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 Jan 2014 Casey
There's something cooking in my brain, but I'm intrigued by what it may boil
Ripples cover the picture frame, through pouring tears my vision foils
The clock has stopped breathing, where is the beloved Tick and Tock?
The black curtains are freezing, or could it be my cold blooded hands that caused the shock?
I've taken nothing to be in this portrait
Looking at it, all you can see is sin
I am who I am
I've done what I've done
Go ahead, be a *****..
See what you become
Your reflection will taunt you:
"Show me that chest.
Lets see what he might find tomorrow under that dress.
Oh, you look so good!
Love the red lips..
But the best part is when you're naked and they compliment your hips."

The money is on the nightstand
Adventure is all you crave
Just for one day..
Don't be a slave
This addiction is pleasure
But it brings so much pain
I lie and I cheat my family and disappoint my friends
But hey... I'm selfish and occasionally vain
I'm getting ready to go on the town, today will not be a waste
I have something that I want.
And when there is something I want, I go for the chase..
Until next time. :)
 Jan 2014 Casey
I want to be there when it's 4 AM
and your chest can no longer withstand the weight
of the demons that no one else can see
and you can no longer push them back
long enough to breathe
and the exhales smell of ***** and misery
when your very own fingernails
betray your palms
with blood that looks like it's not even your own
I will bandage your hands
and hold them gently until the demons leave

and when you are afraid
of your own reflection
I will hide all the mirrors
and sit by your side with the lights off and
run my fingers through your hair
as if untangling your hair
could untangle the knots you have inside

I will wait for you
I will not groan when it's three in the morning
and you stumble out of bed
to go sit under the streetlight in the rain
and I will wait inside
with tea in your favorite mug
when you say you must go alone

when your eyes are vacant;
a winter house
with no footprints in the snow
and newspapers piling up in the driveway
the lights left on to scare away intruders
I will be there when you come back

I just need to know you'll come back
 Jan 2014 Casey
Chelsea Molin
 Jan 2014 Casey
Chelsea Molin
I am cold and broken
Lying naked on the floor
Shattered and feeble
Worse off than before

Before you appeared
Like a burst of golden light
Before I knew
How to sleep peacefully through the night

I was content, complacent
Prior to your coming to me
Filling me with hope and wonder
Now I just feel empty

A new scar emerges
On a tattered heart
A pleasant reminder
To stay alone in the dark

To not let yourself feel
Not allow yourself to get hurt
Relationships and emotions--
Nothing will ever work

Fight to the death
To keep up your walls
No matter who tries
No matter who calls

Stay inside yourself
Where you're safe and warm
Where you know how to be
And protect yourself from harm

Never again
Do you want to feel like this
Cold and shattered
A sick, rapturous bliss

You're a *******
An odd desire for pain
You do this to yourself
Over and over again

You tell yourself convincingly
"It will be different than before"
That nasty little lie
That brings you to the floor

To be left quivering and broken
Completely alone
Until you open your eyes
And welcome yourself home.
 Jan 2014 Casey
No Buts
 Jan 2014 Casey
I love you.
Theres nothing more to say
To add anything
would be like
cutting an arm away.

I love you
No buts
Thats all i can say.

Life works in mysterious ways
One moment it gives you everything you want
and just as quickly takes it away.

Life choices
mistakes are made
we all have to own up to it at the end of the day

I love you
I love you
Day after Day
I trust in my path
and pray
that one day
may our lifes smile upon us
and bring us back together
one day
 Dec 2013 Casey
Whose fault is it?
There must be someone to blame
Should I blame myself?
Or start taking names?
For some reason I'm incapable of lending out my heart
Am I more afraid of rejection or of someone tearing it apart?
But what if those aren't the reasons either
Maybe there's a guard up that I need to shed
All I know is I seem to like men for a maximum of few days after we've been in bed
But once that third day comes, I'm as cold as ice
I stop returning calls and trying to be nice

Part of me feels disappointed
I want my money back
I thought *** was supposed to come with true love intact
Two naked bodies colliding
The smell of pheromones
Ah, the temperature is rising
The collision of our bones
The brain is producing chemicals
Pleasure is induced
There's scratching and there's biting
"Hello inner caveman, I don't think we've been introduced."

Maybe I'm not patient enough
Emotions take too long
You've got to find the right words
Pick the right songs..
Maybe bodies get too familiar
Curiosity has got this cat
Yeah, I can be promiscuous
I'm not afraid to wear that hat
A mere infatuation is the closest I've been to having my heart melt
And even then, I wasn't truly sure what I felt
Maybe I'm cold blooded
I chew them up and spit them out
Either way
I'll still be living with doubt.
 Dec 2013 Casey
Emily Larrabee
I am a girl
six inches over five feet tall
I am bulimic
and sometimes depressed
I can't stand blood so i don't cut
I'm afraid of ***** and so much more
I'm not psychotic maybe a little weird
I love music and poetry
I love people if they love me back
I love my sister she's thirteen
I am me
and this
Who I am
 Dec 2013 Casey
The words come out of him like *****
But they bring such sweet release
Emotional relaxation
Profanity brings him peace

You know this but it hurts you when he uses that abusive tongue
Always putting you down and turning to you into the pun
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