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293 · Jul 2014
Consistent Memories
Brett W Jul 2014
I live through every lonely day
Always thinking about my past
I think about what else to say
Until those words are my last
No longer involved in your life
But you always appear in mine
Consistent struggles and strife
Kept my reality senses in a line
I tend to always brew a memory
Like the day we became a thing
When we met, when you left me
Seems to always rip away a wing
All I want to do is fly far far away
Leave all these memories behind
They constantly appear everyday
Making happiness harder to find
291 · Dec 2015
Moving on Again
Brett W Dec 2015
When I sleep, I dream of her
When I'm awake, I think of her
I no longer can sleep anymore
Because I'm happy when I dream
And it saddens me when I wake
I have been trying for years now
And I thought my efforts payed off
I finally started to talk to her again
Thinking I no longer had to move on
But of course, like always, I was wrong
I'm back at it again, trying to forget
But is it really worth it? I don't know
We still may have a future together
But I can't cash those checks in yet
I have to move on from her for now
And it's hard, she's always on my mind
Everything is meant to happen for a reason
And this is a clear example, I must move on
289 · Jun 2016
Story of My Life (cont.)
Brett W Jun 2016
Here's a short explanation of my life:
Pages 1-6: building up a new reputation
Having big dreams, as big as a nation
I was just starting out in my early youth
I remember when I first lost a tooth
I thought I was slowly dying away
I thought my body was beginning to decay
But then I realized it was a natural occurrence
I continued my youth with little interference
Pages 6-12: I'm in my late youth stage
I'm ready to be a teen and then the page
I experienced moving and family deceased
I tried to cope with it as the pain decreased
And sure enough it did not happen again
But I was constantly bullied and in pain
At times I didn't want to go to school
But I was as consistent as a Mexican bull
I fought through all the pain and agony
To become as successful as I could be
Pages 13-16: looking at a bigger place
High school. A place filled with disgrace
Middle school seemed like a slow torture
So I hoped that high school would be better
It was, kind of. Freshman year was strange
I was okay, then depressed and out of range
I then met someone that seemed truly special
Possibly my dream girl, we were inseparable
Except, she moved thousands of miles away
We fought through difficulties every day
But it just did not work out at all in the end
I felt as if my heart would never again mend
Until I thought I found someone close to me
I started to like her on a band trip in Hawaii
We dated for a few months but it fell apart
And yet again there was a tear in my heart
I didn't think I could do anything about it
Until I find a key that will properly fit
Page 17: my current place in this story
I still have the right to write about me
I still have many years to look ahead
Until the final days when I end up dead
But I'm only at 17, halfway to 18 now
I have had a disappointing life I think
Two girlfriends, heartbreaks, I slowly sink
Grades starting to slip in every class
As I progress to harder classes to pass
My lips still remain virgins, no gentle touch
I am becoming desperate now, so very much
I want to find someone to love once more
Someone who won't slam the door
My heart has been beaten and slaughtered
I need someone to fix it while it's tattered
I still have a place in my heart for someone
She's thousands of miles away, so far gone
Yes, the first girl I loved, that's the one
I thought that It would work out, but I'm alone
Page 18: I am 18 now. I'm legally an adult. I'm off to college in a few months, done with high school, and I'm ready to take a giant step in life. It's been two years since my heartbreaking situations. Am I okay now? Sadly I am not. I still see her face and a thousand memories flood my mind. I don't think it's possible to move on. I've done all I can think of. Maybe one day it will all settle in the dust and it will all be okay. But in the meantime, I will live another day.
Page ???: I will again find happiness in my life
My story continues with happiness and strife
I will find happiness again some day, I hope
As I have too much pain right now to cope
I need someone now to hold in my open arms
As I am a classy gentleman and mean no harm
I will live my life as long as a block of lead
And will try to remain happy, until I am dead
I wrote this a few years ago and I updated and posted it last year so I'm updating it again and reposting it. The addition is Page 18
288 · Jul 2014
Catch You
Brett W Jul 2014
Everyone tends to have a fall
Every once in a while nowadays
Everyone hits that invisible wall
Every once in a while it stays
I will be here to catch you always
No matter what anyone else says
I will be here to hold you up tall
No matter what anyone else saw
This is poem 2 of 3 in this short series I just wrote
288 · Oct 2013
My Smile
Brett W Oct 2013
The smile that you see on my face
Every day of these lengthy years
It’s fake and feels out of place
But I pretend to smile for my peers

I don’t want to show how I feel
Because some people will call me a shame
I need this fake smile like it’s my last meal
Because it’s the only thing that hides my pain

There is really only one person you there
Who can bring the real smile out of me
But that one person is no longer here
But I’ll soon see her again, and truly smile
You’ll see
288 · Jun 2014
Long Distance Relationships
Brett W Jun 2014
They depend on so much to work out
They need faith and trust in each other
It needs believing in anything just about
Help is needed from father and mother
Just to make sure everything is straight
Criticism will always occur in such thing
Certain criticism can actually be great
Because more faith is white it will bring
You can try your hardest just to succeed
I don't think they work out at the very end
There is other necessities that you do need
I don't have anything there to recommend
I learned from experience they tend to fail
Here are a few tips if you choose the risk
If your partner communicates less just bail
Meaning something can no longer be fixed
Remain in contact as much as possible
Try to see each other with some device
Keep your schedule clear and flexible
To talk to the other or you'll pay the price
I don't find them successful but that's me
You may find them amazing and perfect
Mine left me alone but always feeling free
In the end it left me in a disastrous wreck
287 · Nov 2015
Brett W Nov 2015
It's all I give to people it seems
It's what I am here for you all
To give help and assistance
But nothing in return for me
I need help, but it doesn't matter
I don't need any assistance
I can handle these myself
Well, that's what I say to people
In reality, I can't handle it at all
I need help with a lot of things
There's finding a relationship
Also there's finding happiness
And who can forget about school
But it's alright, it's why I'm here
To assist all in this world today
Getting nothing in return tomorrow
286 · Jan 2016
Brett W Jan 2016
Today in my anatomy class
We did an experiment on pain
Seeing if you could feel a needle
Pricking at your skin slightly
Well, I never felt a single thing
I told my partner to push harder
Still nothing, I felt no pain at all
When I got home, I looked at myself
Connecting that experiment to my life
I no longer can feel pain it seems
Unless it is just excruciating pain
But I don't feel anything, I am nothing
I will always have sympathy for people
But I can no longer feel the pain myself
I will help others through tough situations
But then when I'm in something similar
I feel nothing, not caring about myself
Is this an issue? Yes, I know it is
I have no feelings, but filled with emotion
Maybe it's good I feel nothing at all
Because now I won't be hurt anymore
286 · Feb 2014
Feelings For You
Brett W Feb 2014
So tomorrow a few more days
Marks the day we departed ways
It's been almost a month already
This past month has not been steady

I had my ups and downs on the ride
Trying to find someplace to go hide
Not finding anywhere to help assist
Not leaving any scars on my wrists

I still have strong feelings for you
However, it's over, a start that's new
We have to move on from the past
Because this love will not be our last
282 · Jul 2014
I Love You Not
Brett W Jul 2014
We used to once have it all
With happiness and hope
It struck an imaginary wall
But that hung on the rope
I used to say that I love you
Now it's an I love you not
You left me stuck in glue
Leaving me behind to rot
I do not love you anymore
But I still will always care
Life has been a downpour
But our life will never be fair
281 · Jun 2016
Brett W Jun 2016
I can sit here, saying your name
Looking at a picture of your face
Or just thinking about your beauty
None of it feels the same anymore
When I was with you, I took it for granted
And now that we are apart, I regret it
I wish I would've shown how much I loved you
I wish I could have done everything better
But I tried, it was a difficult time
Long distance and all, I did what I could
But it still was no where near enough
So now I think of you, your name, your face
And I get emotional, close to a breakdown
But I hold it all back from the world
Because I don't want you to see me this way
I feel like a lonely and miserable monster
I regret ever falling this deeply in love with you
But I don't regret a relationship with you
As it shaped who I became today
Even though I cringe at the sight of myself
I hate how I feel, but I regret nothing now
278 · Dec 2013
Can't Sleep
Brett W Dec 2013
It's almost 2 in the morning
Still awake and heavily yawning
I can't seem to drift into a sleep
I'm thinking of you, I begin to weep
At first a small tear drips down my face
And soon many more follow at pace
My body is weary but not allowing rest
As I try hard to rest, at my very best
I fail for now at getting this needed break
Soon, my body will break and will gladly take
That sleep that won't come upon me at this time
As if sleeping in these emotions, is a forbidden crime
277 · Jan 2016
What if I...
Brett W Jan 2016
What if I just walked away
Left everything I love behind
A new start somewhere else
Maybe it will free my soul
What if I just left this cruel world
Would anyone even miss me
Not necessarily take my life
Just isolate myself from mankind
What if I just opened up my life
How I felt, what I felt, who I felt
Just tell everyone my deepest thoughts
Without a single worry about myself
What if I tried being more selfish
Caring only about myself from now on
Making sure I am happy before everyone
But that's not how I want to live life
What if I just changed as a whole
What if I could just change the world
To change my harsh world is a start
Maybe that will result in a better world
277 · Oct 2014
Brett W Oct 2014
Such a strong and overused word
Full on hate seems just too absurd
The preferred option can be dislike
Or even just say to take a long hike
I am having that moment right now
Of disliking someone that's now low
She's a wonderful person in my eye
But then she lied and left my to cry
Hate isn't there now in this moment
The uncertainty rises through torment
This is a first of feeling the way I feel
It almost seems imaginary and unreal
I can only clear my head of all the hate
Moving to something fresh and great
275 · Dec 2015
I Don't Understand
Brett W Dec 2015
One second you say you like me
You wish I was by your side again
Just to comfort you once more
Saying you cried when we broke up
Now you're asking me about other guys
About what you can do to get them
Whether or not they like you back or not
Saying this guy is attractive, it hurts
I just don't understand you right now
Am I just oblivious to the facts at hand?
Still in some uncontrollable state of denial?
Or am I just in over my head and out of it?
I just don't know anymore, I'm confused
I know long distance won't work out now
We can't wait many years until after college
We are both only seniors in high school
Dealing with options most people don't face
Whether or not to move on for good or what?
I just can not read you anymore it seems
You first started out as a Dr. Seuss book
But now you're some thousand page novel
So many details I'm not picking up it seems
Looking at the big picture, I like you, you like me
But will it work out? I sure in hell hope so...
I just don't know anymore. I like her, she likes me, but distance is a ***** that just can't be tamed and it's destroying everything I love...
275 · Sep 2013
In My Head
Brett W Sep 2013
Millions of thoughts
Aching inside my head
Everything I’ve been taught
Starting with every word I’ve read
Every memory I still contain
Everything from the littlest magnificent view
To the few times when I used to complain
To the times when I was still with you

The simplest ideas still float among my head
But the strongest thoughts, many more than just a few
Are not of my childhood of being carried to bed
But these thoughts are of one person, that person is you
275 · Jan 2016
Look Deeper
Brett W Jan 2016
Hey bro are you doing alright?
Yeah, I'm fine, thanks man
But that "I'm fine" is a lie
He really just wants to die
Hey girl, you feeling better?
Yeah, better than I was yesterday
But she really is a day closer to death
But she hides that pain underneath
Hey mom, is Jeremy going to be okay?
Yes, your brother is in a better place
But Jeremy is really already gone
And mom knows that where he belongs
Hey, I like your new shirt Vanessa
Thanks, these sleeves are comfortable
But really, the sleeves cover her scars
As she is afraid for her father behind bars
Hey, you doing okay about Samantha?
Yeah, I'm over her, it's all good
But you know you're no where near "fine"
As she is on your mind all the time
Hey, Jessica, you over Benjamin yet?
Yeah, he means nothing to me now
Each night, mascara runs down your face
As you miss his touch and his embrace
People lie to make it seem like they're fine
But we've all been there, they're not fine
They just want to curl into a ball and cry
Right now, that's me. I just want to cry...
I've had this idea for a while actually, I could just never gain the courage to write it... It's definitely different from how I normally write but I like it...
274 · Jun 2016
Brett W Jun 2016
We can always be looking
For that destined someone
Some many never find them
Others will often get lucky
It can tough to find them
But it will all pay off eventually
Soulmates are destined to be
You will know when they are found
You will feel an ultimate connection
Feel what they feel almost always
Be able to make each other happy
With just each other's presence
Some pipeline believe in a soulmate
Personally, I don't think so anymore
I thought I found mine at one point
Then she abandoned me like I was nothing
I felt everything I just said above
And she felt the same way to me
But I guess it's not destined to be
273 · Jul 2014
Nights Like This
Brett W Jul 2014
It seems to happen at night
My happiness suddenly dies
My old self is back in my sight
Back to the distrust and lies
I look back to many years ago
Remembering how I felt then
Those years took a heavy blow
Making me retreat to defend
I look back to the happy days
When I had someone to hold
To guide me through the haze
Warming me in the harsh cold
It is nights like this where I cry
When I regret something I said
I will always continue to try to fly
Until my heart is cold and dead
273 · Nov 2013
The Things I Miss
Brett W Nov 2013
I miss the simplest things in all of this
Being able to see each other every day
Seeing you smile every day I sure miss
And making that smile appear in any way
Life just isn't the same without you here
It is much less energetic and entertaining
But I know it will not be full of a certain fear
Fear of the possibility of you never returning
Because I want to be able to hold you tight
To tell you that everything’s going to be alright
271 · Dec 2015
Happy Again
Brett W Dec 2015
I can't believe I'm saying this right now
But I honestly feel happy again today
Maybe it's just reliving good memories
Or maybe it's that I'm escaping them
Either way, I don't think I'm happy, I know
I can just feel it inside my breathing body
The blood flowing quickly throughout
And my heart pounding when I talk to her
My mouth taking shape of a settle smile
I miss these times, but now they are back
I'm talking to her again after such a long time
She said she still likes me after all this time  
It has been almost two years since the end
And she now tells me she really likes me still
This truly making life more bearable than before
I can't wait until after college to see her again
Maybe sooner on spring or summer break
But I know I will see her again, just wait
Because that first embrace will be majestic
After all these months, we are BOTH happy
She still likes me, even after not talking for months thinking I no longer existed to her. I've never been so relieved :)
270 · Jun 2016
Dream Girl
Brett W Jun 2016
This is the third version
I do this every single year
To check how I progress
In my idealistic dream girl
Long and a dark brown hair
That blows freely in the wind
A bright and gorgeous smile
That enlightens those around
Shorter than me preferably
Only taller than me in two instances
When she is wearing high heels
Or when I'm down on one knee
A great personality like no other
One that anyone will wish to posses
And lastly, she must accept me
Accepting me for who I am is key
That is my dream girl, perfect in my eyes
I found one person that fits all qualities
But she isn't a strong presence in my life
So I am out looking for my dream girl
268 · Aug 2013
Leave This Place
Brett W Aug 2013
Day in and day out
I just think about leaving
I want to leave after a quick count
To leave this place and start something new
To me able to meet new people
Find new sights for my pupil

I want to create a new start
Find a new way to cure my stressed heart
Go and possibly meet new people out there
But there is only one person who always catches my eye
I wish to leave this place, and go see this somebody
And I would not want to return back to this place

I wish to start a new chapter in my life
Where I know nothing of the people around me
Cut up my past with a fictional knife
Just put what I want in my pocket and walk away
To walk away from the burning ashes of the past
But this new chapter will not be the very last
268 · Jan 2014
Searching Again
Brett W Jan 2014
I just want to break down in tears
Waiting after these many years
I thought I had found the one
She wasn’t and now it’s done
I had done all I could for her
All of the difficulties to endure
I always put her before myself
And in the end, it wasn’t enough
It must have been something I said
Or something I sent that she read
But either way, what it was is over
I must move on, finding a new lover
I will have to begin this search again
Hopefully not enduring much pain
Sure taking lightly is highly unlikely
Soon I’ll open my future with a key
I’ll soon to find the girl of my dreams
I’ll do my best to keep her, by any means
267 · Nov 2013
What I'm Experiencing
Brett W Nov 2013
No matter how hard I try
I can’t get you off my mind
It’s something I can’t explain
A certain connection I have to you
It’s something that money can’t buy
Something I don’t wish to leave behind
Can be wonderful or can put you in pain
But I know in my opinionated view
What I’m experiencing is love
Something created from high above
267 · Jan 2014
Brett W Jan 2014
This was a year of twists and turns
Icing the wounds from earlier burns
As the year didn’t start of that well
But it turned around, a story I will tell
I met a special girl that I love very much
I get happy whenever we get in touch
Although she lives a thousand miles away
There is a place in my heart she can stay
Overall this year has been very promising
Hopefully next year doesn’t start with a sting
I am proud to say that I have accomplished my goal of 100 poems in one year. Thank you to all of you, and have a happy new year.
267 · Jun 2014
In the Dark
Brett W Jun 2014
It's been quite a lot as of late
Of living in complete darkness
Here in my world full of hate
With a lack of true greatness
It seems like a hated place
But here it is easy to hide
Myself from any other face
I can't see that far ahead
Nor too far back behind me
The past is gone and dead
The future is still can't see
Full of unanswered questions
I live in my lonely dark dystopia
Peace is what I never mention
Because fear haunts every día
I don't know what happens next
My past memories are now gone
My life is confusing and complex
Never seeing another break of dawn
266 · May 2014
My Happiness
Brett W May 2014
It disappears and then it shall return
Each time it is leaving a new harsh burn
Leaving me a brand new lesson to learn
As the pages of life continue to turn
It's been 126 days since the disappear
Happiness doesn't seem to come back
Happiness came to me this past year
A year ago on this day, I left the black
It seemed to stick around for a long while
Until it left 126 days ago, not being the same
It has left me lonely, depressed and in denial
And I do not have anything still to blame
Because I can't control my own destiny
But I can control how free I shall always be
I should always be happy with what I have
It's friends and family that make you laugh
Being with those are close is good enough
Especially when times turn and become rough
I don't know when happiness shall return
One thing from this experience I will learn
Is that you can't depend on one human being
If you depend on only one, you end bleeding
Because your mind and heart will quickly break
And you'll eventually have way to much to take
You will think there is nothing left in your life
But I learned you need to fight through strife
Because you only grow stronger every day
With time, life will be easier in every way
Just try to remain in your one happy place
Take your time walking through life's race
It's been 126 days since my ex-girlfriend broke up with me and a year ago from today was when we got together
265 · Dec 2015
Happiness in a Relationship
Brett W Dec 2015
I'm not searching for a relationship
But happiness from a relationship
People tend to get those confused
If you're not happy, why be in one
It shouldn't be about them being cute
Or even them seeming sweet at first
But it should be how happy you will be
Will this person make you smile everyday?
Will this person make you laugh at nothing?
It's one thing I hate about society now
Especially with most people my age
It's all about looks and how others see you
But it should really be for your own happiness
If you're not happy, it is not worth it then
If you don't think you can last a long time
To at least a year, even consider marriage
Then this person will not make you happy
I just want to be happy, but I continue to wait
I'm fine with that, I've been patient for years
I will wait for the right girl to make me happy
Kind of a rant. I apologize. I just hate this generation. I'm lonely because people can't find relationships based off of personality so I rarely get s chance. Oh well, the right one will come eventually. Maybe
265 · Jul 2015
Story of my Life
Brett W Jul 2015
Here's a short explanation of my life:
Pages 1-6: building up a new reputation
Having big dreams, as big as a nation
I was just starting out in my early youth
I remember when I first lost a tooth
I thought I was slowly dying away
I thought my body was beginning to decay
But then I realized it was a natural occurrence
I continued my youth with little interference
Pages 6-12: I'm in my late youth stage
I'm ready to be a teen and then the page
I experienced moving and family deceased
I tried to cope with it as the pain decreased
And sure enough it did not happen again
But I was constantly bullied and in pain
At times I didn't want to go to school
But I was as consistent as a Mexican bull
I fought through all the pain and agony
To become as successful as I could be
Pages 13-16: looking at a bigger place
High school. A place filled with disgrace
Middle school seemed like a slow torture
So I hoped that high school would be better
It was, kind of. Freshman year was strange
I was okay, then depressed and out of range
I then met someone that seemed truly special
Possibly my dream girl, we were inseparable
Except, she moved thousands of miles away
We fought through difficulties every day
But it just did not work out at all in the end
I felt as if my heart would never again mend
Until I thought I found someone close to me
I started to like her on a band trip in Hawaii
We dated for a few months but it fell apart
And yet again there was a tear in my heart
I didn't think I could do anything about it
Until I find a key that will properly fit
Page 17: my current place in this story
I still have the right to write about me
I still have many years to look ahead
Until the final days when I end up dead
But I'm only at 17, halfway to 18 now
I have had a disappointing life I think
Two girlfriends, heartbreaks, I slowly sink
Grades starting to slip in every class
As I progress to harder classes to pass
My lips still remain virgins, no gentle touch
I am becoming desperate now, so very much
I want to find someone to love once more
Someone who won't slam the door
My heart has been beaten and slaughtered
I need someone to fix it while it's tattered
I still have a place in my heart for someone
She's thousands of miles away, so far gone
Yes, the first girl I loved, that's the one
I thought that It would work out, but I'm alone
Page ???: I will again find happiness in my life
My story continues with happiness and strife
I will find happiness again some day, I hope
As I have too much pain right now to cope
I need someone now to hold in my open arms
As I am a classy gentleman and mean no harm
I will live my life as long as a block of lead
And will try to remain happy, until I am dead
Probably the longest thing I've wrote (besides essays for school) but this is a poetic explanation of my life. Enjoy, and sorry it's been over 2 months since I've posted anything. To be honest, life has ****** lately but I just am never in the mood to write. Until now. I'm going to post another poem here in a bit that I wrote the other night
264 · Mar 2014
There With You
Brett W Mar 2014
Stay strong little soldier
Don't give up the fight now
Keep you chin up high and proud
Keeping your shoulders broad
Although I am so far away
I am still with you in your heart
I will never leave your side
Even when the time is ****
I will comfort you through conflicts
I will help walk you though life
You are one of my best friends
Whom I want to see happy though strife
264 · Jan 2016
Brett W Jan 2016
It all boiling over now
Nothing is enjoyable
All that I used to enjoy
Frustrate me even more
Everything frustrates me
I'm sick and tired of it all
I can't enjoy life like this
Just done with everything
I can't move on anymore
I can no longer be happy
Especially living this way
I'm frustrated and done
I'm sick and want it to end
I'm beyond the boiling point
And now I'm far from the edge
I must change myself. Now
263 · Apr 2016
Brett W Apr 2016
I wonder about this very often it seems
Why am I always a single and lonely guy?
Apparently I'm sweet and a gentleman
But I am always on the wrong end of it all
Is it because I'm not the most attractive?
Could it just be I don't seem sociable?
Maybe I really am not a true gentleman
But either way, I am single, but I wonder why
I don't enjoy the single life, I truly hate it
I could be much happier if I had a girlfriend
Simple. I honestly am not happy right now
I'm lonely, I want something to do, but no
I am stuck at home playing a stupid game
Just thinking about my ex, and how I was happy
Back in the good days, when I enjoyed life
Now I live each day, dealing with loneliness
263 · Nov 2013
My Only Wish
Brett W Nov 2013
Even though I contain multiple desires
There is really one that I want above all
Walk beyond hills and through perilous wires
Be there to catch you if you ever fall
Make you shine that beautiful smile
Until you have to leave once again
But I will walk to you every single mile
Anything to see you and ease this pain
Every day I wish to see your beautiful face
But we are fighting against time in an endless race
263 · Dec 2014
You're Right
Brett W Dec 2014
You are definitely right
I have to move on now
I'll go to sleep tonight
With a brand new vow
Not to dwell on the past
Focus on what's to come
She will not be the last
I no longer feel numb
Reinvigorated with life
I see with new visions
New ways through strife
Making better decisions
I'm no longer indecisive
I'm thankful for the life hacks
You have shown me to live
Without dealing with setbacks
Now we must no longer talk
Because we must both forget
Well, just I have to now walk
You're already through all of it
I just talked my ex for the first time in over 9 months and she just told me I have to quit dwelling on the past and focus on the future. So I'm taking her advice and trying again to move on. I honestly feel like a semi truck was just taken off my shoulders
262 · Jul 2015
Searching Heart
Brett W Jul 2015
I finally deleted all your photos
What I do now, no one knows
Those memories were my old foes
Bringing me to new all time lows
It is now over six months later
My state of mind has been greater
It's been shredded by a cheese grater
Now to be buried in it's own crater
My heart has no home to now go
It has been lost with no clear hero
No one to help it heal and to grow
Leaving it out in the open like a doe
My heart is searching for a new friend
As my last two deserted it in the end
My heart needs assistance to mend
Or else it will rot away in the cool sand
262 · Jul 2014
Steps of Moving On
Brett W Jul 2014
I don't even know why I'm giving advice
I haven't been able to move on my own
I have nothing left to give as a sacrifice
But I'll share my thoughts with my tone
First you have to forget about your past
This is something I can't even complete
I like to take my time and not go too fast
In the end, I seem to always face defeat
The next step seems to be out of sight
You must cope with any known difficulty
Because at any time in the day or night
You can fall apart in your own captivity
I would say then you must find someone
A special person you can trust with it all
A person able to cheer you up with a pun
Every time you're on the verge of your fall
The last step in my mind is quite obvious
You need someone to fill in your other part
No one that seems devious or mischievous
Someone that can heal your injured heart
261 · Feb 2014
Brett W Feb 2014
Where should I go
And what shall I do
No one that I know
Loving only a few

I wish to leave this place
Leave far, far away today
No one will miss my face
I have no reason to stay

To hang by my slim neck
Or a bullet through the head
Either way I won't be back
Finally I'll be completely dead
I will say this, I am NOT suicidal. I just decided to write this for some reason. Hope you all like it. Thanks for reading.
258 · Jul 2014
Brett W Jul 2014
The truth about me is plain and simple
I'm just a shattered mess in need of help
My heart has been stolen from my body
Locked away and never returned to me
I always have a smile on my hidden face
I hide my true emotions from the world
No one knows how I truly feel in any way
I'm broken in search for a fantastic day
I don't know when this day will show up
Not sure if it will ever appear to my eyes
My life is full of lies that feeds my pain
Losing control, nearly making me insane
The truth is I do it all to myself unwillingly
I feed my body with pain to strengthen it
I'm not physically strong by any means
But I am mentally strong it sure seems
I have no control on my life right now
I'm on a bull losing total control of itself
It's unclear what I'll be able to achieve
To be successful this agony must leave
Maybe the music isn't helping life much
Drug and alcohol references drag me in
I still don't drink or do any kind of drug
I'm the type that just tears away the rug
I don't take my anger out on any others
I take it all out on myself and myself only
I generally don't accept help from anyone
In fear of dragging them in as well alone
I don't like who I am today and that's clear
I want to be the old me once more in life
Maybe this time I can not ***** up again
And then I'll be freed from this hated pain
257 · Nov 2015
Brett W Nov 2015
All I see is darkness around me
And the red from my alarm clock
Hearing Breaking Benjamin in my ear
I lie here wondering, am I really happy?
The simple answer to that question: no
I may appear happy to some people
But they just see the shell of my life
Those that see the inside, they know
But there isn't anyone that truly knows
Some know most, but no one knows all
I plaster this smile on my face like a clown
It's fake, there's no way around that fact
I'm searching for pure happiness though
I am just struggling to find it's source
I have been searching, to find nothing yet
Maybe sometime in life, I'll be truly happy
Where I enjoy waking up each morning
Where I enjoy doing my daily routine
Where I enjoy the people around me
But right now, I tolerate my situations
As I still am searching for true happiness
Meh, not the best
256 · Nov 2014
I Wish
Brett W Nov 2014
I wish everything was alright
I wish it was peaceful at night
I wish all was good once more
I wish I had never shut the door
I wish I again had a girlfriend
I wish I had someone to tend
I wish I had someone to care
I wish that she was always there
I wish life would be okay again
I wish I could end all this pain
I wish it will be the same again
Why can't everything just change
To something more in my range
Where my life goals are reachable
Where nothing left is impossible
256 · May 2014
Hiding From Me
Brett W May 2014
We used to be extremely close
But that's now gone I suppose
We no longer speak anymore
You just walked out my door
You try to keep your life a secret
Hiding something important I bet
You're hiding something from me
But that's fine, you're alone and free
You're probably hiding a lot that's untold
Your secrets will quickly open and unfold
But it's your life to control, not mine
I'm trying to put us extremely far behind
But nothing seems to be working now
Everything you're hiding now raises my brow
I don't know what to expect next from you
I do know it's something that's always new
You're hiding stuff you don't want me to know
I'm alright with that because I'm letting go
255 · May 2016
One of These Days
Brett W May 2016
It will be one of these days
All the rage bottled in me
All of the built up anger
Then it will all just explode
It keeps building each day
From people and myself
When I finally will explode
I will change as a person

One of these days, I will find love
I thought I found it at one point
But that all was just a lie I guess
Maybe it will happen, one day
But in the meantime, I am patient
Yet impatient, as I have been waiting
But when I finally find my love
It will be a huge weight lifted away

One of these days, I will be happy
A true, generous smile on my face
Not some fake nonsense of a smile
Maybe I will be truly happy again
But while I wait, I am optimistic
I am trying to find it in smaller things
But it's only in the larger ideas I see it
And when I'm truly happy, I will fly freely

One of these days, I will be living the dream
Not necessarily living a luxurious dream life
But just knowing I'm proud of where I am
Living with a beautiful wife and great kids
Working at a job so I can support my family
And the job allowing ample time to enjoy life
When I finally see the dream as a possibility
I will grab hold and never let go as long as I live
254 · Dec 2014
Brett W Dec 2014
Why did everything have to change
Whenever you got out of my range
Why did life take an unexpected turn
When I will continue to fail to learn
I wish life was the same as it once was
My dull life finally in the constant buzz
I was known for once in my loneliness
Now it is just total and complete darkness
I wish nothing changed the way it did
I wish to not grow up and remain a kid
Young and not much to even worry about
Only getting yelled at for when I will pout
I wish that you didn't have to stay away
This pain lurks around and seems to stay
And I wish to see you in person once more
Then my confidence and hope may soar
Now, I'm hopeless and in constant denial
On how I couldn't make your time worthwhile
Now I hope that you're happy over there
While I'm struggling to find half of my pair
251 · Jul 2014
Running Out of Time
Brett W Jul 2014
We all have an uncontrolled amount
To be able to make everything okay
Making every single moment count
To that last breath on your last day
For some of us it is in the unknown
Time is and will never be unlimited
At times you'll feel afraid and alone
You can't fear your fears or be timid
You near the end with every moment
Not wasting a moment on nonsense
You can't wonder where it all went
Because it will leave you more tense
We all have a endless ticking clock
It shall never stop or slightly bend
It will continue to move and to rock
Until your heart had reached the end
250 · Feb 2014
Your Name
Brett W Feb 2014
It flows freely out from my lips
Like water down a waterfall
Down through the rock tips
A lasting impression on us all
It is a beautiful sound to hear
Soft as a feather on the ground
It’s even sweeter with you near
So all can hear from all around
I say your name to myself everyday
Thinking back to how you speak
I then forget what to exactly say
My voice going numb and very weak
I love the sound of your very name
But each passing day, it brings me shame
Sarah... such a beautiful and captivating name...
248 · Apr 2014
Brett W Apr 2014
Every single time that I can manage
I try forget my many thoughts about you
I'm always left in a deep disadvantage
Resulting in me feeling down and blue
I have my good days and then my bad
I have the great days and then horrible
Remembering the memories I once had
Leaving me alone, afraid and vulnerable
I see you smiling doing what you love
I lay here, remember how I made you feel
Everything was fit for the perfect size glove
But now I need time for my heart to heal
My world is not the same without you here
I miss having my sweet friend here so near
I miss seeing you happy with me my dear
But it's over and the end is near, that I fear
246 · Jul 2014
Brett W Jul 2014
You can't just assume it's alright
You must be positive at all times
It's better to know than assume
Everything can easily go wrong
I think about it every single night
I try to think inside the faint lines
I sit every night in my dark room
Wondering where time has gone
I still worry every night about you
I know that you don't do the same
You get rid of everything about me
Just forgetting the fact that I'm here
I miss you a whole lot and that's true
You probably forgot my simple name
You're living happily, alone and free
While I'm here alone with no one near
"Thinking is a whole lot different than knowing. You can assume everything is alright but in reality, everything is all ******* up."
245 · Jan 2014
Winter Winds
Brett W Jan 2014
The wind blows swiftly
Whistling free on this night
No resistance shown
243 · Mar 2015
Day Dreamer
Brett W Mar 2015
Through the entirety of the day
I dream randomly about things
Sometimes they're great or grey
It can be death or a bird that sings
I dream during the day quite often
As I have new ideas pop into mind
I often will resist the urge to listen
As I wish to leave something behind
I day dream about a girl I once knew
Her luscious hair flowing in the wind
And her big brown eyes staring at me
I think these are real and will never end
But my feelings are propped onto a tee
I just want to cry whenever I think of her
How she impacted my life so greatly then
But she's happier now than we ever were
I'm stuck day dreaming about her now
I wish I could ease this agonizing pain
Now, there is surely nothing left to gain
These feelings were quite easy to obtain
But now I can't lose them as I go insane
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