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My eyes don't lie
My eyes don't lie
Check it
The mirror shows my reflection
My brain processes the image
I  question
Should I accept it
The color spectrum says I'm brown
Society says I'm   black
But truth be told I'm lighter than that
Look my skin tone
Scraps off when I cut my shin bone
I see white meat than blood flows
Huh? What if I healed like Wolverine
Would you accept or call me weird
Eye sight is dear oh my eyes don't lie
They just see lies for what they are, lies
A man is not a lady , a woman is not a guy
God guides my sight I see the lies even if disguised.
Stolen kisses

just delicious

swollen lips

straight to hips

Wandering hands

my heart brands

whispered phonecalls

my soul falls

Commit infidelity

I’m paying penalty

my stomach growing

you, not knowing

Consumed by guilt

lust was spilt

can’t look you in the eye

kissing sanity goodbye
 Jun 2013 Carmen Ng
I thought I knew all there was to know about me
I’d never thought someone would know secrets about me
that I didn't

yet, you told me
that somehow I always smell like incense
and vanilla
and warmth

And I had never given much thought to my spine
But you taught me
that there is beauty to be found
in the gentle curve of my back

You showed me
that my lips
could make constellations
trailing across your body
I was shocked to learn my kisses could be stars

And you knew
the back of my hands
far better than I ever will
because you held them to your lips
and you worshiped them

I’d never noticed my eyebrows
but the day you said you liked them
they became my favorite part of my body

And every inch of my skin that you touched
was better for it
And even when you're gone
I’ll always remember you
for turning my lips
into stars
 Jun 2013 Carmen Ng
Micheal Wolf
Well it must be true it's on Facebook!
So much is said that isn't true
He did that and she flew the coup !
Like this, like that it's all the same
You wont cure cancer or heal a child's pain
Follow a cause or like a page
It's intellectual blackmail in a cyber age
So how did we get so wrapped up
Zuckerberg has sold us a pup
It's an imaginary world with no taboos
Who's with who and what they do
No truth of any, in most of it
It's a collective pile of bovine ****!

— The End —