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It's raining again
My body shakes from the cold
The wind is silent
But it remains
The world is dim
Nothing left in this world
I sit and think
You were once here with me
But you're long gone
What am I living for?
For it seems I've been
For so long
Should I give up
Or is there something worth living for?
My friends
They try to tell me
That life will get better
Some days it seems they are right
But it's nights like these
When I'm all
Nothing seems okay
Nothing is worth living for
When I realize you are gone
When I realize I'm
I still think about you every night
For so long I've felt lonely
It's been so long since you left
But I know you are happy where you are
And you could never be that happy with me here
So I can sleep knowing your life is good now
You may have left me alone
But you left to make your own life better
Living here you could never be truly happy
As long as you are happy where you are
I can go on living my life happily
Because all I ever wanted was for you to be happy
This pain I feel from you being gone
Is counteracted by the joy of knowing you're enjoying life
Your life is better so mine will be too
And I know fate will bring us together again
For the bond we share cannot be broken by distance
No matter of separation can destroy emotions
So go on living happily where you are
And I will live knowing someday we'll meet again
As for these lonely nights
I'll just remember the years we had
That'll get me by
Until we cross paths once more
Figure out all the things we never settled
I'll always love you
And you'll always have a home in my heart
We all deal with pain
Some more than others
There are many ways to deal with this pain
People like me keep it all inside
Until one day it all comes out
In an explosion of anger and sadness
Sometimes it gets so bad I feel insane
My mind plays tricks on me
I feel emotions that aren't real
I hate things for no reason
Why the **** can't I just get over these feelings
I sit here angry at the world
I'm ******* ****** that I feel this way
And I'm even more ****** that others feel the same
So someone please tell me
I wrote this really late at night in a fit of anger so it isn't that great but I thought it was worth sharing =P
Don’t feel bad about tonight
You never had enough say,
It just isn’t right,
But you do not need to fight,
They aren’t right and it was a bad day,
Don’t feel bad about tonight.
It would not be bright
To end tonight with pray,
It just isn’t right,
Tomorrow is in sight,
Then you can get away,
Don’t feel bad about tonight.
So on this cold winter night
A great change is underway,
It just isn’t right,
This night and tomorrow are black and white.
Sometimes they get caught in a fray,
Don’t feel bad about tonight,
It just isn’t right.
Music says what your voice will not,
Soothing the soul and the heart,
Clearing the storm within you,
Helping the storm to part,
Reaching out to your soul,
Pulling you towards the sun,
Fixing your broken view,
Masking the pain
Preventing the world from bringing you down,
Allowing the void to close,
Let it be your friend,
It won’t let you down,
For you are unique,
Music is what makes you,
Leading the way forth,
You can go anywhere,
Take it all in,
The storm is almost over,
The music almost gone,
Your journey coming to a close,
Embrace the sound,
You’ve finally made it through.
I sleep too much
Because I hate the real world
In the real world I have to think about you
Not that I don't want to
But I don't want to think of you with him
I want you...
He gives you something I cannot
I also can give something he cannot
My own version of love
Where I am ALWAYS there for you
But this pain is my fault
My own emotions ****** me to feeling this way
Because I fell in love with a girl I can't have
So I will sleep
Because in my dreams I have you
And I'd rather be with you in my temporary forever
Than be awake in a world without you
We live our lives in search of greatness
Stuck in temporary forevers
Hoping somewhere along the way
We may discover peace
Maybe one day we can turn in
These stained and tattered rags
Connect with someone on a whole new level
Join those who are truly happy
Truly satisfied with their existence
And live on in a new temporary forever
One filled with love
Amazing people
And endless happiness
But until then
We will search these seas
In our stained and tattered rags
In this temporary forever
For the greatness we long for
I know it’s out there somewhere
Waiting to be discovered
Since the time I looked into your eyes,
Nothing has been the same.
Such beauty can not be explained with mere words,
But she does not see the truth.
She does not know just how precious she is,
Nor does she know how much I adore her.
But like I said, it can not be put into words,
I only hope I might show her the truth.
I hope that I might open her eyes,
So that she can see the truth for herself.
Maybe I can make her believe,
In the beauty I see.
I leave these words unspoken
Because I fear what you would think
If I just said these words aloud
I fear that everything may change
I fear that this life I love so much may vanish
And I will be empty again
Those feelings I once felt will creep back into my life
Leaving me lonely and helpless
That pain of feeling so empty will overcome me
Leaving me weakened and pathetic
So I'll keep these words to myself
And maybe I won't have to feel
The lonely again
Red as blood spilling from a lacerated carcass.
It happens when the anger is too much to control.
It sounds like bones—shattering under the force of my hands.
It feels like fire, surrounding me, burning me.
It is violence, overwhelming hatred.
If I could
I would go back in time
Go back to when things were fine between us
Because those days I was content with life
But the distance has severed our bond
For I no longer see you
I fear I won't again
If I could
I would go back in time
Go back and tell you how I really felt
Instead of hiding from the truth
Why didn't I tell you
Was I afraid
If I could
I would go back in time
Go back before you left me here in this hell
Before you left to start a new life
But you had no choice
So I can't blame you
But if I could
If I could...

— The End —