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 Apr 2013 Cam E
(could you feel it too?
each last part of me,
poured into the smile
i handed over to you.
because i don't know how
to speak around you,
so i figured everything else
would just have to do.)

to tell you the honest truth,
i'd give anything to sit
and be quiet with you.
oh dear lord, i'm in deep.  i think about him way too often.  he's so lovely and adfljk;
sometimes we get along so well and laugh and talk and then other times i forget that words exist.  boys make things complicated.
 Apr 2013 Cam E
PK Wakefield
barking Marge was tight and wet
she took dem bois wit out regret
she let dem in, one-by-one
and let dem pump till they wa dun

but now dat galz a little loose
from all doze years of takin' goose
and all dem bois ha got dem lifes
and all dem bois ha got dem wifes

sa bawkin Marge went down da peer
out ta waare da air isss clear
she took er self a litl dip
neeth da roll o wave and shipp

not a teer na don yu foist
cu bawkin Magj is nice nd moistt
 Apr 2013 Cam E
Elizabeth Squires
an awful tragedy
did befall her
twas a most
unexpected thing
three bullets
struck her in the head
the paramedics
couldn't save her
they did their best
but the death knell
determined that she must expire
they wheeled
her tepid body
into the freezing cold morgue
twas a sad day
for her family and friends
yet those
who she'd gravely hurt
wouldn't agree
they rejoiced
in her meeting
with tragedy
 Apr 2013 Cam E
There should be a special place in hell for mothers who don’t love, respect, and support their sons
I know things won’t always be perfect but the least you can do is care
I hope someday within those loud, echoing words of disappointment, those angry cries of doubt - over the next thing you think he has failed you for - leaving him to put his head in his hands wondering if he’s good enough for you, that you see the words hidden in his face, etched upon his skin
“I’m doing this for you mom”
Because what am I supposed to say as he lays his head on my shoulder with tears in his eyes saying to me “I don’t want to go home anymore”
When he thinks that you don’t love him because all you end up showing is hate
Am I supposed to say that's okay?
This is the son who said all he was worth was a marine uniform and a way to die just to make. you. proud.
Anger is no answer and if your boiling point is 212 degrees you’ll go 213 just to prove your hatred
You know you could break his heart with a pinprick yet you still go so far
And all I can do is hope next time you raise your hand against him you see in his eyes the words he’s tried over and over again to scream to you

“I’m just doing this for you mom”
This is a slam poem I did for class
I almost started crying half way through
Its so hard watching the one you love suffer
 Apr 2013 Cam E
Nicole Fox
I want to open my eyes to see your beautiful face
As the early morning sun pokes through the window panes.
Feel your embrace tighten as you realize I'm awake,
Be woken up by sweet pecks of your lips,
And say good morning with simply a glance.
I want to look around our near empty apartment
Furnished with cheap, used couches,
And photographs of high school.
I want my body to be free
And comfortable,
As it usually is with you.
I want time spent together to be worry free,
And if a care seems to slip through my trap,
I'd kiss it all away.
Days and nights would seem endless with you;
And despite the moon and sun being polar opposites they would
Greet us with a smile.
At 2am the moon would watch over us as you
Sit behind me, rub my back, and
Help me with my latest poem
Because we both know how brilliant your mind is.
You've always taught me about learning
And overcoming your fears
And being prepared.
But without realizing it, you're teaching me a new concept;
A virtue I can learn to keep,
Because if patience is what I need to achieve these results,
I'll wait forever and a day for this.
Hmmm I don't really know where this came from but yeah, here
 Apr 2013 Cam E
Elizabeth Squires
she stood naked neath the cascading waterfall
a bush walker espied her from the track
he was enthralled by her pert *******
they almost were saying we need caressing
he made him self known to her
by saying isn't it a lovely day
she replied it certainly is
why not join me in the waterfall's spray
he disrobed on a bolder rock
and swam to where she stood
then they imbibed
in some physical interplay
the atmosphere
they created neath the waterfall
was truly pleasurable
 Apr 2013 Cam E
Elizabeth Squires
a flight of cranes
landed on the river's edge
as eve shadows fell
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