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 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Olivia Kent
Grasp of a constrictor, not a Boa of pink and blazing purple feathers.
As loneliness entraps her wretched body.
Her fangs, though aged and brittle inflict an evil bite, should you **** the lady off?
Slender and tactile, the lady, she's a gentle one, until you touch her wrong.
He did, her mirror shattered, smithereens of once frantic broken love, became a long lost dream.
Once was sharing and caring, altruistic to  the very last, but then the last one came along, destroyed her with his  nuclear blast.
Left remnants of her personality, caught, stuck fast on his electric fence.
Maybe discarding rubber soles, may complete the job, but  she's not that stupid and he's just a ****!
Just a profound few minutes, and the lady is fine, just wanted a few images to play with ** :-)
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Micheal Wolf
I walk hand in hand by myself
We chat and never say a word
The two of us simply coexist
You can't see what or how we fit
Or who is in charge of it
What you see is but a mask
Beneath a rage of wills
Keep on taking pills
Then off to sleep
So let's guess
Who will drive tomorrows mess.
For the padre.
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Micheal Wolf
Do the ends caress what's whithin?
A play upon words, a facade of what is beneath
The pages inside the book now seldom seen
Placed upon a shelf no longer to read
Or the reader did not understand the thread
The plot not to their taste or their perception hazed
Or picked up when in the mood pages turned then put down
Then cast aside unfinished
So what now of this book?
Do you open it's cover and look
Does the cover, it's front and back
Protect the story held inside
The photograph, the front of course the eye catches first or the spine with inviting words
The title that hides the tale inside, cries and smiles truth and lies
Hardback in a true disguise, more costly but often satisfies a weighty tombe a work of size
Holding the story tight, until the time is right
Or softback invitingly there to see
Oh please oh please open and look beneath
The cover so often is a pale facade
No relevance to what's within its charge
For the story may have no end or may need to be re written again
Each reader sees a different thing
The written words scribed as a life I yearn to know what's inside
Though many books are there to see
What is it you really want to read?
Is it the story of an open heart or a drama
Now closed by a reader far to harsh
The story of a persons life like Dickens forgotten bride
Or can it be read by others, when the time is right
A classic re visited late at night, giving the reader warmth and delight.
So reader choose your book with care for taste in books is a "soul"preserve
A photo is a snapshot a moment held In time
like the cover of a book.
A book of a life.
A Scottish/Irish word
A historical volume
A snapshot in time.

Prompted by Ged Sugrue
From Tralee, one hell of a guitarist
I'm going to uncover you. I'm going to unmask all the things that haunt you. I'm going to unlock your code and when I do, I'll pour out all of your pieces so I can see every last bit of everything you've kept so hidden.*
See my dear, there is a reason why the moon keeps a part of herself hidden from the gazing eyes. There's a reason why some lovers leave certain words unsaid. There are reasons why some mysteries are better left unsolved.

While they seem hauntingly beautiful, what's hidden there is not beautiful at all; it will ruin you for the rest of your life.
They sat at the big bay windows
Her head resting against it like a pillow
He watched her
While she watched the rain
He wished for the courage
To grab her hand and take her out to dance
She looked over at him
And knowingly smiled at his hopeful glance
She looked back to the rain
And slid her hand in his
Because though she loved to dance
He did not know the songs she sung in her head
I had did it again,
made someone else my gravity
But that was before I realized
I never needed someone holding me down
Just someone to help me fly
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Let grateful, itself kiss your skin.

Let it twirl and wisp around those fingertips you can tweedle with,
write, draw, make unimaginable,wonderful
untitled somethings.

Slowly but surely,
that effervescent feeling bubble into your body;
sparks of bliss lighting those dark, dark oblivions.

I don't care!
Let those words
carelessly snuggle
the lines of your fingerprint.

Bare those pearly whites
How are YOU today?
This universe needs more smiles, so bare yours.

P.S I am a cheeseball/ hopeless romantic. What can I say?
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Olivia Kent
A haze of yesterdays returned, a slap slung round her face, as she spun.
Standing high upon a top, deep in thought, thinking amends all made.
A dizziness of misconception, remembered as an always error.
Spots of  mentioned misdemeanours.
Forgiven not, so sadly, by  the mother who treated them so badly?
She cries and tries and tries some more.
In a mirage of Chinese whispers, hiding behind truths, spread as margarine between the chain gang of a family.
Words between them are uttered shared, mainly muttered under breath.
The sinner; the mother, she so wants to stitch the damage up.
She is the mother wants to make friends.
The daughter, well she fires vile insults at the mother who cares, not prepared to bow in forgiveness of the missing respect, maybe they could have shared.
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