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Mar 2017 · 433
Brett W Mar 2017
Oh where to start with you
When I first saw you at Walgreens
I honestly thought we'd never talk
But man was I wrong in that aspect
We just started talking one day
And haven't really stopped since
You've helped me open up more
You're helping me gain confidence
Before I started talking to you
I was timid, and tended to shy away
But now, I feel more confident in myself
But you as a whole, you're amazing
You are truly beautiful and sweet
And you honestly shouldn't change a thing
You may think you need to lose weight
Because you claim to be "fat"
But really, your body is perfect the way it is
You are perfect just the way you are
However, there is one thing you can change
You really need to show off your smile more
It's beautiful and really lights up the room
When you move away, I really will miss you
In the short three months I've known you
I have honestly gotten fairly close to you
But you're leaving faster than you arrived
So I wish you nothing but the best
In whatever your future may hold
Just remember these three things
Keep smiling, don't change a thing
And I am always here for you if needed
Jan 2017 · 409
My Queen
Brett W Jan 2017
I am not sure why I am single
I am told I'm a fantastic guy
That will make any girl happy
But how come I'm avoided
I will treat her like a queen
Spoil her with my undying love
And incomparable affection
Do anything to see her smile
Letting her know she's special
The most beautiful girl in my eyes
I will be loyal to my gorgeous queen
Not allow anyone between us
What is holding me back though
Is it my looks? My confidence?
Is it just me? Or is it society?
Whenever my queen comes along
I will treat her like royalty
We will rule this world together
Me as king, and her as my queen
Jan 2017 · 427
I Do
Brett W Jan 2017
There are two very special words
That will be spoken a lot in a lifetime
But can truly change your entire life
In a single moment
I do
Once a marriage ceremony comes to and end
These words are spoken by each participant
To signify the unification
Of two individuals
However, I hear these words
Probably hundreds of times a week
At work I ask a question
And I always hear "I do"
Every time I hear those two words
I smile a bit
Knowing that one day
Those words will come out of my mouth
To unify me with a significant other
At some point in my future
Oct 2016 · 427
Not Sure
Brett W Oct 2016
I had a wonderful time
Reminiscing the old days
Marching competitions all day
And just being with all my friends
Returning for the last of the season
After graduating the previous year
I met some brand new faces
And was greeted by the familiar ones
But one face stood out the most today
One I have not known for very long
But long enough to cherish and recognize
She is in a tough and stressful period
And I am trying to assist her any way I can
Seeing her most of the day made me realize
How much I miss being close to a female
I offered her my sweater when she was cold
And cuddled together to keep warm
But we are just friends. Or are we?
I am not really sure at this moment
As I saw the tears ruin her perfect makeup
I consoled her to the best of my ability
Am I starting to grow feelings for her?
Does she seem to like me back?
These are all questions that remain unanswered
But one thing I am sure about in this situation
Is I am getting close to a female once more
I am not sure on my true feelings toward her
Jul 2016 · 401
Brett W Jul 2016
All I can ask for right now
Is to find a very special girl
That I can show compassion
And love to every hour of every day
I am a broken hearted man
But my heart is still open to loving
I am a kind and compassionate soul
I care and I protect, no matter what
I want to spoil a special girl every day
And make her the luckiest girl alive
I just want to share this affection
It feels useless in my lonesome body
All I want is a tender and loving woman
I want to make a girl smile in my presence
And to call her my very own girlfriend
Jul 2016 · 321
Brett W Jul 2016
The brain is an amazing phenomenon
Creating visions while it is most active
And processing views while least active
When active, it creates amazing elements
These are known as dreams, or nightmares
Despite the brain being an amazing entity
It can not create a face, only scenarios
All people seen in a dream or a nightmare
Is someone viewed previously in life
As the mind isn't powerful enough to create
A new life form that was not previously seen
The villain often someone harming your life
The protagonist being a close friend or relative
I see a certain someone in almost all visions
Whether it is an amazing dream I wish was real
Or a nightmare where I wake sweating in fear
But this person switches roles each time
One night it will be a dream, next a nightmare
I wish the brain was powerful enough to erase
Erase a person to rid of all unwanted visions
If only I could dream for the rest of my life
Jul 2016 · 992
Stop Killing
Brett W Jul 2016
All of this debate going on
Cops shooting black men
Mass shooting at a gay club
It is all the same, it is killing
I must say this before I start
I apologize for any language
But this is all a load of *******
And it honestly has to stop
When a white man kills a white man
There is no publicity in the ordeal
When a black man kills a black man
There is still no debate going on
But people are dying in these situations
Someone's family member or close friend
Gone, taken away from their life
Then a cop shoots a white man
And there's a little discussion on it
But a cop shoots a black man
And there are riots, marches, but why
All lives should matter in this world
The declaration says all men are equal
So no life is greater than anyone else's
White, Black, Mexican, Asian, Middle Eastern
Straight, gay, lesbian, transgender, ect.
It is all equal to one another, it's 2016
Stop the killing and keep peace and equality
Jun 2016 · 297
Brett W Jun 2016
I can sit here, saying your name
Looking at a picture of your face
Or just thinking about your beauty
None of it feels the same anymore
When I was with you, I took it for granted
And now that we are apart, I regret it
I wish I would've shown how much I loved you
I wish I could have done everything better
But I tried, it was a difficult time
Long distance and all, I did what I could
But it still was no where near enough
So now I think of you, your name, your face
And I get emotional, close to a breakdown
But I hold it all back from the world
Because I don't want you to see me this way
I feel like a lonely and miserable monster
I regret ever falling this deeply in love with you
But I don't regret a relationship with you
As it shaped who I became today
Even though I cringe at the sight of myself
I hate how I feel, but I regret nothing now
Jun 2016 · 321
I Miss You
Brett W Jun 2016
I've tried to move onward in my life
But you're like a boomerang, coming back
I do what I can to push you aside
But you end up at the same place each day
I miss you, I can no longer hide that
I can't change how I feel about you
I wish you were back here with me
But that's no longer possible, so I move on
Jun 2016 · 294
Brett W Jun 2016
We can always be looking
For that destined someone
Some many never find them
Others will often get lucky
It can tough to find them
But it will all pay off eventually
Soulmates are destined to be
You will know when they are found
You will feel an ultimate connection
Feel what they feel almost always
Be able to make each other happy
With just each other's presence
Some pipeline believe in a soulmate
Personally, I don't think so anymore
I thought I found mine at one point
Then she abandoned me like I was nothing
I felt everything I just said above
And she felt the same way to me
But I guess it's not destined to be
Jun 2016 · 284
Dream Girl
Brett W Jun 2016
This is the third version
I do this every single year
To check how I progress
In my idealistic dream girl
Long and a dark brown hair
That blows freely in the wind
A bright and gorgeous smile
That enlightens those around
Shorter than me preferably
Only taller than me in two instances
When she is wearing high heels
Or when I'm down on one knee
A great personality like no other
One that anyone will wish to posses
And lastly, she must accept me
Accepting me for who I am is key
That is my dream girl, perfect in my eyes
I found one person that fits all qualities
But she isn't a strong presence in my life
So I am out looking for my dream girl
Jun 2016 · 301
Story of My Life (cont.)
Brett W Jun 2016
Here's a short explanation of my life:
Pages 1-6: building up a new reputation
Having big dreams, as big as a nation
I was just starting out in my early youth
I remember when I first lost a tooth
I thought I was slowly dying away
I thought my body was beginning to decay
But then I realized it was a natural occurrence
I continued my youth with little interference
Pages 6-12: I'm in my late youth stage
I'm ready to be a teen and then the page
I experienced moving and family deceased
I tried to cope with it as the pain decreased
And sure enough it did not happen again
But I was constantly bullied and in pain
At times I didn't want to go to school
But I was as consistent as a Mexican bull
I fought through all the pain and agony
To become as successful as I could be
Pages 13-16: looking at a bigger place
High school. A place filled with disgrace
Middle school seemed like a slow torture
So I hoped that high school would be better
It was, kind of. Freshman year was strange
I was okay, then depressed and out of range
I then met someone that seemed truly special
Possibly my dream girl, we were inseparable
Except, she moved thousands of miles away
We fought through difficulties every day
But it just did not work out at all in the end
I felt as if my heart would never again mend
Until I thought I found someone close to me
I started to like her on a band trip in Hawaii
We dated for a few months but it fell apart
And yet again there was a tear in my heart
I didn't think I could do anything about it
Until I find a key that will properly fit
Page 17: my current place in this story
I still have the right to write about me
I still have many years to look ahead
Until the final days when I end up dead
But I'm only at 17, halfway to 18 now
I have had a disappointing life I think
Two girlfriends, heartbreaks, I slowly sink
Grades starting to slip in every class
As I progress to harder classes to pass
My lips still remain virgins, no gentle touch
I am becoming desperate now, so very much
I want to find someone to love once more
Someone who won't slam the door
My heart has been beaten and slaughtered
I need someone to fix it while it's tattered
I still have a place in my heart for someone
She's thousands of miles away, so far gone
Yes, the first girl I loved, that's the one
I thought that It would work out, but I'm alone
Page 18: I am 18 now. I'm legally an adult. I'm off to college in a few months, done with high school, and I'm ready to take a giant step in life. It's been two years since my heartbreaking situations. Am I okay now? Sadly I am not. I still see her face and a thousand memories flood my mind. I don't think it's possible to move on. I've done all I can think of. Maybe one day it will all settle in the dust and it will all be okay. But in the meantime, I will live another day.
Page ???: I will again find happiness in my life
My story continues with happiness and strife
I will find happiness again some day, I hope
As I have too much pain right now to cope
I need someone now to hold in my open arms
As I am a classy gentleman and mean no harm
I will live my life as long as a block of lead
And will try to remain happy, until I am dead
I wrote this a few years ago and I updated and posted it last year so I'm updating it again and reposting it. The addition is Page 18
May 2016 · 269
One of These Days
Brett W May 2016
It will be one of these days
All the rage bottled in me
All of the built up anger
Then it will all just explode
It keeps building each day
From people and myself
When I finally will explode
I will change as a person

One of these days, I will find love
I thought I found it at one point
But that all was just a lie I guess
Maybe it will happen, one day
But in the meantime, I am patient
Yet impatient, as I have been waiting
But when I finally find my love
It will be a huge weight lifted away

One of these days, I will be happy
A true, generous smile on my face
Not some fake nonsense of a smile
Maybe I will be truly happy again
But while I wait, I am optimistic
I am trying to find it in smaller things
But it's only in the larger ideas I see it
And when I'm truly happy, I will fly freely

One of these days, I will be living the dream
Not necessarily living a luxurious dream life
But just knowing I'm proud of where I am
Living with a beautiful wife and great kids
Working at a job so I can support my family
And the job allowing ample time to enjoy life
When I finally see the dream as a possibility
I will grab hold and never let go as long as I live
Apr 2016 · 278
Brett W Apr 2016
I wonder about this very often it seems
Why am I always a single and lonely guy?
Apparently I'm sweet and a gentleman
But I am always on the wrong end of it all
Is it because I'm not the most attractive?
Could it just be I don't seem sociable?
Maybe I really am not a true gentleman
But either way, I am single, but I wonder why
I don't enjoy the single life, I truly hate it
I could be much happier if I had a girlfriend
Simple. I honestly am not happy right now
I'm lonely, I want something to do, but no
I am stuck at home playing a stupid game
Just thinking about my ex, and how I was happy
Back in the good days, when I enjoyed life
Now I live each day, dealing with loneliness
Apr 2016 · 377
No Need to Worry
Brett W Apr 2016
First of all, I would like to say thanks
For being caring during a time like this
However, you don't need to worry
You did what you thought was right
And that's all you could have done
Prom, it doesn't matter much to me
Sure I want a date to it, but I don't mind
I know you would have went with me
But I want you to be happy, not me
I control myself, and it is as simple as that
So there's no need to worry about me
You made your decision, and I made mine
Be happy, no need to worry about me
I am fine
Mar 2016 · 670
Prom Scenario
Brett W Mar 2016
I imagine the scenario
What I want to happen
To what actually will occur
Then it all just goes black
Replay, it's all back in my head
I see her smile, so gorgeous
She is crying tears of joy
As she runs into my open arms
Then it goes black once more
Prom, every high schoolers dream
It is now a nightmare and a dream
All at the exact same time
I want to spend it with her
But I no longer exist to her
As she has a new boyfriend
And I sit alone, thinking
The scenario in my head
Replays constantly, it won't stop
Mar 2016 · 627
Brett W Mar 2016
It is all currently a blur
As a senior in high school
I am unsure of my future
It is like looking though a fog
No idea on the career I chose  
No idea what college to attend
No idea if I want to go to prom
Senior year has been stressful
Not because of my daily classes
But for the personal decisions
My future at one point seemed bright
Knew where I wanted to attend college
Knew what I wanted to do as a career
Even knew the woman I was to marry
And the names of the kids we would have
But now none of this is clear in my mind
A haze now is constricting my future self
This woman left me for someone else
And I no longer enjoy that potential career
I don't have money for that potential college
At one point, my future was set and done
But now it seems so unclear, for now
Mar 2016 · 796
I Haven't Changed
Brett W Mar 2016
I reread what I wrote last year
And even the year before that
I still feel the same was as before
The same person, just now older
Still listening to the same music
Playing the same silly games
Watching the same TV shows
Even still having feelings for her
It has been over 2 years now
Since we went our different ways
Almost 3 years since last seeing her
And I thought the wait would end
But I told myself a lie, like I always do
I still can't move on, I don't know why
One thing I do know is I haven't changed
I'm still the same, pathetic person today
As I was a year ago, and the year before
I want to change, I want to be able to forget
But that's clearly not happening yet
Sorry for the lack of posting lately. Been busy and stressed. Writing this at nearly 3am when I have school in a few hours. Oh well. Still haven't changed
Feb 2016 · 406
Brett W Feb 2016
I am constantly held back in life
From others or even just myself
I tend to hit a barrier fairly often
Where it takes some time to pass
All these restrictions, reoccurring
All the pain, consistent and nonstop
All the feelings, ongoing and unforgiving
And all the love, gone and ripped apart
I can simply just hear her name
And a wall of restriction is built
I can see a picture of her perfect face
And an unconquerable wall is built
All this pain, all this heartbreak
It's restricting me from my goals
From happiness, from future success
I am being held back due to this
And I must break these chains
In order to live happily ever after
Feb 2016 · 422
Brett W Feb 2016
I am always unlucky in life
Always stuck on the bad side
Always feeling all the pain
And always in some discomfort
I am the victim of heartbreak
I am the victim of loneliness
I am the victim of harassment
I do not enjoy being the victim
No one does
Feb 2016 · 311
Brett W Feb 2016
Every time I see her eyes
In a crisp, clear photograph
I feel something suddenly drop
Maybe my heart leaving my body
I just feel like breaking down
Letting the tears flow freely
But I still remain headstrong
Somehow, someway, I'm strong
I will look at a picture of her
And sometimes crack a smile
But then the memories flow in
And I collapse in undesired pain
That smile, those eyes, haunting me
So beautiful, a word a rarely say
To anyone involved in my life
Beautiful she is in every photograph
But only if these were real
The beauty will truly show
But so will my emotions
The tears, the break downs
All from a beautiful photograph
Brett W Feb 2016
Visions, dreams, nightmares
They all deal with the brain
All of these images painted
To reflect on what is wanted
Dreaming to become something
Is just a lie, it gives false hope
Chances to succeed are slim
However, they still can be done
Visions are simply just pictures
Nothing more than a simple want
The brain makes you picture a want
However, visions just deceive the eye
Nightmares are an internal fear
Fear of supernatural possibly
Or just fearing life in any aspect
However, nightmares are a necessity
These dreams, visions, and nightmares
All have one thing in common, falsity
They produce a false hope or a fear
Hope of becoming happy, or fearing death
However, these false brain impulses
Just inflict pain in life, and can't be stopped
Jan 2016 · 295
What if I...
Brett W Jan 2016
What if I just walked away
Left everything I love behind
A new start somewhere else
Maybe it will free my soul
What if I just left this cruel world
Would anyone even miss me
Not necessarily take my life
Just isolate myself from mankind
What if I just opened up my life
How I felt, what I felt, who I felt
Just tell everyone my deepest thoughts
Without a single worry about myself
What if I tried being more selfish
Caring only about myself from now on
Making sure I am happy before everyone
But that's not how I want to live life
What if I just changed as a whole
What if I could just change the world
To change my harsh world is a start
Maybe that will result in a better world
Jan 2016 · 278
Brett W Jan 2016
It all boiling over now
Nothing is enjoyable
All that I used to enjoy
Frustrate me even more
Everything frustrates me
I'm sick and tired of it all
I can't enjoy life like this
Just done with everything
I can't move on anymore
I can no longer be happy
Especially living this way
I'm frustrated and done
I'm sick and want it to end
I'm beyond the boiling point
And now I'm far from the edge
I must change myself. Now
Jan 2016 · 257
Brett W Jan 2016
I would like to say thank you
For helping me find myself
For dragging me out of the dark
For giving me a reason to live
You taught me important lessons
Like how to be happy in a relationship
Like how to make others feel truly special
Like how to simply be happy with myself
I was wanting to go see you again
Take time out of school and work
To go up there and see you again
But I won't if you don't want to see me
However, if you want, I can still go
Maybe we could go to prom together
Like we talked about a while ago
If that is still in any interest to you
I really want to keep talking to you
But if you don't feel the same way
I'm not going to change your opinion
We can stop talking for good if you wish
I just want you to know I'm happy for you
And I thank you for all that you did for me
I want to wish you the best in your future
And I hope this is not the last time we talk
Jan 2016 · 238
I've Had Thoughts
Brett W Jan 2016
I've had thoughts for the bad
And for the worse of my health
I've thought of many things evil
And for many things for the good
Thoughts of drinking alcohol
Or starting to do numerous drugs
Thoughts of dropping out of school
Or just leaving this town all together
These are a few of the bad thoughts
While there are a few signs of hope
There are thoughts of seeing her
Making a movie-like surprise occur
Thoughts of making people smile
Making sure their time is worth while
But through all of these many thoughts
Some have not crossed my mind
These are for the good and for the bad
Thoughts of suicide or theft never came
And neither have thoughts for myself
However, these are all thoughts or ideas
Most will not come true, especially the bad
I fell asleep and then woke up to write this so I'm not falling back to sleep. Maybe...
Jan 2016 · 328
Brett W Jan 2016
I don't want to go to my prom
That is now a well known fact
However, I still want to go to one
Not my own, I want to go to hers
She is over a thousand miles away
And I want to be by her side that day
I have a brilliant plan lined up for it all
I will contact her school or her mother
Tell them what I am about to tell you
Say I want to fly up there for her prom
Surprise her, she will have no clue
See if I can get a special entrance
Just so I can get one special dance
I will fly there with a group of friends
And hope to make her happy as can be
However, there is only one flaw to my plan
She may not want to see me anymore
As she is currently with another guy
I'm just going to ask if she wants to go
If she says yes, I'll put the plan into action
If she says no, I'll drop it and let her go
I want this plan to occur, it will be perfect
Seeming like it comes out of a love movie
But it will hopefully be real life, my own life
Jan 2016 · 470
I Hope You're Happy
Brett W Jan 2016
The title says it all right now
I just really hope you're happy
Because I sure am not anymore
I'm upset, with you and myself
I'm not upset because I'm jealous
I upset that you lied to me directly
You told me it's started that night
Then I discovered it was two weeks
We talked about our personal lives
And a possible future together
Saying to me while still dating him
So I hope you're happy now "friend"
As you're making out with him at work
I sit at home lonely and cold hearted
But I don't know how I have a cold heart
As it feels like I no longer have one
But just be happy, I'll deal with myself
I just wish you would have told the truth
It would have been easier knowing true
But just be happy, don't worry about me
I'll be find in the end, which is now near
Jan 2016 · 345
I Need
Brett W Jan 2016
I need to find happiness in life
And for me, that's hard to find
I look near and far, but to no avail
I find hope as soon as I give up
Does that mean I should give up?
Maybe, maybe not, I do not know
But what I do know, is I'm not happy
I need to find happiness really soon
And there is only one way to do it
I need to find myself a girlfriend
Someone I can depend on always
Someone that I can make laugh
She makes me feel confident
Someone that can fix me up
But I know I must keep searching
Because I won't be happy if I give up
I need to remain persistent and believe
Believe I can find this special girl
That will make me believe in myself
But in all honesty, what am I?
I need to find what I am truly about
I do not know what my future holds
I don't even know what tomorrow holds
I just go with the flow, knowing nothing
I am in my senior year of high school
I still have no idea what I'm doing in life
I need to discover what my future is
But I need to focus on the present
I know that I need to be happy
But to do that, I need a girlfriend
After that, I need to discover myself
And to do that, I need to know my future
I want to know everything in this world
But these are a few ideas I need to know
Jan 2016 · 303
Brett W Jan 2016
Today in my anatomy class
We did an experiment on pain
Seeing if you could feel a needle
Pricking at your skin slightly
Well, I never felt a single thing
I told my partner to push harder
Still nothing, I felt no pain at all
When I got home, I looked at myself
Connecting that experiment to my life
I no longer can feel pain it seems
Unless it is just excruciating pain
But I don't feel anything, I am nothing
I will always have sympathy for people
But I can no longer feel the pain myself
I will help others through tough situations
But then when I'm in something similar
I feel nothing, not caring about myself
Is this an issue? Yes, I know it is
I have no feelings, but filled with emotion
Maybe it's good I feel nothing at all
Because now I won't be hurt anymore
Jan 2016 · 316
Look Deeper
Brett W Jan 2016
Hey bro are you doing alright?
Yeah, I'm fine, thanks man
But that "I'm fine" is a lie
He really just wants to die
Hey girl, you feeling better?
Yeah, better than I was yesterday
But she really is a day closer to death
But she hides that pain underneath
Hey mom, is Jeremy going to be okay?
Yes, your brother is in a better place
But Jeremy is really already gone
And mom knows that where he belongs
Hey, I like your new shirt Vanessa
Thanks, these sleeves are comfortable
But really, the sleeves cover her scars
As she is afraid for her father behind bars
Hey, you doing okay about Samantha?
Yeah, I'm over her, it's all good
But you know you're no where near "fine"
As she is on your mind all the time
Hey, Jessica, you over Benjamin yet?
Yeah, he means nothing to me now
Each night, mascara runs down your face
As you miss his touch and his embrace
People lie to make it seem like they're fine
But we've all been there, they're not fine
They just want to curl into a ball and cry
Right now, that's me. I just want to cry...
I've had this idea for a while actually, I could just never gain the courage to write it... It's definitely different from how I normally write but I like it...
Dec 2015 · 655
I Care Too Much
Brett W Dec 2015
I care way too much about others
I always put others before myself
I make sure others are always happy
Even if I'm hurt, I care about them
I'm not self centered by any means
I tend to others before I tend myself
But sometimes, I need to be selfish
I need to learn to care for myself first
I am hurt right now, yet it's the same
I care more about her than myself
I want her to be happy, simple as that
But I need to make sure I'm okay too
I care too much about others now
But I need to care about myself as well
Dec 2015 · 439
All I Want For Christmas
Brett W Dec 2015
I don't need a fancy car
I don't need an Xbox One
I don't need money and fame
I don't need a big ole mansion
All I want for Christmas this year
Is for you to be happy, that's it
Nothing else will suffice for me
If you're not happy this Christmas
So please, be happy, that's all I want
Nothing more and nothing less
Merry Christmas, and keep smiling
I just want her to be happy...
Dec 2015 · 306
Moving on Again
Brett W Dec 2015
When I sleep, I dream of her
When I'm awake, I think of her
I no longer can sleep anymore
Because I'm happy when I dream
And it saddens me when I wake
I have been trying for years now
And I thought my efforts payed off
I finally started to talk to her again
Thinking I no longer had to move on
But of course, like always, I was wrong
I'm back at it again, trying to forget
But is it really worth it? I don't know
We still may have a future together
But I can't cash those checks in yet
I have to move on from her for now
And it's hard, she's always on my mind
Everything is meant to happen for a reason
And this is a clear example, I must move on
Dec 2015 · 279
Happiness in a Relationship
Brett W Dec 2015
I'm not searching for a relationship
But happiness from a relationship
People tend to get those confused
If you're not happy, why be in one
It shouldn't be about them being cute
Or even them seeming sweet at first
But it should be how happy you will be
Will this person make you smile everyday?
Will this person make you laugh at nothing?
It's one thing I hate about society now
Especially with most people my age
It's all about looks and how others see you
But it should really be for your own happiness
If you're not happy, it is not worth it then
If you don't think you can last a long time
To at least a year, even consider marriage
Then this person will not make you happy
I just want to be happy, but I continue to wait
I'm fine with that, I've been patient for years
I will wait for the right girl to make me happy
Kind of a rant. I apologize. I just hate this generation. I'm lonely because people can't find relationships based off of personality so I rarely get s chance. Oh well, the right one will come eventually. Maybe
Dec 2015 · 608
Be Happy
Brett W Dec 2015
I was just told the girl of my dreams
By her, that she was with someone else
Yeah, sure it hurts, but I can't cry
I liked her and she liked me back
But the distance didn't allow for it
Was it just not meant to be at all?
I don't know, maybe in be future it is
But now, distance kills and fire between
She is happy with another guy it seems
And I'm here lonely, but it is okay
I want her to be happy, and that's it
I hope this guy treats her like a princess
And me, I don't care how I feel to be honest
But I need to move on and find someone
As long as she's safe and happy, I am too
Dec 2015 · 313
See You Again
Brett W Dec 2015
That wonderful smile
Those pretty brown eyes
The wait has been long
But will end here soon
Not talking for a while
Both saying goodbyes
It all seemed so wrong
But it'll be okay soon
I know I can't promise
And may not keep it
But this is one I will keep
To give you a huge hug
When I see you again
Dec 2015 · 440
Brett W Dec 2015
By far the sweetest girl I know
Extremely energetic
Amazing in every single way
Unbelievably strong (mentally and physically)
Incredible dancer
Faithful and honest
Ugh, another "U"- unique
Dec 2015 · 293
I Don't Understand
Brett W Dec 2015
One second you say you like me
You wish I was by your side again
Just to comfort you once more
Saying you cried when we broke up
Now you're asking me about other guys
About what you can do to get them
Whether or not they like you back or not
Saying this guy is attractive, it hurts
I just don't understand you right now
Am I just oblivious to the facts at hand?
Still in some uncontrollable state of denial?
Or am I just in over my head and out of it?
I just don't know anymore, I'm confused
I know long distance won't work out now
We can't wait many years until after college
We are both only seniors in high school
Dealing with options most people don't face
Whether or not to move on for good or what?
I just can not read you anymore it seems
You first started out as a Dr. Seuss book
But now you're some thousand page novel
So many details I'm not picking up it seems
Looking at the big picture, I like you, you like me
But will it work out? I sure in hell hope so...
I just don't know anymore. I like her, she likes me, but distance is a ***** that just can't be tamed and it's destroying everything I love...
Dec 2015 · 282
Happy Again
Brett W Dec 2015
I can't believe I'm saying this right now
But I honestly feel happy again today
Maybe it's just reliving good memories
Or maybe it's that I'm escaping them
Either way, I don't think I'm happy, I know
I can just feel it inside my breathing body
The blood flowing quickly throughout
And my heart pounding when I talk to her
My mouth taking shape of a settle smile
I miss these times, but now they are back
I'm talking to her again after such a long time
She said she still likes me after all this time  
It has been almost two years since the end
And she now tells me she really likes me still
This truly making life more bearable than before
I can't wait until after college to see her again
Maybe sooner on spring or summer break
But I know I will see her again, just wait
Because that first embrace will be majestic
After all these months, we are BOTH happy
She still likes me, even after not talking for months thinking I no longer existed to her. I've never been so relieved :)
Dec 2015 · 248
Brett W Dec 2015
It's not a word I really use often
Especially calling someone beautiful
Sure I think some girls are attractive
But to be beautiful is different in my eyes
Some people think it's to talk about looks
I say it's mainly personality and looks
To be beautiful in my eyes is difficult
I have only told one girl she's beautiful
And it's because it was the absolute truth
I have called other girls pretty recently
But I haven't said they're beautiful
And it's nothing against them, honestly
I just say one much have great personality
And a great amount of self confident
Along with this thing called beauty
In order to be called beautiful in my mind
Will I call someone else beautiful again?
Most likely, just when the time is right
And when I find the right person to say
"Hey, you are an absolutely beautiful person"
"And don't change a single thing about yourself"
It will happen sometime, maybe not today
But eventually I'll say she's beautiful
This is actually a really bad poem. I wrote it in probably a minute and not editing it but it's alright. I'm in a fantastic mood now and I just wanted to write something
Nov 2015 · 397
Relationships and Happiness
Brett W Nov 2015
So many pretty girls I know
And I wish I wasn't so lonely
Do I want to ask one out?
I am not really sure right now
There is the cute blonde
She has a great personality
I have known her for many years
But have I waited too long for her?
Then there is the first of 3 brunettes
She has such a lovely smile
And she has wonderful hair
But we don't talk much in person
However, it's nonstop here online
Does she like me but we are both shy?
Then there is the second brunette
It has been on and off with her
Some moments I really like her
Then others I forget she exists
She often will hug me at school
But that really is all there is
Other than when we went to the mall
Is there a connection? Was there ever one?
Then there is the last of the brunettes
We don't really talk much anymore
But it used to be all the time it seemed
For quite some time, I didn't exist to her
But then I crawled back into her life
She has beautiful eyes that see your soul
And that laugh that is just adorable
But I know that I can not have her...
Is this just proof I can't find anyone?
I have decided to just remain single for now
But I feel like loneliness haunts me again
I want to find happiness once more
And it is hard for me to come by now
As a relationship truly makes me happy
But right now, I don't think I can be in one
It's a mix of I'm scared of heartbreak
And maybe there is also some embarrassment
I'll find it one day, but right now I suffer
Is there any other title option?
Nov 2015 · 301
Brett W Nov 2015
It's all I give to people it seems
It's what I am here for you all
To give help and assistance
But nothing in return for me
I need help, but it doesn't matter
I don't need any assistance
I can handle these myself
Well, that's what I say to people
In reality, I can't handle it at all
I need help with a lot of things
There's finding a relationship
Also there's finding happiness
And who can forget about school
But it's alright, it's why I'm here
To assist all in this world today
Getting nothing in return tomorrow
Nov 2015 · 2.0k
Cheer up Buttercup
Brett W Nov 2015
It will be alright there
Just cheer up buttercup
I know these scars hurt
Bringing back memories
But the past makes you
Becomes who you are now
Without it, you are nothing
And to someone here today
You are their everything
Just remember that
You are now confused
No knowing what to do
In an unnatural situation
Thinking about someone
But just go with the flow
If he likes you, then he does
If not, it's not the end of the world
There are plenty of fish in the sea
You find the right guy eventually
Just keep your chin high buttercup
Put that smile back on your face
Prove that you are proud of yourself
You don't let the past hold you back
Don't let others take you down
If he doesn't like you, it's okay
You're still beautiful to someone
And just remember to be happy
And just stay yourself
Nov 2015 · 2.0k
Brett W Nov 2015
One must be grateful with what they have
Some out there are not as fortunate as you
We often take our simple lives for granted
While others struggle to find themselves
We must be grateful for the food we have
As there are some that struggle to survive
We must be grateful for the roof above us
As some sleep in the harshest of conditions
We must be grateful for the clothes we have
As some freeze due to lack of their clothing
We must be grateful for our transportation
As some walk all day to their destination
Lastly, we must be grateful to simply live
There is going to be someone out there
That is struggling more that you are now
No matter how difficult you think life is
It is harder for someone else in this world
You're not the homeless man with no food
He has to dig through your trash cans
To find the food you waste every day
You're not the child dying in the hospital
To a disease that affects one in a million
Wishing your tax dollars can save his life
But you're too stubborn with your money
We need to be grateful with what we have
As there is always someone out there today
Struggling to survive throughout the day
While we "struggle" with pointless issues
I really hate when people complain about these stupid issues. Just be grateful with what you have! Seriously! And with Thanksgiving right around the corner, couldn't be a better time to write this
Nov 2015 · 273
Brett W Nov 2015
All I see is darkness around me
And the red from my alarm clock
Hearing Breaking Benjamin in my ear
I lie here wondering, am I really happy?
The simple answer to that question: no
I may appear happy to some people
But they just see the shell of my life
Those that see the inside, they know
But there isn't anyone that truly knows
Some know most, but no one knows all
I plaster this smile on my face like a clown
It's fake, there's no way around that fact
I'm searching for pure happiness though
I am just struggling to find it's source
I have been searching, to find nothing yet
Maybe sometime in life, I'll be truly happy
Where I enjoy waking up each morning
Where I enjoy doing my daily routine
Where I enjoy the people around me
But right now, I tolerate my situations
As I still am searching for true happiness
Meh, not the best
Oct 2015 · 349
This Generation
Brett W Oct 2015
This new young generation
Running every new nation
Creating new modern laws
And showing modern flaws
Here is my honest opinion
Made by my own decision
This generation is a wreck
Like, really, what the heck
People think slacking works
Or it is okay to bully the dorks
Pregnancy at a young age is right
It is okay to have *** every night
This generation is so wrong
I feel like I do not belong
I don't drink or smoke anything
I don't treat people like nothing
This generation is thrown away
I'm just waiting for the break of day
I feel like I do not belong in the present
But in the yesterday far in the distance
There are people like me out there
I just want to leave, I do not care
I want to leave this insane generation
And create my own new delegation
Sep 2015 · 316
Brett W Sep 2015
It can be to another human being
Or to an animal with little meaning
It can be as simple as sight seeing
Or as complex as mountain skiing
One can love an object in their hand
Or a group or an activity like a band
One can request love or be a demand
But to find true love is truly grand
You may think you some someone
Until the inevitable becomes undone
And you now sit there holding a gun
But it will soon get better my son
One can not dwell on the distant past
Or dream about the near future at last
One must live during the present blast
Or else their end will come quite fast
Love can be the beginning or the end
Of a life one must be able to defend
Here is one simple trick I recommend
Don't fall too deep, or life will be a lend
Another added on to " One Word Can Bring Back a Thousand Memories"
Sep 2015 · 330
Brett W Sep 2015
Looking off into the sunset
Dreaming about my Juliet
Someone I may have met
Or maybe it's not time yet
I stare off into the distance
Thinking of her existence
Thinking quite so intense
Painful, so I slightly wince
My heart feels so alone
Aching like a broken bone
I let out a very faint moan
As I look down at my phone
No one there at my side
And I must now decide
Do I remain alone and hide
Or leave loneliness behind
I'm wanting to create a possible series, "One Word Can Bring Back a Thousand Memories" and this is the first of an unknown amount.
Sep 2015 · 523
Mystery Girl
Brett W Sep 2015
Who are you and what is your name?
Our eyes met once the rain concluded
Both of our intentions were the same
Finals performance, wanting to be included
It was the first marching contest of the year
And I get to see her once more at the last
It is her voice I believe I still can now hear
Even through the enormous trumpet blast
I don't even know your name or your story
But I do know your beauty and personality
You're sweet and have the sense of glory
To see your band not fall to any brutality
I can not wait to see you again in a month
Our bands will rise while our motives stay still
The competition to see you again will be tough
I won't forget you until then my mystery girl
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