I'm frozen within the ice I'm trapped I feel like I've been here before Before my world became a whirlpool Spinning and spinning Round and round The world fly's by It stops
I thaw and there's nothing nothing but white nothing but rain clouds Its winter!! nothing but happiness!
The clock strikes 5:30am I look through the window All i see is gray What a miserable day this will be
Off to school I go My heart brakes a little every step I take Its like a prison that gives you homework You change jail cells every hour You dine with multiple people you don't know
Back home I just wont to collapse I wont to dream of a better place of no school no homework just wonderful things if I ruled the school we would learn but with no homework.
In Fearful Day In Raging Night With Strong Hearts Full Our Souls Ignite When All Seems Lost In The War Of Light Look To The Stars For Hope Burns Bright