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Bob B Aug 2023
Trump keeps talking and talking and talking,
Hoping his statements will serve as a tool--
A self-fulfilling prophecy--
To tamper with the jury pool.

He's also trying to stir up his base.
He thinks he'll get away with whatever
He says to discredit our courts, our system.
Let's hope he's being more foolish than clever.

His campaign trail is going to be crazy
With detours to visit court after court.
One would think he would be more careful,
But keeping quiet is not his forte.

Trump can bully, berate, and disparage
Others, yet when he is criticized,
He plays the poor, innocent victim
Who doesn't deserve to be so despised.

The judge has got to put a stop
To all his nonsense. What will it take?
A sock? A muzzle? Some time in jail?
How to subdue a venomous snake….

He will NOT stop talking, he says.
You'd think he'd be on a slippery *****.
Will it all come back to bite him?
Let's cross our fingers and hang on to hope.

-by Bob B (8-9-23)
Bob B Aug 2023
Trump and his lawyers had better shut up
If they want to win his case.
They're digging a deeper grave each day
In efforts to try to stir up Trump's base.

Every time Trump opens his mouth
He sticks his foot deeper inside.
He lies to justify his actions,
But facts are something from which he can't hide.

We have the videos, speeches, and tweets,
In which Trump makes his intentions clear.
Will he keep pushing the envelope
As the upcoming trials draw near?

"Most Republicans act like weak jerks,"
Says Trump, as he goes after his own.
Nothing or no one is sacred to him;
He can't even leave his supporters alone.

They have to "get tough" and "fight fire with fire,"
He says. The man cannot keep quiet.
It's almost as though he's intent upon
Instigating another riot.

Trump has been admonished to watch
His words and actions before his trial.
Is that even possible
For someone like him who lives in denial?

Will he attempt to cooperate?
Most likely he will try to derail
Our system of justice. We will see.
Maybe he'll blow it and end up in jail.

-by Bob B (8-5-23)
Bob B Aug 2023
It makes no sense to me at all.
It's really stupefying.
Why don't more Americans
Believe me when I'm lying?

I have had SO much practice.
It's SUCH a cinch to do.
After telling fibs, I start
Believing they are true.

My fans, of course, have no trouble.
They will not deceive me.
I could say the earth is flat,
And they all would believe me.

Republican opponents are scared
Because I'm in control.
I'm ahead of all of them
In poll after poll.

I have no fear of all of these
Indictments. They're baloney!
If prosecutors say that they
Have evidence, it's phony.

Me a co-conspirator?
Well, now that depends.
I prefer to say that it
Is friends helping friends.

That ****** misconduct crap--
That's another gripe.
I wouldn't touch those women, for
They're clearly not my type!

I lie and say that Democrats
Like an open border
And socialism. Thus, I cause
Chaos and disorder.

Oath Keepers, Qanon,
And Proud Boys are my fans.
I can count on them to help me
Carry out my plans.

Even if I am convicted,
That would be okay
Because I know my fans would still
Send their votes my way.

If I continue to muddy the waters,
I'll be sitting pretty,
For I'll turn people against the system.
Aw, what a pity!

I laugh when people talk about
For don't they know that all those rules
Do not apply to me?

I'll have to play the religion card
To bring in millions again.
Here's my plea: "O Praise the Lord
And send those checks! Amen!"

-by Bob B (8-4-23)
Bob B Aug 2023
(This poem can be sung to the melody of "America the Beautiful.")

America--red, white, and blue--
Please keep your hopeful dreams,
And don't let folks diminish you
With all their shameful schemes.
Protect yourself, America,
From all who'll do you harm.
We hope to see democracy
Remain our good luck charm.

When you hear sounds of people's lies…
When folks conspire and plot
And tamper with your character
To make you what you're not,
Protect yourself, America!
We watch with hope and awe
As you shall strive to keep alive
Our vital rule of law.

How sad it is when folks conspire
To damage and defraud
And place within their line of fire
This country that we laud.
Protect yourself, America!
Don't fret and don't give in!
In times like these stay strong and please
Don't let conspirers win.

Democracy is fragile, so
When times are getting hard,
We trust that we'll survive, although,
We must be on our guard.
Protect yourself, America!
Our values must stay strong.
When people say we've seen our day,
We have to prove them wrong.

-by Bob B (8-2-23)
Bob B Jul 2023
I heard that seventy-percent
Of people here in a recent poll
Believe in angels, which I find
Very interesting on the whole.

It's quite all right if people want
To believe in their hearts that angels exist.
But I admit that I'm a skeptic
And do not want to be on that list.

I bet that most believers, however,
Do not think that angels have wings
And sit around in flowing gowns,
Holding their harps and plucking the strings.

Angels, spirits, ghosts, and demons
Are interesting and make great stories.
I find them entertaining, and I
Place them in similar categories.

Mythological characters
Are fascinating, and I suppose
That from our human collective unconscious
Such fantastical figures arose.

Do you believe in guardian angels?
Again, it's perfectly fine if you do.
Mine are doctors, nurses, teachers,
Friends, and paramedics, too.

So if I tell you that you're an angel,
You know I mean it figuratively.
It means you're special, and that is something
About which we would both agree.

-by Bob B (7-30-23)
Bob B Jul 2023
For far too long Trump has gotten
Away with far too much.
For years, he has thought he is
Someone the law can't touch.

As president, he thought he'd get
Away with anything.
Ask the far-right extremists whom
He's taken under his wing.

He thinks that running for president
Means his chances are slim
That all the crimes he might have committed
Are going to catch up with him.

By yelling "Witch hunt!" and lying he hopes
That prosecutors will cower.
There is nothing I know of that
Can quench his thirst for power.

How stupid does he think we are--
Voters here in the States--
When he supports his fake electors?
That's how he operates.

In different states he's facing charges.
Watch each news report.
For a number of months he will be
Spending some time in court.

Prosecutors, do your work.
Juries, listen hard.
Trump's attorneys will grasp at straws.
You'd best be on your guard.

He MUST be held accountable;
If guilty, he should pay.
May the rule of law win out;
May justice win the day!

-by Bob B (7-29-23)
Bob B Jul 2023
Florida's current school standards
Leave a lot to be desired.
In fact, the people responsible
For writing them deserve to be fired.

Yes, they do mention the horrors
Of slavery, we'll grant them that.
But what they go on to say is truly
Disgusting. We can smell a rat.

The writers suggest that slavery
Wasn't all that bad for some
Enslaved people, for luckily they
Derived benefits therefrom--

Benefits from the skills they learned!
Skills! Please, give us a break!
I have heard outlandish statements,
But that one really takes the cake.

That is just like saying that
Concentration camps had frills
Because the Holocaust survivors
Were able to learn survival skills!

Enslaved people were ripped from their homeland,
Chained, beaten, murdered, and *****.
Let's not talk of learning skills.
The lucky ones were those who escaped.

Beaten if they tried to learn
To read, the enslaved enjoyed no rights.
They were merely property
To make life easier for whites.

The only ones who benefited
Were those who sold and owned the enslaved.
Plantation owners and slave traders
Were notably among the depraved.

Don't downplay or sugarcoat
Atrocities faced by many a slave--
Atrocities that occurred right here
In "the land of the free and the home of the brave."

Teaching revisionist history
Is wrong, for it ignores the truth.
Honesty should be our goal.
Otherwise, we mislead our youth.

-by Bob B (7-25-23)
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