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 Jan 2014 Brett W
 Jan 2014 Brett W
There is a rain, rimy rivulets ripping
The canvas of air; how is it I can breathe
When glass sinks with the setting sun –
An eye afire, I can’t stand the look of it,
Burning the sky like a charcoal
It’s pale, it’s blind, it’s alone –
Until all that remains are clouds
Made of cotton ***** and floss.  
Only giants may clean their teeth properly.  

Tree bark shines with the rain,
Contemptuous, wretched water  
Fit to feed our Belladonna,
Meant only for our Madonna –  
Why I fear you a mystery
Lost to the shivering trees and me.  
Green is drowning, I relish its fade
From my face, bloated and white
Like the shining, terrible moon, sitting alone

Alone to weep wistfully, pathetically
Until she fills the burns with leaking
Stars flooding barren hillcrests –
It’s what I’ve always told myself.  
It’s all I know.  
Careful now, the sidewalks hold mirrors,
It wouldn’t do to crack one with a fearful foot –
No, no, let their diameters grow…
It’s not as if I’ll see myself if I bothered to look.
 Dec 2013 Brett W
Allen Wilbert
Just My Job

I chop off hands, I chop off feet,
I'm the kind of guy, you don't wanna meet.
I chop off legs, I chop off arms,
if you wanna help, I'll take turns.
I chop off *****, I chop off *****,
I freeze the parts with ice cubes.
I gouge out eyes, I chop off ears,
don't worry I use sanitized sharp sheers.
I cut out your kidneys, I cut out your liver,
Cannibals pay me good to deliver.
I chop off your *****, I cut out your heart,
then put them all in a shopping cart.
You may ask yourself why cannibals,
because they eat humans, like we eat mammals.
I peel off your skin, then chop off your head,
they eat your skin with some mayo and bread.
The payment plan is very well,
if it wasn't, I would never sell.
Times are tough in this recession,
please don't get the wrong impression.
This has become my career and passion,
sorry that I show no mercy or compassion.
I lure people into my home,
started with a salesman selling chrome.
Jehovah Witnesses are easy victims,
I guess you can say I have serial killer symptoms.
I sell the blood to all the hungry vampires,
if you could only read my secret diaries.
If anyone you know is considered missing,
it's because of me going fishing.
Cannibals give me a people list,
I'm doing Gods work with a twist.
Ten years and going strong,
I guess, what I'm doing is wrong.
People please don't judge what I do,
or my next victim, could be you.
 Oct 2013 Brett W
Allen Wilbert
Loony Tunes

Bugs Bunny is my favorite rabbit,
watching him became my habit.
He was smart, funny and two steps ahead,
his popularity was very widespread.
His best friend was Daffy Duck,
he never did have the same luck.
Rabbit season, duck season,
rabbit season, duck season,
watching them, I needed no reason.
Speedy Gonzales was so very quick,
this fast mouse was also a *****.
Owned his own pizza place,
won a gold metal, at the local rat race.
Yosemite Sam was a short tempered man,
killing Bugs and Daffy was always his plan.
He's a liar, a cheat and a sore loser,
maybe he should have been a drug user.
Tasmanian Devil was a tornado of destruction,
he never needed any kind of introduction.
Foghorn Leghorn never saw a negative situation,
I say, I say boy was his favorite quotation.
Pepe Le Pew was a French skunk,
women loved his smelly *****.
Marvin The Martian was from Mars,
his laser gun would leave you with scars.
Tweety was an antagonizing canary,
lived with Granny, and flew like a crafty fairy.
Sylvester was Granny's pet cat,
him and Tweety always went *** for tat.
Road Runner was so very fast,
said beep beep as Wile E Coyote he passed.
Never fell for those Acme supplies,
getting blown up was his ultimate demise.
Porky Pig was just happy to be included,
the, the that's all folks, is how this will be concluded.
We Are The First Responders

We are the first responders
The many in the blue
We protect you from the fires
And from those who would harm you

We heal with a helping hand
And respond to all who call
We are the first responders
The ones who see it all

You ask us to protect you
And you call when you're in need
You get mad if we're a minute late
To a crime we cant forsee

You run quickly from the fire
We run toward the burning flames
You take the drugs to harm yourself
Still we treat you just the same

We see a fear that's in your eyes
Yet we stand straight and true
We are the first responders
And we do this all for you

Carl Joseph Roberts
A tribute to the brave heros who lost lives on 9/11 and those who work and have worked as our country's first responders.  This is a repost of one of my earlier poems and one I hope touches people and makes them think about those who serve us everyday and those who have given all to help others.

— The End —