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176 · Dec 2017
The Deserving Ones
Bob B Dec 2017
Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa
Says that only the wealthy deserve
Major cuts in taxes. Don't
His callous comments hit a nerve?

Hard-working Americans
Deserve no breaks, for they choose
To spend their money foolishly
On--get this!--women, movies, and *****.

But rich Americans, he maintains,
Are the ones always investing
And not spending every penny.
He's dead serious and NOT jesting.

People like him are running this country
With vile contempt and tunnel vision,
Their idiocy and audacity
Affecting our lives with each decision.

-by Bob B (12-5-17)
176 · Feb 2017
The Other Side°
Bob B Feb 2017
One day a monk near the end of a journey
Encountered a wide, rushing river.
Standing on the bank, he fretted,
"But I have messages to deliver."

For hours he stood there considering his options,
Unable to figure out a good plan.
All at once he noticed that
On the other bank there stood a man.

Elated, the monk waved and yelled,
"Oh, great teacher, good day to you!
To get to the other side of this flowing
River, tell me, what do I do?"

The teacher pondered for a few moments,
Looked up and down the river so wide,
And then yelled back to the fretful monk,
"My son, you ARE on the other side."

- by Bob B (2-27-17)

°An old tale retold here in verse
175 · Feb 2018
The Biggest Threat
Bob B Feb 2018
Ignore for a moment talk of obstruction
Of justice, conspiracy, or collusion,
And focus on one inexplicable
Fact from which to draw a conclusion.

Despite the proof that Russians meddled
To a great extent in our last election--
Despite the indictment of thirteen Russian
Nationals--Trump's undying affection

For Putin and Russia never wanes.
Knowledge of troll factories and bots,
Hacking into voting machines,
And voter disruption and other plots,

Keeps expanding day by day.
And yet there's NO condemnation
Or mention of punishment as a response
To widespread election manipulation.

Is Trump so compromised by the Russians--
A critic asks--is HE one who'll
Easily fall for blackmail, or is
The man merely a "towering fool"?

Trump can criticize everyone else
In senseless, ungrammatical tweets--
Immigrants, athletes, women, the justice
Department, critics, and DC elites--

And yet Russia is fully off-limits.
Apparently, Putin can do no wrong,
Despite the fact that evidence
Of ongoing election meddling is strong.

It's serious when our elected officials
Cater to our adversary
And the biggest threat to democracy
Sits in the Oval Office. Scary!

-by Bob B (2-20-18)
175 · Oct 2016
Memorial Day Parade
Bob B Oct 2016
The wounded vet marched in the town's
Memorial Day Parade
With feelings of pride along with the sense
Of having been betrayed.

He'd fought in nightmarish skirmishes
In a hellish no man's land,
Pledging allegiance to a country whose war
He didn't understand.

Though proud he was to have served his country,
He couldn't always claim
To be proud of his country at times,
Which was a rotten shame.

When signing up he knew he might
Have to pay a price--
But not the feeling of abandonment
For his sacrifice.

In some ways he felt lucky, for he'd
Returned with his duffel bag--
Unlike some of his friends who had
Come home wrapped in a flag.

The crowds cheered, the bands played,
The ceremony was formal.
Afterwards, the crowds would go home;
Their lives would go back to normal.

Normal for him was a daily struggle,
Therapy, medication,
Recurring dreams, unemployment,
Continuous frustration.

"No more empty promises;
No more tales or lies,"
He muttered softly as "Taps" was played
And tears streamed from his eyes.

- by Bob B
175 · Jan 2018
Sorry State of Affairs
Bob B Jan 2018
The White House sent senior adviser
Stephen Miller to CNN
To blast the recent publication
FIRE AND FURY. Once again,

Jake Tapper must know when they
Invite White House racist slime
To CNN for interviews,
They're wasting both his and our time.

Miller merely had talking points
And wasn't there to be interviewed.
Seeing that it was going nowhere,
Jake Tapper became unglued

And stopped the interview altogether.
Trump tweeted that Miller destroyed
Tapper, but what else would we expect
From Trump, a man who lives in a void.

It's funny: it's not at all surprising
How Trump and his team, by hook or by crook,
Resort to using antics that
Confirm everything in the book.

They and Republican members of Congress
Haven't just been caught unawares.
All of them have drunk the Kool-Aid.
What a sorry state of affairs!

-by Bob B (1-8-18)
174 · May 2020
Forward, Trumpian Warriors!
Bob B May 2020
(This poem can be sung to the melody of "Onward, Christian Soldiers.")

Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.
Trump, the royal leader,
From a White House room,
Calls for you to fight for him though
It could mean your doom.
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.

When a deadly virus
Moves across a land,
We know gear to fight it
Has to be on hand.
Trump wants states to battle
Fully on their own.
He sends warriors to the front lines
Tweeting from his phone:
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.

Trump says be a hero;
Make a sacrifice.
To keep money flowing
All must pay a price.
Your life for your country.
How's that for a deal?
To hear his priorities just
Listen to his spiel.
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.

Trump says many experts
Have mistaken views.
He gets his advice from
His friends on Fox News.
While the people suffer,
Trump has fans like Mitch.
They will make for certain that the
Rich will still stay rich.
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Dropping row by row.

-by Bob B (5-6-20)
174 · Jan 2017
The Visit
Bob B Jan 2017
During a future trip to England,
Trump plans to visit the Queen.
Whether that encounter will happen
Still, however, remains to be seen.

Trump chooses not to see
Prince Charles. Want to know why?
There's an issue about which the two
Do not see eye to eye:

Prince Charles supports the views
Of most of the experts, who agree
That climate change is worthy of being
Discussed over a cup of tea.

Whether Trump could comprehend
Healthy discussion is pure conjecture,
But Trump's team has made it clear
That he won't listen to a lecture.

Trump has said that climate change
Is a hoax created by the Chinese
"To make U.S. manufacturing
Non-competitive." Really? Please!

It isn't common for a president
To be so obtuse and thin-skinned, is it?
I'd love to hear the Queen tell Trump
Where he could stick his visit!

- by Bob B (1-30-17)
173 · Oct 2016
Into the All
Bob B Oct 2016
Lest we hopeful humans forget
That glory ever fades,
Dashing hopes of permanence.
Ah, the ace of spades.

The morning dew on leaves and blossoms
Evaporates in the sun,
Bearing deep significance
When all is said and done.

Holding on to attempts to glimpse
Into eternity
Defrauds the mind that wants to believe
What wasn't meant to be.

What was, what is, and what shall be
Will manifest despite
All attempts to categorize
What is wrong or right.

Relaxing into the universe--
Into the constant flow--
We release the bonds, the fetters,
Of what we think we know.

That must be the ultimate--
The effortless release,
Blissless bliss, beingless being,
Indescribable peace.

- by Bob B
Bob B Mar 2018
Secretary of State Tillerson's
Spokesman, Steve Goldstein was canned
For having told the truth. It seems
That truth in the White House is NOT in demand.

When Tillerson learned that he had been
Removed from office through a tweet,
Goldstein merely reported the news.
Trump found that indiscreet.

Andrew McCabe, Deputy
Director of the FBI,
Was also fired by Trump (through Sessions)
As circumstances intensify.

Trump has nurtured an ongoing effort
To unashamedly cast doubt
On FBI personnel
To one by one **** them out.

You can perform exemplary service--
Working your tail off year after year--
Investigate alleged wrongdoings,
And then find yourself out on your ear.

The president and some of his cronies
Have spoken before of an FBI purge.
When purges occur, we can watch
As autocrats' true intentions emerge.

In the case of McCabe we have seen
******* up charges become the excuse.
That after McCabe for months
Put up with Trump's verbal abuse.

A mean desire to humiliate?
A thirst for vengeance? Need we mention
That Andrew McCabe was fired two days
Before he would receive his full pension?

If Congress refuses to act, the only
Solution will come from the voting booth,
Where voters reject someone who'd fire
Officials for seeking or telling the truth.

-by Bob B (3-17-18)
172 · Mar 2018
Par for the Course
Bob B Mar 2018
In the White House recently,
Reality made a strange appearance:
The president's son-in-law, Kushner,
Lost his interim security clearance.

After fourteen months in the White House
Around classified info, the kid
Saw no FULL clearance, so
The FBI must know what he did.

And then we hear that businesses
Owned by Kushner received loans
After White House meetings with
Execs. Suspicious overtones?

The loans were in the tens of millions.
Does anyone see a problem here--
A problem of conflict of interest between
A puppet and a puppeteer?

Nearby, the Secretary of HUD,
Dr. Ben Carson, happened to get
For his office a 31,000-dollar,
Fancy, new dining room set.°

This for a person who speaks out
For he has warned us in the past against
Making the lives of the poor too rosy,
Not to make housing for the poor too cozy.

So nepotism, conflicts of interest,
Hypocrisy…What else can we say
Is adding to all the chaos we see
Happening in Trumpland today?

-by Bob B (3-1-18)

°After a sizable public backlash, Carson later cancelled his dining room set order.
172 · Oct 2016
Here, Then Not
Bob B Oct 2016
We'd often see her in the neighborhood,
Taking her friendly dog for a walk.
Always affable, upbeat, and cheerful,
Pat was eager to stop and talk.

Life keeps us busy and occupies
Our days with issues, both great and small.
Suddenly, it occurred to me:
For weeks I hadn't seen Pat at all.

Deep down inside I had a bad feeling.
Always so visible, yet suddenly not there,
She had me worried because of her absence.
I wanted to ask and yet didn't dare.

A neighbor's words ended the mystery:
"Pat died eight weeks ago."
The information confirmed my fears;
The shocking news still came as a blow.

You can grieve the loss of another
Even though you weren't close friends.
Whatever you shared will be no more;
It's always sad when a life ends.

When I go out, I will still see her,
Walking Buddy with a smile on her face.
Her loving memory will be--I hope--
One that time will not efface.

- by Bob B
172 · Jun 2018
By Doing Things My Way
Bob B Jun 2018
(A poem to be sung to the melody of Frank Sinatra's "My Way")

Despite all that you hear,
I'm doing great; I'm number one now.
My made-up "truths" endear
Me to my base; we're having fun now.
My ranting and my raving show that mine's not the small fry way.
You'll win…you'll win much more by doing things my way.

I wish the FBI
Would stop investigating.
They know too much. That's why
It is all so aggravating.
I never liked a wuss who would take the humble pie way.
No, I am much more ruthless doing things my way.

I've told some lies, once in a while…
Well, every day, but that's my style.
My Congress ***** have got my back. At the right time we'll attack.
I plot and scheme for my regime by doing things my way.

Putin's my friend, oh,
And Kim Jong Un and I are buddies.
Merkel and Trudeau?
My goodness, they're such fuddy-duddies.
All I have to do is just display my evil eye way,
And I'll get what I want 'cause it is my way.

I am the law; that's plain to see.
And very few are smart like me.
I will say what comes to mind, and I don't care if it's unkind.
A little greed helps you succeed when doing things my way.

Yes, do things my way.

-by Bob B (6-26-18)
171 · Sep 2021
When There's No COVID
Bob B Sep 2021
(This poem can be sung to the melody of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" from THE WIZARD OF OZ, by Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg.)

Someday, when there's no COVID, I'll be glad
That advice from the experts proved to be ironclad.

Someday, when there's no COVID, I will smile,
Knowing that our precautions turned out to be worthwhile.

I'll wonder why some people balked
And leaders 'round the country blocked
They listened to the senseless bull
That spread so fast and was so full
Of contradictions.

Someday, when there's no COVID, we'll be free.
We just all have to practice responsibility.


We know that masks protect us and
It doesn't help when masks are banned.
That's silly.
And vaccinations help as well.
We know that with them we can quell
The virus. Really!

Someday, when there's no COVID, we'll be free.
We just all have to practice responsibility.

If only everyone could be
Responsible then we...

-by Bob B (9-10-21)
Bob B Jun 2018
Melania must not care
About the hullabaloo
Over her jacket that said

She should know that people
Perchance could misconstrue
Why her jacket says

A lack of sensitivity
Of course came shining through
When she chose to wear

Going on a mission
Is not the time to debut
A jacket that has the words

Her callous motivations
And what she chooses to do
Sound just like her husband's

If she married Donald
For money--if that's true--
It's her life, her choice.

When he's sent to prison
And she cries out, "Boohoo!"
We’ll say to one another,

-by Bob B (6-22-18)
Bob B Feb 2021

So if you're a U.S. Senator
And your state is besieged by cold,
Extreme weather, putting the state
In a catastrophic stranglehold,

With power outages, houses flooding
From bursting pipes, people dying,
Shortages of food and supplies--
The situation terrifying--

How do you help your constituents?
How do you show them that you are in tune
With all their pain and misery?
I know: why not fly to Cancún?

Ask Ted Cruz. That's what he did.
He did it for his kids, he said.
Why suffer here when he could
Play on a Mexican beach instead?

Actually, he cut his trip short,
And flew back home earlier than planned,
Only because he'd gotten caught
And had to leave the sun and sand.

Cruz reveals how little he cares
About the people and dodges attacks.
In a crisis, leadership matters.
And that is something the Senator lacks.

-by Bob B (2-19-21)


(This poem can be sung to the melody of the song "Fly Me to the Moon" by Bart Howard.)

Fly me to Cancún
So I can play upon the sand.
Let me get away from Texas.
Cold I can't withstand.
I want to play…in the sun.
I want to play….Who will miss me?

People in my state
Should understand what it's about.
I don't think the government
Should have to bail you out.
Just blame the Dems; they're the cause.
Yeah, blame the Dems, and their laws.

Anyone who wants
To leave can do it if they choose.
I am being attacked
Just because my name's Ted Cruz.
Some people say I'm not fair.
In simple words…
In simple words
I don't care.

-by Bob B (2-19-21)
169 · Mar 2018
March 14, 2018: The Walkout
Bob B Mar 2018
Seventeen minutes of silence;
Seventeen balloons released;
Seventeen roses in loving
Remembrance of those now deceased.

Tens of thousands of students in schools
Across the country expressed their grief
And solidarity together
In what has become a recurring motif.

Americans by the millions
Increasingly are finding their voices--
Speaking out, demanding change,
Reminding us that we have choices.

Do we choose to do nothing
And cower before the NRA,
Or do we say enough is enough
And get this change underway?

Speak up: no more mass shootings
Or ****** bodies covered with sheets.
Demand real solutions and keep
Assault-style weapons off our streets.

In the age of never-ending wars,
Political chaos, corporate greed,
And out-of-control gun violence,
Our youth are planting a hopeful seed.

May that seed grow and flourish!
Meanwhile, read the names below--
The names of those who lost their lives
At a school in Florida one month ago:

Alyssa Alhadeff, 14
Scott Beigel, 35
Martin Duque, 14
Nicholas Dworet, 17
Aaron Feis, 37
Jaime Guttenberg, 14
Chris Hixon, 49
Luke Hoyer, 15
Cara Loughran, 14
Gina Montalto, 14
Joaquin Oliver, 17
Alaina Petty, 14
Meadow Pollack, 18
Helena Ramsay, 17
Alex Schachter, 14
Carmen Schentrup, 16
Peter ****, 15

-by Bob B (3-14-18)
169 · Oct 2016
In the Moment
Bob B Oct 2016
Experience the moment.
Breathe it in.
Watch it. Observe it.
Ignore the din
In your surroundings—
The chatter, the clatter.
Just this moment
Is all that should matter.
Let the moment
Fill you completely.
Notice how subtly
And how discreetly
Your body responds
As calm imbues you.
Breathe in and out;
Let it suffuse you.
Thoughts will come
And thoughts will go;
Just don’t hold them;
Go with the flow.
Ideas pass by
Like images on a screen.
Watch them proceed.
Don’t intervene.
If the sensation
Of being bathed in light
Pervades your being,
That’s quite all right.
Past, present,
And future exist
All in this moment;
Life is a mist,
A cloud, a dream,
A river that flows,
A flash, the morning
Dew on a rose.
Observe how everything’s
Are you meditating
Or being meditated?
- by Bob B
169 · Oct 2016
Meant to Be
Bob B Oct 2016
“That surely wasn’t meant to be,”
The grieving wife cried.
“How could one so young and strong
Like him have upped and died?”
In vain the woman’s family and friends
Again and again pursued
Ways to mitigate her grief—
To elevate her mood.
“You’ll get through this,” some friends said.
“In no time you’ll regain
Your stamina and strength,” they said.
“Time will ease your pain.”
She could not grasp the intricacy
Of causes and conditions,
Or halt the endless chain of events
Through wishes or petitions.
If she could probe beneath the surface
Of all that she could see,
She’d realize that all that happens
Is REALLY meant to be.

- by Bob B
Bob B Jul 2018
A Republican delegation
From Congress has taken a little trip
To Russia, where the members hope
To strengthen a budding relationship.

But have they asked critical questions
About Crimea--the annexation--
Russia's support for Assad, or even
One human rights violation?

Have they asked about Russian meddling
In our elections? What about
Jailed dissenters, poisonings,
And freedoms that the leaders flout?

What about Russian involvement
In other countries' important elections?
Or did they even think to question
Russian-U.S. financial connections?

Were any of these questions asked?
The answer is no--none of the above.
Their murky mission instead is for them
To go to Russia to…spread their love

Prior to Trump's meeting with Putin--
The secret meeting behind closed doors,
Where the former KGB spy
Will have Trump groveling on all fours.

When there are reasons for cover-ups,
It isn't hard to understand
How out of desperation someone
Could play into another's hand.

Not only are Putin and Donald Trump
Lovingly exchanging rings,
But Putin also has Trump's lackeys
Dangling from his puppet strings.

-by Bob B (7-4-18)
168 · Jan 2019
When Will It End?
Bob B Jan 2019
When will the government shutdown end?
Not till Trump comes to his senses.
Meanwhile, Trump's obsessive behavior
Is having disastrous consequences:

Many government workers are on
Furlough; thus, they're not being paid.
Businesses are also affected;
Services are being delayed.

If Mitch McConnell had a backbone--
If the obstructionist had the will--
Immediately, Congress could send
The president a veto-proof bill.

The Dems truly want border security,
But a wall is NOT a part of the deal,
Whether a structure is made of cement,
Or whether it comes from iron or steel.

Many feel that Trump and his team
Have skillfully manufactured a crisis.
They insist that a wall on our SOUTHERN
Border is going to protect us from ISIS.

Trump says that if he wants
To build his wall, he can declare
A national emergency.
That means he'll get the money from where?

From pillaging disaster funds.
Bound and determined to build his wall,
He will go to any lengths
To rob Peter to pay Paul.

If you think he was being sincere
In his Oval Office speech, he wasn't.
Most of us care that people are hurting.
The trouble is that Trump doesn't.

-by Bob B (1-11-19)
168 · Sep 2019
Duking It Out
Bob B Sep 2019
The Dems duked it out last week.
The Democratic debate number three.
At the current time we have
Quite a political potpourri.

Cory Booker had his moments
Of passionate insight, charm, and wit.
Although his polling numbers are down,
Booker showed that he's got grit.

Klobuchar's our Minnesotan.
While sometimes others appear misguided,
She reminds us all what happens
To any house that is divided.

Warren has her plan for this
And her plan for that, which is fine.
Can she keep up the fight and maintain
The strength to toe the party line?

Harris displayed pluck and resolve.
When she speaks, she's on fire.
It's just curious as to why
Her polling numbers are not higher.

One surprise was Beto O'Rourke.
Beto fans have to rejoice:
This prospective candidate
Has all of a sudden found his voice.

Without a doubt, one of the best
Speakers standing there on the stage
Was our veteran Mayor Pete,
Extremely wise for someone his age.

Although Biden is high in the polling,
At times his answers seem disjointed.
I start with high expectations,
But end up feeling disappointed.

Castro went after Joe Biden.
But sadly Castro's condemnation
Appeared to come less from strength
And more out of desperation.

Yang has managed to keep afloat.
But what's this crazy idea he has
About wanting to buy your vote?
A little political razzmatazz?

Bernie, well…Bernie's Bernie.
But why does he have to be so gruff?
After his rants, one wants to say,
"Enough already, Bernie, enough!"

It's early still and hard to know
Who will advance and who will flop.
But I would vote for ANYONE
Over the current man at the top!

-by Bob B (9-15-19)
167 · Aug 2018
Bob B Aug 2018
Wow! I've made it to sixty-nine.
I'm feeling sort of lucky
To have my health and everything else.
Everything's just ducky!

Sixty-nine years behind me…
My spring has long ago sprung.
When I was a kid, it sounded so old;
Now it's sounding young.

Although I'm not a daredevil,
Life's been full of adventures.
I have a crown or two, but I'm
Still not wearing dentures.

Maintaining a curiosity
Has been energizing.
Does that have something to do with being
A Leo with Virgo rising?

Certainly there are things
But every day I challenge myself
To learn something new.

I'm still a sexagenarian.
In one year I'll see
My name with the septuagenarians
If that's meant to be.

-by Bob B (8-15-18)
Bob B Oct 2017
Fifty-nine victims have died so far--
Children, lovers, husbands, wives,
Parents, siblings, cousins, friends….
Fifty-nine have lost their lives

To senseless violence: a mass shooting
In Las Vegas--a night of hell.
And nearly five hundred people
Attending the concert were wounded as well.

Read their names; read their stories.
They're the innocent; they're the ones
Who faced unspeakable horrors that
Occur when madmen have access to guns.

No, not merely access to guns,
But access to bump fire stock devices.
Does the "right" to such contraptions
Justify human sacrifices?

Are we surprised at the reaction?
In many a weapons showcase room
Or online site there has been
A bump stock sales boom!

At one time many people thought
That Sandy Hook would be the last straw.
Then came Orlando, and now Las Vegas.
Somewhere there's a serious flaw.

Donors grease the politicians'
Palms; lobbyists state their demands.
I would NOT want to be
A politician with blood on my hands.

-by Bob B (10-7-17)
167 · Feb 2018
Fighting Goliath
Bob B Feb 2018
Goliath tormented the Israelites.
Accepting his challenge for most was an error,
For many lost their lives, while the giant
Continued to boast and spread his terror.

Fearing the Champion of the Philistines,
Saul was baffled and at this wits' end.
Knowingly sending men to their death
Was not an easy task to defend.

David, a lad in his teens perhaps--
Confident that he could win--
Offered to take on the giant himself.
Reluctantly, Saul gave in.

"Take my armor and sword," said Saul,
"Which you'll require in order to succeed."
"I have my sling and my rocks," said David.
"My will is the only weapon I need."

The towering giant gazed down on the youth.
"A curse on you!" was all that he said.
David brought him down with some stones
Slung from his sling; then chopped off his head.

For the Philistines, the table had turned,
For now--ha!--it was their turn to fret.
Without their giant, they'd lost their power.
No longer did they serve as a threat.

Goliaths out there, watch out for Davids.
Don't think that you have unlimited power
To spread your threats, your fear, your control.
Our Davids will show you your final hour.

-by Bob B (2-25-18)
164 · Oct 2016
I Read It on the Internet
Bob B Oct 2016
"I read it on the Internet
So it must be true.
There it was in black and white,
With colored photos, too.

"Question what I read? Why?
That's customary?
It was on the Internet!
That's not necessary.

"No, the writer doesn't matter.
What credibility?
The article was written with
Impeccable facility.

"Of course it confirms what I think.
Thus, it was worth reading.
Words to the contrary
Wouldn't be worth heeding.

"Did it open up my mind?
Please, don't make me laugh.
'Open minds are dangerous!'
Should be my epitaph.

"A challenge? Ah, who needs that.
I would rather be
Nestled in my notions
And my complacency."

- by Bob B
164 · Sep 2021
The Milkmaid and Her Pail°
Bob B Sep 2021
After having milked the cows,
The farmer's daughter returned to the dairy,
Carrying the large pail of milk
On her head, which was customary.

As she walked along the path,
She gleefully started to fantasize
About the wonderful things she could do
If she could keep her eyes on the prize.

"From the cream I'll make some butter,
Which I'll take to the market to sell.
I'll buy some eggs, from which I'll get
Some chickens and then some more eggs as well.

"Those eggs will hatch and soon I'll have
Dozens of fowls in my poultry yard.
Later, I will sell some of them
And make some money. That SHOULDN'T be hard.

"I'll buy a dress to wear to the fair.
The boys will stare, but I will ignore them.
I'll stick my nose up high in the air
And toss my head and pretend I deplore them."

Having forgotten all about
The pail, the milkmaid tossed her head.
Down went the pail. It crashed on the ground,
The milk spilled out, and her dreams were dead.

Hopefully, she learned her lesson.
In life--it seems--there's always a catch.
It's nice to have dreams, but do remember:
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Another moral: always be mindful.
If there's a distraction, try to forgo it.
When doing a task, all it takes
Is one false move, and you can blow it.

-by Bob B (9-8-21)

°An Aesop fable retold here in verse
164 · Feb 2019
The Anointed One?
Bob B Feb 2019
The leader's fans grovel before him--
The wannabe autocrat.
The "anointed one" is what they call him.
Yes, they actually call him that--

A morally corrupt man
With nineteen or so accusations
Of ****** misconduct, and is
The center of many investigations;

Whose character ought to be
A shining example in people's lives,
And yet who has, as everyone knows,
Cheated on ALL three of his wives;

Whose thirst for attention, praise, fame,
And recognition is undying;
Who's known for stiffing workers and is
Given to pathological lying;

Who brags about grabbing women's
Private parts because he can,
Because he thinks his wealth has made him
A privileged, entitled man;

Who had a fling with a ***** star
When his son was four-months-old;
Who also paid hush money to
A **** ******* centerfold;

Who incites hateful white extremists,
Who now feel more emboldened to spread
Hatred and animosity
And cause innocent blood to be shed.

And yet…and yet…despite all this,
A person whom rational people would shun
Is called by some supporters out there
A savior--THE anointed one.

What a mondo bizzarro we live in!
Nowadays so much is at stake.
But calling him the anointed one?
For goodness' sake! Give us a break!

Unless one day they open their eyes,
They'll be in for a BIG surprise.

-by Bob B (2-5-19)
164 · May 2018
His Royal Highness
Bob B May 2018
Democratic policies and
Procedures: what the heck are those?
Merely obstacles at which
The president thumbs his nose.

His loyal lackeys and sycophants
Kowtow to his every whim.
It's not about what's best for the people;
Unfortunately, it's all about him.

One must wonder: when the man
Vociferously attacks the feds,
Is he the Queen of Hearts in his dreams,
Madly yelling, "Off with their heads!"

For a country built on democratic
Values it's a scary thing
When an elected official forgets
That he's the president--NOT the king.

-by Bob B (5-21-18)
163 · Mar 2019
"Vengeance Is Mine!"
Bob B Mar 2019
"Vengeance is mine!" says Donald Trump.
When he strikes out, he thinks for sure he
Will make his critics cringe and cower,
For they'll be met with "fire and fury."

He expects apologies
From all who tried to "bring him down."
"No Obstruction" he says in a tweet--
Capitalizing a common noun.

"I have been exonerated!"
He says to the world, although it's not true.
But when has truth ever been
Essential from Trump's point of view?

Poor Trumpy just doesn't see
That when you lie, you raise suspicions.
Concerned people have looked for answers
Despite the president's admonitions.

When one lie after another is told,
People don't know what to believe.
It seems the Trumpian motto is
"To get ahead, lie and deceive."

If he were the only one lying then we
Could say, "Well, that's par for the course."
But when surrogates back up his stories,
Deception's become a tour de force.

Were there any apologies
For TEN Benghazi investigations,
None of which proved that there
Were any criminal violations?

If we weren’t constantly barraged
With lies and cover-ups, we could
Move ahead and find some ways
To benefit the common good.

Now watch how Trump behaves at rallies.
He'll find ways to weaponize
The Mueller Report. Ready, set,
Go! Ah, here come more lies!

-by Bob B (3-26-19)
163 · Oct 2018
Milking the Midterms
Bob B Oct 2018
The 2018 election approaches.
Trump is carrying forth his plan
To stoke the fears of his base by talking
About a threatening caravan.

A caravan, he says, is coming,
Bringing bad people to the States.
It won't be long, he says, before
They'll be knocking on our gates.

Trump's M.O. is fearmongering.
He's always been so good at that!
When the "wrong" people show up,
You quickly remove the welcome mat.

This election's about Justice
Kavanaugh, he also says--
Kavanaugh who happens to have
Something in common with the pres.

Ironically, that which they have
In common is--without a doubt--
Something a decent person would
Certainly not be bragging about.

Trump also says this election
Is all about common sense,
Of which he has very little.
One thing we know: his ego's immense.

He's NOT talking about how he
Is chipping away at our health care,
Or how he gave tax breaks to
The wealthy. No, he wouldn't dare.

Or how he put us deeper in debt,
So the Republicans now will say,
We have to go after benefits.
To help the rich, someone must pay.

He isn't wrong when he maintains
That this election is all about him.
The GOP is the Party of Trump.
If they win, the future looks grim.

-by Bob B (10-23-18)
163 · Mar 2018
Eight Shots in Sacramento
Bob B Mar 2018
Eight shots hit Stephon Clark.
Once again the news hits hard.
Eight shots out of twenty or so
Brought him down in his grandma's backyard.

Helicopters circled above.
Police officers on the ground,
Suspecting Clark of a crime yelled out,
"Gun! Gun!" before he was downed.

Clark was holding NOT a gun
But a mobile phone. Officers said
The suspect charged at them before
They hastily shot the unarmed man dead.

But something is fishy: Six shots hit
The man in the back. By and large,
People do NOT normally
Rush backwards when they charge.

In retrospect, as we piece together
The flash of events that transpired,
We learned that after Clark had fallen,
Even more shots were fired.

Stephon Clark is another name
To add to an ever-growing list
Of unarmed black men killed by police
Whose actions cannot be dismissed.

Appropriate use of force is key;
But one thing is undeniable:
We simply can't allow ourselves
To justify the unjustifiable.

-by Bob B (3-31-18)
162 · Sep 2018
Bob B Sep 2018
Some people call it karma;
Others just cause and effect.
One might also call it comeuppance:
What we sow, we will collect.

While many towering figures attended
The funeral of John McCain,
Trump was forced to watch from a distance.
A TV screen was safe terrain.

Without even hearing the president's
Name mentioned, anyone
Could hear in eulogies and speeches
The great damage that he has done.

We will rise above this, we hope.
We will survive direct assaults
On freedom and democracy.
We can grow and learn from our faults.

Don't worry, Mr. Trump.
One day you'll be invited
To something most don't want you to miss:
That's when you get indicted.

-by Bob B (9-3-18)
162 · Jun 2018
A Mother's Lament
Bob B Jun 2018
"Son, Son, where are you now?
Is someone rocking you to sleep
And singing you a lullaby?
Who wipes away the tears when you weep?

"I came here not for free hand-outs.
Nor did I come to this country to steal
Jobs that most people don't even want.
It's to your mercy that I appeal

"For safety for my children and me--
Safety from living in constant fear.
Surrounded by death, we took a chance
And fled a gang that started here.

"We haven't sneaked across your border;
We're patiently standing at your gate.
Why do you see us as criminals
And look at us with distrust and hate?

"When you ripped my son from my arms,
You criticized me for crying.
Who is watching him and his sister?
Uncertainty is terrifying.

"Daughter, Daughter, where are you now?
Do not worry about your mother.
Do not fear the shadows at night.
And please watch over your little brother."

-by Bob B (6-3-18)
160 · Jul 2018
What a Spectacle!
Bob B Jul 2018
Ladies and gentlemen, here you have
An amazing three-ring circus before you.
You might want to turn your heads.
But keep your focus; we implore you.

Center ring: Peter Strzok--
Top spy finder of the FBI.
On the right: House Republicans.
Their main goal: to mortify.

Ring on the left: Democrats,
Giving Strzok some vital support
While the clowns in the other ring
Make of the show a kangaroo court.

Gowdy--the walking dead of Congress
Who's always eager for moments of glory--
Stirs up disorder and chaos as he
Tries to obscure the REAL story:

The details of what was really behind
Russian meddling in our elections.
Instead, he and the ones on the right
Labor to make foolish connections.

They are determined to prove their point.
Watch them as they grasp at straws
To smear the FBI and show
How it suffers from major flaws.

Gowdy, Gaetz, Jordan, and others--
All on the conspiratorial team--
Are loyal NOT to America but
To themselves and the Trump regime.

Their blatant behavior is the kind
That makes honest truth-seekers seethe.
Their heads are so far up their you-know-whats
It's hard to imagine how they can breathe.

What a show or spectacle--
One that's embarrassing to boot!
One clown makes a fool of himself;
The other clowns will follow suit.

-by Bob B (7-13-18)
160 · Oct 2018
A Likely Story!
Bob B Oct 2018
After two full weeks of denial
And obfuscation, the Saudis have shed
Their previous stories, admitting that now
Jamal Khashoggi indeed is dead.

The last minutes of the journalist's life
Had to be excruciating.
He entered the Saudi consulate
Where fifteen or so men were waiting.

The Saudis say a fight broke out--
A fistfight during attempted "rendition."
It's more likely the fifteen thugs
Were there in Istanbul on a mission.

It's hard to hear the Saudis' account
And NOT notice a major flaw:
A guy would take on fifteen others,
One of whom had a saw?

If the death was an accident,
Where's the body? Out with the story!
The Turks say that evidence
Shows an outcome rather gory.

Denying any involvement in
Jamal Khashoggi's gruesome demise,
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
Hopes the world believes their lies.

That's a "big first step," says Trump,
Sitting with some of our weapons makers.
Sanctions can't in any shape
Or form be weapons deal breakers.

Speaking about a congressman
Who had assaulted a journalist--Why?
Just because!--at a rally, Trump
Said THAT'S his kind of guy.

"The Trump Effect" is what it's called,
Encouraging other leaders to dare
To threaten the lives of journalists
And stifle free speech everywhere.

-by Bob B (10-20-18)
160 · Nov 2018
When I Write a Poem
Bob B Nov 2018
When I write a poem,
I find that all at once
A world of wonderment envelops me.
Life takes on new forms,
New thoughts come alive,
And tints of magic color all I see.

When I write a poem,
Longing grips my heart--
A longing to express what's deep inside.
The more I wander through
The wondrous realm of words,
Life becomes much more intensified.

Sometimes bright and hopeful,
Sometimes dark or gray,
Words say what my heart
Wants me to convey.

When I write a poem,
A passion, hope, or dream
Compels me to move forward word by word.
Once my poem's finished,
What else is there to say?
At least I've tried to let my voice be heard.

-by Bob B (11-29-18)
160 · Oct 2017
Just Call It Fake News (2)
Bob B Oct 2017
When critics say what you don't like,
Here's a simple solution:
Call them all untrustworthy,
And you'll get restitution.

Just call it fake news--
No matter what they say.
Help your fans to see that facts
Only get in the way.

Facts are inconvenient, so that's
Why you call them fake.
Acknowledging that you are wrong
Would be a big mistake.

If you play your cards right, then
The people on your side
Will not know or will not even
Care that you have lied.

You can easily spread your lies
To help you reach your goals
With the help of some of Russia's
Finest Internet trolls.

Colluding with other countries can
Also boost your chances
Of building a base of gullible fans
Despite the circumstances.

As long as fans do not see
That they are being played,
And you can turn them against the press,
You have got it made.

Just call it fake news--
No matter what they say.
Help your fans to see that facts
Only get in the way.

-by Bob B (10-21-17)
159 · Aug 2017
You Trust the Wizard?
Bob B Aug 2017
So you trust that the Wizard
Will get you home again?
When you're left behind,
What will you do then?

Many see the Wizard
In different manifestations
And fail to recognize
The charlatan's limitations.

Is he a giant head,
Full of fury and ire?
Is he a heartless monster
Or a raging fire?

Don't you realize
You've made a huge mistake
By putting all your trust in
A flimflam man, a fake?

The show fools many
Who don't see past the façade--
Who scorn others who try
To open their eyes to fraud.

He doesn't want the people
To see what he really is--
To see how he has managed
To acquire all that's his.

He will try to convince you
That what he sells you is fair.
Then one day your find
He's nothing but hot air.

Just be grateful when--
And it couldn't happen too soon--
The sly, slippery Wizard
Sails off in his hot air balloon.

-by Bob B (8-12-17)
159 · May 2018
You Call That a Choice?
Bob B May 2018
Wise adults know the value
Of leaving foolish thoughts unexpressed.
Somehow that message has been lost
On rap singer Kanye West.

When mentioning the many years
Of suffering when the enslaved had to toil
And live in fear of whippings and lynchings
And **** here on American soil,

West has now made slavery
A topic to which he's given voice:
That it lasted for so many years
Means that it must have been a choice!

West claims that he's a freethinker.
Critics, of course, will disagree.
Anyone who knows the past
Would substitute "non" for "free."

If that's his desire for recognition,
He's found an odd way to gratify it.
What a way to promote an album!
Who the hell would want to buy it?

The singer, desperate for attention,
Is just like somebody else we know.
Money, fame, and power can turn you
Into a real so-and-so.

-by Bob B (5-7-18)
157 · Oct 2016
Heavenly Thoughts
Bob B Oct 2016
The concept of heaven titillates,
Bewilders and often befuddles.
Imagining how it operates
Leaves one in tangles and muddles.

Think of a woman whose husbands have numbered
At least two or three.
In heaven will they all be together?
How awkward that would be!

Let's say you want servants galore
To cater to every desire.
Is there perchance a sign on the Gates
That reads "Servants for Hire"?

If HER idea of heaven would mean
Being forever with HIM,
But HIS wishes do not include HER,
Her chances of bliss will be slim.

Though harp music is fine now and then,
Too much would be cloying.
But whiny, screechy electric guitars
Could also become annoying.

If winning's your thing, then heaven's for you,
Whatever the sport you choose.
But if you win, don't forget:
Somebody has to lose.

If for a dog heaven would be
Forever chasing cats,
Paradise for a cat might be
A constant supply of rats.

That would be fine and dandy for dogs
As far as we can tell.
For cats, however, the dogs' heaven
Would end up being cat hell.

The more you think about the idea,
The more it gets confusing.
You can try to figure it out,
But you can't win for losing.

- by Bob B
157 · Jun 2018
The Ongoing Farce
Bob B Jun 2018
Going after football again,
President Trump, feeling miffed,
Challenged the Philadelphia Eagles:
Mess with Trump and vengeance is swift.

Some of the team didn't want to
Attend a White House event, and so
Trump UNinvited the team
And had his own flashy show.

Criticizing the football players,
Trump--who seldom gets it right--
Said that they were insulting our troops.
How he LOVES to pick a fight!

Attempting to show how patriotic
He was, Trump--man of sharp tongue--
Wanted the National Anthem AND
"God Bless America" to be sung.

Standing in front of the military
Choir, Trump sang along.
What's funny is he showed he didn't
Know the lyrics to either song!

-by Bob B (6-6-18)
157 · Dec 2021
Manchin° the No-Man
Bob B Dec 2021
(This poem can be sung to the melody of "Frosty the Snowman," by Steve Nelson and Walter Rollins.)

Manchin the no-man
Is as proud as he can be
When he kills a bill that would help fulfill
A plan for you and me.

Manchin the no-man
Thinks that he is on a roll.
But you wonder whom he's beholden to
And to whom he's sold his soul.

There must be something going on
That makes him act this way
And has progressives reeling as
He makes his power play.

Manchin the no-man
Thinks that he is being strong
When he acts as though he's a friend, but no,
He just strings us all along.

Manchin the no-man
Is a man who's out of touch
With what people feel has great appeal.
He says, No, it costs too much.

A bill that helps all families
Should be a worthy cause,
Along with one for voters' rights,
But Manchin shouts out "Pause!"

Manchin the no-man
Sadly glories in his ruse.
As he jerks us all around and shares
His nonsense on Fox News.

Manchin the no-man
Is a person we can't trust.
He'll sit back and gloat as he casts his vote
For a bill to bite the dust.

Bumpity-bump-bump, bumpity-bump-bump…
Watch as he says NO!
Bumpity-bump-bump, bumpity-bump-bump…
Manchin has to go.

-by Bob B (12-20-21)

°Joe Manchin, U.S. senator from West Virginia
Bob B Oct 2017
Picture a traveler, journeying westward,
Having traversed mile after mile
A long road up hills and through valleys
But keeping his focus all the while.

All of a sudden, he encounters
An obstacle and doesn't know whether
He can continue. In front of him,
Two rivers are rushing together:

Extending north a river of water
Such as he had never seen prior
To that day; extending south
A spitting, spattering river of fire.

Dividing the rivers, there is a path--
A narrow one, five inches wide--
The only way for him to get
From one bank to the other side.

"Brigands and wild beasts are behind me,"
Gasps the traveler and lets out a cry.
"If I go back or stay here I perish.
But if I cross the rivers I'll die!"

He looks at the fiery, unending river
Extending south; then he looks north
At the raging, equally endless water
And says boldly, "I choose to go forth."

At times, waves of water surge
Over the path before him. And then
At other times, fiery flames
Scorch the path again and again.

He thinks he hears a voice behind him,
Urging him to keep going on.
Since he hears no other voices,
He wonders where the brigands have gone.

Coming from deep inside him perhaps
Or from the western bank a voice
Gives him greater confidence--
Gives him a reason to rejoice:

"Continue forward, traveler,
Sincere is your heart; single, your mind.
Grounded in right-mindedness,
You can leave your fears behind."

Then from the eastern bank he hears:
"Come back, or you will meet your death."
Offering empty promises,
The brigands only waste their breath.

Determined, our traveler keeps moving forward,
Knowing that all of his fears are groundless,
For once he reaches the western bank,
He is certain his bliss will be boundless.

The person who wrote the parable--
The venerable Shan Tao--explained
The meaning of every symbol therein,
But obviously, I have refrained

From saying too much. I have chosen
A way that's much more roundabout:
If you want to make sense of the story,
It's up to you to figure it out.

(10-31-17) By Bob B

°Based on the parable by Shan Tao (613-681)
Bob B Nov 2017
A crow sat on a tree branch holding
A chunk of cheese in her beak.
On top of the world was she. She thought,
"What a lucky streak!"

On seeing her, a fox decided
To use his expertise
To find a way to take from her
That scrumptious chunk of cheese.

Standing under the tree he said,
"Such a noble bird
Is almost indescribable.
It would be absurd

"To come up with appropriate terms
To celebrate your beauty.
But if I didn't try, I fear
'Twould be a breach of duty.

"So here's my attempt: Noble One,
Never have I seen
A more exquisite sight. Of all
The birds you are the queen!

"I'm trying to imagine how
Much pleasure it would bring
Us all to hear your gorgeous voice.
Noble Lady, sing!"

Flattered by the fox's speech,
The crow let out a caw
And dropped the cheese onto the ground.
The hungry fox cried, "Ha!"

And gobbled up the cheese at once.
"Perhaps your counterparts,
Would concur: you've got a voice,
But what you lack is smarts."

The moral is that flatterers
Will tell you what's untrue;
There might be a winner, but
The winner won't be you.

Sometimes even presidents
Can't seem to detect
The crucial differences between
Flattery and respect.

-by Bob B (11-19-17)

°An Aesop fable retold here in verse
155 · Jan 2018
Two Children Bickering
Bob B Jan 2018
Notice my long-range ballistic missiles--
Grand and statuesque.
And I have my own nuclear button
Sitting on my desk.

I don't mess around with upstarts
And incompetent jerks.
MY nuclear arsenal is bigger,
And MY button works!

Plus, MY people like me.
What do you think about that?
Your people have no choice,
And you are short and fat.

You live in an alternate world.
Why doesn't it click?
Most didn't vote for you,
You old lunatic.

Back and forth the children bicker
With verbal attacks and blame,
While we with mounting fear look on,
As pawns in their dangerous game.

-by Bob B (1-3-18)
155 · Mar 2018
The True Self°
Bob B Mar 2018
A man, feeling distraught and empty,
Went to his teacher for sage advice.
He wanted answers immediately--
Answers clear, direct, and precise.

"Please help me!" pleaded the man.
"I feel lost. I'm in a jam.
I want to know my true self.
Can you show me who I am?"

The master didn't say a word.
He just silently looked away.
Three times the man repeated
His question, feeling utter dismay.

The master kept up the silent treatment,
Pretending not to be alert,
While the man displayed impatience
And grew indignant, annoyed, and curt.

Turning to leave, he realized
The anger in the room was his.
The master smiled and shouted out,
"Your true self? THERE it is!"

-by Bob B (3-7-18)

°A popular tale (source unknown) retold here in verse
Bob B Jun 2018
The students examined their holograms
Suspended before them in mid-air.
The colorful images always gave
Their history lessons added flair.

"You can see countries where," said the teacher,
"Democracy at one time flourished--
Before the form of government
Became weak and undernourished.

"Voting was once considered a right--
Not a privilege for only a few.
Multiple demands destroyed
The system once thought tried and true:

"Manipulation by greed and power,
Proliferation of lies and scams,
Thought control and disinformation,
And leaders who were merely shams

"Undermined the people's freedom.
Clueless people were led astray
By cunning voices persuading them
To stupidly vote their rights away.

"Often people's myopia
Can undermine their common sense.
Doesn't it make you wonder how
So many people can be so dense?"

"Maybe I've gone too far," he thought.
"I want them to think, to question." But when
Word reached the authorities' ears,
No one saw that teacher again.

-by Bob B (6-5-18)
155 · Nov 2019
Quid Pro Quo
Bob B Nov 2019
(This can be sung to the tune of the old ballad "Sweet Betsy from Pike.")

Every day it seems there's a new story to tell.
Trump and his cronies aren't doing very well.
They've lied to cover up what we all know
Is truly an instance of Trump's quid pro quo.

At first they said, "Oh, no, that's what it can't be.
If you look closely, then you all will see
That what Trump had said in his telephone chat
Was certainly not quid pro quo, *** for tat."

Sing too-ra-lie-oo-ra-lie-oo-ra-lie-ay!

The info we gather from witnesses lends
Credence to how Giuliani and friends
Went to Ukraine to push forth their plan.
Rudy's Trump's fixer--his new handyman.

If asked to conspire and if you resist
Helping the president, you'll be dismissed.
The stories we're hearing now help to explain
All that occurred overseas in Ukraine.

Sing too-ra-lie-oo-ra-lie-oo-ra-lie-ay!

Republican stories then started to change.
Of course, we are used to that; that's not so strange.
First, they cried, "False accusation! A slur!"
Now they're saying, yes, quid pro quo did occur.

But that's not a problem, Republicans say.
Whatever Trump did, well, that is okay.
Everyone's making a hullabaloo
Over something that clearly all presidents do.

Sing too-ra-lie-oo-ra-lie-oo-ra-lie-ay!

Yes, presidents bargain and presidents deal,
And when it occurs it's for our commonweal.
But when his political gain is the goal,
Abusing his power is out of control.

Their strategy now is for them to attack
Witnesses fiercely and not to hold back.
Let us all hope that one day they'll eat crow
For trying to justify Trump's quid pro quo.

Sing too-ra-lie-oo-ra-lie-oo-ra-lie-ay!

-by Bob B (11-6-19)
Bob B Apr 2024
There's a scammer born every minute!
Every time you turn around
There's someone with a scam.
It's frustrating to always have
A mailbox full of spam.
Can anything be done about it?
Maybe not, so ****!
There's a scammer born every minute!

There's a scammer born every minute!
Whether it is on the phone,
An email, or a text,
Or whether they are at your door,
What will they think of next?
The matter makes me furious,
Disgusted and perplexed.
There's a scammer born every minute!

There's a scammer born every minute!
How DO they live without a conscience?
That's how they survive.
By lying and deceiving they will
Keep their schemes alive.
Unsuspecting victims are
Their targets; thus, they thrive.
There's a scammer born every minute!

There's a scammer born every minute!
Unethical, unprincipled,
Amoral, creepy, vile,
Repugnant, shameless, loathsome, hateful,
They are full of guile.
Sorry, but to see them have to pay
Would make me smile.
There's a scammer born every minute!

-by Bob B (4-21-24)
152 · Aug 2018
Play the Tapes, Omarosa!
Bob B Aug 2018
Play the tapes, Omarosa!
It's sad to think they're necessary,
But times like these require that we
Think out of the ordinary.

When White House stories change daily,
And the president cannot be trusted
To say the truth, how does one ever
Cope with a leader so maladjusted?

Play the tapes! Let us hear--
From the horse's mouth, so to speak--
How the Trump administration
Reveals the damage that it can wreak.

"Vengeance is mine!" saith Donald Trump.
With his usual *** for tat,
He'll pursue his critics with
The fervor of an autocrat.

Calling you a "lowlife," a "dog,"
He demonstrates his verbal finesse
By finding pejorative words and expressions
That for him are hard to suppress.

Whether YOUR words, Omarosa,
Have more credibility than his,
Anybody who sees through Trump
Knows who the real lowlife is.

-by Bob B (8-14-18)
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