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  It's the
            That Make the
                  Wise Wise
haha... its true though :P

~ just a thought for today ~
Scissors beats paper

Light beats darkness

Love beats hate

*~ Remember?

The world's
a stage...

and he is just

A Player

*more wisdom than you can Shake-a-Speare at
**dat relationship advice
*** been into the ten-words lately... :P
To put it
We both
this is


the pursuit of happiness
oft bypasses common sense
"What will
I open my eyes?"

*"You'll see..."
testing waters
I wanna sit down and have a coke with you,
Oh there's so much I could say
I don't like coffee or coke but I'll drink then anyway
I'm gonna lay my cards out on this table
And hope you won't walk away
I'm not going to try and be her, that's not what I'm about
I'm sure many people have been in this rocking boat, wishing they're good enough
So here it goes:
I'm a little strange (but you knew that one anyway)
I lose interest far too fast but only someone like you could make it last
I pick people who would never think of me that way simply because I like the chase
And when I saw you, well I could give you any number of cliches
I don't like Oreos or pizza very much
And sometimes I feel so out of touch
I would struggle to tell you a Jay-Z song, but could talk about Lewis Watson all night long
I'm not very good at art and I see all these pictures of couples and just feel so inadequate because I'm not graceful or elegant and I certainly don't look good in just anything, and my clothes will never be 'oh this old thing'
I don't dress like everybody else and I have to wear shoes with chunky soles to give me some height
Oh and I've seen Justin Bieber, twice
I have this mental family you see, and I'm really lucky to be as sane as I am, I had it hard growing up, parents weren't there and when they finally were it's because they had another child. My Dad's first boy and my Mum's baby, so it was pretty hard growing up.
My babysitter fed me till I has chubby and round and it's been a long time losing all that baby fat
I finally feel comfortable in who I am, even though I struggle to get organised and am not the most well-rounded pupil in my school, achieving 4 As while being part of the debating, rugby, maths and French teams
I didn't know what existentionalism was until a smart guy in my English class told me,  but I'm not ashamed
Because I like who I am.
There are a lot of nice things, too
I am thoughtful and will do little things to make you happy
I have eyes that go golden and freckles on my face
My ***** are a comfortable resting place
I would never let you down and I love with all my soul
I'm spontaneous and like to do fun things and just drive to the other side of the country for the day, or fly to Italy
I'd never run out of ideas of new things we could do, or places we could go
But just like Ed, I'd be equally happy just to stay on the sofa with you
I have lots of interesting stories from things that happened in my day
And I give good kisses and hugs
And I know, dressed up, I could blow you away
I know this isn't much of a love poem, really, but it's been hard to let go of what has come before, and not to make comparisons. But you're the first person that's stolen my breath away and turned it into the evening zephyr.
Usually my words are poetic and metaphorical, but I told you I'd lay it all down. And whilst these are words I would never (could never) say, I hope they find their way to you, anyway.
Very sincerely yours.
Divine Minds Transcend

Staring out into the night sky the sound of thunder shakes the trees
A circle of planets hovers in the distance a starry bridge stretches out before me
I see with my third eye an alternate existence ascending me into a higher conscious reality
I see an upside-down pyramid floating over a circle of dancing monkeys

So here we go again searching for the truth
It’s deep inside the looking glass
where only few breakthrough

Do you try hard to open the eye in your mind?
The sound of cries ignite another crash landing
Emotions rise deceptive minds are bending
Does anyone know how much I suffered from this
I lived life, lost and confused then watched my fate descending

So there I was again searching for the truth
I searched inside the looking glass until I finally broke through

I fell into a strange world a world inside a dream
It was there that I found a circle of planets magically hovering
A starry bridge to an alternate existence ascending me into a higher conscious reality
I saw with my third eye an upside-down pyramid
floating over a circle
a circle of humanity

It was there I broke my ego and found the real me
© JDMaraccini 2013

— The End —