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 Jan 2014 Carlee Burkhart
I'm sorry I'm so boring, I'm just too empty today.

my colors are grey and my blood has long been drained out and replaced with a black muck that makes it hard to move much less try to be charming. I've got cinder block shoes and a matching stone sweater which weigh me down as i trek through the empty land masses, trying to find you. I wear my smile mask in hopes of coming across as someone you might want to talk to or be friends with, but it makes it so hard to breathe and taking it off means someone might be able to undo the laces on my cinder block shoes, or unbutton my stone sweater, or kiss my hardend lips softly but passionately enough to set off a series of tingles that make the guck in my veins turn back into glowing crimson blood, filling me in a way i'm not sure how to deal with. And that's terrifying. Because once all of my armor is taken away, my poor hero is left only with my cracked, scarred, and stained body that was ruined by years of torture from wearing my burdensome ensemble.

I'm sorry i can't be perfect for you, I'm just too broken today.
White daisies dolefully kiss your cheeks
as the universe wraps herself around your neck
like a malicious strand of pearls.
Underneath that smile I can see you are drowning
while your insides fervently burn
like the relentless sun in an August sky.
And all of this is because
you insist on cradling the entire weight
of an arbitrary world without my assistance
Play with me like a globe
Spin me around
Allow your fingers to drag across the surface
Daydream about where you could explore
Hope to visit places that are secret to the rest of the world
Your eyes were key holes, I never really tried to pick the lock
All I did was peer through to see what was inside of you,
and this was always more than enough.
I imagine I see you every time I leave my house
When my mind plays these tricks she also fills my lungs with ice water
and lights a match underneath my palms
But I haven't seen my reflection in your eyes since the night you made me cry
and yet I still feel your strong arms pulling me towards you
while your breath on my forehead whispers goodbye
My tears still revisit the same trail they took
On the night when all I could do was look into your eyes and cry.

— The End —