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Through the eyes of a tear
I see so clear
The breeze blows lightly, brushing my face
Up through my hair, like fingers did trace
I thought of my love, with Jesus she stays
Now in the air, she stops and plays.
Alone in a world
Where there are so many
Emotion is strong
So deep within me
What are these feelings
Don't know where to turn
Deep in my gut
A whisper.........l e a r n
Today's hope
tomorrow's memories
Love's far sighted
It must be
at a distance your perfect for me

in my dreams I'm in love
not to close to push and shove

Loves far sighted
don't you see
That's why it stays so far from me.
Take no thought for your life
what you will eat
or what you will drink
or for your body
what you will put on
is not  life more than food
and the body more than clothing?

Look at the birds of the air
for they plant not
neither do they reap
nor gather into barns
yet your Father feedeth them
are you not more important than they?

Which of you by taking thought can add one inch to his stature

Why worry about your clothing?
Consider the lilies of the field
how they grow
they toil not
neither do they spin
and yet I say unto you
King Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

If your Father so clothes the grass of the field
which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the fire
shall he not much more clothe you

Don't be anxious
What shall we eat?
What shall we drink?
What should I put on?
For after all these things the world is anxious for.
Your Father knows that you need these things.

Seek first PEACE and GOODNESS
and all these things shall be added unto you.

Don't be anxious about tomorrow
It will take care of itself

You Father,
Mathew 6:25
Hope hope
The balloon gets bigger
Hope hope hope
Even bigger
Hope hope hope
It's so big all you can see is the balloon
Hope! Hope! Hope! Hope!
You trip and fall over what's right in front of you

What does that mean?
I live forever, it's not just a dream
My fears are released, now free to fly
What a relief I'm not going to die

Listen to ME, hear what I'VE said!
"I AM God of the living, not of the Dead"

There is no tomorrow, no yesterday
Your spirits immortal, fear goes away
Go take that plane ride, don't be so dull
Now you can live, life to the full
If only words had color
From a distance we'd say
Don't go that way
If only words had color

Before we could hear
We'd say so queer
If only words had color

We would see the smoke
Stay away don't choke
If only words had color
We could go on and on, I will stop, you get the point.
Wake up My people, get down on your knees
You go to your church, but do as you please
You change My words to sell witches spells
You get all excited with trinkets and bells

Cease from listening to words of men
They take your money, give a trinket of tin

Open My book, you'll see what I mean
Just Me and you, I'll make your heart sing

Trust what you read, how it makes your heart feel
We'll fall in love, I won't send you a bill.

I've given you knowledge for peace on this earth!
My teaching is Love
Plant the seed, give birth
I woke up this morning and heard the world cry
Heaven swooped down and wiped her eye

She told the world, now no more tears
No more hate now, No more fears

Sit down beside me, don't push don't shove
I'll tell you the ending, its all about love.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not love,
I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge,
and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, and have not love,
I am nothing.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,
and though I give up my body to be burned and have not love,
it profiteth me nothing.
Love suffereth long and is kind.
Love envieth not.
Love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doeth not behave itself unseemly.
Seeketh not her own.
Is not easily provoked.
Thinketh no evil.
Rejoiceth not in inequity, but rejoiceth in the truth.
Beareth all things.
Believeth all things.
Hopeth all things.
Endureth all things.
Love never fails.
But where there be prophecies they shall fail,
whether there be tongues, they shall cease,
whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
For we know in part, and we prophesy in part,
but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
When I was a child I spake as a child,
I understood as a child, I thought as a child,
but when I became a man I put away childish things.
For now we see though a glass darkly, but then face to face.
Now I know in part, but then shall I know even also as I am known.
And now abideth faith, hope, love: these three, but the greatest of these is love.

1 Cor. 13
I'll tell you a secret
They don't want you to know
Keep us divided
They run the show

Join in and say it
Not just a few

I love you brother
Sister too

Hates the divider
Love is the glue
In the darkness
Lying in wait
A force so strong
Deceit and hate

It flows through the air
Like a ***** stream
Looks for the simple
To their thoughts I'll sing

Through out the bait
Will they bite?
The darkness is patient
It can look like The Light

A force so subtle
Like a passing wind
It starts with a thought
That's how it begins
Then out through the mouth
The venom sets in

O if the simple
Would stop and think
From the ***** water
They would not drink
They would see the disease
And wars that they cause
Before they spoke
they would stop and pause

There is great force
In Love there's no crime
Creating peace
Easy to find
Let what you say
Water the earth
Up from the ground
Flowers give birth
Clean pure water
For all to drink
If only the simple
Would stop and think
Sin mixed with sorrow
Makes a better tomorrow
If no sorrow be
Evil you'll see
A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Pro 18:20
Pro 18:21
Hi, I'm satan
For all to see
I'll tell you a secret
A secret about me

I am a giver
I give you the world
I want you to be happy
Never get bored

When you see the things
That you can't afford
I make a way
So you call me lord
Just sign right here
On the dotted line
Yes it's me
But you are blind

I giggle and laugh
You say you are blessed
Little you know
You're being possessed

Now you're mine
You call me friend
I make you a slave
To he that lends

There was one called Jesus
He figured me out
Turned over my tables
And pushed me about

Now you can see
I've explained the ranks
It's still the same people
That run our banks
When you look for love
And say, where can it be?
The further you look
The less you see

Love is inside
An internal spring
Water the ground
Your hopes it will bring
The power of love, It knows no bounds
It's always there, waiting to be found
We search and search, it's just right there  
we still can't find it, it's everywhere

How long will I wait, and search and hope
It's like an ocean, but where's the boat
Love is gentle, love is kind
It is so strong, it heals the blind

I prayed to God, when and how!
He said, stop judging, it can be right now!
I will listen, I will listen, I will listen to THEE
He told me He loved me, I dropped  to my knee
I'll do what you ask, I'll do as you please

The heavens shook, I heard angels sing
His light burst forth, it shines through me
I realized I was blind, but now I can see
There's love all around, this beauty can't be!
There's a warmth in the air, it melted me
I flow through the hills, and down to the sea

I am one with MY LOVE.......I AM in me.
An imploding heart
Makes a tight chest
An exploding heart
Makes you your best
Saves us from ourselves
I used to hate, He taught me to love
I used to be harsh, He taught me to have mercy
I used to worry, he taught me to have faith
I used to indulge, he taught me moderation
I used to be selfish, He taught me to give
I used to be proud, He taught me to consider others higher than myself
I used to seek money, money,money, He taught me to be content
I used to be in debt, He taught me to owe no man nothing but love

I love Jesus because I agree with Him

I hope you do to.
Can you given the horse strength?  Have you clothed his neck with thunder?
Can you make him afraid as a grasshopper? the glory of his nostrils is terrible.
He paws in the valley, and rejoiceth in his strength: he goes on to meet the armed men.
He mocks at fear, and is not afraid; neither turns back from the sword.
The quiver rattleth against him, the glittering spear and the shield.
He swalloweth the ground with fierceness and rage: neither believeth he that it is the sound of the trumpet.
He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha; and he smelleth the battle afar off, he is not afraid.

Job 39:19
The light of The Lord is upon us
Listen and kneel
My words truly heal
Are you tired of your life
I'll reveal all your strife
When the light shines through
It makes everything new
See the beauty, the wonder
truth that's like thunder
Let it rattle your bones
They groan to come home
The rain will fall down
Wash away your frown
Stop all the fright
Choose joy and delight
The place is prepared
I have always cared
Rush to hear what I'm saying
The misic is playing

I kneel on MY knee,

Take My hand, take a chance

May---- I ---- have ---- this ----dance?
God is love
God is a spirit
If you have ever loved
His Spirit was in you
You were visited by God
Didn't it feel good
For some He has never left
For others He has promised to return
Will you let Him stay?
Pour out your soul
Like water on the ground
You get ***** in the mud
That's where life is found
Why do people f  in and out of LOVE?
                                    ­   l

Love and hate are like fresh water and salt water
If you mix them together you always have salt water
Love is best served by itself.
The light of The Lord was revealed unto me
Shining on evil not meant to be
While walking in darkness I stumbled and fell
day or night you light shows the trail
No more stumbling no more scars
The prison I was in has lost it's bars
I listened and learned how to walk His way
Hate evil, love good, night turns to day
Search out you soul, it hears what I say
Bathe in the light, rest in the day.
The heavens declare the glory of God
and the firmament sheweth his handiwork
Day unto day utters speech and night unto night sheweth knowledge
There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard
Their line is gone out through all the earth
and their words to the end of the world
In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun
which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber
and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race
His going forth is from the end of the heaven
and his circuit unto the ends of it
and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

Pas 19:16
Lets not forget
Just what love is
Love's not receiving
Love only gives

It's the only water
That flows up hill
The more you pour out
The more you are filled
Love is bigger than pride
Don't let pride push your heart aside
Good love and good wine
They share the same trates
Their both so delicious
With no after taste
Am I looking for you?
Am I looking for love?
Am I looking for God?
All of the above?
My love is a breeze
That turned to a stench
No longer a bride
But only a winch
Pure knowledge from above
The purer your soul
The purer your love
Love is a puzzle
We each have a piece
When we work toghether
We destroy the beast
Hate Kills You
Love Heals You
Some people take pleasure in death and pain
There is a reason, their not insain
Love is hard, it shouldn't be that way
not enough people willing to play
They expose their heart to the passers by
They're looked at and laugh at, wish they could die
take it back out and try it again
It doesn't quite feel the same within
A little bit rougher a little dented in
They accept the pain, they found a new friend
So death and pain become part of their life
Now who has the shame and who drew the knife
If you are the one that created such things
Change your life
be much kinder
to all of God's beings


Something .... Cannot .... Come .... From .... Nothing

Nothing is Nothing

Something is Something


Something created you

I believe

How about you?
Let sorrow
Take root
The fruit
Gods greatest creation, man some will say
the soul came from heaven, not made of clay
The soul was created for just one thing
Put into this body, for goodness to bring
Made of pure light no darkness at all
Put into a child, try to walk, but fall
Made to fly, now can't even swim
Look through the eyes, the light starts to dim
I must over come, the soul cries out loud
The temple is shaken, a rip in the shroud
The soul is so bright, it breaks right through
I shine like Lord Jesus, the scripture is true
When I look at the stars
I see someone else
When I look at the stars
I want to see myself
Have you ever noticed
The warmth of a t

As if,

were saying
The very people and principles that we the American people dispise, we now allow to run this country.  It's time for the American people to rise up and make a change!!!
There is a gathering taking place
You can't see it
Not a trace

The fruit is taken when it's ripe
The angels swoop to their delight

A suffering man that you call cursed
His heart made perfect about to burst

He pulls the string, that golden cord
Spirits gather to our Lord
Strong and sturdy, I made man to be
Trees of righteousness, in strength they will lead
With justice and truth the people are free
The sound of an ax, the fall of a tree
I send My Son with eyes to see
No trees but thorns, a whole hedge, He decreed
All twisted around, a crown made for me
Scoffing and laughing, my bride to be
The cedars have fallen, but wait there's a seed
A nation born in a day, hard to believe
I asked the blind man, what see you please?
"I see men walking, walking as trees"
and you are thirsty
God is Love
God created us like Himself
We are Love
The reason you were created was to love
Used contrary to your design will destroy you
Those that live by the sword
Shall die by the sword
Hate is killing itself
Internal love
Eternal joy
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