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 Dec 2013 Bryce K
The snow is falling from the sky
Sweet dogwoods are not yet in bloom
The grey clouds are floating up high
The snow is falling from the sky
"Winter is beautiful" I cry
Watching the snow from my bedroom
The snow is falling from the sky
Sweet dogwoods are not yet in bloom

This is my first Triolet!!! :) ~~~~<3
Enjoy!!! :) ~~~<3
 Dec 2013 Bryce K
I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!! :) ~~~~<3
Enjoy!!! (: ~~~~~<3
 Dec 2013 Bryce K
The sunset was fading in the west
Clouds were showing off
Their dark and beautiful colors
It was getting dark and you could barely
See the beautiful trees
Only one star had appeared in the sky
A song played on piano
Kept playing over and over in my mind
                   Together it and the beauty I saw
Nearly made me cry
Night was coming on
And the birds were flying home

Night had finally come
And the fading sunset I had seen
Had vanished
Now you could barely
See the beautiful landscape
Everything was dark
Yet beautiful still
I could imagine
That the Fairies were dancing
In their Fairy Ring
In the forests and meadows
And playing their harps in the woodlands
And singing on the tiny paths and lanes
Such beauty even a poet cannot describe
A cool breeze was whispering through the trees
And everything seemed surreal
This moment I shall never forget
For it's beauty I shall always recall

Just a little inspiration after going to the dump with my Dad!!! :)
I hope you enjoy it!!! :) ~~~<3
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