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He could see her
Feel her
Sitting there
Unaware of him

He heard her whispers
Of doubt
Drowning out
In the street noise

And he could hear her
From the inside
So he sat beside her
And kissed her eyes

As the softened jade
At the barren drains
Of that which washes away

In a single grace
Of a strangers face
From the same place
She placed her grief
In his lips

And as he dissipated
She smiled
Gripped her keys
Stood up
And walked away

From the other place

 Feb 2013 Caety Lanel
I think I'm going to recede for a little while. I promise I'll be back, I can't stay away from you lovely lot, but I just need a little time to sit in my own head, more than usual I suppose. I miss you guys already & I can't wait to come back. Just right now, in my life, I need to sort of separate myself from everything else & try to figure out what's going on inside of me. No inner crisis, don't worry. Just, I think sometimes it's good to be alone. And I haven't done that in a while. I hope you all create wonderful splendid things for me to smile at once I'm ready to come back. So, I'll be back, but, for now, adieu.
             Amara Pendergraft
to person #4:
you told me that your tear ducts were broken
as we sat in a diner while the morning turned pale.
isn't that somehow worse?
sadness without tears
is like art without paint.
i like you
because my cheeks and my feet
are so often dripping with blue acrylic,
so much so
that i can't tell when they're dry.
 Feb 2013 Caety Lanel
Anon C
They say suicide is for the weak, the selfish
at this I ponder is the entirety of life not suicide
breathing toxic air, relying upon corruption to save us
stuck within a cycle
we have our smokers, drinkers, drug addicted
riddled with pain each and every one of us
yes life can be a song, we all smile
but inevitably life feels like suicide when eyes open to look
and I wonder should I not be the one to say how I go
and not you death, not you corruption
let me sing you a little song as I tip my glass
song or suicide
the answer lies only in you
Song or Suicide is an actual song by H.I.M.
im the friend youd be glad to have
ill protect you with all my being
i want you happy the 1st thing
i want the best i want that for you
im so true thats the golden rule
ill watch out have your back
keep you strong if its strength you lack
ill laugh even when your not funny
i show interest when things are boring
on the way when you dont want me over
no matter what your welcomed over
call me **** is on your mind
i wont let you be blind
help you focus open your eyes
we could hang anytime
you could be my partner n crime
best friend i want you to know you were mine
You're a ****
And I'm so
******* sick
Of backing
Down and
Turning away
I don't care
What you say
I'll say something
Back to you
I'm standing my
**** ground
And I'm not
Backing down
You are a monster
And I'm finally
To fight back.
"Old man, please listen to my tale
   for someone needs to hear
The store of a girl with lies so dark
    and oh so many fears.

Old man this is important
    not just to me but to you.
I know you don't understand
    but trust me you will soon.

You is started with broken homes,
    which leads to single lives.
And judges and courts and child support,
    well, you knows as well as I.

The woman, she had a temper,
    and her fists and words did fly.
But she did her best with what she had,
   Boy did she try.

To fill the shoes that were much to big,
    when her feet were much too small.
Her frustration needed venting,
    call me the punching wall."

"Well little girl where was your dad,"
     he tenderly said to me.
"Well old man, I couldn't tell you,
    but maybe you could tell me."

A puzzled look did grace his face
    his features stiff and tall
So finally I asked the man
    "Do you recognize this at all?"

And I held out a picture of a babe,
    fresh from her mothers womb.
And a sign saying "Dear daddy,
    please come home from war soon"

"The war has messed me up dear child,
     for I am no one's dad."
I smiled as I said to him,
   "I know sir, I understand.

But you can't blame this on the war
   for we did meet again
Because I used to visit
   until you left to follow another ***** hen."

A knowing look graced his face,
    as he remembered me.
"Dear child I am sorry,
      I should have remembered thee."

"Oh it's okay old man," I say,
     "I just wanted you to know.
I have a husband now you see,
     and a family of my own

My husband, he adores the kids,
    of which there are two.
A little boy and girl, 7 and 9
    neither of which know of you.

One day I'll tell them of a man
    who had more important things to do
And then I'll point to my husband and say
   ' I didn't have a daddy like you'

And no amount of words,
   will change what is our past.
I do not seek apologies,
   I only needed to ask.

If when you go to bed at night,
   you ever think of me.
Do you ever think what you've lost,
   or did you just believe,

That we were better off alone
    and that I'd be alright.
Or were you just to busy,
    to think of me at night.

Did you remember,
   if my eyes were brown or blue.
Did ever wonder,
   If I looked like you."

"But little girl you didn't ask
    any of those today
I can answer all sufficiently
   and help you find your way."

"Old many I didn't need to ask,
     to get the answers that I seek.
For when you did not recognize
   your smile or your cheeks,

I knew that you were fine without me,
     and your reasons for being gone,
Were that you were much to busy,
     to bring a kid a long.

And I know that you don't miss me,
    for when my husband's away,
He drops down to his knees at the door,
   longing to hug his kids all day.

You did no such thing right here,
   and now I know the truth.
You were much to selfish,
   Who would need a man like you.

But before I leave, you should know,
   that I was never okay.
I always blamed myself,
   for why you didn't stay.

But thank you for the answers,
   and maybe I'll sleep tonight.
Knowing it wasn't me, but you,
   that was too weak to fight.

I'll take comfort in knowing it wasn't me,
   that pushed your love away.
You had no spare love to give,
   so I'm glad you didn't stay.

So I hope that you are happy,
   and I hope the world is kind and true.
For I am finally okay,
   knowing it was always you.
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