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205 · Dec 2022
Playing Dodgeball
Bob B Dec 2022
I've been playing dodgeball with COVID,
And up to this point, I have succeeded
In dodging the many ***** tossed my way.
I haven't let warnings go unheeded.

True, it's been a wild game,
And all the ***** sing a medley
Of different tunes; some are muted,
Some are stronger, and some are deadly.

As they all go whizzing by,
I twist, I turn, I shelter in place.
Protecting myself as much as I can,
I'm finding it hard to keep up the pace.

It's an equal opportunity
Virus, for COVID doesn't care
Whom it hits. Whoever gets
In the virus's way had better beware.

Extra precautions help us immensely.
Our chances are better that we won't fall
If perchance we're caught off guard
And suddenly get hit by the ball.

Some folks are pelted ever so slightly,
And as each one of them disappears
From the circle of COVID escapees,
Other folks are knocked on their rears.

The ***** keep flying. The game gets even
More befuddling, more demanding.
It makes one wonder if any of us
Can win the round and be left standing.

When this game's over--if ever it is--
Will a new one have its say--
A brand new virus, much more virulent--
A new game we'll be forced to play?

-by Bob B (12-29-22)
204 · Dec 2017
Keep Up the Fight!
Bob B Dec 2017
Hang in there, investigative
Reporters! Your work is cut out for you.
Help to be our eyes and ears,
And don't give up, whatever you do!

You have to work all the harder
When our democracy erodes.
When leaders silence your voices, imagine
The horrors that such a stifling forebodes.

Watch out for unscrupulous groups
Who try to discredit your needed work--
Who try to set you up for failure
And then sit by and smugly smirk.

Keep our corporations and our
Elected officials on their toes.
You say that no one's above the law.
There! You hit it on the nose!

Seek out corruption, abuse, and fraud.
Put our leaders' words to the test.
If there's suspicion, follow the money.
The one who laughs last, laughs best.

Authoritarian rulers dislike
A questioning, prying press. No wonder
They try to break you and call you fake,
Hoping you will knuckle under.

When people are manipulated
To criticize, attack, and doubt you,
Just remember, brave reporters:
Democracy CAN'T survive without you.

-by Bob B (12-23-17)
204 · Jul 2023
Hits and Misses
Bob B Jul 2023
You cannot always have hits in life;
There have to be some misses.
Sometimes you'll hear words of praise;
Sometimes you'll hear hisses.

Artists don't always aim to produce
Works to please the masses.
Those who try will find themselves
Falling flat on their *****.

The point is this: create…create!
Express what comes from the heart.
Do your best with each endeavor
Though folks might tear it apart.

Enjoy the creative process, for it
Can truly be your friend.
Results are fine, but the process itself
Is more than a means to an end.

Now, IF you have nothing but flops,
That might be a sign
That you should seek a different form
Of expression in order to shine.

Find what works for you and allow
Creative juices to flow.
If people expect you to be who you aren't,
Tell them, “Thank you, but no.”

-by Bob B (7-20-23)
203 · Jul 2018
Taking a Knee
Bob B Jul 2018
When the anthem begins and the players
Hear the words "Oh, say can you see…"
Some have chosen not to remain
Standing; instead, they've taken a knee.

Taking a knee to protest injustice,
The players have faced their critics who feel
That when the national anthem is played,
People don't have the right to kneel.

But what about a president
Who criticizes our institutions--
Who calls the press the enemy
And scorns their vigorous contributions?

What about a president
Whose racist ties are loud and glaring--
Whose stance on U.S. asylum laws
Is unequivocally cold and uncaring?

What about a president
Who boldly refuses to take a stand
Against the industries that poison
Our water and threaten to ravage our land?

What about a president
Who throws our allies under the bus
And sidles up to Vladimir Putin
After what Putin has done to us?

What about a president--
A blowhard who has dropped the ball
In dealing with corruption, for his
Admin's the most corrupt of all?

What about a president
Who calls unpatriotic those
Who take a stand--or knee--against
Practices that they oppose?

This from a man whose actions border
The actions of someone strangely psychotic!
Trump has no right to call any
Other American unpatriotic.

-by Bob B (7-21-18)
202 · Sep 2017
The Encounter
Bob B Sep 2017
While on my walk I spied a flower
With huge petals, ruffled, yet tender:
A dazzling yellow-gold hibiscus,
Glowing with majestic splendor.

I couldn't help but stop and stare
At its striking beauty and gentle grace.
Not to acknowledge such elegance
Would definitely be a disgrace.

As I gazed upon the bloom,
I heard a quiet voice that said,
"They say it isn't nice to stare,
But go ahead…go ahead.

"Most people walk right by.
They see the flowers on the plant,
But their true ability
To grasp what they see is scant.

"Can you see me for who I am--
My individuality?
Or do all blooms appear as an
Anonymous totality?

"Yes, it's true that all of the flowers
Create a lovely impression together.
Think of gardens teeming with roses,
Fields of daisies, or hills of heather.

"But can you see my unique nature--
The deep essence of my being?
Am I more than merely one
Of many? Tell me what you're seeing."

Speechless, as though in a trance,
I stared awhile, then walked away,
Pondering every meaningful word
The beautiful flower had to say.

-by Bob B (9-1-17)
Bob B Dec 2017
It seems to me the HelloPoetry
Website is having a glitch.
I used to be able to upload all
Of my poems without a hitch.

Now I get an error message
Every time I try
To upload a poem to the site.
Why? Why? Why?

After a week I learned that each
Poem was saved as a draft.
And all along I'd thought the site
Was giving me the shaft.

I clicked on my "Poems," clicked on "Draft,"
And found the poem to "Edit."
(I know I'm not a rocket scientist,
But give me a little credit.)

I clicked on the audience, then hit "Save,"
And voilà! my poem was posted.
(Was I supposed to share this info?
Maybe I'll now be roasted.)

Anyway, I liked it better
Before this recent flaw.
Having to go through all these steps
Really sticks in my craw.

-by Bob B (12-13-17)
202 · Oct 2016
Can You?
Bob B Oct 2016
Can you keep a secret?
Or do you also find
That maybe Franklin had it right?
If so, then never mind.
Can you keep on smiling
When you’re feeling pain?
Do you fall apart when things
Go against the grain?
Can you say, “I’m sorry”?
Has it happened yet
That you’ve said—and please be honest—
Things that you regret?
Can you show your thanks
And resist the inclination
To take so much for granted and not
Feel appreciation?
Can you look within
And watch your busy thoughts,
Letting the calm embrace you while
You connect the dots?
Can you walk for miles
In someone else’s shoes?
If you’ve done it, was it truly
Felt or just a ruse?
Can you grasp the wisdom
That the messages impart—
Stirrings of the true self’s longings
Buried in your heart?

- by Bob B
201 · Oct 2016
Why Do You Walk So Softly?
Bob B Oct 2016
Why do you walk so softly?
Why are you afraid?
Why do you speak in a whisper?
Why do you stay in the shade?

Why do you hide your feelings?
Why do you stand alone?
Why do you sing only solo?
Why do you fear the unknown?
Why are you defensive?
Why do you cover your ears?
Why do you close your mind?
Why do you stifle your tears?
Walk with honor and dignity.
Limit your fears to none.
Speak out loudly and clearly.
Enjoy the warmth of the sun.
Don’t be afraid to feel.
Stand with others in force.
Harmonize with others.
Let hope guide your course.
Be open and confident.
Hear the world’s cries.
See from different perspectives.
Blocking your tears is unwise.
COURAGE, my fellow seeker.
Be GENEROUS, but above all,
TRUST in your inner guidance.
TOGETHER we’ll stand tall.

- by Bob B
201 · Nov 2016
At the Zoo
Bob B Nov 2016
“We LOVE to watch the animals here,
And there is such an amazing variety
That observing them year after year
Keeps us from boredom and satiety.
“Look how they dash about their cage—
Holding their babies, giving them food.
They often act as though they’re on stage:
Some are loud; some more subdued.
“Some of their colors are flashy and bright—
Incredibly beautiful to the eye.
Some are less interesting—actually quite
Boring compared to the others nearby.
“They come in so many different sizes.
Look over there! He’s got a big head.
Watch out! That one is full of surprises.
That big one there is way overfed.
“At times they act a lot like us,
Nonchalantly sitting and staring,
Or making a wild and noisy fuss
With voices rising, tempers flaring.
“It’s interesting when they make funny faces
And screech, and grunt, and squeal, and ooh.
It’s good that they stay back a few paces;
If they got closer, who knows what they’d do?
“Sometimes it’s funny when they act silly,
Which they do quite often enough.
One expects them to be *****-nilly;
That is their style: to act off the cuff.
“When the sun sets, we always feel sorrow
As they retire. But what's to prohibit
Them from coming back here tomorrow,”
The chimps say as they gaze from their exhibit.

- by Bob B
201 · Oct 2017
Bob B Oct 2017
People say Trump is "reckless," "unhinged,"
"Consumed by his dark moods,"
"Unfit," "unstable" and that he's like
A "tantrum-throwing child" that broods.

He's "unraveling," "losing a step…."
He's "dangerous for the country," too.
"Deteriorating on the job"
Has been said by more than a few.

White House staffers must protect him
From himself. And SO much
Chaos exists, that some say he
Has the "reverse Midas touch."

When he's behind a teleprompter,
The man sounds less obtuse.
But when he speaks off the cuff,
My goodness! all hell breaks loose.

So has the White House now become
An adult day care center? How sad!
Bush 2 is probably thinking,
"And YOU thought that I was bad!"

(10-12-17) By Bob B
200 · Nov 2017
The "R" Word
Bob B Nov 2017
"I'm an Alabamian
And proud to be one, too.
Nobody is going to tell me
What to say or do.
So, when it comes to voting,
I have got one rule:
Since I'm a Republican
And no, I'm no one's fool,
And also since the candidates
All have different aims,
I'll vote only for the ones
With R's next to their names.

"I don't care if you’re a cad;
You will toe the line
If your thoughts on God and guns
Correspond to mine.
You can be knocked off the bench
And thumb your nose at laws.
I don't know what you could do
That would give me pause.
Stealing from your charity?
Even that's fair game.
I will vote for you 'cause there's
An R next to your name.

"I don't care what you have done
In your cloudy past.
I don't care how many accu-
Sations you've amassed.
How you've treated women, well,
That is just your style.
I don't even care if you
Were once a *******,
Or if you blasted Muslims or
Transgenders with no shame,
You will get my vote 'cause there's
An R next to your name."

-by Bob B (11-18-17)
200 · Sep 2019
Phone Calls and Cover-ups
Bob B Sep 2019
Phone calls and cover-ups…
Word to the wise:
Be on the look-out
For secrets and lies.

Betrayal of values…
Truths bite the dust
When a leader
Is one you can't trust.

Mob boss presidents
Running the show…
O how they love
To use quid pro quo!

Oath of office…
A meaningless pledge
For someone who's gone
Over the edge.

Empty promises,
Blame and threats…
What a monster
Corruption begets!

Snake oil for sale…
Ready to try some?
The president
Wants you to buy some.

A false leader,
Stirring up haters,
Says whistleblowers
Are nothing but traitors.

When under attack,
Suffers unless
The people push back.

Phone calls and cover-ups…
Word to the wise:
Be on the look-out
For secrets and lies.

-by Bob B (9-27-19)
199 · Aug 2018
The Legacy of John McCain
Bob B Aug 2018
Lower the flag to half-staff.
Sing out loudly. Repeat the refrain:
Let us honor the legacy
And life of Senator John McCain.

McCain was the son and grandson of navy
Admirals. In his wild past he
Garnered a nickname from fellow students
Due to his cockiness: McNasty.

Later McCain's cockiness
Transformed into pluck, resolve, and verve.
Following in his father's footsteps,
He, too, decided to serve.

McCain proved that he could succeed
Despite not being at the top of his class.
Though he was fifth from the bottom at the
Academy, he would still pass.

Off to Southeast Asia he went.
On one mission while trying to destroy
A power plant, his plane was shot down
Over the skies of central Hanoi.

Captured, brutally beaten, and tortured,
McCain spent over 2,000 days
At the "Hanoi Hilton"--not what he
Would call in life his happiest phase.

Released in 1973
And broken in body but not in spirit,
He'd serve his country in other ways.
Life gets you down only if you fear it.

Elected to the House in '82
And then to the Senate in '86,
McCain wanted to make a difference
By throwing himself into politics.

In his first run for president,
A smear campaign did him in.
He tried again in 2008,
But again he wasn't meant to win.

A "maverick" they called McCain.
He didn't seek glory, fame, or applause.
Fighting for causes larger than himself
Was truly fighting for a real cause.

Many a politician on both
The right and left would admit to be a fan
Of John McCain. One didn't have to
Agree with him to respect the man.

Not afraid to admit his mistakes,
And though often called a hawk,
McCain came around to admit his error
In having supported the war in Iraq.

He'd also call out the president
If the leader abused his power
Or acted in ways that he considered
Unseemly. McCain would never cower.

McCain was also quick to forgive.
Note his efforts: for peace to thrive,
He pressed to restore relations with
Vietnam in '95.

"We need to learn the lessons of history,"
McCain declared. He also detested
Hearing the media called the enemy.
When he heard that, he protested.

Although he called himself an "imperfect
Public servant," McCain had style.
Not afraid to compromise,
He reached out to colleagues across the aisle.

The "joyful warrior" and "lion of the Senate"
Lived with dignity and honor, and not
Like some people in power to whom
Such qualities are an afterthought.

John McCain's battles in life
And challenges would never cease
Until he succumbed to a brain tumor.
May he now rest in peace!

Lower the flag to half-staff.
Sing out loudly. Repeat the refrain:
Let us honor the legacy
And life of Senator John McCain.

-by Bob B (8-28-18)
Bob B Dec 2017
The year started out with a kick in the ****
With the inauguration of Donald Trump,
Which was overshadowed one day later
By the Women's March, which was many times greater.
Trump continued tweeting--his words and actions
Really amounting to nothing but major distractions.
He kept certain targets within his sights:
Immigration and LGBT rights.
Oh, and health care, too. Let's not forget
How many people and groups he has upset.
The year saw an increasing acceleration
Of the Mueller Russia/Trump investigation,
Which Donald Trump has constantly tried to defuse
By calling it a witch hunt and fake news.

Also as the new commander-in-chief he
Gave us a brand new word to use: covfefe.
Republicans who attacked their leader at first,
Later showed their feelings had reversed--
Especially those who will benefit greatly
From a horrible tax bill passed only lately.
(Some think that Putin has some dirt on them.
If that came out, wouldn't it be a gem?)
This year we saw the repeal of net neutrality
As we start to deal with a bleak reality.
Don't forget the Trump trip to the Far East,
Which ended up being a big flattery feast.
Many fear our safety is more unsound
As Trump and Kim Jong Un go round and round.

Trump boasts of how he's always hired
The best people; but notice how many he's fired,
Or how many have left his admin team!
A shoddy reputation is hard to redeem.
We've seen racism lift its ugly head,
And not denouncing it, Trump instead
Talked about fine people on each side!
He is constantly taking us for a ride.
Hurricanes in the South and in Puerto Rico
Brought great devastation to our eco-
System, and huge, destructive fires out West
Pointed to issues that must be addressed.
To show he's one of life's shining beacons,
Trump threw paper towels to the Puerto Ricans.

But Trump and fans continue to deny
Effects of climate change, and we know why.
Over 300 mass shootings this year°
Plagued our nation, but lobbyists persevere.
We saw the fall of many well-known men
For ****** misconduct, and once again
We ask why some men feel they're above the law
And wonder when they'll meet their last hurrah.
This is only the tip of the iceberg, true--
Only some of the hell that we've gone through.
A lot is happening in the world, but we,
Instead of seeing the forest, see one tree.
Let's NOT repeat this year to the letter;
Let's hope that 2018 is much, much better.

-by Bob B (12-31-17)

°tracked by the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive
199 · Jun 2017
Bob B Jun 2017
Politics! What a crazy beast--
One that fiercely polarizes
Couples, friends, relatives, and nations
And often denigrates compromises.

You might interpret a situation
From a completely opposite perspective
From how I understand it, for our
Listening skills are oddly selective.

To me a right that goes without saying,
Might be a dangerous threat to you.
Likewise, a cause that's close to your heart
Is one I might not take kindly to.

Politics shouldn't be so divisive.
After all, it's plain to see
That everyone would get along
If everybody thought like me.

-by Bob B (6-20-17)
Bob B Aug 2017
"Idealistic" might describe you.
In what you do, you excel.
But if your idealism gets out of hand,
Bid accomplishments farewell.

If you are idle and unproductive,
You might not have any objection
To blaming all your laziness on
Your failure to achieve perfection.

You tend to be shy and not seek glory
And prefer to let others receive attention
While you work in the background, which gives
Your character an added dimension.

Though you respond to the needs of others,
Be aware of the adjuration
To always be on guard, for you
Are vulnerable to exploitation.

You make an excellent critic and want
To improve the world--to help and protect.
But you can also act the martyr
If things don't go the way you expect.

You find communication important
And can be talkative, or chatty.
But don't be overcritical
Or fussy, or you'll start to sound catty.

You're a practical person and you're
Inclined to move with a measured pace.
Not to attempt to perfect whatever
Skills you have would be a disgrace.

Routine is not a problem for you.
If your efforts are justified,
You can endure endless details
And complete your tasks with marvelous pride.

"Health conscious" also describes you.
Though sometimes you can worry a lot,
You're not easily discouraged, and so
Give your priorities all that you've got.

You're always busy and occupied
With projects, but don't go overboard.
For you, things of a practical
And helpful nature strike a chord.

Your analytical skills are amazing.
So is your love for books and learning.
And sloppiness can be concerning.

You'd be great in the medical field,
In social work, or in teaching.
Stick with the "real world"
And your efforts will be far-reaching.

-by Bob B
197 · Oct 2016
Two Soldiers
Bob B Oct 2016
Holding his adversary
Carefully within his scope
To soldier A is a challenge--
A distant, forlorn hope.
An occasional glimpse of a helmet…
An aim as yet unfulfilled…
He knows that he has no choice:
It's ****, or he will be killed.
Good timing is essential.
All he can do is lie low…
And wait. But there is something
That he doesn't know:
His enemy across the field--
Let's call him soldier B--
Is, like himself, a father--
And also a father of three.
He lives for his children,
Who are the light of his life;
And he hates not being at home
To support his struggling wife.
His two older brothers
Died in a previous war.
His mother died of grief.
How can he settle the score?
For now he can only take aim
At his enemy--at soldier A.
"Focus!" he tells himself. "Focus!"
As his mind starts drifting away.
Though soldier A is his target,
B is unaware, too,
Of soldier A's situation--
Of all that he is going through:
Soldier A's three children
Count the days till their dad
Will come home to take them to ball games--
To return to the life they once had.
The youngest child needs treatment
For a rare, childhood disease.
The middle child is being bullied
And requires his dad's expertise.
His wife--on the verge of a breakdown--
Finds it hard to suppress
The constant fears within her
That add to life's daily stress.
     *     *     *     *     *
So soldier A and B
Await the instant to shoot--
To end the life of the other.
For that they deserve a salute?
If the two soldiers could only
Lay down their weapons and race
Across the shell-pitted field
And into each other's embrace,
Wouldn't that be amazing?
Much needless suffering would end.
And they could consider everyone
A brother or sister or friend.
Ah, but that's just a fantasy--
An illusion, a fancy, a dream,
An unreal expectation
With no place in mankind's scheme.
For as long as we're driven by ego,
And ignorance and vengeance and fear,
We're caught in a vicious circle,
And wars will not disappear.

- by Bob B
196 · Dec 2016
Thank-Me Rallies
Bob B Dec 2016
The crowd cheers, faces light up,
As Trump beams and mentally tallies
The number of fawning participants
Attending the first of his thank-me rallies.

Confusing facts and figures, such as
The number of refugees "pouring in,"
He blasts the "dishonest" media, which
Inadvertently helped him win.

He also promises scores of changes
In jingoistic words and phrases,
Oblivious to the repercussions
And questions that such talk raises.

He claims to be the "messenger."
By voting for him, we all won;
And even without our help, change
Will happen. HE will get it done.

Loving the spotlight, he looks upon
His thank-me rallies with great affection,
Even though normally
Campaign rallies PRECEDE an election.

Meanwhile Trump will tour the states,
Full of himself and hoping that we go
To celebrate his "victory"--
To feed and nurture his giant ego.

- by Bob B (12-2-16)
196 · Sep 2019
The Cup of Tea°
Bob B Sep 2019
A university professor
Wanted to learn more about Zen,
A subject that he had never paid
Much attention to till then.

Of course, he had read many books
Explaining the various Buddhist sects
And figured that his overall knowledge
Would help him with Zen in many respects.

Meeting with the Zen master
Of a local Buddhist temple, he
Watched without speaking as
The master poured him a cup of tea.

The knowledge-hungry professor sat
Quietly, mentally exploring
The meeting room, while the sage
Sat before him, pouring and pouring.

Soon the cup was overflowing.
"Sensei,°° when are you going to quit
Pouring tea into the cup?
It's full; no more tea will fit,"

Said the professor. The master looked
At the young professor and calmly said,
"Like this cup, you are full
Of preconceptions in your head.

"You have read and studied a lot;
On many subjects, you're well versed.
But how can I show you Zen
Unless you empty YOUR cup first?"

-by Bob B (9-11-19)

°An old Zen anecdote retold here in verse
196 · Nov 2016
Paying the Piper
Bob B Nov 2016
Nearly fourteen billion years ago
Our incredible universe clang
With an incomprehensible blast:
The super miraculous, awesome Big Bang!
It’s hard to fathom the age of the universe,
But even consider the age of dear Earth:
Nine billion years after the Bang
The universe witnessed our planet’s birth!
Despite the billions of years in the making,
Mankind’s time on this planet’s been brief.
But in our short period of time here on Earth
We’ve certainly caused our planet some grief.
Yes, two hundred thousand years of evolving
And look: we can walk on two legs! But despite
All of those thousands of years of development,
We still haven’t managed to get some things right!
To our foolish carelessness,
The demise of how many species is linked?
(To our credit, at least no one
Can say we made the dinosaurs extinct!)
Efforts by zoos and societies to save
Endangered species have been put in place;
At the same time we continue to threaten
Other species at a frightening pace.
Think of all the chopping and drilling
And digging and fracking that we’re pursuing;
Add to that the contamination:
The poisoning, spilling, and polluting we’re doing.
We know that Earth’s temperature is rising;
Glaciers continue to melt every day.
Weather’s more fickle with storms more destructive.
To solve this you’ll have to do more than just pray.
What a shame that certain leaders
Remain antagonistic to facts.
How people fall for such careless denial...
What a heavy toll this exacts!
We’re lucky to have this beautiful world;
We’re lucky to share it with others and enjoy it.
But we will have to pay the piper
If we continue to abuse and destroy it.

- by Bob B
196 · Aug 2017
The Tougaloo Nine
Bob B Aug 2017
In 1961 nine students
Crossed over the boundary line
Of segregation. Those students
Are known as the Tougaloo Nine.

The place: Jackson, Mississippi.
March 27, the day.
The long battle for civil rights
Had already been underway.

One student walked to the counter
And very politely asked for a book
That wasn't available elsewhere. Boy!
Did she get a ***** look!

The students were told they didn't belong there.
There would be trouble unless they departed.
They could go to the "colored" branch.
That is when the read-in started.

Arrested and taken to jail, the students
Couldn't call for legal assistance.
They were kept there overnight
And rudely grilled for their passive resistance.

Police were waiting with dogs by their sides
And clubs in their hands on the day of the trial
To roughen up the students' supporters
With some authoritarian bile.

In front of the library now stands
A freedom marker in recognition
Of nine who traveled the freedom trail
And faced bitter opposition.

Obstacles remain in the path.
The struggle is far from over. We must
Honor courageous people before us
And fight for laws that are fair and just.

-by Bob B (8-19-17)
195 · Oct 2019
Absolute Power
Bob B Oct 2019
With help from his lawyers, the man who loves
To have his name displayed on towers
Is now trying to make a case
That basically gives him unlimited powers.

His lawyers say that he should be
Shielded from all investigation
While he serves as president.
What a scary situation!

Even if he attempted to ******
Another person, no one could stop him.
When it comes to immunity,
No one else in the country can top him.

Regarding U.S. federal workers,
Here's what POTUS has even suggested:
In order to keep their jobs, their
Devotion to him ought to be tested!

He encouraged his lackeys in Congress
To storm impeachment proceedings like fools,
Where they interrupted business
And violated ethics rules.

Since he took office, the president
Has constantly chipped away
At many American institutions.
He also loves his pay for play!

In other words, the White House insists--
And this should stick in everyone's craw--
That no matter what he does,
The president's above the law.

Americans should be concerned.
This grasping for power affects us acutely.
As Orwell showed in "Animal Farm,"
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

How many rules will he flout?
When will all the nonsense end?
To what depths of depravity
Can the president descend?

So Kim Jong Un, Putin, and other
Dictators worldwide,
Donald Trump longs to join you.
Will you kindly step aside?

-by Bob B (10-24-19)
194 · Mar 2018
The Ass and Its Bosses°
Bob B Mar 2018
A farmer had an *** on his farm
That wasn't having a very good time.
The *** hated the meager food,
Hard work, and overall grime.

It begged Zeus to deliver it
To another boss. Zeus then sent
Hermes down to talk to the farmer
To bid him to sell the malcontent.

Sold to a potter, the *** soon learned
That working for him was a bigger chore.
It found the work to be ***** and even
Harder than it had been before.

It asked Zeus to find it another
Boss, so Zeus in a sarcastic manner
Arranged for the *** to be sold again--
THIS time to the local tanner.

When the *** realized
Its new boss's trade, it cried,
"Woe is me! Why wasn't I
More content--more satisfied,

"With my first bosses, who would have buried
Me decently. And frankly that
Would have consoled me somewhat, but now
I'll end up in a TANNING VAT!"


Learning how to appreciate
What we have is hard to master
Until we're stuck with a boss or leader
Who happens to be a total disaster.

-by Bob B (3-4-18)

°An Aesop tale retold here in verse
194 · Feb 2018
Never Again!
Bob B Feb 2018
Never again! Chant with us:
Never again! No more!
Let your urgent demands echo
From north to south, from shore to shore.

Never again must we suffer
From ****** massacres at our schools.
Whoever thinks that thoughts and prayers
Suffice only takes us for fools.

We are tired of candlelight vigils
Held at our schools to honor the dead.
We refuse to tolerate
Living in fear of another code red.

When we're offered a bill of goods
That shootings come with the territory--
That stricter laws have no effect--
We are out to change that story.

We refuse to accept a world
Where shootings have become the norm.
We will support lawmakers who
Advocate gun-law reform.

Doing nothing leads to nothing.
Despite our loss, hope survives.
Put an end to living in fear.
Join us as we march for our lives!

Another school massacre here
Must NOT be a question of when.
The only response that we accept
Is Never again! Never again!

-by Bob B (2-22-18)
193 · Nov 2016
Mr. Tweet-a-lot
Bob B Nov 2016
Give a man a Twitter account
And watch him tweet to his heart's content--
A dangerous thing for a gullible audience
And a misinformed president.

Passing on intelligence briefings
And getting his info from "Morning Joe"
And conspiracy theory websites is how
Trump shows that he's in the know.

Will we see obnoxious tweets
Day after day from him?
Will somebody please take that man's
Twitter account away from him?

- by Bob B (11-28-16)
Bob B Apr 2024
There's a scammer born every minute!
Every time you turn around
There's someone with a scam.
It's frustrating to always have
A mailbox full of spam.
Can anything be done about it?
Maybe not, so ****!
There's a scammer born every minute!

There's a scammer born every minute!
Whether it is on the phone,
An email, or a text,
Or whether they are at your door,
What will they think of next?
The matter makes me furious,
Disgusted and perplexed.
There's a scammer born every minute!

There's a scammer born every minute!
How DO they live without a conscience?
That's how they survive.
By lying and deceiving they will
Keep their schemes alive.
Unsuspecting victims are
Their targets; thus, they thrive.
There's a scammer born every minute!

There's a scammer born every minute!
Unethical, unprincipled,
Amoral, creepy, vile,
Repugnant, shameless, loathsome, hateful,
They are full of guile.
Sorry, but to see them have to pay
Would make me smile.
There's a scammer born every minute!

-by Bob B (4-21-24)
193 · Feb 2018
Fall from Grace
Bob B Feb 2018
When John Kelly joined team Trump,
Becoming the president's Chief of Staff,
Many thought he'd be the one
To separate the wheat from the chaff--

To rein the frenzied president in
Or guide him when he's out of line.
If those were the expectations,
So far there has been no sign.

Instead, the man basically
Promotes Trump's nativist dreams;
Obnoxious tweets continue to flow
From Trump's phone in steady streams.

Lying to back the president's lies,
Kelly has lost all credibility.
Calling Rob Porter a man of honor,
Shows less strength and more servility.

A man of greatness, pride, and conviction
Needn't resort to subterfuge.
The once-honorable general
Has now become the president's stooge.

-by Bob B (2-13-18)
193 · Jun 2018
The Time Is Now!
Bob B Jun 2018
Where were you when people marched
For rights, for justice, for science, for peace?
Our growing apathy or insouciance
Will only make the tensions increase.

What were you doing when in the distance
Dark clouds were taking form?
Couldn't you see the flashes and hear
The thunder from the approaching storm?

Had you somehow forgotten the great
Importance of reading between the lines?
Had you divested yourself from the need
To pay attention to warning signs?

When ideology becomes
More important than people, we're doomed.
To what degree depends on how much
Propaganda is consumed.

When cancer cells invade the body,
If we hope to stay alive,
We must make the body a place
Where the invader cannot thrive.

Shame on us if we don't act.
Shame on us if we allow
Democracy to crumble around us.
Mobilize! The time is now!

-by Bob B (6-11-18)
192 · Oct 2017
A Tangled Web All Right!
Bob B Oct 2017
Vladimir Putin had nothing to do
With THIS poem. Let me be clear.
(Nowadays it's hard to tell
How much the Russians interfere.)

Oh, of course, he could assign
An Internet troll to try to denounce me--
To criticize my rhythm and rhyme,
To shame, condemn, or verbally trounce me.

But Putin, alas, has many more
Important matters to address--
How to influence American elections
And cause confusion, more or less.

Long ago many Americans
Were troubled by the "Red Scare."
Now they welcome with open arms
This autocratic billionaire

Who stifles dissent, stomps on rights,
And benefits from corruption as well.
How many opponents has Putin
Disappeared? Hard to tell.

How people see the things they see
Is strangely and fearfully odd--
How they perceive a leader's illusion
And miss the monster behind the façade.

As more experts connect the dots,
They are wondering what protections
Can be implemented to stop
Outside meddling in future elections.

To quote Sir Walter Scott, "Oh,
What a tangled web we weave…."
How much more interference
Does Putin have up his sleeve?

-by Bob B (10-10-17)
Bob B Jun 2018
Start a humanitarian crisis.
Separate families at the border.
Remind people that immigrants
Are very low in the pecking order.

Continue with a counter program.
Keep repeating hundreds of times
How immigrants are dangerous
And also the cause of so many crimes.

Then reverse the order that
Separates the families so
You can pretend you care immensely
(Even though it's just a show).

Blame the Democrats all along
For causing all the injustice and pain.
Say they all want open borders--
That they are the ones who are inhumane.

After bombarding the people with
False "facts" on immigration,
Their tolerance for cruelty
Will grow. The power of demonization!

The frequent use of negative words
Will help to galvanize your base.
Make them insensitive
To basic rights; then play your ace.

Send to the border the First Lady.
Give her a tasteless jacket to wear
So she can add more controversy
And callousness to the whole affair.

Have your conspiracy theory friends
And harpy friend appear on the news
To brainwash viewers so more and more
People will start to share your views.

Encourage your sycophants in Congress
To parrot your buzzwords hour after hour,
And you'll be well along the way
To having what you want: POWER.

-by Bob B (6-24-18)
Bob B Jan 2018
Certain Republican members of Congress
And White House staff have of late
Had a lot of difficulty
Keeping their made-up stories straight.

Senators Graham and Durbin reacted
When Trump referred to "*******" nations
And thus disparaged Salvadorians,
People in African countries and Haitians.

But Senators Perdue and Cotton
At first said they weren't aware
Whether the president said the word
And tried not to get caught in the snare.

A couple days later they said, NO,
He didn't say "*******" at all.
How convenient: this sudden change
Of mind from nothing to sudden recall.

After that they changed their stories.
It wasn't "*******" but instead
The word was "*******." Yes, that was
What President Trump had said.

At first Trump didn't deny it,
But later said his language was "tough."
(But we've heard what comes out of his mouth
Whenever he speaks off the cuff.)

What difference does it make?
The word isn't the main point here.
Attitude, racist feelings,
And lack of respect are very clear.

Once they lie, they have to keep lying--
They have to keep plugging away.
As their stories change, the liars
Look more foolish every day.

-by Bob B (1-17-18)
Bob B Apr 2018
Over 2500 years ago,
In Kapilavatthu, not very far
From the Himalayas, Queen Māyā
Dreamed something that she found bizarre:

Clothed in flowers, she was paid
A visit by an elephant--lily white--
Bearing in its trunk a pure white lotus
That softly glowed in the moonlit night.

After circling her three times,
The elephant, such as she'd never seen,
Tapped her thrice on her right side
And then vanished inside the queen.

She shared her dream with King Śuddhodana,
Who summoned the Brahmins immediately
To hear the details of the queen's strange dream
And explain to him what the meaning might be.

"The queen will have a son," they said,
"And he will become one of two things:
A conqueror or a holy man.
We shall see what the future brings."

When the time of birth drew near,
The queen longed to visit the place
Where she'd grown up. Her caring midwife
Accompanied her just in case.

As they approached Lumbini Grove,
Her entourage smelled the scent
Of gardens of spices and blossoming trees
That formed a protective, natural tent.

The queen entered the grove and there
Between the blossoming sala trees
Gave birth to her son, Prince Siddhārtha,
While blossoms rained down in the gentle breeze.

According to some accounts, on that day
The ground shook and the trees swayed.
Joyous sounds filled the air
As soothing celestial music played.

As sweet tea fell from the clouds above,
The infant took seven steps and proclaimed:
"I alone am the World-Honored One"--
A title that he was later named.

Back to Kapilavatthu they traveled.
A few days later, Queen Māyā died.
Her sister, Pajāpatī, became
The prince's mother and the king's new bride.

Thus goes a wondrous version
Of a narrative that finds great worth
By beautifully combining legends
And written accounts of the Buddha's birth.

Fact and myth are interwoven
In many great figures from our past.
But true meaning transcends the records
And points to deeper truths that last.

-by Bob B (4-5-18)

°On April 8, many Buddhists around the world celebrate the birth of the historic Buddha. This poem was written to honor the occasion.
191 · Jul 2017
The Warning
Bob B Jul 2017
Trump has issued a warning
In his inimitable manner,
Which couldn't have been more obvious
If he had held up a banner.

He said that investigators
Should definitely not peer
Into his financial dealings.
The reason? That's not clear.

Why would such inquiries
Be unjustified?
Hmm. It makes us wonder
What he's trying to hide.

The man has a propensity--
And doesn't give a rap!--
For making himself look guilty
Whenever he opens his trap.

- by Bob B (7-20-17)
191 · Jun 2019
Flat Earth Society
Bob B Jun 2019
I met a guy the other day,
And this is what he had to say--
And yes, he says he is for real--
Despite the leaps of science, he
Says that he must disagree
For he has something sounder to reveal:

"Come join our Flat Earth Society.
Don't fear notoriety.
Come on: there's no degree of risk.
Just be a flat-Earther AND
Help the world to understand
That Earth is not a globe, it is a disc."

Astounded, I asked, "How can I
Accept your theory? Tell me why,
When that was disproved so long ago."
He said that science isn't true;
Scientists don't have a clue.
He knows because the Bible told him so.

I asked how he can prove his case.
Photos shot from outer space
Show that Earth is round instead of flat.
"Conspiracy, for goodness' sake!"
He said, "Those photos all are fake.
'Flat Earth News' is really where it's at."

He said, "You see: we allege
Antarctica is on the edge;
The Arctic is the center our plate.
Scientists all severely
Hurt us with their theories clearly.
Flat Earth truths are what we propagate."

Obviously, it makes no sense
When certain people are that dense
To try to reason with their addled brain.
As scary as it is, I guess
I have to say I must confess
It's humorous to hear their strange refrain:

"Come join our Flat Earth Society.
Don't fear notoriety.
Come on: there's no degree of risk.
Just be a flat-Earther AND
Help the world to understand
That Earth is not a globe, it is a disc."

-by Bob B (6-8-19)
190 · Nov 2019
Mayday! Mayday!
Bob B Nov 2019
While the huge Donald Trump
Propaganda machine keeps turning,
It's amazing how much ludicrous
Information we keep learning.

Despite proof to the contrary,
The Trump admin strives to maintain
That Russia DIDN'T meddle in our
Elections. The REAL culprit: Ukraine.

Here is what's so laughable
About the conspiracy theory they've peddled:
That helping Hilary Clinton was
Ukraine's reason for having meddled!

Trump's love affair with Putin
Astounds people worldwide.
How much power do they want?
How much are both of them trying to hide?

After receiving an invitation,
Trump remains undismayed
About the possibility of
Attending next year's May Day Parade.

So he'd sit next to Vladimir Putin--
The powerful Russian tyrant--plus,
Putin would proudly parade the weapons
He'd use against our allies and us.

-by Bob B (11-9-19)
Bob B Jun 2018
Crossing the Rio Grande in May,
A Honduran man with his wife and his son
Sought asylum, only to find
Their struggles here had barely begun.

Taken to a processing center,
The family learned the disheartening news:
They would have to be separated.
Having no say-so, they couldn't refuse.

Farewell, Marco Antonio Muñoz.
Some say, "We warned you time after time."
You came for help, and look what happened:
Seeking asylum became your crime.

A CBP° spokesman said that Muñoz
Became "combative" and started to yell.
What parent wouldn't in that situation?
Muñoz was moved and locked in a cell.

Authorities checked on Muñoz often
Not expecting what lay in store
For them in the morning, for one of them found
Muñoz lying dead on the floor.

"Self-strangulation and hanging" they say
Were what caused the father's demise.
Would he be holding his son right now
Had conditions been otherwise?

Farewell, Marco Antonio Muñoz.
Some say, "We warned you time after time."
You came for help, and look what happened:
Seeking asylum became your crime.

AG Sessions feels zero tolerance
Will separate the wheat from the chaff--
That Trump believes in the rule of law.
Mr. Sessions, don't make us laugh!

Others have suffered a similar fate
As a result of our cruel demands.
Our leaders will offer their justification,
But they still have blood on their hands.

Farewell, Marco Antonio Muñoz.
Some say, "We warned you time after time."
You came for help, and look what happened:
Seeking asylum became your crime.

-by Bob B (6-12-18)

°Customs and Border Patrol
190 · Sep 2019
Duking It Out
Bob B Sep 2019
The Dems duked it out last week.
The Democratic debate number three.
At the current time we have
Quite a political potpourri.

Cory Booker had his moments
Of passionate insight, charm, and wit.
Although his polling numbers are down,
Booker showed that he's got grit.

Klobuchar's our Minnesotan.
While sometimes others appear misguided,
She reminds us all what happens
To any house that is divided.

Warren has her plan for this
And her plan for that, which is fine.
Can she keep up the fight and maintain
The strength to toe the party line?

Harris displayed pluck and resolve.
When she speaks, she's on fire.
It's just curious as to why
Her polling numbers are not higher.

One surprise was Beto O'Rourke.
Beto fans have to rejoice:
This prospective candidate
Has all of a sudden found his voice.

Without a doubt, one of the best
Speakers standing there on the stage
Was our veteran Mayor Pete,
Extremely wise for someone his age.

Although Biden is high in the polling,
At times his answers seem disjointed.
I start with high expectations,
But end up feeling disappointed.

Castro went after Joe Biden.
But sadly Castro's condemnation
Appeared to come less from strength
And more out of desperation.

Yang has managed to keep afloat.
But what's this crazy idea he has
About wanting to buy your vote?
A little political razzmatazz?

Bernie, well…Bernie's Bernie.
But why does he have to be so gruff?
After his rants, one wants to say,
"Enough already, Bernie, enough!"

It's early still and hard to know
Who will advance and who will flop.
But I would vote for ANYONE
Over the current man at the top!

-by Bob B (9-15-19)
190 · May 2017
Memorial Day, 2017
Bob B May 2017
The Vietnam vet stares at the wide
Forty-two-inch TV screen.
Every so often he steals a glance
At an article in an old magazine.

He rolls his chair across the room
To look out the window. The sun is shining.
He hears a voice on the TV say,
"Every cloud has a silver lining."

Shaking his head, he wheels himself
Back across the room to see
What is going on in the world.
Elections? Storms? A shooting spree?

Memorial Day parades are occurring;
On gravestones wreaths are being laid.
On one channel hundreds of photos
Of fallen soldiers are being displayed.

Then he hears a news report:
More U.S. troops to Afghanistan.
He sits in quiet disbelief,
Listening to the news anchorman.

Looking down at his lifeless legs,
Again he can only shake his head.
His heart sinks, so he changes the channel
To watch another program instead.

The words, however, continue to haunt him
And echo through his war-weary brain:
"More troops…more troops…"
To Afghanistan? This is insane!

"How can so many commentators
Look and sound so unconcerned?"
He asks himself, over and over.
"In all these years, what have we learned?"

Depressed, he turns the TV off
And sits alone, lost in his thoughts,
His heart racing, his hands trembling,
His eyes tearing, his stomach in knots.

Only those in the battle zones
See what they'd never seen before--
Things that will surely haunt them forever--
The unspeakable horrors of war.

- by Bob B (5-26-17)
189 · Aug 2017
Home Here on the Earth
Bob B Aug 2017
(Sung to the tune of "Home on the Range")

I hope there's a place where the whole human race
Can survive the weather extremes--
Where most of the herds don't ignore experts' words,
And we ALL have clean rivers and streams.

Home here on the earth,
Where we all want to live out our dreams--
Where it would be strange to deny climate change
And life's not as bleak as it seems.

When certain ******* don't restrict greenhouse gases
And they couldn't care less 'bout the earth
And they cause many schisms with trite euphemisms,
They ignore the planet's true worth.

Home here on the earth,
Where we all want to live out our dreams--
Where it would be strange to deny climate change
And life's not as bleak as it seems.

When the USDA says starting today
Saying "carbon" is strictly taboo,
Their major concerns are the greatest returns,
And to hell with what might be true.

Home here on the earth,
Where we all want to live out our dreams--
Where it would be strange to deny climate change
And life's not as bleak as it seems.

When the experts say, "Wow, we are feeling it now,"
And they watch the ice melt at the poles,
You don't have to be a genius to see
The importance of certain controls.

Home here on the earth,
Where we all want to live out our dreams--
Where it would be strange to deny climate change
And life's not as bleak as it seems.

-by Bob B (8-8-17)
189 · Nov 2016
It's All About the Children
Bob B Nov 2016
When at least ONE child is happy,
We should be delighted.
But NOT wanting happiness for all
Would be rather shortsighted.

If even ONE child is in pain,
How could we find peace
Until we've found a way to make
All children's suffering cease?

Can we positively state
That in our major decisions,
The welfare of children everywhere
Accords with our visions?

When we see that suffering occurs,
Let's not avert our eyes.
Denial won't solve abuse or hunger
Or stop the young ones' cries.

Ignoring the needs of the world's children
Takes a heavy toll.
If wanting to help all kids is a pipe dream,
At least it's a worthy goal.

- by Bob B
Bob B May 2022
Nineteen children were killed yesterday
In a small Texan town while at school.
Two adults were killed as well.
This is what happens in a land where guns rule.

When does enough become enough?
When do we stop being pushed around
By those who stifle our commonsense
Attempts to keep our kids above ground?

When do we say "Enough!" to those
Politicians who thrive on donations
By members of the huge gun lobby
Who fight to resist gun regulations?

Why don't they see that the Second Amendment
Is NOT a weapons free-for-all?
And yet when it comes to life-saving laws,
Callous, palm-greased lawmakers stall.

These deaths are the "price of freedom" some say.
Freedom? No, give me a break!
These deaths are the price of ignorance.
Our children's future is at stake.

Today, hundreds of loved ones are grieving.
Their lives will never again be the same.
But will these killings rouse people to action?
I doubt they will, and that's a shame.

-by Bob B (5-25-22)
188 · Dec 2019
Bootlicker Barr (Part II)
Bob B Dec 2019
AG Barr's attempt to spin
Conspiracy theories is wearing thin.
He wants to prove the Russia probe's a sham.
Investigations come up short.
They can't debunk the Mueller Report.
But Barr doesn't give a tinker's ****.

That's the president's shining star:
The man known as Bootlicker Barr.

The AG cannot rest, you see,
Until the lackey shows that he
Has a subject he can't fail to broach.
Even though his plan has holes
And serves his partisan political goals,
He insists that Trump's above reproach.

The president has a shining star:
The man known as Bootlicker Barr.

It's sad he's such a sorry cuss.
The AG should be working for us;
The president's personal lawyer he is NOT.
But Trump thinks Barr will save his hide.
So what if neither one has pride.
Barr will be his shining Lancelot.

That's the president's shining star:
The man known as Bootlicker Barr.

Many of us remain nonplussed
At how the AG has no trust
For DOJ employees who work hard.
Instead, he thinks a "deep state" scheme--
A myth he's peddling to the extreme--
Is real and so he has to be on guard.

That's the president's shining star:
The man known as Bootlicker Barr.

Rejecting Congressional oversight,
Barr has taken on the fight
To cover up the president's transgressions.
Barr puts AG Sessions to shame.
Though both have played the president's game,
Barr is ten times worse than AG Sessions.

That's the president's shining star:
The man known as Bootlicker Barr.

-by Bob B (12-6-19)

(Original poem: Part I)


The president appointed a man
To help support his nefarious plan--
Something that's so common in these times.
The man became the president's pal
And pushed a bogus rationale
To try to cover up his boss's crimes.

The president's shining star:
The man known as Bootlicker Barr.

An office that should really be
An independent agency
Is one that we call the D-O-J.
But since the president's henchman's there,
The agency's the worse for wear
And grows less independent every day.

Thanks to our leader's shining star:
The man known as Bootlicker Barr.

To bolster a right-wing conspiracy theory,
Barr has started a new inquiry
To investigate the Russia investigation.
Of course, he knows he'll get Fox News
To help support his spurious views
For it’s a peddler of misinformation.

To help the president's shining star:
The man known as Bootlicker Barr.

To try to prove that the Mueller probe
Was a crime, he roams the globe
To find someone to help him prove his case.
He merely shows that he's got gall
And NO integrity at all.
How can he look us in the face?

The president's shining star:
The man known as Bootlicker Barr.

What a stunt--a big distraction,
A sly and furtive counteraction--
As they try to manufacture dirt.
Distractions from impeachment chatter
Is for them an easy matter.
To them it doesn't matter whom they hurt.

Watch the president's shining star:
The man known as Bootlicker Barr.

-by Bob B (10-25-19)
187 · Sep 2018
Simple But Deep°
Bob B Sep 2018
The temple was swarming with total excitement.
Eagerly, the scholars awaited
The young priest's Dharma talk--
A day long anticipated.

The nervous priest stood before
The sangha as varied as the songs of the birds--
From simple folk to top-notch scholars,
There to scrutinize all of his words.

With a quivering voice, he started out.
After he felt more self-confidence,
He spoke as one who demonstrated
Compassion, knowledge, and commonsense.

After the service, a group of scholars
Stood in a cluster off to the side
And criticized the young priest's talk
With words arrogant and snide.

"So typical of a novice," they said.
"Shallow ideas." "Trivial thoughts."
"I didn't find it moving at all."
"Choppy and uneven in spots."

An elderly man heard their complaints
And asked, "What was so unclear?
The young priest said the Buddha's name.
That was all I needed to hear."

With that, he silently walked away,
Leaving them with a message so brief.
Speechless, they stared at the wise myokonin°°
With a mixture of awe and disbelief.

-by Bob B (9-9-18)
°Based on an old Buddhist anecdote
°°In the Shin Buddhist tradition, pious followers whose simple words represent the depth of their faith
Bob B Mar 2018
As word spreads across the country,
The Never Again movement expands;
And while that happens, one thing is clear:
We have a huge fight on our hands.

The NRA, which represents
Gunmakers and NOT gun owners,
Lately has become one of
Our politicians' principal donors.

When Wayne LaPierre° and Marion Hammer°°
Envision more guns on the street or at school,
The two of them--like Pavlov's dogs--
Smack their lips and start to drool.

Working hard in Florida
To avoid commonsense regulations
Of guns, gun lobbyists are
Expanding their base of operations.

Congressman Matt Gaetz,
Also lives among the ones
In some bizarre fantasy world
Where the solution is always more guns.

Pushing the NRA agenda,
They say, "Get rid of gun-free zones."
Their logo ought to be an assault
Weapon over a skull and crossbones.

Although he speaks out of both sides
Of his mouth, the president never balks
When dealing with the organization.
We know how loudly money talks.

Praise to the Never Again movement!
There will be a moment of truth
When more and more voters decide
To battle it out in the voting booth.

Meanwhile, the NRA
Will let its appalling message be spread,
While the weapons industry takes
Potshots at the graves of the dead.

-by Bob B (3-5-18)

°Vice president of the NRA
°°NRA lobbyist
185 · Jan 2017
Thinking Out Loud
Bob B Jan 2017
Face it: we often think out loud.
But it's not very statesmanlike
When you are a president
To do it when speaking into a mic.

The president's words have repercussions
At home and around the world as well.
Does Trump always mean what he says?
It's sometimes difficult to tell.

To say that Iraq has no sovereignty,
That we should have taken the oil and split,
Is totally irresponsible.
The president seems to care not a whit.

Imagine how the Iraqis feel.
It only confirms what many perceive
To be the reason for our presence
Over there: to gut them and leave.

Imagine the potential harm
Such words can do to Americans there.
Trump, what is going on
Underneath all that hair?

- by Bob B (1-27-17)
185 · Dec 2016
Blood and Gore
Bob B Dec 2016
Did you see Hitchcock's classic
****** when it was first released?
Back in 1960 it was--
Before our thirst for blood increased.

Hitchcock teased us with the camera
And was a master at building suspense,
Which for many who saw the movie
Turned out to be too intense.

The unforgettable scene in the shower
Made many viewers too afraid
To shower when staying at home alone
For years after the film had been made.

The intensity of that frightening scene
By modern standards is simple or thin.
They say there's only one split second
That shows the knife touching skin.

In movies now heads go flying,
Bodies explode, throats are slit,
Blood gushes, sprinkles, and splatters--
The butchery never seems to quit.

Eyes pop out, insides ooze,
Bodies are sometimes split in half
Or burnt to a crisp before our eyes.
After a shriek, the viewers laugh.

Are we more sophisticated
Or just immune to blood and gore?
Scenes that scared us way back when
Do not scare us anymore.

It's refreshing when directors use
Restraint and wisely resist temptations
To show it all and leave so little
To the viewers' imaginations.

- by Bob B
185 · Feb 2018
Fighting Goliath
Bob B Feb 2018
Goliath tormented the Israelites.
Accepting his challenge for most was an error,
For many lost their lives, while the giant
Continued to boast and spread his terror.

Fearing the Champion of the Philistines,
Saul was baffled and at this wits' end.
Knowingly sending men to their death
Was not an easy task to defend.

David, a lad in his teens perhaps--
Confident that he could win--
Offered to take on the giant himself.
Reluctantly, Saul gave in.

"Take my armor and sword," said Saul,
"Which you'll require in order to succeed."
"I have my sling and my rocks," said David.
"My will is the only weapon I need."

The towering giant gazed down on the youth.
"A curse on you!" was all that he said.
David brought him down with some stones
Slung from his sling; then chopped off his head.

For the Philistines, the table had turned,
For now--ha!--it was their turn to fret.
Without their giant, they'd lost their power.
No longer did they serve as a threat.

Goliaths out there, watch out for Davids.
Don't think that you have unlimited power
To spread your threats, your fear, your control.
Our Davids will show you your final hour.

-by Bob B (2-25-18)
184 · May 2022
A Mass Shooting in Buffalo
Bob B May 2022
Hundreds of people are grieving today
Because of a problem that won't go away.
Attempts at solutions are kept at bay.
A mass shooting in Buffalo.

America's love affair with its guns--
Weapons that could be measured in tons--
Is killing parents, daughters, and sons.
A shooting--this time in Buffalo.

Just imagine: you go to the store.
A killer abruptly appears at the door.
Within minutes you're dead on the floor.
This time it happened in Buffalo.

The killer set out to perforate
Bodies with bullets because of hate.
For the ten who died, help came too late
In a mass shooting in Buffalo.

Too many people are killed each year.
Not to act makes one thing clear:
We will continue to live in fear.
Look what happened in Buffalo.

The bells are tolling repeatedly.
When might they toll for you or me?
When the next killer goes on a spree--
Just like the one in Buffalo…
And Sacramento (2022)…
And Boulder (2021)…
And El Paso (2019)…
And Parkland (2018)…
And Las Vegas (2017)…
And Orlando (2016)…
And Charleston (2015)…
And at Sandy Hook (2012)…

-by Bob B (5-15-22)
184 · Aug 2017
Selling/Buying Snake Oil
Bob B Aug 2017
Watch as Republican members of Congress
Hammer out the specifications
For tax cuts favoring the rich, along with
Giant cuts for corporations.

Though economic inequality
Reaches scary, outlandish extremes,
A system rigged against the majority
Shapes the politicians' dreams.

Bogus studies, lobbyists,
And lavish campaign contributions
Sway our politicians' efforts
To come up with taxation solutions.

Tax havens, loopholes, and dodges
Are great for you if you are rich.
When you can avoid paying taxes
On profits abroad, you've found your niche.

If our taxation system doesn't
Force people to pay their fair share,
Education and social security
Will suffer, along with Medicare

And Medicaid. If that happens,
It's not difficult to foretell
Who will benefit most and who
Hasn't got a chance in hell.

Do members of Congress care about us?
I have to say that it makes my blood boil
To watch them sell what some people call
"Supply-side snake oil."

Buy the snake oil if you choose to.
Unless you're rich, you'll regret it.
The system can ***** us royally,
But ONLY if the voters let it.

-by Bob B (8-27-17)
Bob B Dec 2017
Five years now it's been since
A gunman stormed Sandy Hook
And killed twenty-six people there
In a cruel, heinous act that shook

The country--no, that shook the world--
And left everyone asking how
Such an event could occur.
But don't dare mention the sacred cow:

Guns in America and people who
Shouldn’t have them, and heaven forbid
That anyone bring up gun legislation.
We watch as gun lobbyists outbid

The rest of us, who sound the alarm,
Announcing a call to action, while
Legislators sit on their butts,
Afraid to act--refusing to rile

Donors, supporters, their base, and Second
Amendment fanatics, obdurate in
Their uncompromising approach to
An argument that's wearing thin.

Many people will never get over
Their indescribable loss and grief
From something that in America
Has become a recurring motif.

Twenty children and six adults
Were killed at the school. Don't forget.
And what's been done since then, despite
More shootings? Zilch, as of yet!

As we acknowledge the innocent victims
Of Sandy Hook, remember that prayers
Will not suffice as the only solution
For shootings for anybody who cares.

-by Bob B (12-14-17)
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