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Bob B Jun 2023
(This poem can be sung to the melody of "Back in the Saddle Again" by Gene Autry and Ray Whitley.)

So Trump's been indicted again.
Let's give a shout out: Amen!
Well, he thought he was immune,
And it happened none too soon.
Yes, Trump's been indicted again.

He'll now look for someone to blame.
To him it is all just a game.
A classified doc to him
Should be dealt with on a whim.
Yes, Trump's been indicted again.

Oh, the rule of law
Sticks in Donald's craw.
Yes, Trump's been indicted again.
If he's guilty, he
Should not go free.
Yes, Trump's been indicted again.

Oh, when will the guy ever learn?
Do bad, and bad will return.
He'll try to fire up his base,
But it WON'T help out his case.
Yes, Trump's been indicted again.

And who's going to stand by his side?
His lying will not save his hide.
His arguments are hollow.
More trials will surely follow.
Yes, Trump's been indicted again.

Oh, the rule of law
Sticks in Donald's craw.
Yes, Trump's been indicted again.
If he's guilty, he
Should not go free.
Yes, Trump's been indicted again.

-by Bob B (6-10-23)
Bob B Jun 2023
So ol' Pat Robertson kicked the bucket.
For him the bell has tolled.
He shouldn't complain; he lived to be
Ninety-three years old.

He used his power to galvanize
A staunch religious Right,
And nonsensical culture wars
Became his constant fight.

Having no problem whatsoever
Blending church and state,
Robertson used the media
To spread his platform of hate.

Feminism drove many women
To witchcraft--an evil path--
Robertson claimed, and earthquakes, he said,
Were caused by Jehovah's wrath.

One of his most wrongheaded statements--
Obnoxious in so many ways--
Was when he stated that 9/11
Attacks were caused by gays!

Dangerously incendiary
Statements to him were candy,
And lashing out at others became
His modus operandi.

Equating gays with Satanists
And Nazis--so malicious--
Robertson seemed so very obsessed
With gays. Highly suspicious!

I wonder if he'll realize NOW--
And I don’t mean to be snarky--
That much of what he spouted here
On Earth was full of malarkey.

-by Bob B (6-9-23)
Bob B May 2023
2023--Memorial Day.
Remembering those who lost their lives
Defending this country, we should continue
To hope that democracy survives.

Many died protecting our land
From countries under fascist rule--
Whose authoritarian
Rulers were abusive and cruel.

Rights were restricted and scapegoats received
Treatment brutal and inhumane.
And humankind suffered another
Bitter, sad, and indelible stain.

Vigilance is required here,
For there are people who prefer
To overlook the lessons from
The past. The horrors could reoccur.

In nations that seek out people to blame
For all the ills that beset the land
And blatantly flout the rule of law,
Democracy loses the upper hand.

Countries are in a great deal of trouble
When voting's restricted and people aren't fazed,
When institutions come under attack,
And when violent thugs are praised.

Those who died defending this country
In the air, on land, or on the waves,
When seeing how some are abusing our rights,
Have to be rolling in their graves.

-by Bob B (5-29-23)
Bob B May 2023
(This poem could be sung to the melody of the song "Stand by Your Man" by Tammy Wynette and Billy Sherrill.)

It can be hard to be a country
When a bully lives next door to you.
He will cause strife
And try to make life
A nightmare. Know what you must do.

You'll have to count on other nations
For supplies to help defend your land.
Don't you grow weary
When things look dreary.
Someday you'll get the upper hand.

Stand with Ukraine.
Don't let the world forsake it
When Putin tries to break it.
Give it the help that it needs.

Stand with Ukraine.
Show it how much you love it.
Don't let its struggles be in vain.
Stand with Ukraine.

Stand with Ukraine.
Show it how much you love it.
Don't let its struggles be in vain.
Stand with Ukraine

-by Bob B (5-23-23)
Bob B Apr 2023
(This poem can be sung to the tune of the 1922 song "Toot…Toot…Tootsie, Good-bye.")

Good-bye, Tucker,° good-bye!
How did things go awry?
I CAN'T say we will miss you.
For years we hoped that your producers would dismiss you.
How so could you not know
How low you tried to go?
Did you not see
How it would be
If you kept on lying through your teeth on TV?
And so, Tucker, nice try!
Good-bye, Tucker, good-bye!

Good-bye, Tucker, good-bye!
No, we're NOT going to cry.
We are glad that you're going away,
And we won't say to come again some other day.
Tell us, Tucker, why you
Did what you tried to do.
When they all rant,
Hypocrites can't
Care about the ones out there whom they disenchant.
I'll say with a dry eye,
"Good-bye, Tucker, good-bye!"

-by Bob B (4-25-23)

°Tucker Carlson: political talk show host fired from Fox News
Bob B Apr 2023
Lay your wreath, light your candles,
And think on all that’s good and say
“Never again!” as we reflect
On Holocaust Remembrance Day.

How can humans be so cruel?
A question we must ponder as we
Think of the millions who lost their lives
Because of gross inhumanity.

Sadly there are people who
Deny the truth of the Holocaust.
With cold and calloused hearts they refuse
To acknowledge the many lives that were lost.

If we ignore the enormity
Of all the crimes committed, then
How will we ever be sure that such
Atrocities won't happen again?

May all who perished rest in peace.
We must keep human hatred at bay.
In fact, every day should be
A Holocaust Remembrance Day.

-by Bob B (4-17-23)
Bob B Apr 2023
You think you're healthy and in good shape.
Cholesterol is low.
Blood pressure is not a problem.
You've got some get-up-and-go.

You go on a daily four-mile walk.
You eat as well as you can.
Fruits and vegetables are both
Part of your daily plan.

Yes, you like your sweets; you feel
Life must have some perks.
You try to balance the good with the bad
And always hope that it works.

Avoiding stressful debt, you live
Comfortably in the black.
And then without any warning, what happens?
You have a heart attack!

Life we know is full of surprises.
Expect the unexpected.
It's strange how a problem with one's heart
Could long go undetected.

The help from paramedics and doctors
And nurses--I can say--
Has given me a new lease on life,
For I am alive today.

A stent in a major artery lets
The blood flow near the heart.
I hope that no more blockages
Will show up in my chart.

Although our bodies are strong and resilient,
It is also said
That despite our resiliency,
We hang by the thinnest thread.

I hope my ticker keeps on ticking,
Displacing some of my fears;
And may the beats continue to sound
For many, many years.

-by Bob B (4-2-23)
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