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Zero Feb 2021
you make the moon look more beautiful.
  Jan 2021 Zero
my heart will forever have a you-shaped hole.
where only you will ever be able to fill it.
  Jan 2021 Zero
as i smell the crystal snow laid in lines across my bathroom counter, i cant help but remember you.
its as if the toxic fumes filling my head are full of your laundry detergent, letting you ever so lightly lay your hand on my shoulder.
telling me youre here, as i hug this straw in my hands. the way i wish i hugged you.
i miss you bird :(
Zero Jan 2021
if only i could shake the rot of these bones of mine.
let them shine brightly, so bright in fact my skin glows pale yellow.
i want to be clean.
  Jan 2021 Zero
id let my life filter through your fingertips, leaving remnants of me on your palms.
ill kiss you the most beautiful of ways, letting our lips slowly touch and our tongues entangle gently.
ill hold your hands as if i was bonding my sweat with yours.
ill break you in the most angelic ways, making everything that was once stunning remind you of me.
and youll come crawling back to the storm that is my heart.
Zero Jan 2021
ill sit here and pretend i mean something to you, while you give your all to someone else.
it feels great to pretend, i wish you loved me.
  Jan 2021 Zero
i feel like im drifting
through the clouds searching for you.
for the heart you laid in you open palm
for the bright eyed smile.
searching, prodding, scratching.
for the person i so easily fell in love with
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