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Life is a stage and we are all the over dramatic Shakespearean actors given roles that we do not want to play, so instead we try to out do all our fellow actors at all costs so we can have the leading role.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
: I'd rather be in the middle of
with you

than be on the edge of
with anyone else.
 Nov 2012 Bryan Gewickey
-  Winter is long
    But the sun shines
    In your art  -
 Nov 2012 Bryan Gewickey
Alyssa O
What is a heart
But a thing to be broken
A place to hold thoughts
That are never spoken

An annoyance, a nuisance
It makes you blind
It fights for control
Over a logical mind

So I close off my feelings
To hide from hurt
I become quiet, soft-spoken
A lonely introvert
I'm afraid of needles.
I'm tired of rubber sheets and tubes.
I'm tired of faces that I don't know
and now I think that death is starting.
Death starts like a dream,
full of objects and my sister's laughter.
We are young and we are walking
and picking wild blueberries.
all the way to Damariscotta.
Oh Susan, she cried.
you've stained your new waist.
Sweet taste --
my mouth so full
and the sweet blue running out
all the way to Damariscotta.
What are you doing? Leave me alone!
Can't you see I'm dreaming?
In a dream you are never eighty.
if it is not
my thoughts
that float through my brain-
it is the isolation
that drives me insane
John Keats
John Keats
Please put your scarf on.
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
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