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 Dec 2013 Bryce K
Saying goodbyes are always hard.

I felt kind of sad today because a kitten of mine
had to be sent to the Humane Society!! ~~<3
 Dec 2013 Bryce K
Clouds are floating by,
In the beautiful evening sky,
There is a faint sunset in the west;
And seagulls are flying home to rest.
The moon's rays fall gracefully to the ground,
Such beauty doth here abound,
The lighthouse is standing stately on the rocky coast;
I shall always love this place the most.
The waves are crashing in motion,
The moonlight reflects in the ocean,
Three palm trees are dancing on the rocky coast;
This place I love the most.
The full moon is shining from way up high,
It is so beautiful I'm ready to cry,
And as the moonlight hits the shore;
I shall hold this place dear forevermore.

I hope this sounds okay!!! :) ~~~<3
Enjoy!!! :) ~~~<3
 Dec 2013 Bryce K
Lilacs are blooming
In the sunshine watch them sway
In the blowing breeze

I'm back again!!! :) ~~~~~~<3
Enjoy the Haiku!!! :) ~~~~<3
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