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Mar 2014 · 3.9k
Girl from Mumbai
Brendan Thomas Mar 2014
The girl from Mumbai
had beautiful eyes
they could peer into your soul
as through a window

Different lives
worlds apart
the girl from Mumbai
had stolen his heart

Not meant to be
never to meet
the girl with those eyes,
from Mumbai and he.
Mar 2014 · 360
Brendan Thomas Mar 2014
I look at my town
in the dark
and the snow,
My breath making clouds
because it's so cold

I wonder what tomorrow
will have for surprise
couldn't be worse than today
for today I despised

Tomorrow's are better
you can always start new
tomorrow's are for doing
the things you want to do.
Feb 2014 · 3.2k
One sided love
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
Heart full of anger
Outside shows love
Easily tricked
Think they're the one

One day see past it
Now know who you are
I cannot forgive this
You left such a scar

A scar on the soul can never be healed
You go through the motions
But,still cannot feel
Everything's "me", "my" and "mine" now
And I guess it always was.
Feb 2014 · 484
The City
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
Hustle and flow of the city at night
Everything so wild
Party till four
Probably should go to sleep

People still busy
Nobody stops
The city keeps them going
Insane life

Ride the Subway
Check out a game
Feb 2014 · 371
New Old Love
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
Tired and sweating
A tangle of limbs
Passionate kissing

Exploring their love
Thought to be gone
Been together so long

Still much in love
They're starting to see
He still loves her
She still loves he
Feb 2014 · 889
Little white lie
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
Little white pill, oh little white lie
You help me feel nothing
I reach for the sky
Numb and amazing, how happy am I

No more lies, tell me the truth
Wicked little pill has been so abused
Or is it me,I'm the one that's been so abused

You told me a lie
How happy WAS I
You were just using me
Or was it me using you
So much confusion
My life is now doomed.
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Alarm clock confusion
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
I woke in a darkness that paralyzed me
Looked for some light,still could'nt see

Time standing still,feeling alone
All by myself,nobody home

Out of the darkness I saw a faint light
Saw the alarm clock,realized it was night
I quickly turned over and turned on the light

No longer scared,what a beautiful light.
Feb 2014 · 4.8k
Viking Soul
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
Darkness encircles my soul deep in Hell
Cut down on the battlefield, I died where I fell

Swirls of color and light, appeared when I passed
I was back at the battle, but now as a guest

Farther back still, we went through my past
Saw my mistakes, my pains, and my laughs

Now I know how I ended up here
I lived as a heathen and never knew fear.
Feb 2014 · 508
Only Human
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
I,m not poet ,not scholar , not perfect at all
I make mistakes often I stumble ,I fall
I read and I write , do the best that I can
But after all ,I'm only human.
Feb 2014 · 360
A time for change
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
A call to arms,a call to arms
The peasants rise up from the farms
They're tired of weeding,planting and bleeding
All for their lords wanting not for his needing

All of their lives worked away in the fields
Only for the maybe, occasional meal

Their lives were hard,though they complained not at all
NOW they cry  JUSTICE and FREEDOM for all.
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
The blind man sees with fingertips
Kisses his wife with his lips
Hugs his children in his warm embrace
Never will he see a face

He knows the steps through the house
Cannot see it ,but can hear a mouse

He walks in darkness all the time
At times I think he sees more than  I

Not limited by what he sees
The man who can hear the falling leaves.
Hopfully everyone likes it,
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
One more drink
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
Slowly it spins,

my world around me

It twists and it tumbles

like a drunk bumblebee

Falling and stumbling

Inside and out

Upside down

Around and about

Lie in my bed

One foot on the floor

Hope it stops spinning

Can't take anymore

Feb 2014 · 414
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
I'll finally rest now
So I'll bid you Adieu

Pleasant dreams I am wishing
For me and for you

If you wake in the morning
Thank God that you did

For the reaper did not take you
While you slept in your bed.
Feb 2014 · 366
Phantoms(All in my head)
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
Tired,so tired, my eyelids like lead
I fear if I close them,they won't open again

Why don't I sleep?for fear of the dead?
Are there true Phantoms?or is it all in my head?

I'm closing my eyes now,cannot hold on
Have to sleep sometime,guess that sometime is now

I say goodbye now to all that I know
For if there's no waking,my eyes remain closed

They'll dress me up nice,as they lay me to rest
My eyes won't stay open,so this is my test

Can I slumber in a dreamless state?
Or will they come find me and take me away?
Feb 2014 · 715
Struggle Within
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
Unquenchable thirst,adrift, lost at sea
I let fly my white dove,but returned he to me

No branch of an olive tree, held he in his beak
No sign of land the outlook was bleak

Had I one swallow,one droplet of rain
I still would be miserable,my problems remain

No water,no money,no freeflowing  tears
Can fix what's been broken for so many years

"What can I do?" or "How can I help?"
There is no solution,I know not myself

Time heals all wounds,but a wound there's never been
It's just a day to day struggle ,a struggle within.
Feb 2014 · 447
The Vision
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
Long,long ago there lived a man
a wise wealthy old man close to death
he was willing to give all he possessed
for a chance to see what his heart most desired to see

Nobody could show him,though many tried
for the man would not tell what he desired to see
finally exhausted,the man fell asleep

A voice called to him from a distance
"Do you still desire to see what none could show you,
will you still give all you possess to see it?"
"Yes" the man replied

"Then look deep within the light and you shall see"
the man concentrated on the light in front of him
and he did see what he most desired to see
then a light that seemed to burn with the power of a thousand suns
burned his eyes
he awoke sweating and in complete darkness

He realized that he was blind
slowly he made his way to his front porch and sat in his favorite chair,
there he wept

The news spread quickly through the little village
soon his family and friends were by his side
all now aware that the old man was blind

Puzzled a young boy asked "Do you weep for your blindness
that you may no longer see?"
The old man pulled the small boy onto his lap
"Young boy" he said "I weep not for my blindness,for no longer have I need of my sight,I have finally seen what I most desired to see and no longer need to see".

All the family and friends asked "What did you see?"
the old man quietly chuckled,almost more to himself
and answered saying,"I have seen what I have lived my life for,
I have seen the face behind my faith
Though I may live the rest of my days in darkness
my heart lives in a beautiful vibrant light,
the same light that has guided me through my life
as a lighthouse guides a ship through the night
so will it guide my soul safely to harbor".
Feb 2014 · 417
The Battlefield
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
Walk in through the pale blueness of my eyes into darkness
you'll feel yourself falling
Seeing reflections of memories that were once my own
finally you land in a desolate place,feeling alone,

A soft haze covers the ground in all directions
suddenly the haze clears
you find yourself in the middle of a raging battle,
continuous and never changing

The battle is between two forces,both have wins and losses
casualties strewn about as if haphazardly thrown from above
the battle rages,you feel trapped,not knowing what to do
"Let the battles flow" a voice calls to you
for it's not the battles that matter, but the outcome of the war
It is but the flesh and the soul fighting for control
and it will be a constant struggle,where there can be only one victorious party
it is up to which party that will be

Which shall guide you,the body or the soul?

Which path shall you choose,the easy path that is wide and full of all that are lost or will you choose the path that is narrow and full of hardships and burden

Until you decide that,there will always be a battlefield behind your eyes.
Feb 2014 · 348
Lonely Feeling
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
A lovers touch craved but not felt
one touch of her body
and surely I,d melt

Like a ghostly apparition
to be seen yet not touched
leaves a man feeling hollow
in search of his love

A love that he knows exists still today
where it has gone that I can not say
Oh elusive love
where art thou now?

You pass by
like a warm summers day
your passion I hope will ignite once again
and withstand the force
of the undying wind

Together once more
like the sun and the moon
we all have a soul mate
and I,ve found mine in you

In your absence is coldness
and unparalleled gloom
till I see your bright smile
my untouchable moon

When will you come back love?
to warm my cold soul
to banish my darkness
once and for all

I,ll leave the lamp burning
for if you,ve lost your way
just follow your heart
for it knows the way
Feb 2014 · 419
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
My madness comes and goes
It ebbs and flows like an insane tide
Carrying upon it the strewn wreckage of a former life

"Try harder, make your life calls my insane sea, and I will again destroy it"
Always reaching,keeping my head above the ever pounding waves

Flowing towards an ever brightening distant shore,only to be pulled back
I try harder to do it again

Alas, I,ve been pulled beneath caught in the undertow
Held in a final embrace by the salty,sweet hands of my sea of madness
Then taken to the dark depths never again to smell the air or feel the sun
I guess I didn,t try hard enough.
Feb 2014 · 252
The storm
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
Calm and at peace as a lake made of glass,but alas the day has just begun.
Birds that dotted the shore now fly away as if startled,I look towards the horizon where looms that familiar dark cloud that is messenger to the storm,my storm that strikes without warning or reason devastation in it's wake.
Ending as quickly as it began ,returning once more to the ends of the earth from where it came only to haunt me,hanging on the horizon like a boulder balancing on a twig,capable of snapping at any moment,a harbinger of doom and great sorrow though never hitting with it's full impact.
I see the sun behind a veil of clouds,a slight chill comes to me,only me,everyone else still basking in the warmth of my dark sun.
As for me and my darkness,we shall keep playing with my storm.
Feb 2014 · 691
Brendan Thomas Feb 2014
I remain constant,like black and like white
Words from me spoken have leapt into flight
Spiraling swirls of colors and mist
Have crossed over mountains
That fair sun has just kissed

My creation gives pleasure
It also brings pain
Seeing destruction and tyranny reign
Will you forsake me? My world I create
You give rise to the decadent
Have I made a mistake?

You ask of my name
For this I've not said
I am Alpha and Omega
Beginning and the end.

— The End —