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Carsyn Smith Sep 2013
You don't know what you do to me.
Your crooked smile rips me apart as
the sound of my name on your lips
lites a fire in every vain under my pale skin.
Your gentle eyes hold my heart firmly
as I watch the dark blood pool
and start to drown me slowly.
What really throws me--
makes me dive off the cliff:
your eyebrows.
Quirk them and tell me you care.
Raise them and tell me you're listening.
Twitch them and tell me you're interested.
Furl them and tell me you fell for me.
You don't know what you do to me--
this pain feels so good
so long as I'm the one your eyes want.
Carsyn Smith Sep 2013
Dark cloud o'er the sun
You think you will protect me
But you just killed me
Carsyn Smith Aug 2013
Like a tear so soft
Our love's time has come and gone
Drowning in the rain
Carsyn Smith Aug 2013
Take my hand, dear, and I’ll take you far away
To a place where we can just talk all day

Let me be the one you want to talk to
I’ll give you every last small piece of me
I’ll take the moon from the stars just for you
Let me be the one you want to talk to

Darling, you’re so much more than you let on
Just one look from you and my heart was gone
We could be so much, if you knew my love
You just need to see – we fit like a glove

Let me be the one you want to talk to
I’ll give you every small piece of me
I’ll take the moon from the stars just for you
Let me be the one you want to talk to

I want to take your hand and spin you ‘round
Hold you tight and know what you’re all about
We’ll tap our feet to the faint drumming sound
Together we’ll dance ‘till our soles give out.

Let me be the one you want to talk to
I’ll give you every small piece of me
I’ll take the moon from the stars just for you
Let me be the one you want to talk to

We can shine like the stars on cloudless nights
Like summer rain, we’ll fall without a fight
We’ll watch the lightning with eyes opened wide
I promise to always be at your side.
Carsyn Smith Aug 2013
Look at what you did --
you foolish girl.
Don't you remember --
words spoken
long before the crisp autumn breeze --
the oath you took?
The promise you made.
Took some time to rehabilitate,
but just as quickly
you've left all sense behind
for the drug.
You foolish girl,
so easily you thought
you could control it.
Now look at what you've done:
valleys of fire surround the
shattered pieces of
broken glass.
The same glass that he said he could fix,
so you sat in the fire,
let the flames lick at your charred skin,
as you fumbled with a puzzle with no image.
Look at what's become of you.
Do you even remember what it was like before?
No great detective could
paint you a picture of the past.
Look at what you did --
you foolish girl.
That oath will forever echo in your head.
I hope you never forget it;
I hope it follows you to your grave.
Carsyn Smith Aug 2013
I'm standing in a room of mirrors;
I am the only one here,
but not the only reflection.
Look to my left and see green eyes.
Turn to my right and see black eyes.
Peer over my shoulder and see blue eyes.
Lift my head to hazel eyes.
In front of me are brown eyes -
my eyes.
All at once the eyes reach out.
Green eyes place a hand on my shoulder.
Black eyes grab my wrist.
Blue eyes claw at my ankles.
Hazel eyes cradle my face.
Brown eyes look into mine.
She doesn't reach for me,
doesn't even smile as
she turns and walks away.
I take a step for her,
but the hands hold me like chains.
She looks over her shoulder with disgust,
then disappears into nothing.
I'm standing in a room of mirrors;
every reflection but my own.
Who am I
now that my own self has left me?
Carsyn Smith Aug 2013
I don't see blackness when I close my eyes,
I see you, me -- our moment.
Us sitting waist deep in the river between islands,
small waves lulling, and a sun
dripping oranges and reds to the west.
There is a laughter that carries the birds higher,
as we toss small shells at each other,
and you teach me to skip rocks.

Tell me if you wish it'd been different.

I think of what could have been
every time I see you
every time I hear you
every time I breathe.
The stray shell would graze your cheek,
you'd take my hand from your face
and place it over a rapid drum and say
This is for you.

Tell me if you wish it'd been this way.

Tell me if you ever think about our moment.
Am I wasting my time, holding onto this shell,
or should I let it go?
Would you watch it with me as it rolls on the river bed
and becomes forgotten?
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