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My sweet man, you don’t have me.
But, baby, you’ve got my memory.
And you’ll always have my love.
That’s one thing that never leaves.

How can one choose to control their life?
Tomorrow I’ll be in a collision and die.
Goodbye, Goodbye, my dear goodbye.
What’s life worth living
if you can’t say you tried?
So long, pain. Goodbye, goodbye.
I must look out for myself
and leave you behind.

What wisdom exists?
Who knows what I’m to do?
So many signs I’ve missed
That’s when I should’ve left you.

How can one choose to control their life?
Tomorrow I’ll be in a collision and die.
Goodbye, Goodbye, my dear goodbye.
What’s life worth living
if you can’t say you tried?
So long, pain. Goodbye, goodbye.
I must look out for myself
and leave you behind.

My first love
You’ve torn me down
Alone, alive, and always around

How can one choose to control their life?
Yesterday I was in a collision and died.
Good morning, my dear, Hi.
What’s life worth living
if I can’t say I tried?
How do you do, pain. I’m alive, alive.
I must look out for myself
But I can’t leave you behind.

My sweet man, you have me.
Baby, we have our memories.
And you’ll always have my love.
That’s one thing that never leaves.
For Kyle.
If death knocks on your door; invite it in.
    Don't fight it off; you won't win.
Welcome it as you would welcome your kin.
    In this ocean known as life, we all drown or swim.

Only some of us get eaten by sharks...

They sneak up and pull us into the dark.
    We're gone too soon
With no chance to say goodbye.
    The sharks always succeed
Although we may try.
    We'll kick
        and scream
            and flail about
They'll bring us down; without doubt.

When death comes knocking
    Don't bother locking.
Let it in, sit down to chat
    And in doing that...

You'll solve the great mystery
    No one has lived to unravel.
Where do we go?
        What do we see?
                Do we ever come back?
                        Or stay eternally?

If a shark takes me; so be it.
    Drowning is unpleasant, too.
I do love mysteries, though
    And one day I'll solve this one
Just as you'll all do.
 Jul 2013 Brody Sears
You look at her and think about how she always stares at you with the same eyes
Like she knows something that you don't
Maybe even something you will never know
She has the kind of smile that says
"You don't know me
And you never will"
And it drives you crazy
Makes you feel like squeezing the sides of your head so tight
It eventually snaps under the pressure and evaporates
Into the air surrounding it
Soaring through the physical universe
Until it becomes another entity
So you have no other choice than to love her
How could you not?
But maybe she is just one of those things that looks so sweet and desirable
Until you have it
And you're stuck wondering
Why did I ever want this as much as I did
One of those things where the build up is intense and captivating and you fall in love with the chase until you're let down once you finally get there
But she is too much right now
Much too enticing
Much too alluring
And the thought of having her
Might mean knowing her deepest parts
And keeps you latched on
The mere thought of having her all to yourself
To think if she loved you as much as you love her!
It's addicting
It is too much
And you can't stop
And you can't pull away
And it hurts a little more each day
Because more and more
You feel her pulling away

She is one of those people who lets you get close to her
But ends up hurting you as she tears herself completely off of you
For she always has to disappear
Fade away
And she might reappear
But it will never be the same
And you will never be the same
And she will always be there
But surely
Poking away in your mind
Until her memory is hard ingrained into its walls
And you can never forget her
Not even if you tried
They hang out
They cuddle
They loved

She let him go
She wanted fun
She ignored his love

He come back
He fall for her
He loved her again

She don't give a ****
She keep him away
She didn't call back in 8

He loved another girl
She cried
They... don't have "they" anymore
 Jul 2013 Brody Sears
i didn't mind when you
walked away, and i didn't pretend
to ignore it when you looked back
twice, but (in all honesty),
a goodbye would have been nice
hello, i'm sorry for all the crap poetry lately, i just feel a lot of things and nothing at all at the same time and it's confusing me.
I'm a little tree
With roots deep down
Not much on the surface
Mostly hidden underground

I'm not the most beautiful
And my fruits aren't the best
But my roots are much deeper
Than you ever would have guessed

A trees real strength
Is hidden in its roots
You can't survive a storm
Just by bearing the most fruit

I seem weak but I'm strong
I look plain but I'm deep
You can't tell who I am
Just by looking at me

Don't have many leaves
Can't provide much shade
But when the storms try to take me
I won't be afraid
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