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 Mar 2014 Carlee Burkhart
I can't recall a time when I wasn't trying to be your perfect girl; earth's dazzling creation  
I'd have you at hello, overflowing with infatuation
but this wouldn't fade away, it's an everlasting fixation
and I'd soak up your all love, praise, and abiding adoration.  
Write about me honey, I'll be your inspiration
It's just something about you, hard to compose an explanation
for why you leave me feeling dizzy, and my thoughts in aberration.
Oh I how I'd love you to bits, beyond any mind's imagination
but this is not the case, you see there's just one altercation,
I am not your perfect girl, no,  I don't swell you with elation.
I burn with jealousy of she who does, my heart weak with desolation.
Wish I could enliven you, wish I could set your soul to conflagration  
but no, i have no spark, i can't give you that sensation.
Sure you know i'll try, i'll woo you with flirtation,
but you'll give up soon enough, once i lose your fascination.
It's not long before my lukewarm love will reach its expiration.
My heart sinks thinking of the fateful words, the final conversation
shaken my palms and sodden my eyes, admitting devastation
my heart sagging lower yet, blaming you, departed dear, for its dislocation.
I'll miss your eyes that blaze sweet, my own personal constellation
even your flaws, i'll miss them too, because of their association
to the thief who stole my blissful blindness to delightful intoxication
and made me think these things would last, with steadfast stone duration.
But you left like all the others had, there must be some correlation
for why my love lays abandoned, and my heart in isolation
it must be me, I'm the problem, it's my own malicious mutation
that repels love from embracing me and allowing for sweet vacation.
I wanted to warn the masses, so i give you this proclamation:
don't dare fool me with your words, because given this deformation,
I know you will leave me so empty, but somehow full of deprivation.
Oh my poor soul, I can't cure you with apologies, so if its any consolation
I've shared my affliction with the world, through this aching manifestation.
we met in Mexico,
slept rough in the back;
the seats folded down levelled out
and tacked down with two springs

we went by cities
not knowing their names;
stopped at payphone kiosks
shamed our pasts with left messages on answering machines

we stopped at toll booths,
paid for more road to play on,
to drive over smooth,
to cross another border before the noon

we deciphered restaurant menus,
ate with fingers crossed and hoped
the chicken was just that,
left a tip lost in another used ash tray

we wore sun cream
to screen us against the rays
and the glare reflecting
off the mineral water, natural bays

we walked up to bars
asked for drinks in cold bottles,
sipped and supped until kisses rolled out,
left holding hands like mannequin models

we kept the trip a secret,
kept it secure between you and me
and the folds in the bed sheets,
we only exist in hotel cheap suites.
From >>
Worker out the window
staring straight down the street with
idle eyes on white wild lines
coming up quick in their peripherals.

They are now reduced to a body in a bag
and several bits of paper;
bills have been cancelled,
a mother's wails cut down to quiet lulls,
and the office floor from where they leapt from
has returned normal.
What does it mean to love someone or something
How does one person become everything
Place it over yourself making it your first priority
Everything else arranged around them, orbiting
This thing you hold oh so close to your heart
Something you believe from you couldn't be torn apart
Yet what do we love is what I shall ask
Can't these symptoms be for a person or a whiskey filled flask
So bad for you, yet too **** good to resist
Why resist the urge to take just one more hit
Oh yes he could break my heart into tiny bits
But the ride would be oh so worth it
Yes I know crack kills but what a happy death
To feel this good all the time I'll sacrifice my health
Does it matter your addiction or what you love
To worship and unseen God from up above
To say I can't get enough and truly mean this
Is the essence of all that addiction/love really is
This love, this addiction is human nature at its finest
Memories fall apart
Like an angel in the dark
(She's clinging onto life)

Memories cut you from inside
They bleed you out until you're dry
(Love kills people every night)

Such a lovely disaster
Nightmare, such a blunder
We used to be such lovers
Until we broke each other
And became perfect strangers

Take my heart,
I don't want it back

Take my love,
I'll get through it

Heartbreak shows us
Never love and never trust
(Unless you wanna die inside)

People will heal you
Then they'll leave you
(It's all a game, alright)

People will deceive you
Then wonder why
It's breaking you
They never care
Until they see you happier
With someone that isn't them
Only then, they'll want you near
Wanna know every detail

(No, go to hell and stay there)
Venting in the best way possible.
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