug 2017 · 352
Casperlvesyou Aug 2017
Do you understand?
What it means for me to love you.
The darkest part of a broken soul open up and is filled by you.

'Just an ounce of your love can fuel me for the day you know?'

Then I shall give you a life time and our love will last forever.
Aug 2017 · 309
Casperlvesyou Aug 2017
What an amazing feat that someone as her could love someone as me.
She is gentle and kind yet, hurts so deeply.
The weight she carry's is beyond my thought, it's not so easily shed.

Her tears heavy with pain and I rarely let myself feel, a monstrosity unable of convincing.
Merely a shell walking with an absent conscious, a weakened state of nothing.

While her heart burns with fire from the cosmos, her body flowing effortlessly through asteroids.
Creating planets with her breath, she is a being of life.
A tree with shade and apples for hair, her roots thicks with branches so high connecting her with the stars.
Bringing home bundles of wishes...

Oh, the love I wish I could produce from her sweetened touch; covering me in honey.
Daring me to breathe in life.
Jul 2017 · 367
Casperlvesyou Jul 2017
The twins of souls, not it be from birth but, this day is also yours.
The off set happiness, of a better life.

The flip side of mine.
This for the twins of souls, not barely old.
To the years, to the weeks, to the days.
Happy birth, from one twin of a soul to another.
Jul 2017 · 284
Casperlvesyou Jul 2017
Another drowning year, another nameless day.

Formats of cards, wishing stars and fake teddy bears.

Short sayings, with a signed name.

Gifts not wrapped, with envelopes of money.

On this day, early in the morning.

A small baby cried, for a mother who was too high to breastfeed.

Stuck in the hospital until weened off of the drug, the sickening beast that hunts.

No party, just small groups that fan out and soon disappear.

Happy birthday, too me.
Jul 2017 · 224
Casperlvesyou Jul 2017
She's my ray of sun on the darkest of days, (as if this saying wasn't drained of the true meaning) as I just a lowly flower stashed in a cave.
Her rain keeps me alive as only a shine of her smile brightens my spirit.
Jul 2017 · 220
Casperlvesyou Jul 2017
Sad, sappy, cliche poems drowning with sugar.
Sticky, sweet words forming molds for my mouth.
Dreading detail of the one I 'love', the same vague description to draw lovers in.
Sending endless letters of fantasy that one did not write, the late night thoughts of another.
Stolen for 'love'.
Jun 2017 · 311
Death and Life
Casperlvesyou Jun 2017
A tango on thin razors as your cold Dead eyes lock on the life you once had.
Death and I, dancing on funeral flowers for fun.
Planting seeds of suicide along with notes hanging from closet doors.
Swiping and sweeping the remains of dust covered bodies that couldn't make it through the night

Death and I, another romance meant for the stars.
Growing trees of hope with the healing powers of ears and open hearts.
Gardens blooming of sour thought and hanging hearts, creating a forest of misery

Death and I, great enemies of the times.
Waging war with no meaning and destroying cities with simple words.
*Out of the ashes of sad faces rise the greatest power with the strength of those who had lost
Jun 2017 · 221
Casperlvesyou Jun 2017
Dearest Death, the dread of dreams drowned my sleep. Deepening the dropping hearts of dull souls,
Winding winds twist and rock these little boats going off the edge.

Dearest Death, the sweet taste of desire seared upon my skin with the scars of razor blades. Wiping tear stained sheets across the ground,
Tsunamis of doubt flooding this house.

Dearest Death, this dance of ending torment with two left feet. Ending with sorrow trapped against the ceiling,
Breaking the glass with the leftover carnage.
Casperlvesyou Jun 2017
Who are you to say why I lay awake?
Who am I to confess my dreams?
Do not push this upon me, the sunrise is already too much for my weakened mind.

Diseased with another night's restless fighting, no need to remind me of what had happened.
Let me sleep another peaceful empty way, one I know how to work out.
Shutting my eyes tight begging for relief while my hips move with their own heartbeat.

Who are you to judge how I fall asleep?
Who am I to say that it's anything unnatural?
Feeling thrown out to dry in the sun, branded as if we were breeding cattle.

Freed for a moment from the torment that chases me, relief just fingertips away.
A brief moment of solidarity in the life of balancing on the dancing edge of insanity, grounding me not to the earth simply but, to myself as well.
Humanly humble actions bring pains of pleasure and the guilt of social standings along with it.
Jun 2017 · 276
"Dead eyes"
Casperlvesyou Jun 2017
Behind these dark heavy bags, lay's something unseen.
Something is hidden from you and me.
"Dead eyes"
The kind that sinks deep in a pale face, the sinking black blob's being picked out of the corners of them.

Black liquid smeared around, giving the dead eyes endless pit's of another tired morning
Clawing the remaining light as the sun steal's the life they once held.

"Dead eyes"
Born with weak veins,
Empty hearts,
Pitless stomachs.
Three worrisome symptoms, begging to be freed.
Peeling the remaining skin from the walking corpse that I've become, ripping away muscles that wrap around sickened bones.
Decomposing of my own body due to the lack of self-care that these
"Dead eyes"
*Good night
Jun 2017 · 366
A deeper meaning
Casperlvesyou Jun 2017
The soggy sad feeling of dread, was it dread?
Just the feeling of wanting to be dead?

Another lead for a different night as hands wonder down the body, the body of what?
The embodiment of mother nature herself, grown from the womb.
Something birth from this dying earth, someone who seemed to be free of the ink that drowns oceans.
Free of the paper bounds wrapped around tree trunks where children hang themselves.

The soggy sad feeling of wanting relief along with a clean reef, mother nature is dying and so are we.
Jun 2017 · 245
(Never finish)
Casperlvesyou Jun 2017
The clouds rolled off the cliffs as the rain rolled off of our window shield.
Sinking down into the cracks of the car as the clouds slithered into the canyon below.

More metaphors then a cloudy day

Just molded by some clay, the type of clay gauged out by time.
May 2017 · 308
Perfect Love
Casperlvesyou May 2017
The imperfect kind of love, for the numbers of time I've cried over you.
Your love is imperfect.
My love is imperfect.

Lets love imperfectly, for in my eyes your imperfect being is perfect.
With your lump and side ways bumps, with your marks and small scars, with your moles and large nose.
Though I look at you and your imperfectly perfect flaws fade, just as your brown eyes let me fade into a chocolate moose.

Lets fade in each others arms as we love imperfectly.
Let me fade into your brown eyes, get lost in the curls of your hair, follow your curves and kiss your belly
(Lets love imperfectly with our abstract ways of settling with our bodies)

I Love You Imperfectly
*Please love me imperfectly too
May 2017 · 225
Another abrupt Change
Casperlvesyou May 2017
Late night Poetry, the kind you forget by morning.
Late night Poetry, the ones that never end.

The late nights at five in the morning, the light of my laptop mixes in with the actual bright light of the next day.
The late nights with the heavy thoughts that rest upon my shoulders, crushing me against the bed.

When truly I'd rather be crushed against the bed in another way, more ****** innuendos then the biggest '****' could count.
When truly we shouldn't ever judge anyone by the number of times they think or even had ***.

Just another cliche for depression that I bury in my ****** desires, for something that feels good rather than feeling empty.
Just another empty night, empty dreams, empty bed.

Even though it feels good it leaves me empty anyways
May 2017 · 323
Casperlvesyou May 2017
The midnight blue sky melted down to earth in her eyes, washing the world in black while her smile stole the sun.
She was one would call perfect, (the sort of perfect that was truly imperfect).
She was the one that would change lives, twist fate.
The embodiment of love.

The way her hair moved with the summer breeze, though winter's snow still fell.
Her curves traced that of each mountain, purely from mother natures own touch.

She is a figment, a dream, a imagination of collection.
She, Her are things to be and things that are, strung out through out the world.
May 2017 · 281
Simply a Laptop
Casperlvesyou May 2017
It all use to seem so loud, now the typing dulls out the pain.
The tip tap of a Simple Laptop,

The Simple Laptop.
A gate way to the weary and 'broken', a late night feast of never ending knowledge.
False knowledge, winding roads of .com. What will I stumble upon next?

Oops, my battery is dead.
Casperlvesyou May 2017
The Last poem I posted was of May 2013, four years ago.
Four years ago.
How long?
How much?
I'm certain I have more then what's wrote down, endless thoughtless thought.
Another trash dump for broken Idea's

Nothing really change's, or that's the cliche everyone is looking for. Isn't it?
Don't deny that all of our guilty pleasure's on rainy days, countless of 'hipster' playlists to keep us occupied with a simple small cliche poem at our fingertips. See what I did there?

Everything change's, me and you. Me and the cliche's
Casperlvesyou May 2017
Hands: Full on frontal meat globs with sausage fingers.
Hand: Soggy paper cliche of what is too come.
Handed: The part of the poem where a simple 'touch' burns.

It's another draw of the cigarette, another sip of kidney failure
Oh, My Bad. That's something insulting.
Another sip of alcohol.
Another reason for blame.
Another for actions.
Another for...

Hands: Full frontal meat glob for the service of grabbing
Hand: Soggy paper cliche for letting go
Handed: The part where you try to say no

Things are better in Cliche's
Aug 2013 · 657
Common Cold
Casperlvesyou Aug 2013
Coughing until your throat runs dry.
That's when you realize that every thing was a lie.
Not wanting to believe you sneeze until you bleed.
Not knowing your bleeding you lay.
As you lay your head aches.
As aches take over your body your mind goes blank.
With your mind blank your body freezes to the sheets.
Frozen to the sheets you realize what you have.
Nothing but a simple common cold.
Jul 2013 · 594
Judge me
Casperlvesyou Jul 2013
Judge me by my cover.
Because you will never know my story.
Jul 2013 · 257
What's the meaning.
Casperlvesyou Jul 2013
What's the meaning to being perfect.
when perfect isn't even real.
Jul 2013 · 568
Casperlvesyou Jul 2013
Jealousy is **** a sick thing.
Waiting, watching in the pit of your stomach until someone is better then you but, that's not the sickness of jealousy.
The sickness is that soon every one is better then you.
Then jealousy will take your life.
Jul 2013 · 398
Perfect Person
Casperlvesyou Jul 2013
The perfect person is someone who excepts everyone for who they are.
May 2013 · 365
Masks of smiles
Casperlvesyou May 2013
Almost every day i feel alone.
No one knows what has happened
No one knows what Ive been through.
Even though i can tell them every thing, they don't understand.
There willing to help, they say there sorry's but
I feel as though the loneliness brings with it masks of smiles.
When all in truth i stand alone with blank faces turned away
I Pick up my masks and be on my way.
but some where deep down inside i know am not alone people surround
me with love and happiness.
I try to join into the fun but the loneliness drags me down.
I walk alone to a empty house.
And almost every day i feel alone.
May 2013 · 534
Humans are Monsters
Casperlvesyou May 2013
Counting on people is probably one of the worst things you could ever do.
Puting your hopes and dreams all on one person hoping that they will be there one day.
Telling your secrets to them hoping they wont tell anyone.
Hoping they will be there for you forever or as long as they can.
But right as you need them.
They turn around and walk away saying there tired of all your winning.
Humans are monsters.
Making you believe that you can trust them and that they will be there for you.
In reality they just love making people fall so they can climb higher.
May 2013 · 451
I'm Sorry
Casperlvesyou May 2013
I'm sorry for trying.
I'm sorry for standing up for what I believe in.
I'm sorry for breathing, talking, writing, listening, wondering and for being happy.
I'm sorry that you don't understand that you don't need objects to be happy.
I'm sorry that you don't understand that you don't need loving parents to be happy.
I'm sorry that you don't understand that you don't need a house to be happy.
I wish I could teach you to be happy but, happy cant be taught.
You have to find happy to feel it.
I'm sorry that you don't understand how I can be so happy even when am left with nothing.
May 2013 · 348
I lie
Casperlvesyou May 2013
I lie.
To everyone.
Every single day.
Telling them I'm ok.
May 2013 · 428
Silently weeping
Casperlvesyou May 2013
Silently weeping tears run cold.
By myself in this empty house.
No one to hear my whimpers and cry's.
By myself I have no one to relay on.
Trying to call but no one answered.
I'm left here with nothing but the echos of my tears as they hit the ground.
Silently weeping.
Were tears run cold.
In this empty house.
Is were I lose all hope.
Slipping away with the razor in my hand.
Were the floors are stained red.
Silently weeping hoping someone saves me before I end
May 2013 · 796
The sweet girl
Casperlvesyou May 2013
There once was a girl pretty as can be and had a perfect family.
There once was a girl who was sweet her family in ruins never going to meet
At school she weep trying not to make a pep.
The pretty girl laughed along, Pointed and spitted, growled and snapped.
The pretty girl had a pretty long laugh.
The sweet girl all crumbled and ruined, begged and groveled for it to stop.
The sweet girl got hell she soon turned sour and ended up in different places.
White roses of forgiveness lay upon her grave as the sweet girl rotted away.
The pretty girl didn't know what to do but party and live her life like she was going to do.
They fill no regret and the sweet girl never got better.
No one spoke.
No one saw.
The sweet girl fall.
Her family back together to shed tears.
Someone stands up who they haven’t heard.
" I am the pretty girl" Said a voice “ I caused this girl to die and i sit here and sigh. I do not care I think it’s better without her plus she was ugly as can be and i glow of pretty. I am the one who needs the attention that's why i do such terrible things. The world should revolve around me."
The room fell silent as no one spoke.
A small little girl stood up. "I am the nerd. Smart as can be. I stand against you for everything you see. You tortured and hit you spat and you kicked but the guilt is still there. You killed a girl with only words. Don't you care?"
The rooms filled with rumors of such the brave girl.
Cant you see that all we need is someone like you Short, fat, skinny, tall, nerdy, freaky, different and all. to stand up.
to speak out.
Let no one stand out.
You could save someone just by a simple hello ask how there doing and let the friendship grow.
May 2013 · 845
Damaged Journal
Casperlvesyou May 2013
I don't know how to damage this one just yet.
I almost want to keep it clean.
temptation controls me like a controller.
Grabbing the pencil so lightly, afraid that its going to break.
Grasping it tightly.
I look at the clean pages.
There feel, touch, smell so innocent from the pencils led.
My hands shaking I put the led to the blank page.
Waiting, watching, hoping to see the page full of nonsense letters and word that mean nothing.
The journal was was already damaged when I touched it.
My head exploded with ideas not letting my thoughts come peacefully.
There charging, racing, stomping to get free.
When the pencil touches the paper all the thoughts run with fear.
Now am left with nothing but an empty page with so many ideas at the tip of the pencil.
With nothing I stare blank at the page hoping, waiting, wondering whats to come next.
In the damage journal nothing will come but useless letters and words.

— The End —