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 Jun 2013 Carolynn
 Jun 2013 Carolynn
honey will never rot
and maybe from that
we should conclude
that the sweeter you are
the harder it is for you to die
 Jun 2013 Carolynn
Dalton Bauder
rising from the bottom of this sea
is the bubble of my next breath
contorting itself into smaller beads
of possibilities,
rising to meet the plane of release
beyond the glimmering surface.
in angelic exodus, blood leaks
from my heart to fill
the lonely corridors
of this vessel. 

my thoughts stir like static,
white noise channeling the great beyond,
with no form to settle into.
the mirrors lie.
no hominid can contain this.
there is much more behind my eyes
than there is
in front of them.
 Mar 2013 Carolynn
Michael Pick
 Mar 2013 Carolynn
Michael Pick
Not quite eighteen so time's still a lot
But not quite sure how I'll use it
Should I spend what I have as I keep going
Or take from the past and put it forward
I think too much and maybe
I laugh too little but
Time has told me to plan ahead
Several months have aged me beyond what I was
Seeing things now for what they are
Instead of what I want
 Feb 2013 Carolynn
Don Bouchard
A week of pills awaits your mother
In their little plastic bins;
Remembering them is now her bother
A handful each, across the labeled row.

Saturday's her day to fill,
One each,
A steady line of soldiers:
Pills to calm her and to thrill,
Pills to orient her heart...
To end the day...and start it.
To speed the ticker up,
Or to ****** it.

Then of course, the irony...
(We can't forget this part!)
Pills to make the side-effects
Of other pills depart.

Therapies with warnings are included,
What to take with food or take without,
And whom to call should side-effects appear.
(No one ever reads a word;
The print is much too small)...
"Besides, this is the only cure."

A pharmaceutic's pleasure is
Dispensing colored regulators...
Encapsulated or enterically en-coated...

To **** the cancer?
An important goal...
But more, I think,
The goal should be
To save the patient....
 Feb 2013 Carolynn
eleven friends and family
gone so early in my life
death has taken it toll
on me I'm afraid
the one's who haven't died
said they would always be there
those were promises lost
I was stabbed in the back
sold out for something less
And now I have no one
but a bottle of pills
I still think about death
about starting over
in the afterlife
away from the pain
away from them
I'm so tired of this life
tired of the hurt
tired of being betrayed
tired of being alone
why should I care about others?
when nobody cares about me?
It is a constant thought
I will admit that
but am I desperate enough?
to end this life
I think perhaps I may enjoy it
the pain that is
the sadness
the torture
yes, I think I enjoy being miserable
I am a scorpio after all
scorpio's can blend in
disappear in a crowded room
their quiet and laid back
and yet they can take only so much
before they attack in self defense
when will I attack?
who will I hurt?
how badly will I hurt them?
perhaps I should end it now
before I do something I regret
perhaps I will enjoy regret
add it to the torture I already feel
continue being miserable
 Jan 2013 Carolynn
After last nights debauchery,
dying is an illusion
that I cannot attain.
I unfurled the sheets,
thriving on the threads
of an emaciated cocoon.
Nagging thoughts,
living on the
possibilities of
slip ups.
My reality
through the alarm clock
of any particular morning.
I want to sleep forever
in mass amounts of memories.
My mind resented the idea
of propelling forward,
of the insatiable desire
of being wanted as much
as I project and feed
the want I have inside.
To be forgotten and let go
from heart and eyes,
to the keys from which
you use to type and
unlock doors of all sorts.
It's moments like this,
that I wish I would die
 Jan 2013 Carolynn
Without you how I can remain well
My heart is in mystical severe turmoil
The heart is burning like a mosquito’s coil
Or like an egg full boil or half boil..
My love, come to me pour the rain of love upon my heart
How can I wait as Things Fall Apart
Since you depart
I started to follow love flowchart…
Even …. Even … Even…
The lovebird and the rose of love had left the Eden..
Joyfully expressing how the feelings are from her departure...
 Jan 2013 Carolynn
 Jan 2013 Carolynn
I'm falling
Deep into a state of nothing
The rest of the world is fading
As I disappear.

Left alone with myself
Thoughts pulling me down further
No one here to pull me back
And I'm gone.

Surrounded with emotion
Sadness and anger with no devotion
I'm lost in that haze
With no hope for returning tonight.
Sorry I know this isn't good. But I needed to try something to feel better.
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