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Bob B Sep 2023
For years Trump has wanted us
All to believe that he is the great
Businessman par excellence,
When actually, he's second-rate.

By lying and cheating his way to the top,
He fooled many. But let's not forget
That Trump's successful empire was
A fiction created by Mark Burnett.°

Trump's REAL empire is
A castle built on shifting sand.
For many years he has relied
On fraud to help promote his brand.

"Fraud" is such an ugly word,
But maybe for Trump it's really not.
To him it seems that all is fair--
Just as long as you don't get caught.

As he gaslights Americans,
It's hard to know what he really believes.
The hypocrite cannot escape
The fantasies to which he cleaves.

How sad it is that he has led
Americans down the rabbit hole!
How can they trust someone who couldn't
Tell the truth to save his soul?

-by Bob B (9-27-23)

°Producer of the TV series "The Apprentice"
Bob B Sep 2023
A group of people heard there was
A city with treasure beyond compare.
They met a wise, compassionate leader
Who said, "I will guide you there."

The road was a long path that led
Through wild and treacherous terrain.
After many exhausting hours,
The weary group began to complain:

"We are tired and still very far
From our destination, and so
We’d like to turn around and go home.
Our previous plans we'll gladly forgo."

The leader thought, "How sad it is
That they'll so quickly abandon the treasure!
Surely, they will regret their wish,
And that will cause them great displeasure."

And so he magically created
A stunning city. All were impressed.
The city was full of cozy places
Where all the travelers could rest.

Parks with beautiful, soothing fountains
Were in abundance, and rows of trees
Crisscrossed the lovely flower-filled gardens,
And blossoms sailed by in the gentle breeze.

The leader observed that the group was growing
Complacent, and after they'd rested a spell,
He made the city disappear--
The safe and lovely gardens as well.

"This city was only a place where you
Could rest before you reached your goal,"
He said. "I hope that now you can
Continue your journey with heart and soul.

"By sticking together, we will reach
The city of treasures. You won't regret it.
Weariness will stop you from
Succeeding only if you let it."

Provisional experiences
Can guide us and give us inspiration,
But seeking and finding deeper truths
Can ultimately be our salvation.

Never give up on the lifelong journey
To knowledge and wisdom, for sooner or later
The light of simple pleasures will be
Outshone by a treasure that's even greater.

-by Bob B (9-11-23)

°Based on the parable in Chapter 7 of the LOTUS SUTRA
Bob B Aug 2023
(The following poem could be sung to the melody of Kander and Ebbs' "Meeskite," from the stage production of CABARET. If you don't know the melody, go to YouTube and search for "Meeskite Cabaret" and you can listen to it.)

Mug shot, mug shot…
Trump seems proud that now he has a
Mug shot, mug shot.
I would not be proud if I were he;
But that's so like him.
Will there be damage?
The chance is slim.
Mug shot, mug shot…
Look at it; you'll see it's quite a
Mug shot, mug shot--
Such a scowl and such a look of
Evil and sheer disdain.
He hopes it helps his campaign.

He has four indictments.
Surely, he knows his plate is full,
And when people mention it, he will reply,
"It's BULL!"
He just doesn't get it.
He feels he should be above the law.
His corrupt acts have caught up with him.
Now watch him squirm. Hurrah!

Mug shot, mug shot…
I have seldom seen a viler
Mug shot, mug shot.
He knows that his base will love it.
He thinks it is deluxe,
For he will rake in the MAGAbucks!

Mug shot, mug shot…
Former presidents who have a
Mug shot, mug shot,
Simply don't exist, for Trump
Has turned out to be the first.
For vengeance Trump now has thirst.

Some of us wonder:
In all his trials how will he fare?
His major worry is who's going to do…
His hair!
Still he's complaining,
Trying to turn his base against
The prosecutors and judges, too,
Pretending he's incensed.

Mug shot, mug shot…
Trump has an unprecedented
Mug shot, mug shot.
What will happen if he
Is convicted on many counts?
We'll have to watch as the pressure mounts.
Mug shot, mug shot…
I hope that I never have a
Mug shot, mug shot.
Who would want one that would make you
Look like an evil grump?
Only someone like Trump!

-by Bob B (8-27-23)
Bob B Aug 2023
In Cedar Glen, California,
A woman owned a clothing store.
The woman, Lauri Carleton, flew
A rainbow flag outside the door.

Someone took exception to that--
A hate-filled man, a dunderhead--
Who after making disparaging
Remarks, shot the woman dead.

Always valuing justice and love,
She welcomed the opportunity
To share that love with all and was
A pillar of the community.

She wanted a place that was safe for folks.
That was her dream; that was her plan.
Sadly, her hopes were cut short by
A vile, loathsome excuse for a man.

In an encounter with deputies,
The suspect was shot and killed. But why
Did such a lovely person as Lauri--
A mom with nine children--have to die?

Her husband and children now are grieving.
My heart goes out to each of them.
Certainly, they'll remember her as
A loving soul, a precious gem.

-by Bob B (8-20-23)
Bob B Aug 2023
My grandfather used to think
That reading wasn't doing.
Keeping busy with projects was
The path that's worth pursuing.

For him, reading was what he did
When all his work was done.
At that point he could sit and relax
And have a little fun.

I, however, feel that reading
And doing are one and the same.
I can read for hours and hours
And not feel an ounce of shame.

Reading exercises the brain
And is an active pursuit.
One could hope the activity
Would open the mind to boot.

True, sometimes I read too much--
Maybe more than I should--
And chores end up on the back burner.
That's not always good.

But I cannot imagine a world
Without reading and books.
And Grandfather's no longer around
To give me ***** looks.

-by Bob B (8-19-23)
Bob B Aug 2023
A man who lived in a small town
Was having trouble earning his keep.
He went to visit a friend. They dined.
Then he got drunk and fell asleep.

The next morning the friend went away
On business and left behind a note.
However, before he left he'd sewn
A precious jewel inside the man's coat.

When the man awoke, he ate
Some breakfast, dressed, and then departed.
He had NO idea that
His friend had been so giant-hearted.

Leaving the town, the man went looking
For work, which was a struggle for him.
He took on any job he could,
Even risking life and limb.

After a number of long, hard years
Of toil, he happened to run into
His friend who was in town on business--
The friend who was so well-to-do.

On seeing him, the friend was aghast
And asked why he was working so hard.
He noticed the man's frail form,
His sunburnt face, his arms so scarred.

"When I saw you last, I sewed
Inside your coat a precious jewel,"
He said. "If you had discovered it,
You wouldn't have had to work like a mule.

"Here you have been slaving away
Go find the jewel and wisely sell it.
The money will surely set you free."

Ah, at times we’re unaware
Of hidden gifts that we possess--
Gifts that can truly change our lives
And greatly affect our happiness.

-by Bob B (8-17-23)

°From Chapter 8 of the LOTUS SUTRA
Bob B Aug 2023
A wealthy merchant lived in a house,
No, in a mansion on many acres.
He had scores of servants to help him,
Along with drivers, butlers, and bakers.

The mansion itself wasn't the safest
Place in which to live, for it
Had dangers lurking about, and many
Would say that to live in, it was unfit.

The building had only ONE entrance,
Which meant that people could be in a scrape
In case an emergency arose
And all the occupants had to escape.

One day indeed a fire broke out.
The wealthy merchant was petrified.
Although his staff all left the building,
His children continued to play inside.

"Children, run out quickly!" he yelled.
"You'll die if you don't listen to me."
Ignoring him, his children kept playing,
What would it take for them to flee?

Then the father had an idea,
Even though it wasn't true.
"Children, leave the house right now.
I have some carts that are waiting for you.

"Some are pulled by goats, while some
Are pulled by deer or oxen," he said.
"Stop playing inside. Come out
And play with these gorgeous carts instead."

The children, excited, pushed their way
Out of the house, escaping the fire.
Outside, the promised carts were not
To be seen. So, was the father a liar?

In the meantime, the father was having
The most incredible carts created
Ever seen by anyone.
The eager kids stood by and waited.

Beautiful beyond belief,
The carts were covered with gems and flowers.
Pure white oxen pulled them around.
The kids delighted in them for hours.

If the father hadn't thought fast,
The fate of his children could have been grim.
The gift he gave them exceeded his promise.
Their safety was what was important to him.

Our great house is burning, too.
If benefits of leaving seem small,
By heeding the words of the experts, we'll find
A greater gift awaiting us all.

-by Bob B (8-16-23)

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