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I know exactly how your lips will feel
The moment before they brush mine
Yet your kisses never fail
To take my breath away

I know exactly the path your fingers will trace
Along my cheek to the back of my neck
Yet your touch never fails
To electrocute my skin

I know exactly the look in your eyes
Before you lean your face towards mine
Yet your gaze never fails
To paralyze me

We are an oxymoron
But we are also puzzle pieces
Perfectly seamless
I don't have the words to describe how we are  so ill just keep writing my thoughts down in the hope that these words will remind me of the way we feel.
You walk a tightrope between
a photograph and my mind;
with careful steps i create you,
slowly, and imbue the figmented you
with your delicacy and beauty.

I know that you cannot exist in the space here;
the distance between my eyes and your portrait,
without having existed in my perceptions
at some other point before this moment,
and that right now
the real you
lives at a distance from me which mere miles cannot express.

But right now I am happy
to have you balancing on some invisible thread
which extends out to my face from your printed likeness,
for i am free to contemplate how to balance you
into the waking and sleeping moments of my life
without worrying about
where my tip-toeing steps fall
along lines of romantic delusion
and existential affection.
I would never see you again
I let the thought fill me
Walking away
I thought of us
And I tried
Just to remember
The look in your eyes
The sound of your voice
The curve of you
The lips that were mine
The hand I once held
I captured everything
And then I decided
This truly was
Even if I wish
It was still a hello.
 Jul 2013 Brody Sears
You gave up
Forgotten is the future we were too naive to construct
Is this what love has become? Second guesses and sobering recollections?

Darkness swallows the heart and mind as it strikes down emphatic optimism

I just wanted to say Goodbye Love
Goodbye to the life I once knew

Goodbye Love
 Jul 2013 Brody Sears
I’m letting go of all of it.
Or maybe it’s just seeping out.
Melting through my fingers,
dripping into letters,
pouring into words.
I’m losing parts of me,
but it’s the only way
to lose parts of you as well.
Because you still
live inside these hollow bones,
you still haunt these pulsing veins.
And when I think that you’re all gone,
I still feel you in the rain.
 Jul 2013 Brody Sears
I was once told,
“We write what we know best",
and they say I know you deepest.
But like the fail points of a bridge,
you know exactly where
I’m weakest.
And if the oceans still so vast,
your thoughts stretch further
than its shores;
while the outline of your ghost
still sleeps upon
my bedroom floor.
Defense* is everything
Heart is nothing
Leaving each other never means loving.

What's that saying about drivers?
Be a defensive one...
Always pushing, always abandoning
Never devoted, just done.

When did society become so selfish and scared?
So many dead and dying with hearts beyond repair.

**** fleeing, stick around.
Forigve mistakes, don't push someone out.
Don't leave someone when they're down.

Stop thinking about yourself
and LOVE
Quit worrying about you pain
and HELP
Give others what they deserve

Embrace the sweetness in what society considers "stupidity"
Stay with them - because we're all human...aren't we?
Is it possible that "meant" might be?
That I need you and you need me?

Maybe you and I
We are meant to be
With my hand in yours
Somewhere by the sea.

Because one day
life will cease
On this we can agree
But until then I know
I will love you
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