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Once upon a dainty hill
sat old castle of a young king
not busied by ***** thrills
but in the realm, fair Muse did sing

sorry as such
to trouble you sire
but farmer, lady and great squire
are, unto you, to enquire
how it is the sun makes such fire

to this the young king
furrowed his brow
and scratched his chin
and pondered how

eight days did pass
and woe betide
the pressing question
found no bride

the elders of the castle old
let fairy tales of disorder unfold

a great dragon they say
lit the sun
after finding itself lost
and on the run
from a shadow giant
of world unseen

but the tales of course
were all but dreams.

A little voice
filled the air
with light and weightless
soulful flair

a blacksmith's girl
of simple dress

excuse me sir
i must confess
this minor stir
has caused me stress

the young king bade her speak
and with that, the child weak
stood atop a wonky box
with certain eyes and wavy locks

dear people
i now must say
that it is on this cold and fateful day
my mind has led to such dismay

as I have learned to trust none of you.
Haven't written anything on here much lately, this sprung to mind the other day. Tell me what you think it's about, I love to hear interpretations :)
you say i trust to equal those in the past
whom have brought only pain and hatred
upon those in their wake?
well it's time to take a look in the mirror
my friend, no, wait, don't do that,
i wouldn't want to inflate your ego
it would come as no surprise to me if in that
mirror you would only see the eighth wonder
of the world, ever wondered if you could see
the world? i take that back, there is no sense
in snapping and losing my temper,
but all i'm doing is back tracking and
finding my self exempt of the respect that i
deserve, only you can serve to notice
the pain that you have harboured
upon the empty hearts of which now yearn
for that ever self-loving and i can only leave
you with this advice

turn around and back off
that ain't love it's idolatry.
 Apr 2013 Brittany Jackson
I object.
I object to accepting things the way they are.
I object to believing that I can only go so far.
I object to the one I love marrying another lady
I object to giving up even if you think I'm crazy.
I've loved him since the day we met, not so long ago
When we talked it felt like the stars had all aligned just so
I don't think he realized it for at least a month or two
He told me he had a girlfriend, but I already knew.
And now he’s getting married on this beautiful April day
Unless I can convince him not to with what I have to say
You should know that I'm a girl who believes in true love,
Faerie tales, magic, signs from God above
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast
Man never is, but always to be blest.”
I’ve read of love in books and poems, but it was nothing like this
It’s more like a fiery volcano than simple contented bliss.
And I know that all that's happened isn't just for fun.
But I'm the one you should be with when the day is done.
I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t think you felt the same
Even though you’ve tried to hide your feelings as if you’re ashamed.
But it’s clear to me that there’s something here
Maybe you’re just blind to what is crystal clear.
But when I told you how I felt, I made it clear to you
That I would never stop fighting until you say "I do"
And if I heard those words, I would know I'd tried my best
That she had won the battle, and your marriage would be blessed.
Your happiness is all I've ever wanted for you
And if you think you'll be happy, I guess it must be true
But I won't let this go without one last cry
Before I say my saddest, sweetest goodbye.
And now I speak to all of you; I want to give you hope
Before you find yourself falling down that dangerous slippery *****.
You don’t have to accept life as it is, or things the way they are
When you’re only given one chance, wouldn’t you like to go to the stars?
Your life is as amazing as you choose it to be.
With unlimited imagination, you can be completely free.
Maybe you yourself have passed up on a chance
To tell someone you love them, or just ask for a dance.
Maybe you were too shy, too timid and afraid
Maybe you'd left it up to God and prayed and prayed and prayed
But this is now, this is us, this is our own time
What better moment to fight for love than when the fates align?
Never be afraid to speak your mind aloud
Whether it’s just to one person or in front of a big crowd.
Make mistakes as often as you can, and most of all
When you're chasing your wildest dreams, don't be afraid to fall.
True love is something too perfect to pass up on
Too beautiful to miss, like the starry night before the dawn.
Never give up on the love that you seek
Never believe that you're not brave enough, or that you're too weak
Fight for what you want and make known your desires
That have burned inside your hearts like a thousand white-hot fires.
Maybe all this talk has been given in vain
And maybe one day I'll forget this refrain
But I can't move on unless I know I've tried my best
And told what was in my heart to him and all the rest.
With that in mind, I'll say these last words to my one and only love
I'll meet you outside the church where fly the morning doves.
Don't wait or say a single vow, because I cannot hold my peace
Until this fantasy of you and her finally will cease.
your lips touch mine, a simple revelation
that begins a revolution
walls crumble
guards stumble
as you fumble for the key
you open me and see
that I am no longer who I used to be

you found the door
that leads straight to my core
and because of you I can love like never before

so now that I’ve moved on from all that has been
I plead to you, baby, kiss me again
Have you ever felt lost, alone, and wanted to cry?
Unable to cope because your soul wants to die?
You try to escape from it all by simply getting high.
Instead of actually trying to contemplate why.

Unable to escape the demons of your past.
You continue to act in the role that they cast.
Inside you want to run, but they are much too fast.
So you force yourself to see how long you can last.

Your eyes lost their shine, the white fades to grey.
Your fears of it all have bound you to stay.
So shiver cold and alone in your bed where you lay.
And struggle to find the right words to say.
I'm just a name you will forget,
A memory that will fade,
A one night stand that you regret,
Something inorganically made

But I'm much more than that,
Something you will never see.
Behind the glasses and the hat,
Is someone I struggle to be.

Nervous, frayed, and shaken,
I struggle to find my own way.
But through the road I've taken,
I find the words to say.

A name remembered now,
I feel a part of something great.
All I simply say is wow,
And smile since it's not too late.
My soul now needs a resting space, 

To escape from my internal storm. 

Your heart seems like the perfect place: 

Tender, soft, innocent and warm.

But I could never expect you to let me in,

For my soul is definitely not pure.

I have struggled completely between vice and sin,

Trapped in the viciousness of life’s allure.

But I see that you are different, the look is in your eyes.

Your scent is innocent, natural, and sweet.

Your calming presence is a break from the cracking of my skies.

A feeling of hope comes every time we meet.

Your existence alone inspired me to write this. 

Imagine what I could if we shared eternal bliss.
 Mar 2013 Brittany Jackson
I read something from a long time ago.
And it made me cry.
The thunder outside told me to shut up.
And then I realized it was raining.
But I stopped crying.
Because I'm not supposed to, cry, I mean.
And I grabbed a cigarette.
And my zippo that says lucky on it.
Made of '04.
I love that lighter.
I went outside and lit it.
But I didn't want my mom to come out.
And see how I was.
So I started walking in the rain.
I didn't want my cigarette to get hit by the rain.
So I stuck it underneath my shirt.
And then I walked.
And while I was walking, I tripped.
I accidentally burned my belly button.
How the **** did I manage that.

I'm so stupid

So I walked to the side of the house.
There is a little porch big enough for one.
I finished my cigarette with my eyes closed.
Just listening to the rain.
When it was done, I walked up to the steps.
And I sat down, still getting pelted with water.
I realized I couldn't keep sitting, I was shaking.
So I got up and started walking towards the back of the house.
I walked to the very back, towards the alleyway.
Making sure to drag my feet in the puddles, soaking my pajama pants.
I got to the back gate.
And I started crying again.

You are hopeless, this is hopeless, what are you even doing here?

The thunder told me to shut up again.

You are wasteless

I saw my old trampoline and started jumping on it.
When I was little, I used to sing to the rain.
I would sing good songs, to try and soothe it.
Never sing 'rain rain go away'.
That's makes the rain upset.
And the thunder says to stop.
So I jumped.
And I sang a little bit.
Then I laid down and closed my eyes.
Just got completely soaked, y'know.

You are going to be okay, everything is okay.

Just felt the pitter patter of rain drops on me.
Tried to bury my zippo in my clothes so it wouldn't get wet.
Then I got up, cried a little more.
And I walked back.
I walked back towards the front of the house slowly.

You are going to be okay, everything is okay.

Dragging my feet in puddles.

I miss you Grant, I hate you Sam, and I love you..Well, you know who you are.

Just getting completely soaked.

You are going to be okay, everything is okay.

And I went inside, smiled at my mom.
Went downstairs.
And changed my clothes.
Began getting ready for work.

You are going to be okay, everything is okay.

*You are not okay, everything is not going to be okay.
© Amara Pendergraft 2013
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