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I stood cautiously upon the "great" hill,
The breeze, calming and 'o so very still;
And the sweet new blooms were proud.
Languid pull, curved, beneath a shroud,
Their sweet leaves of a sweetness stems,
Crowns which keep the droplet diadems
Caught from the budding tears o "Morn";
And clouds were fair, so wispy, so borne;
Fresh from the clear beck which so slept
Upon Azure plains of sky, and then crept
A faint buzzing among the green'r leaves;
Born of th' sigh that this quietude heaves.
For not the dimmest stirring in this  scene
Of all the umbrage that lie over the green
Was seen -such Joy such solace did bring.
 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
This heart of mine
Withered and dried long ago
Like a leaf that found its way
Into the barren desert
That is my soul
I've lost pieces
Here and there,
To the wind
To time
But for you,
I'll tear off this one tiny,
Dry piece
And give it to you
To carry in your pocket
Or perhaps,
To place between the pages
Of your book
 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
Kate Burton
and just like that
i wasn't there for you anymore...

 Feb 2017 Cait Harbs
I wish I was his cigarette,
Have him breathe me in so deeply
Wrap his lovely lips around me
Set fire to me, And
Slowly for him
To be the thing he holds
In his artful hand
Oh, what a lucky thing
That cigarette
I sneaked a cigarette this evening. It was heavenly. Happy Valentine's Day to me;)
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