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I've been drinking about you baby
trying to drown you out of my head
but the poison makes you stronger instead

I've been smoking about you baby
inhaling you into my lungs
i miss the feeling of touching each others tongues

I've been pill popping about you lately
to make me feel more numb
the fact that i still need you is really pretty dumb
might delete this soon, just something i'm writing to get feelings out while i'm pills at the moment so idk
If time could stop
for just a moment
freeze the instant
I have chosen
stop the seconds
let them dwell
**** the passion
from the cell

If life could pause
for just a while
make no drift
for a mile
to grasp the beauties
around me
to feel the wonders
my eyes see

If I could stop
or make a pause
If I could add
one more clause
to the pact
I’ve made with time
I would make this instant
a future must, like a constant
‘till the last

If we could halt like this together
with no whys and no whethers
and just ignore and delay
all concerns and let us stay
trapped in time for a while
stop our lives and just smile

...*If we could then we would!
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
In purple forests

Where magic resides

That’s where you and me will be

Walking down paths of lavender

That sweet perfume it breathes

In purple forests the moon

Will wink at you and his

Shadows will glow upon

Thy soft, silvery satin fur

Sixth Poem In The Series Of Poems
Dedicated For My Cat Lady Jane!!! :) ~~~~~<3
The Series Is Titled "Imaginary Adventures"!!! (: ~~~~~<3
Please Enjoy It!!! :) ~~~~~~<3
By The Way, I Wrote This
February 26, 2014!!! (: ~~~~~<3
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
I picked you a bouquet
Of crimson taboo roses
They were kissed with
Sparkling, pearly dew
Today I picked a bouquet
And I handed to you
And although it may just be
A scene in my mind
I just wanted to capture
That beautiful moment
And dedicate it to you
My girl with silver fur

Written For My Cat Lady Jane!! :) ~~~~~<3
This Is My Seventh Poem In The Series
Titled "Imaginary Adventures"!!! (: ~~~~<3
take me to the desert
lie me down on the burning shifting sand
dry my skin into creaking sheets
of golden leather
feed my guts to the wolves
bury my bones with the snakes under the land
where no man will ever touch them again.
stretch me out under the heat
hang my intestines
like party streamers
on the spikes of cacti

i wonder what would grow out of my flesh
if you buried me alive.
i put my fingers in my mouth
honey soap tasting
i can feel the pulse in my upper lip
desperately beating

i can feel my pulse uneven
when i jab my fingers into my neck,
like a dancer slightly falling offbeat,
distracted with the smoke

or maybe that's just my imagination,
my father had arrhythmia,
so did my grandfather.

both of them abused substances
and drank irish ***
and black coffee with sugar,
both of them wrote about things
like "passion" and "sunset",
both of them had troubles with commitment,
uneven smiles
bad teeth.
both of them ate too much sugar,
and laughed really loudly,
both of them liked arguing
and letting stories fall from the caves of their mouth,
leading armies with their teeth
their tongue a home for dragons.

it only takes a skip of a beat,
the dancer to fall completely
for me to become
another carbon copy.
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