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Carolin Jan 2015
His voice is like
marmalade and blue
jays , it can drown out
the sound of your
nervous bones and
mend broken chests
and hearts. She drowns
in the colours of him as
it washes away her every
sin. Being with him makes
her whole. To die next to
him will be indeed such a
heavenly way to go. Oh
for she was just one of
those lost homeless souls
until his warmth and love
built her a cozy home. If
she could crawl under his
skin and be cradled in his
rib cage like a child at night
, she would of done that
instead of sleeping next
to him wrapped up in his
dazzling arms of gold* ~
Carolin Nov 2015
Your a fairytale. A merman
with pretty scales. A fantasy
a man that looks really fancy.
The eyes you have look crystal
blue. They make me want to
take a dip in them cause they
remind me of the deep blue sea.
And oh God the way you look
at me just makes me want to
stare at your pretty face for an eternity. Your eyes hold the
best of poetry. I saw love in
them the first time you turned towards me. Your beauty made
my skin blush from the inside
out and flowers bloom in every
corner of the room we were
standing in. I'm lucky to be
with a man like you. A man
that looks like the portraits
I have hung up on my
bedroom walls* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
He's designed for her .
His words are romantic than those written in the old centuries poetries . His seducing eyes undress her like a private detective in disguise . His hands move like magic on her thighs sending shivers down her spine leaving her craving for more .
She was made for him . She showers him with delicate kisses on his skin and licks the honey dripping out from his manly voice .Her soul collides with his just like clouds do up in the skies . She became his dream come true the moment she kissed away the sadness in his beautiful hazelnut brown eyes. They live for each other . He's designed for her the same way she's designed for him . I think that's what they call destiny ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Tell me words that send shivers down my spine .
Fill the cracks in my bones with wildflowers .
Light my soul up with wild fires help me reach these
lustful desires . Sing me a lullaby in the dead of night .
Be with me when the dusk settles in . They say that's
where the torture begins . Wake me up with a heart full
of you . Take my hand and walk with me in the morning dew .
Tell me this dream will come true ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Did you see the war zone
in her head. The dark clouds
coming crashing in. How her
sun bled every afternoon
with different shades of red.
Did you see scars on her hips
and hands ? The lines by razor
blades on her delicate skin ?
Did you see how she walked
with pride out of it all leaving
the chaos she had in her head
behind ? How she slipped her
boots on and walked out of it
holding the red rose with it's
thorns ? She found someone
to push her dark clouds away.
Someone to share her life with
and play. Someone with a shining
light to keep her safe. To guide
her night and day. Someone who
told her it's going to be ok* ~
Carolin Dec 2015
Die young not bombed.
Heal wounds instead of
making new scars. Bleed
in shades of love instead
of different shades of red.
Make gentle love don't ****.
Plant flowers instead of ****. Scatter the seeds in the soil
and let the hungry and the
poor feed. Write poetry with
good intentions to allow your
words to caress a thousand
broken hearts. Use your ink
wisely instead of abusing it.
Listen to one another. Hug
your children when the sun
rises up. Say a prayer for your
lost ones. Light candles every
night for world peace. Gather
with your family over a warm
feast. This is how you'll change
this world to a better place.
This is how you'll paint smiles
on a million sad faces. This is
how you turn each other's
frowns upside down. This is
how love should spread on
mother earth's
grounds* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
A girl who speaks to
him in the language
of poetry and love.

A boy who speaks to
her in the language of
the angels in the
heavens above* ~
Carolin May 2015
She fell in love
with the way his
words dive into
her mouth ~
Carolin Jan 2016
Is this what love does , make
society reject us in a country
like ours ? Does it make our
bodies float over the waves
till our limbs tangle up and
we settle on abandoned
islands and rock ?

Does it have the power to
bring out the humanity in
us despite the beasts we
have underneath our
skin ?

Does it wash you clean
from your darkest sins ?

I'm not really sure about
what love does anymore.
But what I'm sure of is that
we won't need the society
or our families by our side.

We'll just need you and me
for an eternity most
probably* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
Don't let depression get to you.
Don't let it **** the life out of you.
Push it away when it reaches out
for your throat. Never let it force
you to write a suicidal note. You
should untie the knots it leaves
behind. You still have a whole life
out there for you to live and find.
Fight your way through existence.
There is a stranger outside waiting
to love you blind. Forget about what
goes on in your dark twisted mind.
Go out and leave your misery behind.
Someone is out there waiting to love
you endlessly and call you mine* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
No frowns tonight
I wont let this feeling
take you down. No tears
tonight your eyes shouldn't
be this kind of sad. I won't
let the bad thoughts take
over you. Cause your all i
have. Let me inject your
veins with some hope to
take away this solid pain.
I don't want you living in
the dark for long. Come
out with me and play with the
angels in the bright morning light.
Hold my hand to comfort
you. I'll stay here all night to
look out for you. If there was
anything else i can do to take
those bad feelings away please
tell me and darling if i could i
would be happy to kiss them
away for you. I just don't want
to see this kind sadness in your
beautiful eyes tonight*  ~
Carolin May 2015
Don't. Don't cry. It
makes me suffocate
and want to die. Don't
cry. I'll cradle you through
the night and tell you a
lullaby. Those pretty eyes
shouldn't carry sad tears.
Those pretty eyes should
not carry pain. This sounds
insane but when your tears
crash to the floor. I hear
screams that seem louder
from the ones i heard in
movies from television
screens. Don't cry. Because
i don't have the power to
see your smile turn upside
down and form a frown. I
don't have the power to
leave home alone in the
middle of the night to kiss
your tears goodbye. We're
parted by distance but our
love and hearts are in the
same place. The only tears
i want to see are the happy
ones falling down your
handsome face. Where the
best of memories float on
the edge of your lids ready
to sail off free. Ready to mark
gentle earth with our history.
Because I love you I don't
want to see you sad and in
misery. Come on baby please
wipe the tears and lean
forward to kiss me* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
I can be your clown
on the days that you
frown. I'll  put a
golden crown on you
and tell you your my
lovely prince. I'll lift
you up when your
feeling down. Just
tell me you won't frown.
We can go on a car
ride around this cursed
town. We'll roam in
empty streets and
have a little fun. Then
we can kiss a bit on the
back seats of your car
and not make a sound
to avoid being found* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Do you ever wonder
if flowers cry the way
clouds do up in the
sky* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Drenched in black and white.

We're both looking fancy
and fine tonight.

Smiles painted on our wet lips.

I can feel good vibes flowing
from me to you.

Hold me close to your face.

Listen carefully while i say
the words of "I Want To Marry

Break the silence surrounding
us with the drums beating in
your young heart.

Lay down next to me while we
enjoy natures view.

Sit still dear and feel my arms
as they hug and softly caress
the art painted on your skin* ~
Carolin Sep 2015
Drink up and
gulp. A cup of
tea. A cup of sea.
A cup of all the
things we could
possibly be* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Drunk on wine.
Drunk on poetry and
you. Drunk on life and
the things you do. Wrap
me in your arms. Wrap
me in the wings you have.
Kiss me with love kiss
me the way angels do.
Talk to me with words of
love. Talk to me the way
poets do. Because dear the
love i have for you is more
stronger than the love that
exists in the words of
Shakespeare and Edgar
Allan Poe too* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
I have
I have given it
To make you feel alive
You can always take
And I ask nothing
Just to let you live

To see your eyes
Brimming with joy
To see your smile
With honey oozing
from your voice and

Too much pain
For me to bear
It’s about time
To let you feel
Just a tiny glimpse
Of what I can do

I won’t mind if your
love drives me blind
I won’t mind if you bind
me with your wants
I ask for nothing
Just want to see you grow
To free the reality that you
have trapped within your

You take what’s mine
I won’t be selfish
But now you take too much
I’ll make you regret it.
Karl in italics.
Carolin in bold.
Another collab with the
amazing Karl Chua :)
Carolin Nov 2014
Eating skittles while telling
my love silly riddles. We throw
pebbles in the river and watch
the ripples forming circles.
Trying not focus much at how
they multiply and look pretty as
fine poetry. We believe that would
help us avoid feeling light headed
and dizzy. If we were at the sea we'd
hug and watch the waves crash on the
shore. Bowing down to kiss our wet
sandy toes. As the clouds part so the day
light shines down on our fragile skin
and the skies write our love story that's
about to begin* ~
Carolin May 2015
I'm fragile like a child. With
soft skin and delicate bones.
I feared the dark and those
throwing me with stones. I
feared bullies that existed in
school. Never liked to walk a
mile in my own shoes.
Found a boy who reached
out to me. The way a hand
reaches out to rescue a child
drowning in a pond. Hugged
me with warmth and told me
i'll protect you as if I'm your
mom and from winter's blistering
cold. He wiped away my tears.
And brushed my hair behind my
ears. He patted me on the back
while promising that he'll help
me get my life back on the right
track. He had loyalty that exists
in elephants herds. Because
he made sure that i was
loved and not alone* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
Shivering bodies
quivering lips. Pants
unzipped and dropped
down low below the hips.
This is it he says. Standing
by the edge of his bed.
Observing me with his
beautiful eyes touching
me between the thighs.
Im on the edge of high she
says and you're my angel
in disguise. While she takes
off her dress his hands
caress her neck her flesh
her legs and every inch. Hands reaching out for her bra
to unclip. How do you feel
he says. Naked , exposed ,
wild as can be and free she
replies. Take me into your story write me down on your pages
let me stain your soul with the
ink of love. Wrap me in your
arms till the day i die she
says while he traces her
curves and reaches her
heart. Promise to never
tame me and keep me wild
as she kisses the back of his
neck. I'll love you for an
eternity and we'll explode
together like the stars up in
the galaxy* ~
Carolin Jan 2016
I'll build an igloo from
your snow. I'll build an
igloo from your winter.
I'll build an igloo so I
can get a chance to
eskimo kiss your little
buttoned shaped
nose in the
cold* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Through grave stones
and coffins. Through
darkness and lost souls.

I'll find a way to crawl to you.
And rest my tired bones over

Before time turns us to
stardust like the kind
astronauts found
on planet Mars.

Before time turns
us to stardust
and we'll no
longer have
our arms* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
Every time we
kiss I taste fruit
punch on my lips* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
Every time I write a
poem dandelions
grow on my skin.
Every time  you kiss
them my bones
blush from
within* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Eyes are not just eyes.
They hold stories of futures ,
seas and forest trees. Takes
a few minutes for one to see.
Look in your lovers eyes. Take
a moment don't just observe
their eye colour. Search for
stories and lost history. Look
hard and you'll find answers
for unsolved mysteries. Scars
of the past. Gardens bursting
into life. You'll find hope ,
new beginnings and a cozy home.
And if your lucky enough all
you'll see will be endless
amounts of love* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
All it took us was some
fairy dust. We puffed
some in the air as we
danced and laughed.
Before we knew it we
were full of passion and
lust. And had the urge
to kiss and make
love* ~
Carolin May 2015
Falling from the sky
above. Screaming out
in pain. Wings grew on
his way down to the
ground. Causing his
back and bones to
ache. Screaming in
the dark asking God
to show him a spark
or any kind of mark.
Not aware of how his
wings looked like. Or if
they were in shades of
black or grey. They held
powers to create storms
at the end of the day.
They held powers to
break the silence in
undiscovered forests
and in caves near the
oceans furious waves.
Falling down from the
sky he thought his life
has came to an end.
Falling down from the
sky carrying thoughts
of why. He wasn't aware
that he was given a gift
from the angels above.
He thought he was
****** and forever

He met a girl down on
his way. She looked pretty
and free. Flapping her wings
with such beauty. With marks
on her skin and stars in her
eyes. He asked her how will
they survive. In undiscovered
lands and in darkness. She
replied by holding hands. The
only way for us is stick together through midnight and dusk.
Before the sunshine covers
these lands with its golden
rays. We have to find a hiding
spot to stay and pray. When it's
dark we can come out and play.
We'll have each other all day.
Would you mind if i place a soft
kiss on your lips ? They say love
heals all kinds of wounds. Would
you mind if i place a kiss on
those marks found on your
skin ? I promise they'll feel
better by noon. Don't you frown
now boy. We were given a gift
from God. Wings to carry us
wherever we want. And each
other to hug and kiss when
times get hard* ~
Carolin Aug 2015
Was it fate that we met ?
To find my true soulmate.

The whole thing was a once
a dream and now it has to
turned into a reality.

I felt like floating in the air
as if there was no gravity to
pull me down.

I breathed in your scent as I
held you between my hands.

How lucky am I to have you
for an eternity.

My soulmate has found me
online and now he is here
right in front of me.

Telling me "Oh darling , now
that I have found you would
you please marry me"

Without hesitating or asking
the question of why joyful
tears fell from my eyes , as
I said my I do's and vows* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Let's paint stripes on our
skin. Let's start with lines
of black and white. Why
not wear masks as we
begin ? We can be crazy
and wild. Touch your stripes.
Become alive. Feel the rush ,
feel the fun. Feel the tingle
from your paint brush. Feel
the untamed animal you have
trapped under your skin. Feel
the adrenaline kicking from
within* ~
Check my Facebook page
Carolin Dec 2014
Buttons undone clothes
dropped down to the wooden
floor board. Doors locked ,
lights off. Music is on. Two
bodies stand still and exposed
but madly in love. This is not
just a poem about people with
zero layers of clothes but
something deeper instead.
Hands touch in the dark
creating a bright spark. Hearts
beat wildly in their cages
waiting to break out wild
and free. Blood boils in their
thin shy veins just like those who experience skinny love. She feels his
love ascending and descending
up and down her spine. He
bows done to her holding her
hand trying to drown out all
the words she has locked
from within. "We'll make love
tonight despite that it sounds
crazy and wild we'll make
love for the first time tonight."
he said. Hands move up and
down exploring every inch.
Body heat shared while they
sit on the same bed. "Are we
alive or are we dead" they
said the minute their tongues
met. "It's time to turn all our
day dreams in reality" he said.
Messy hair , tangled limbs ,
lipstick all over his skin , bite
marks there there there and
there , hands on his back , his
lips  pressed to her neck. "I
think we're getting on the right
track" she said after she
gave him a peck.  This is
how love feels when it hits
you hard  in the heart and the
head. Tonight love will make
us invincible we'll never feel
miserable nor invisible again.
"I love you I love you" was
all they said under the lemon
grass green  coloured covers
on his bed* ~
Carolin Feb 2015
I kept a map of your heart under
my covers from the very start. I saw
stars burning brighter than bonfires
in the depths of your eyes. Your voice
sounded better than church quires,
humming birds and mermaids in the
middle of the sea. The way you looked
at me the first time we met made the heat
in my body rise. Your name got stuck in
my head. You left me scribbling it down
on paper with my black inked pen. That’s
when I decided to carry you inside my
heart till the very end* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
On lotus flower petals
that float into the Nile
too I will write the words
of I love you* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
And i wrote this :
Dark art has it's own
spark. Flowers in skulls
have brave hearts.

The way they grow out
from death.

The way they fight to
survive and bloom into

Fascinating the living and
the dead with the way
they grow through the
holes where eye *****
should exist.

They get to have a vision
of their own before
decomposing and turning
to ash and dust like
skeletons under their silver
grave stones.

Isn't courageous of them to experience life from
someone who's dead ?

As their roots cover every
inch of bone on the human

Growing stronger than
never before.

Bursting into life and
colours instead of fading
out into the black
and grey* ~
Carolin Feb 2017
He said I love you and
her clothes fell off. He
kissed her and their
tongues twisted and
twirled. His love took
her to another world.
Hand in hand they
fought the dark. He
stopped the blood that
was falling from her
cuts by patching them
up with flowers and
the petals blushed
as they witnessed
their endless
love ~
Carolin Jan 2016
Your touch on me,
firm, protective,
me out.

Trying to touch my
every detail that has
been covered with
the forest's leaves.

Your fingertips so
tender and soft
against my skin.

Your hands so
delicate as they
unknotted the
weeds and seeds
tangled up in
my hair.

Our thoughts drenched
us in love in that moment.
Our thoughts of passion
and lust began to turn
us on.

Making our hearts
pound so strong making
us both nervous and

Your heat warmed my
body that has been
cold for a long time.

Your hands covered
my chest and rose from
being exposed to the
wind and these woods.

Is it destiny that sent
you here ? Is it fate that
let us kiss and touch ?
Is love that allowed our
hearts to sing along the
same song ?

The leaves and vines
giggled when your lips
brushed against my
blushing cheeks.

The sky sighed and
weeped tears of joy on
us damping the soil
beneath our bare

Our kisses and hugs
made nature gaze in
awe. It made nature
shout out for an

While the birds above
placed a crown of the
brightest leaves upon
my head.

You kneeled down on
both your knees , kissed
my hand and proposed
to me in front of the
trees and the fallen
leaves* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
He came everyday to
play a game of cards
with me. And tell me
stories about the sea.
He'd adjust pretty clams
in my hair. Sometimes
we'd play the game of
truth or dare. His love
made me forget about
the curse that followed
me everywhere. The
curse of having a
mermaid's tail* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
I want to crawl under
his skin and cocoon
Inside his brain , grab on
to the ventricles of his heart
and swing from within as the
moonlight creates dim lights
in the dead of night. I'll shut
my eyes and hold on tight to
you for a lifetime. Come closer
love and i'll promise to cradle
you with these weak weary
delicate arms and nothing but
the purest kind of love. To protect
you from the storm that's raging on
under your skin and inside your broken lovely bones* ~
"To crawl under his skin and cocoon inside his brain" is written by SPT .
Carolin Feb 2015
You haven't killed the
christians. You killed the
men of god. Men made
of steel who used their
prayers to heal the wounds
that your ***** hands have
caused. You slit their throats
and threw them in the oceans
waves. That's just an uncivilized
way for one to behave. You
killed the one's who stood
brave as they looked up to
the sky and wept tears of joy.
Despite knowing that they
were about to die. You killed
the men of God the brave and
the courageous. They stood
with heads held high weeping
tears of joy they kept their faith
as they watched the angels and
Jesus ready to welcome them
in the heavens above* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
I was freed from my
shackles by your love.
My soul now soars up
above in God's velvet
skies the way white turtle
doves do. And the air
entered my lungs after
you breathed poetry
down my throat the
moment you kissed me
against your bedroom
wall. As we stood shy
saying our vows and
our I do's. I'm no longer
prisoned , for my  
shackles have broken
and the time has come
to know what it's like to
be truly living in the
heavens you hold
between your arms
without any fear of a
mother's love chocking
me deep down to the
bone and telling me
right from wrong* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Walk with me on a wire from tower to tower.
Hold my hand over an hour. Give me a red flower
but remember darling I love my roses with thorns.
Just like you admire the devil with horns. Darling I know you
have the power to calm these storms in me. We can hum our secret
melodies along. I promise you baby this will be so heavenly ~
Carolin Jan 2016
In the frost in the snow.
Wondering lost wondering
cold on my bleeding paws.

Howling on all fours feeling
the fever inside my bones.
I look for you in the distance
ahead. Waiting for a sign
waiting for help.

Where have you gone
where have you went. I
can't go on with out you
by my side.

Who'll protect when the
day light dies who will
protect me in the
darkness of dawn.

**** the blizzard that
set us apart. **** the
storm that broke our

I need the sun to melt
this frost. I need you here
so we can touch. Most of
all I need your love.

You're the only family i've
got the last survivor of
our pack. You're the spine
of my back.

The one who lifts me up
and gets me going on the
right track.

Because your my wolf
boy. My shapeshifter.
My soul healer. Because
you're my kind of high ,
the brightest star up in
my skies and my quick

I simply want to let go,
close my eyes against
the cold, and fall asleep

The rush inside, I simply
want to let go, close my
eyes against the cold,
and fall asleep alone,
and let death sink in
down to my bones,
lonely, lost, alone,
no wolf boy beside
me, no one to
hold* ~
Last two paragraphs are written by my friend Harleen Black Wolf :)
Carolin Oct 2014
You smell like wildflowers
dancing happily and freely in the meadows winds. Your beauty sends me chills down my broken shattered bones. Your love makes me feel whole. Your face reminds me of pretty daisies blooming effortlessly in the morning light. And you my love are like gardens bursting into life* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
A boy with
sunshine in
his mouth.

A girl with
daisies under
her skin.

He kissed her
and gardens
bursted into
life from
within* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
On mornings with
blue skies. I look
into your eyes. And
get lost in them. While
those passing by look
amazed as they see me
pause and gaze ~
Carolin Jul 2015
Fill up the tub with warm
water. Rose petals , leaves
and other flowers that
bloom in the season
of spring.

Slide in next to me. Collide
with my soul and let me
make you feel whole as the fun begins.

Relax and let the nervousness
drown out of your bones.

Come into my arms as that
should make you feel calm
and home.

Let the flowers caress your
skin gently as our limbs tangle
up the way vines do simply
on the gates of our backyard
and heavens doors.

Let me massage your shoulders
as I kiss your collar bones

This is how our lives will be
from now on when you leave
work and come back home.

We'll begin to hum our
favorite melody as we drench
our souls in delicate kisses.
While the petals touch our
skin and blush in the tub.

And we start to softly giggle
and moan as we crave for
much more* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
He held me close and
knew all the secrets I
had buried under the
forest floor before. He
kissed my neck and the
winds made the leaves
dance to the melody of
our pounding hearts that
became in sync. His
moonlight drenched my
skin as he stirred the
chaos I had hidden deep
down from within. And
so passion and lust took
over our bodies and
souls and we began to
gently sin* ~
Carolin May 2015
Give me butterflies
and fairy wings to
soar up high in God's
blue skies*~
Carolin Sep 2014
Every inch of me
loves every inch of
you. And darling yes
that's true. How about
you be the glitter and i'll
be the glue. Together we'll
shine bright through the dead
of night* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Hands full of love. Hands
full of art. Hands full of
tattooed hearts. Hands
full of passion and lust.
Fingers tangled like a
knot to help each other
walk out of the
dark* ~
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