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Carsyn Smith Oct 2013
Oh, Matchmaker, with hands of silver and gold,
help me wipe the tears as I watch this unfold.
Oh, Matchmaker, you've given me Midas Touch,
but this time the pain is just too much.
I can't take what I've done -
but I won't bring myself to blow out her sun.

Matchmaker, with warm words so sweet,
was your plan to find a heart to beat?
I am nothing but Grand Matchmaker's puppet -
nothing but a slave to play His trumpet.
He made me watch, with ankles chained,
as my heart burned 'til nothing remained.

Grand Matchmaker, why not match me?
You've given me no choice, but to beg on bent knee.
Something pretty I've seen, and it makes my heart ache
to stand by and watch - it makes my earth quake.
But Matchmaker is what matchmakers do.
So forever, forever, will my heart drown in blue.
Carsyn Smith Oct 2013
It's time to fight for your freedom.

Do you see yourself,
Silhouette against the setting sun -
Reds as deep as the monster's eyes,
Draped in cold silver?
A breast plate hides the heart,
Shin guards perverse agility,
Chain-mail protects strength,
A helmet retains sanity,
A trusty steed will hurry the process,
This cloth to ease the pain of battle,
A torch to ensure you won't get lost;
A sword to vanquish the creature that controls your heart.

Silhouette, with arm raised high,
Begins to charge just as stars dot the sky.

You have all you need,
now fight
until the only thing left you have to give
is a single breath
in which the dying words
I love you
are carried far away to the next champion
to fall at this beast's hands.
Carsyn Smith Sep 2013
The words of a Goodbye weave together to bind this chapter,
the characters disappearing – just ghosts to walk beside me.
But I’m nothing but the wicked queen with a poisoned apple –
piercing the heart of a character so sweet and so kind.

Words intended for tea sit in my stomach like poison –
excuses that seemed pure now form a mask,
the Why wraps me tight and lies me in a cushioned room.

Actions meant to heal put me to sleep on nails –
the smallest of leaves is engraved with your name,
your essence echoes in the chaos of my mind.

Trying to replace you – Longing for another –
Doesn't heal that heart that fills the sink with blood so black.
Doesn't heal the silent limp.
Doesn't stop the smile that covers a screaming heart.
Doesn't stop the heart from ripping until only a beat remains –
a hollow beat that reverberates in a hollow chasm –
a beat that no longer sounds for me, but for the very person I killed.
Carsyn Smith Sep 2013
I walk streets alone, marching with ghosts
They see me, but I tell myself
They can't.
Seven Billion ghosts,
But you're the only one who
Doesn't stare
And you’re the only one who
Doesn't see.

The first night there was nothing in my bed
One by one, all the dirt piles piled
Now my blanket is made of woven grass
My pillow is crowded with daisy chains

A black-n-white world, now raining rainbows,
‘Till blush blooms on the faces of the dead
A kaleidoscope girl, fading far’way,
‘Till her raw red eyes grow distant and cold.

I march streets alone, walking with people
They don’t see me; I tell myself
They can.
Billions of people,
But you’re the only one who
Stares at me
You’re the only one
To see me
For me.
Carsyn Smith Sep 2013
People die from lightning,
but that doesn't stop us from dancing in the rain.
Creatures lurk the bottom of the ocean,
but we still swim on it's shores.
****** happens daily,
but that shouldn't stop us from making friends.
Teenagers have their hearts broken,
but we still kiss like we found the one.
Life shouldn't be spent in the dark, "safe,"
live while you can,
learn while you can,
you only have this one life,
don't waste it
because life is a sad, sad thing,
full of so many tragedies,
so much death and destruction,
it's a thing that slowly kills you,
a thing that can be stolen in seconds.
Living shouldn't be spent inside,
locked away from the horrors.
Living should be about, well,
Carsyn Smith Sep 2013
Silly children play
around the mulberry bush
as the twilight starts

Lightning Bugs floating
A magical world awaits
Will you dance with me?

Many years ago
I know we used to be One
Now we're divided

Lies written in paint
A dark mask on a dark face
Red lips hide the truth.
Carsyn Smith Sep 2013
there is Heat in this moment.
this Heat isn't like
a warm summer breeze,
or a blanket on a winter night.
this Heat is like
being forced to take a pleasent stroll
in the blood-shot screams of Hell
all while walking barefoot
on the Sun with a smile.
there is Heat in this moment,
but it seems only you and I can feel it.
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