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Bob B Apr 2023
When Teflon Don was under attack,
He would shrug his shoulders and scoff.
But finally it appears as though
His Teflon coating is wearing off.

Many people want to see justice.
For some an explosive was ignited.
They can't stand the thought that their
Former president was indicted.

They call it a witch hunt, a dangerous
Abuse of power, a communist plot,
A vengeful attack by angry libs--
All of which it's truly not.

Trump's attorney, Michael Cohen,
Had to serve a prison term.
If current charges are related,
Is that why Trump is starting to squirm?

If he is innocent, so be it.
Let's repeat day after day
The mantra "No one's above the law."
If he is guilty, then he should pay.

-by Bob B (4-1-23)
Bob B Mar 2023
Did God create human beings,
Or was it the other way around?
The question resembles a Zen koan--
Such as the one-handed clapping sound.

To some, merely asking the question
Is a virtual powder keg.
It's like the question: What came first--
Was it the chicken, or was it the egg?

Some things are beyond knowing:
We can only speculate
As to how and why we got here.
It's still fun to contemplate.

The writers of all religious scriptures
Have a bias they choose to share.
They hope that their ideas will make
Curious, hungry believers aware.

The story behind human existence
To some is a matter of great pith.
Others have a difficult time
Accepting a simple creation myth.

Some folks are not satisfied
And want to gaze beyond the façade--
Beyond the human formulations
That try to define the concept of God.

People adhere to what makes sense
To them, and some of them will chide me,
For I prefer to allow science,
Reason, and common sense to guide me.

Being able to think and question
Are benefits of humankind.
So who created whom? The query
Will always challenge the questioning mind.

-by Bob B (3-20-23)
Bob B Feb 2023
Putin's year-long war continues
To batter Ukraine--to ****, to destroy.
The autocrat's reasons for being there
Are definitely a political ploy.

Killing civilians while also attacking
Ukraine's infrastructure as well,
The Russians are bent on total destruction.
Where this will go is hard to foretell.

And Russian sympathizers here
Join in with Putin's sing-a-long.
Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis,
Claims that Putin's done nothing wrong!

Who can tell where DeSantis gets
His false information and mistaken views?
Probably from too many incorrect
Podcasts and also from watching Fox News.

While Russia ramps up its fierce attacks,
Ukraine will fight to the bitter end.
Here's a reminder for those who've forgotten:
Putin, folks, is NOT our friend.

We pledged our support for Ukraine, and so
For the sake of freedom, we MUST follow through.
Condoning Putin's atrocities
Would certainly be the wrong thing to do.

-by Bob B (2-21-23)
Bob B Feb 2023
George and Martha°--what a couple!--
Blurring the lines between truth and illusion,
Undoubtedly aided, of course, by the *****
Which loosens their tongues as they drink in profusion.

Attacking, needling, going for the jugular--
Oh, the vicious games they play,
Going at each other, and also pulling
Other people into the fray.

Must truth and illusion be so hard
To distinguish between and cause despair?
Do we rely on illusion when
Facing the truth is so hard to bear?

How destructive that can be!
It's obvious that things will go bad,
And we can relate to Martha's words:
"George and Martha: sad, sad, sad."

The truth is there if we dare to seek it.
It isn't something we ought to eschew.
Are you afraid of Virginia Woolf?
If so, then you should know what to do.

-by Bob B (2-20-23)

°From Edward Albee's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
Bob B Jan 2023
The race continues--a race that's been
On the track for a number of years
To see who can be the most obnoxious
And earn the loudest misapplied cheers.

For the longest time we've seen
Donald Trump taking the lead,
But Ron DeSantis° and George Santos°°
Without a doubt are picking up speed.

Who can tell more lies than the others,
Pour more salt in the nation's sores,
Support the most exclusive laws,
Or perpetrate more culture wars?

Being on the right side
Of history should be a goal.
Each of the three men mentioned above
Sadly, though, has sold his soul.

Other runners aren't far behind.
They are almost as loathsome, as loud.
None of the racers realize
That winning this race should not make them proud.

For the moment, DeSantis and Santos
Are trailing Trump, but by and by,
Will one of the them pull ahead and win,
Or will it be a three-way tie?

-by Bob B (1-20-23)

°Governor of Florida
°°U.S. representative for New York's 3rd congressional district
Bob B Jan 2023
It’s fine to be religious,
But let’s be realistic.
When folks misuse religion,
It makes me go ballistic--

Especially when they assert
That God uses forms
Of punishment, such as
Earthquakes, floods, and storms

To make transgressors pay
For "evil" things they've done.
They must get under His sin.
(How's that for a pun?)

But in all seriousness,
Nature acts alone--
Without divine interference--
And has a "mind" of its own.

Nature doesn't distinguish
Between the sinful and pious.
Humans are the ones
Who have a definite bias,

Such as cherry pickers
Who like to concentrate
On finding quotes in scriptures
To justify their hate.

Moral judgments are NOT
One of Nature's features.
Frankly, that is more
The realm of certain preachers.

Many people believe
In God and sin, and yet
They don't tend to use
Religion as a threat.

Whatever your beliefs,
Put them to proper use.
Don't cave in to nonsense,
For that's religious abuse.

-by Bob B (1-16-23)
Bob B Jan 2023
This is January 6.
Just two years ago today
Mobs of insurrectionists
Made an ugly, brutal display:

They stormed the U.S. Capitol
All because of a president's lie--
An EX-president now, that is,
Who hasn't stopped his attempts to deny

Election results from 2020.
Oh, and his supporters still
Travel south to kiss his ring,
Sing his praises, and bend to his will.

He doesn't care whose life he threatens
When making scathing, untruthful remarks.
He doesn't care what kind of damage
One of his dangerous comments sparks.

So how far have we come since then--
Since the day of the insurrection?
There has been an investigation,
And there has been a midterm election.

Still too many election deniers
Have seats in Congress and fan the flames
Of discontent, by pushing falsehoods
And making truly obnoxious claims.

The main culprit lives in his mansion,
Entertaining extremists and kooks
And thinking that he is above the law.
His foes still get his constant rebukes.

People have come forth to speak.
Folks have been convicted of crimes.
Democracy, when under attack,
Must strive to survive such scary times.

Praise to those who have spoken out,
Undaunted by threats, unafraid.
When ALL have been held accountable,
Then REAL progress will have been made.

-by Bob B (1-6-23)
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